The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960

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The Quiet World: Saving Alaska's Wilderness Kingdom, 1879-1960 Page 64

by Douglas Brinkley

  Muir’s glossary of terms for, 8

  Muir’s sketches of, 13

  Muir’s trips to observe, 3–14

  Glaser, Frank, 287, 354–55

  Glavis, Louis R., 75, 78

  Glen Canyon Dam, 365–66

  global warming, 1

  Glover, James M., 250, 255

  Go East, Young Man (Douglas), 283, 308, 314, 354

  Goetzmann, William H., 17

  gold and gold rushes, 20, 35, 41, 45, 52, 58, 266

  golden eagles, 292n

  golden plover (Pluvialis dominica), 260

  Goldman, Edward A., 351

  Graham, Frank, Jr., 152, 249

  Grand Canyon National Monument, 164–65

  Grand Teton National Park, 318, 492

  Grant, Madison, 156, 176, 177

  Graves, Henry Solon, 82–83, 91

  Gray, Asa, 15

  Gray, Charles, 287, 456

  great auk, 153

  Great Plains wolf (Canis lupus nubilus), 289

  Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 222, 257

  Greeley, William B., 213

  Grey, Edward, 87

  Griggs, Dr. Robert, 114

  Grinnell, George Bird, 53, 89, 139, 161, 210

  Curtis and, 45

  Harriman Expedition and, 16, 18, 42, 53

  T. Roosevelt and, 39, 41

  grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis), 30, 40, 124, 136, 297–98

