Buying Beth

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Buying Beth Page 10

by Izzy Sweet

  Glancing over to my window, I take in the night sky and all the glittering lights of the city. It looks like life has gone on as normal while my friends and I were trapped in our own little version of hell.

  How long was I held in that little room? How many nights have passed since we were grabbed? It felt like an eternity, but I bet only a couple of nights have passed.

  A little whimper comes from the backseat, sending a chill down my spine, and I immediately twist around in my seat.

  “Jesus,” I breathe out when I spot a little kid with a black bag over their head.

  They’re curled up in the corner between the seat and the door. They must be the little one I sensed holding on to me when we were lead out to Johnathan.

  I glance over at Johnathan but his eyes are still focused on the road.

  Is he rescuing this kid too? He better be because if he’s not, I am.

  The little one whimpers again and my heart squeezes in sympathy for them.

  “Hey, it’s going to be okay,” I quietly try to reassure them.

  The car begins to slow before coming to a complete stop. I turn back around to see what’s going on. It looks like we’re parking in a dark, empty parking lot.

  “Yeah, we’re at the first rendezvous,” Johnathan says, and then looks over to me.

  Something dark flashes in his eyes and the air seems to thicken as he stares at me. There’s something in the way he’s looking at me, something almost… possessive in his eyes.

  This is a rescue mission, yes? Yet, if he’s my hero, why is he looking at me like he’s the villain?

  He starts to reach for me and instinctively I shrink away. I freeze up as I press against the door and watch him like a hawk as he reaches down to my lap. I watch his eyes drop, lingering on my legs, the tips of his huge fingers hovering above them.

  Then he suddenly seems to snap out of whatever trance he’s in and unbuckles my seatbelt.

  “Beth, get out of the car,” he says, his voice so husky and thick he has to clear his throat from it.

  Not needing to be told twice, I reach over, yank hard on the handle of the door, and push it open. Stepping outside, the cool night breeze hits me and causes the flimsy little gown I’m wearing to flutter around me.

  I’m not sure what just happened in the car but I’m grateful to escape it.

  Before Johnathan can stop me, I step up to the back door and yank it open too.

  Reaching in, I immediately pull the black silk bag off the kid and reveal a head full of brown hair.

  “Hey,” I say softly, and force a smile I’m so not feeling right now for the frightened little boy looking up at me. “It’s okay. I promise I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Despite my smile and reassurance, the little boy still shies away from me. His big blue eyes watch me warily as I reach in to undo his seatbelt.

  Dammit, I knew they had children in there. I knew it. Yet, a part of me just really hoped I was wrong. If I had any faith left in humanity, this little boy’s haunted eyes would utterly destroy it.

  “Stop fucking staring, asshole,” I hear Johnathan growl angrily and cast a quick glance over my shoulder.

  He’s not talking to me, is he?

  “Hey, sorry, man,” someone chuckles. I can’t see who it is because Johnathan is standing behind me now, blocking me with his huge body. “I didn’t realize there was a full moon out tonight. I couldn’t stop looking.”

  “Keep looking at her like that and I’ll tear your fucking eyes out of your goddamn skull.”

  It takes me a moment to realize they’re talking about me. My cheeks ignite with heat as I realize that my ass is out for the whole world to see. Reaching behind myself, I grab the thin gown as best as I can but keep my other hand out for the little boy to take.

  “Here, take my hand, please,” I plead to the boy.

  He shakes his head and begins to scoot away from me.

  I swallow down my sigh and keep the smile plastered on my lips. “I only want to help you. I was… sold too.”

  The little boy stops scooting away from me, and I can tell he really wants to trust me, but he’s afraid.

  Dropping my voice to a whisper, I lean further into the car to tell him, “I’m scared too.”

  The boy looks at me for a long moment and then he asks, “You are?”

  I nod my head, and cast another quick glance over my shoulder at Johnathan. “Yes.”