  Grounded Iceberg (Adams), 336

  Group f/64, 325

  Gruening, Ernest, 229, 329, 476, 489, 490–91

  Gruening, Martha, 198

  “Guerillas of Destruction, The” (Hornaday), 157–58

  Guggenheim, Solomon R., 75–79, 104, 220

  Gulick, Amy, 59

  Gulliver, Louisa Walker. See Sheldon, Louisa Walker Gulliver

  Gwich’in people, 273, 382

  Arctic NWR and, 456, 457–58, 459–61

  caribou and, 130–31, 369–70

  Project Chariot and, 405–6

  Haeckel, Ernst, 113, 401

  Haida people, 26, 33, 43, 53

  Haines, Mrs. F. E., 6–7

  Hammond, Jay, 369, 421

  Hamsun, Knut, 21, 41

  Han Shan, 395

  Handbook, of Boy Scouts of America, 102

  hanging glacier, defined, 8

  Hansen, Julia Butler, 421

  harbor seal (Phoca vitulina), 15

  Harding, Florence, 219, 220

  Harding, Warren G., 217–20

  Harper, Allan, 256

  Harper, Walter, 265

  Harriman, E. H., 16, 18, 40, 41, 44. See also Harriman Alaska Expedition

  Harriman Alaska Expedition, 25, 40, 48

  artifacts taken by, 30–31

  Harriman Alaska Series reports from, 17, 39, 45, 53

  influence on T. Roosevelt, 38–45

  naming of glaciers, 57

  observations of stripping of natural resources, 16–17

  participants, 16, 18

  Harvard University, 235–36

  Hawkins, Thomas, 191, 193, 197, 198

  Hawkins, Virginia, 193, 407

  Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 225, 227, 228

  Hay, John, 42

  Haydon, Jack, 130

  Heller, Edward, 108, 111

  Hemingway, Ernest, 100

  Hemingway, Sean, 100

  Hemingway on Hunting (Hemingway), 100

  Hendrickson, Wayne, 476

  Henri, Robert, 188

  Hermitage Museum, Rockwell’s work in, 407

  Herrick, Francis Hobart, 112–13

  Hetch Hetchy, damming issue, 93–94, 166–67, 303, 384

  Hickel, Walter, 468

  Hickey, Joseph, 365

  High Peaks, The (Marshall), 234

  Hildebrand, Joel, 259–60

  Hill, Virginia “Ginny,” 338–41

  Hinchinbrook Island, 135, 136

  Hines, Bob, 438

  Hirsch, Robert, 333

  History of United States Naval Operations in World War II (Morison), 294

  Holiday, 422, 435, 436

  Holt-Atherton Special Collections, 13

  Holzworth, John, 281

  Home Life of Wild Birds, The (Herrick), 112–13

  Homer, Alaska, 416–21

  homesteading, in 1920s, 193

  Hoover, Herbert, 218, 222–24, 243

  Hornaday, William Temple, 95–97, 144, 149–61, 210–11

  background, 150–51, 365

  Boy Scouts of America award honoring, 102

  changed attitude toward sports hunting, 152–53

  death of, 211

  game management and, 174

  influence on Leopold, 163–64, 166

  influence on Matthiessen, 436, 437

  T. Roosevelt’s death and, 205

  Houghton, A. S., 97

  “Howl” (Ginsberg), 401–2

  Howl and Other Poems (Ginsberg), 402–3, 411, 412–13, 417

  Hubbard, L. Ron, 396, 418

  Huineng, 393

  humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), 59

  Humphrey, William, 89

  Hunter, Celia, 338–41, 385, 477

  Arctic NWR and, 483–87, 496

  Hunting at High Altitudes (Garnt), 177

  Hunting Game in Africa (film), 101

  hunting issues

  Arctic NWR, 455, 458–60, 466–67

  Bambi’s effect on public perceptions, 347–48, 356

  game management and, 173–78

  Hornaday’s changed attitude toward, 152–53

  Leopold and, 214

  market hunting, 133, 147, 150, 159–60, 213

  role of federal government regulation debated, 159–60

  shooting wolves from planes, 301, 368–69

  Hunting Tips of a Ranchman (Roosevelt), 40

  Hyde, Arthur M., 253

  Hyde, Philip, 394

  Ice Palace (Ferber), 205, 451

  Ice Peaks National Park, proposed, 389

  icebergs, Curtis’s photographs of, 46

  Ickes, Harold L., 204, 206, 315, 319, 389

  Adams and, 325–27, 329

  Alaskan oil and, 294–95

  Ballinger/Pinchot feud and, 314

  Bull Moose Party and, 118, 120

  Edge and, 227–28

  Marshall and, 256

  Truman and, 319

  wilderness movement and, 252–53

  Idaho, 318

  Independent, 109

  Independent Journey: “William O. Douglas” (Simon), 312

  Indian Summer, Alaska (Kent), 187

  Inside Passage, Muir’s journey on, 3–10. See also Harriman Alaska Expedition

  “In the Great Country” (Matthiessen), 443

  Inupiat people, 26–27, 33, 36, 176

  Arctic NWR and, 460

  atomic bomb testing and, 403–6

  land rights of and T. Roosevelt, 53

  Isaly Dairy Company, 228

  “Is Polar Exploration Worthwhile?” (Roosevelt), 175

  It’s Me, O Lord (Kent), 189, 191

  ivory-billed woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), 214

  Izaak Walton League, 224, 361, 371, 469, 471

  Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, 431, 471, 489, 491, 493

  Jackson, Harriet West, 451

  Jackson, Sheldon, 43, 316

  Janzen, Dan, 463

  Jeffers, Robinson, 395, 397