  The boy scoots a little closer to me. “Is he going to hurt us?”

  “No,” I say and shake my head. I don’t know what’s going to happen, and I don’t know what kind of man Johnathan is, but, “I swear, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  The little boy scoots a little closer and his voice cracks as he asks, “You promise?”

  “Come on, we gotta go, Beth,” Johnathan says impatiently.

  My smile grows a little wider as the little boy scoots even closer and reaches out for my hand. “Cross my heart.”

  Once the little boy places his hand in mine, I use it to pull him out of the car, and then wrap my arms around him. His little arms wrap around my waist and he clings to me like I’m his bastion of protection.

  “Come on,” Johnathan says, and jerks his chin towards the parking lot. “We gotta change cars.”

  I nod my head, and with the little boy clinging to my side, follow him across the dark parking lot.

  There’s a moment of awkwardness when we reach the older blue Civic that’s been left running for us.

  Johnathan pulls open the back door and scowls as soon as I slide into the backseat with the little boy still clinging to me. Our eyes meet and I can immediately tell he’s not pleased by my seating choice.

  He looks like he’s about to argue with me, but I shake my head at him.

  With a low, rumbling grumble, he slams the door shut and walks around the car. By the time he slides into the driver’s seat, I’ve got both the little boy and myself strapped into our seat belts.

  “We’re on the move,” Johnathan says as we pull out of the parking lot and take a left.

  “What’s your name?” I whisper softly, hugging the little boy close to me.

  “Charlie,” he responds, his body relaxing against me.

  “Well, Charlie, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Elizabeth, but all my friends call me Beth.”

  There’s a few moments of silence and all the questions I want to ask Johnathan roll through my head.

  Why did he buy me? How did he even find me? Just who the hell is he?

  I thought he was just a gruff biker guy who owns a dive bar, yet with everything going on, it’s clear he’s more than that.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Beth,” Charlie says so softly and politely I feel myself smiling in the darkness.

  I hug him a little closer and he snuggles up against my chest.

  “Did you get eyes on all of them?” Johnathan asks and my ears perk up.

  “Fuck,” he curses. “There’s supposed to be three. Yeah, yeah, I know you can count.”

  “Three, what?” I ask, looking up and meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror.

  He takes another right turn and then holds his finger up at me in a sign for me to wait.

  His head slightly inclines to the right as he listens to whoever is talking in his ear, and I press my lips together while I wait.

  “Well, where the fuck is she?” he asks angrily.

  My stomach suddenly sinks. I just know he’s talking about Lindsey.

  “Did anyone see her coming out?”

  “Johnathan,” I say, trying to get his attention.

  He holds his finger up again. “Do you think they moved her last night?”

  “Johnathan,” I say again, more forcibly.

  He ignores me. “Well, she’s gotta be somewhere. Maybe she’s still in there. She didn’t fall off the fucking—“

  I just can’t take him talking about finding Lindsey for one second longer.

  “Lindsey’s dead!” I hiss and he glanc
es up into the rearview mirror in surprise.

  Finally, I’ve got his attention.

  “Hold on a minute,” he says as we stare at each other.

  Just saying that Lindsey is dead out loud has caused this great big painful hole to open up in my chest.

  Charlie squeezes me tighter as I push air in and out so fast I’m nearly hyperventilating from it.

  I feel like I can’t catch my breath.

  Johnathan pulls the car over to the side and we come to a stop. He twists around in his seat and turns to face me.

  Mouth pulled down in a frown, he looks genuinely concerned as he asks, “Are you alright?”

  No, I’m not alright, I’m fucking far from it, and the words almost pass my lips before I realize they may upset the little guy that’s holding on to me like his life depends on it.

  I have to be strong, I have to be. For him. Whatever I’ve gone through… it’s probably nothing compared to the nightmare he’s living.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I take a moment to compose myself before reopening them.