  Jewish Tribune, 232

  Jews, Marshall family and, 232, 237–38, 242

  John Muir Trail, 168

  Johnson, Edwin Boyd, 315

  Johnson, Ernie, 247

  Johnson, Lyndon, 263, 394, 445

  Jones, Bob “Sea Otter,” 471

  background, 427–29

  defense of sea otters, 426–27, 429–34

  Jones, C. J. “Buffalo,” 96

  Jones, Dorothy, 427, 431, 433–34

  Jones, E. Lester, 156

  Jones, Pirkle, 335

  Jones, Wesley, 166

  Jordan, David Starr, 205,

  Journal for the Protection of All Beings, 408

  Journal of Forestry, 214n, 239

  Journal of Mammology, 205

  Juneau, Alaska, 264

  Jungle Book (Kipling), 35

  Kachemak Bay, 32

  Kael, Pauline, 347

  Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho, 237

  Karstens, Harry, 131, 133, 137–38, 139

  Katmai National Monument, 114–15, 158, 281, 366, 462

  Katz, F. J., 179

  Kayak Island, 27, 28, 61

  Kaye, Roger, 364, 454n

  Keeler, Charles, 18

  Kefauver, Estes, 445

  Kenai Fjords National Park, 187, 200

  Kenai National Moose Range, 253, 462, 467–68

  Kenai Peninsula, 32, 56

  Kennecott Copper Company, 75–76, 78, 104

  Kennedy, Ethel, 480–81

  Kennedy, John F., 490, 491

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 314, 319

  Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 306, 480–81, 492

  Kent, Rockwell

  background and description, 188–90

  beat generation and, 407

  drawing and paintings of Alaska, 186–88, 194–95, 199

  journey to Fox Island, 190–92

  life on Fox Island, 184–86, 189–90, 192–94, 195–99

  on Marshall, 250

  other artwork of, 199–201

  writings of, 184, 189, 191, 194, 195, 198–99, 200, 229

  Kent, Rockwell, Jr., 184, 185, 189, 190–92, 195–97

  Kent, William, 111

  Kerouac, Jack, 387, 396, 400, 402, 406, 411, 413, 414–15, 421–25, 435

  Kessel, Brina, 375, 384

  kettle pond, defined, 8

  kidder bears, 161

  Kings Canyon National Park, 326

  Kipling, Rudyard, 32, 35

  Kittatinny Ridge, 226

  Kizer, Carolyn, 414–15

  Kleinschmidt, Frank, 159

  Klinkenborg, Verlyn, 263

  Klondike bars, 228

  Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi), 123, 161, 438

  Kodiak Island, 40, 156

  Kollin, Susan, 6, 92

  Kotzebue Sound, 14

  Krear, H. Robert, 375

  Kreps, Bonnie, 265

  Krug, Julius A., 322, 327

  Kuskokwim refuge, 471, 489, 491, 493

  La Follette, Robert, 115–16

  Labrador duck (Camptorhynchus labradorius), 153, 437

  Lacey, John F., 365

  Lady’s Life in the Rocky Mountains, A (Bird), 450

  Lafferty, Abraham Walter, 89, 107

  Lake Clark-Iliamna area, 145–48, 178–83, 316–17

  Lake Clark National Park, 175

  Lake Placid Club, 232

  Lamantia, Philip, 400

  Lamont, James, 25

  Land of Little Rain (Austin), 450

  land trusts, 235–36

  Landon, Alf, 465

  Lane, Franklin, 167, 205, 210

  Langer, William, 380

  Langille, William, 50–51, 57, 58, 60, 72

  Last Great Wilderness (Kaye), 364, 454n

  Lathrop, Austin E. “Cap,” 474–75

  Laurence, Sydney Mortimer, 186

  LaVigne, Robert, 411

  Lears, T. J. Jackson, 52

  Lee, J. Bracken, 365–66

  Leffler, Ross, 466, 471–72

  lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus yukonensis), 134

  Leonard, Richard and Doris, 463

  Leopold, Aldo, 96, 166, 170–72, 177, 214n, 238, 288, 317, 496

  background, 365

  bald eagle and, 225

  bears and, 281–82

  Hornaday’s influence on, 163–64, 166

  influence on M. Murie, 358, 359

  joins U.S. Forest Service, 213–14

  passenger pigeon and, 358–59

  Sand County Almanac, 65–66, 295, 361, 401

  Snyder on, 394

  Wilderness Society and, 231, 257

  wolves and, 296, 298

  Leopold, Luna, 357

  Leopold, Starker, 360, 364, 371, 462

  Letter from the Brooks Range (film), 470

  Letters from the Brooks Range (M. Murie), 451

  Life History of African Game Animals (T. Roosevelt), 111

  Lighting the Corners (McClure), 422

  Lindsay, Vachel, 194

  Living Wilderness, 299, 320, 321, 384, 392, 398, 447, 458, 460

  Lobo, the King of Currampaw (Seaton), 363

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 83, 87

  logging. See forest preservation

  London, Jack, 51, 52, 58, 92, 95, 141, 172, 184, 293

  Lone Man (Kent), 194–95

  Lonesome Traveler (Kerouac), 424–25

  Long, Oren E., 476

  Looking for North (Goetzmann and Sloan), 17

  loons, 62

  Lopez, Barry, 229, 289, 301

  MacKaye, Benton, 257, 361

  Macnab, A. J. “Sandy,” 143–48, 177, 179–83

  Mad Hermit series (Kent), 195

  Made from This Earth: American Women and Nature (Norwood), 353

  Maine, 146, 188

  Maine Woods, The (Thoreau), 146

  Main-Traveled Roads (Garland), 89–90