  I look Johnathan hard in the eyes and say as calmly as I can, “Yes.”

  From the way his lips twist and his gaze narrows, I can tell he’s not buying my bullshit, but thankfully he’s not calling me on it.

  Seconds tick by and we just stare at each other. I finally get my breathing under control and I know he’s expecting an explanation, but right now I just can’t give it.

  He breaks eye contact first, his narrowed gaze sliding over to Charlie before coming back to me.

  “Are you sure?” he finally asks, breaking the silence.

  I bob my head up and down, and close my eyes again.

  “Fucking hell,” he growls, and I sense him turning around.

  The car starts rolling forward and then I’m pushed back against my seat as he hits the gas.

  “All three targets are confirmed,” he murmurs. “Yeah, I can count, you fucking dipshit.” His voice drops even lower, but it’s so quiet in the car it’s impossible not to overhear him. “Yeah, that’s right. I said three. Lindsey Hawthorne is confirmed deceased.”



  We drive and drive, and I cling to the little boy hugging me, needing his comfort just as much as he needs mine. The bright lights of the city fade away, replaced by the softer, dimmer lights of a residential area.

  We pull up in front of a white, two-story house, and the garage door opens. Charlie tenses against me and I try to keep myself from stiffening with apprehension. I don’t recognize this house or the neighborhood.

  The car rolls slowly into the garage and then the door slides down behind us, closing us in.

  “Not tonight, no,” Johnathan rumbles as he turns off the car. “We’ll meet up tomorr—”

  He snorts and shakes his head.

  “Yeah, fuck you, Simon. I know who her father is and he can suck my dick.”

  Big hand lifting up to his ear, Johnathan plucks something out of it and then crushes it in his fist.

  Our eyes meet in the mirror and he smirks as he opens up his hand. Tiny little pieces fall, scattering around him, and then he pushes his door open.

  Fuck, what did he mean by that? He knows who my father is… yet he seems totally unconcerned by it… Who is this guy? Who does he think he is?

  The back door on Charlie’s side opens and the little boy’s arms tighten around me.

  “Come on,” Johnathan says, and motions for us to get out. “You’re staying here for the night.”

  I give Charlie a little nudge and a smile. “It’s okay,” I try to say as if I believe it, but honestly I have no clue what the fuck is going on or what is about to happen.

  Now that I know Johnathan knows who my father is, knows who I am, and obviously doesn’t give a fuck, he feels like a loose cannon. Normally, I have the power of my father’s protection to fall back on, but what do I do with a guy who obviously doesn’t give a shit?

  Johnathan takes a step back, and with another nudge and smile from me, Charlie starts to slide out of the backseat with me following behind him.

  Just as I get my feet under me and straighten, Charlie latches onto my side with a death grip.

  Johnathan glares down at the obviously frightened child and I glare up at him.

  “Where are we?” I ask, and quickly glance around the empty garage.

  There’s nothing on the walls. No lawnmower, no tools, no boxes of Christmas decorations. Honestly, it looks like no one lives here.

  Johnathan’s glare lifts and his eyes lock on mine. There’s so much force, so much power in his gaze, it’s everything I can do to keep from looking away in submission.

  “My place,” he says, and the way he says it sends a shiver down my spine.

  Why did he bring us here? Why isn’t he returning me to my father? What the fuck does he have planned? I want to ask, but something holds me back. Perhaps it’s because Charlie is so frightened I feel the need to protect him, but honestly, I think it’s more of my gut telling me I’m not going to like the answers I’ll get.

  Turning away without offering more of an explanation, Johnathan jerks his chin, expecting us to follow him. “Come on.”

  He walks up to the only door in the garage, unlocks it, and then pushes it open. Then he walks through the door and into the house as if he just expects us to obey and follow him.

  And we do follow after him, like two little lost puppy dogs. Really, what choice do we have?