  malamutes (eskimo dogs), 141–42

  Mammoth Cave National Park, 222

  Man and Nature (Perkins), 85

  Manhattan Mercury, 464, 465

  Man’s Dominion (Graham), 152

  market hunting. See hunting issues

  Marmota caligata, 124

  Marmota olympus, 350

  Marsh, George Perkins, 85

  Marshall, George, 233, 241–42, 249

  Marshall, James, 233

  Marshall, Louis, 231, 232–33, 234, 242, 252

  Marshall, Robert, 146, 389

  Arctic Village and, 244–45, 247–50, 254, 367

  background, 231–34

  Brooks Range and, 239–42, 245–47, 260–61

  death and legacy of, 261–62, 282

  Depression-era forest service cutbacks and, 242–44

  education and forestry experience, 234–40, 244

  F. Roosevelt administration and, 251, 252, 253–54, 255–57, 319

  Muries and, 280–82

  naming of natural features, 247

  other writings, 234, 238, 239, 244, 247, 255, 355–56, 363

  Snyder on, 388

  wilderness proposal of, 259–60

  Wilderness Society and, 231, 257–59, 261–62

  Marston, Marvin R. “Muktuk,” 468

  Martin, G. C., 179

  Mather, Stephen, 140, 143, 146, 205, 234, 258

  Matthiessen, Erard Adolph, 434, 435

  Matthiessen, George, 434–35, 436

  Matthiessen, Peter, 224–25, 426, 434–38, 441, 449, 452

  Matthiessen, Sarah Carey, 435

  Maxwell, Gavin, 431–32

  Mayer, Dr. Louis, 355

  Mazamas Club, 37, 388–89, 398

  McCarthy, Joseph, 363, 377, 383, 407

  McClure, Michael, 400–401, 403, 408, 414–15, 422, 441

  McCone, John A., 404

  McCormack, Albert, 312

  McGeary, M. Nelson, 78, 84

  McIlhenny, Edward A., 64, 157

  McKay, Douglas, 354, 383, 466, 468

  McKinley, William, 44, 121

  McKinley River, 137–38

  McKinley Station (Walker), 122

  McLean, Marshall, 97

  McNary, Charles L., 89

  Mead, Margaret, 351

  Mech, David, 447

  Mencken, H. L., 250

  Merrell, Bruce, 20

  Merriam, C. Hart, 39, 40, 209, 274, 287, 437

  Brady and, 44

  Harriman Expedition and, 45, 53

  Sheldon and, 127, 128, 129, 134, 136, 223

  T. Roosevelt’s death and, 205

  Meyers, Larry, 369

  Michigan, University of, 290–91

  Midnight Wilderness (Miller), 476

Bird Hunting Stamp Act (1934), 317–18

  Miller, Char, 109

  Miller, Debbie S., 476

  Miller, Nathan, 80

  Miller, W. Dewitt, 226–27

  Milotte, Alfred and Elma, 343–45, 347

  Mineral King resort, proposed, 305–7

  mines and mining, 56, 104–5

  T. Roosevelt and, 49, 52

  Taft administration and, 72, 75

  see also Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; gold and gold rushes; oil discovery and exploration

  Misty Fiords National Monument and Wilderness, 5, 38

  Mitman, Gregg, 445

  Moby Dick (Melville), Kent’s illustration of, 199–200

  Modern Library logo, 200

  Monkey Wrench Gang, The (Abbey), 366

  Monograph of the Pheasants, A (Beebe), 204

  Monolith, the Face of Half Dome (Adams), 325

  Montague Island, 123, 135, 136

  Moon and Half Dome (Adams), 334

  Moon and Mount McKinley (Adams), 341

  Moonlight Wolf (Remington), 289

  moose, 39, 108–9, 155, 218, 221, 253, 467–68

  Morgan, J. P., 75–79, 104, 220

  Morison, Samuel Eliot, 294

  Morton, Elizabeth A., 421

  mosquitoes, 132, 137, 332, 342, 381

  Mount Katahdin, 146

  Mount Kimball, 315

  Mount McKinley

  A. Murie and wolves of, 285–89, 291–93, 295–99

  controversy over name, 121, 133, 142–43

  Sheldon and, 121–22, 132, 133, 222

  Mount McKinley and Wonder Lake (Adams), 330–34, 337

  Mount McKinley National Park, 133, 143–44, 212, 223, 223n, 298, 299n, 474

  Adams’s photographs of, 324, 329, 330–34, 337

  campaign for, 137–42, 146

  established by Congress, 142–43

  Mount Olympus National Monument, 76, 494

  Mowat, Farley, 300, 351

  Muir, John, 1–2, 10, 26, 42, 56, 57, 105, 134, 155, 169–70, 178, 416, 417, 429

  California ranch of, 10, 13–14

  character of, 4, 15, 44

  death and legacy of, 167–70, 211

  Douglas on, 302–3

  education, 7

  Emerson on, 1–2

  as glaciologist, 19

  on grizzly bears, 30

  Harriman Expedition and, 16–20, 30–31, 40, 53

  Hetch Hetchy damming issue, 93–94, 166–67

  influence on Snyder, 390, 398

  on Lake Clark, 145

  as mentor of conservation movement, 18–19

  naming of natural features, 12

  sketches of glaciers, 13

  theology and glaciers, 9–10

  tourism and, 19–20

  trips to Alaska, 3–15

  Muir Glacier, 6, 12, 13

  Muir of the Mountains (Douglas), 302–3, 497, 499

  Muir Woods, 111

  multiple-use concept, for national parks, 304

  Murie, Adolph, 273–74, 281

  background and education, 289–91

  Wilderness Society and, 282

  wolves and, 285–89, 291–93, 295–99, 301


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