  Lights flicker on, revealing an immaculate kitchen. The place is so clean, so shiny, either he has an amazing housekeeper or he never uses it.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks, and my stomach clenches so tight I don’t think I could keep anything down even if I was starving.

  I look down at Charlie but he doesn’t answer. He’s watching Johnathan like he expects him to suddenly sprout a second head or something.

  “Are you hungry, Charlie?” I ask him softly and he peeks up at me.

  He shakes his head once and then he returns his attention to Johnathan.

  Johnathan grunts and nods his head, moving into the living area. Even here, there is only the most basic of furniture. A couch, a TV, a table, and a recliner—all looking unused. There’s no painting on the walls, no books in the built-in bookcases.

  No photos of family or children.

  “I’ll show you where you’ll be staying for the night,” he says without looking back at us.

  For the night. Those three words fill me with a sense of relief as we follow behind him. This is only temporary, I think. Merely a rest stop until we move on to our final destination.

  Wherever that is.

  He leads us through the living area then up a set of carpeted stairs. There’s a short hallway and four doors. And there’s something about those four closed doors that fills me with a sense of dread.

  Walking up to the second door, Johnathan pushes it open but doesn’t step in. “The kid will sleep in here.”

  Charlie’s steps slow as we walk down the hallway, and once we reach the open door, he freezes.

  “It’s alright, Charlie,” I say softly and give him a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll stay with you.”

  I understand his reluctance. I was locked inside a room for several days. How long was he locked up before the auction?

  Johnathan shakes his head back and forth, and jerks his chin. “Your room is down the hall.”

  Slowly, I lift my chin in the air and look Johnathan square in the eyes. “I’m staying with him.”

  A look of anger flashes across Johnathan’s features, and I almost deflate with regret. I don’t know why he’s doing this, and I don’t know what’s in it for him.

  For all I know, he saw an opportunity and he took it.

  He may have bought me with the intention of returning me to my father for a huge reward, but why did he buy Charlie too?

  Is he into little kids?

  The more and more I think about it, the angrier and angrier I get. There’s
no way I’m leaving Charlie’s side. I promised I’d keep him safe and I fucking meant it. If Johnathan has good intentions, he shouldn’t care which rooms we sleep in.

  Johnathan and I have a stare-off. I’m so not backing down from this.

  “Fine,” Johnathan finally snaps and runs his fingers angrily through his hair. “Fuck,” he mutters softer.

  He steps away from the doorway, shakes his head almost sadly, and then gives me a hard look. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me,” he rumbles, and then the floor is vibrating as he stomps away.

  Charlie and I both turn, watching as he disappears down the steps, taking all the tension with him.

  “Are you tired?” I ask Charlie.

  Charlie looks up at me and shakes his head.

  “Me either,” I sigh. “But we should try to get some rest.”

  Despite his claim of not being tired, Charlie falls asleep almost instantly once I get him tucked comfortably in bed.

  I left the door to the room open, for his benefit.

  For my benefit.

  After what I’ve been through, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to close a door again.

  Staring down at Charlie’s sweet face, I’m filled with the strongest need to protect him. Asleep, he looks even more precious, more innocent.

  Entirely too vulnerable.

  I brush a lock of his brown hair out of his face.

  How could anyone hurt him?

  Anger begins to boil in the pit of my stomach. Anger for what Charlie has gone through. Anger for what they did to me. To Sophia and Amanda.

  Anger that they killed Lindsey, killed her like she was nothing. Killed her like they had the right.

  Feed them to the pigs.

  A tear of pain rolls down my cheek and it sets off a chain reaction. As my body begins to shudder, I roll away from Charlie, afraid I might wake him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I bend over and wrap my arms around myself.

  Trying my best not to lose my shit.

  I’ve been in survival mode for so long, now that we’re here, in a perfectly normal house, in a perfectly normal room, I don’t know how to process it. I want to feel safe, I want to be safe, yet I know we’re not out of danger yet.


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