Black Light: Valentine Roulette (Black Light Series Book 3)

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Black Light: Valentine Roulette (Black Light Series Book 3) Page 3

by Livia Grant

  Spencer reluctantly answered, “I don’t think we have a large enough membership pool yet to offer anything other than male on female options this year. Maybe by next year, assuming this is a success, we can be more inclusive during the sign up process and try to accommodate our gay and bisexual members, as well as our female Dommes and male submissives.”

  “I agree with you for this year, but let’s make it more inclusive going forward.”

  Spencer nodded his agreement.

  Jaxson glanced at Maxine who was still sitting silently at the table. He had to stifle his grin as he realized she was turning beet red in her attempt at holding her silence. She looked as if a rant was literally bubbling up, ready to spew from her mouth at any moment.

  Moving to a more tactical discussion, Jaxson spoke, “So talk to me about the legalities. This obviously goes over and above our normal contract for membership. What are we doing to protect ourselves from lawsuits when one of the participants isn’t happy with the way things turn out for them on the wheel?”

  Owen answered, “We had the same law firm you used to buy the building and do all of the contracting for Runway and Black Light write up the contract for participants. As they also wrote up the membership agreement for Black Light, we figured they were setup for this as well.”

  “Yeah, good thinking. How much is that gonna cost us?” Jaxson hadn’t been thrilled with the bill they’d got from Lambert, Urbanski and Reed’s law firm their last go-round. They’d luckily been able to work out a discount membership, and a set of free months, for the partners of the firm to reduce the billable hours.

  Spencer grinned. “They did it pro-bono. I just had to offer Alexander a free pass to participate.”


  Maxine shifted in her seat, sitting bolt upright as she took her feet from the chair next to her. She looked as if she were about to spring out of her chair. Jaxson couldn’t hide his grin any longer.

  “Would you like to be excused now, Maxine?” he prodded.

  She hesitated, unsure if she was allowed to speak to respond. He was being an ass since he knew Maxine didn’t have a single ounce of submissiveness in her body, but he just couldn’t resist. “You may speak.”

  Her eyes flashed angry at his condescending approval. “Let me get this straight. You barbarians are running a sex club beneath my Runway?”

  Spencer looked like he wanted to throttle her, but Jaxson waved him off before responding. “We are running an exclusive BDSM club beneath my Runway.” He stopped and looked at Chase and rephrased. “Correction. My, Chase, and Emma’s Runway. Yes, there is sex involved, but it is way more complicated than that.”

  “Listen, I’m no prude, but I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with this,” she objected.

  “Which part? The sex or the BDSM part?”

  “All of it. Particularly the fact that young women are going to be used and possibly abused for men’s satisfaction.”

  Jaxson leaned forward, placing his hands on the table and leaning closer to her to make sure he was getting his point across as he answered her as best he could. “Emma,” he didn’t take his eyes off Maxine as he waited for his lover to answer from behind him.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Have you been to Black Light?”

  “Of course. Many times.”

  “Have you ever seen anyone, man or woman, being abused against their will?”

  “No, sir.”

  “As my submissive, have you ever felt abused by our lifestyle?”

  He could hear the humor in her voice as she answered. “Abused? Goodness, no. More like pampered and loved.”

  “Even when you’ve been punished?”

  She hesitated before answering this question. He suspected she didn’t care admitting it, but he knew her answer was the truth. “Especially when I’ve been punished.”

  “Good girl,” Jaxson praised.

  “Good girl? Seriously? She’s not a fucking puppy!” Maxine’s anger was bubbling up.

  “That’s enough. We asked you to leave. You insisted on staying. You said you could handle it.”

  “That was before I knew what was going on,” she countered. “I’m not sure I can deal with this.”

  Jaxson pressed her hard. “Then I’m sorry to see you go. Accept it, or I’ll be expecting your resignation before you leave today.”

  Her eyes widened at his threat. He prayed she’d back down. He really didn’t want to lose her. She was a damn fine manager for Runway, but he also knew he wouldn’t put up with her giving them shit for their lifestyle or running Black Light.

  An awkward silence hung in the air as he and the bossy woman in the room squared off. He could see indecision flitting through her eyes as she weighed her options. He was a bit surprised when Emma came into his peripheral view, coming to sit in the chair next to Maxine, recently vacated by her propped up feet.

  “It really is okay, Maxine. I remember not understanding the whole lifestyle at all when I met Jaxson and Chase. It confused me too. After all, I’d been raised to be a Type-A career woman. I never would have dreamed I’d enjoy being a sexual submissive, but honestly, I’ve never been happier. I’ve met so many submissives in the club and I can assure you, everything that I’ve seen has been consensual. It may not be for you, but please don’t quit over this. We need you and you’re great at your job.”

  Jaxson could have kissed Emma. She was saying exactly what needed to be said, and with a credibility that only a woman could pull off in this situation.

  Maxine glanced back up at Jaxson and hesitated only a few seconds before giving her answer. “Fine. As long as you all keep it private, I’ll back off. I’m not sure I understand it all, but it’s none of my business.”

  Spencer couldn’t contain his response. “That’s what I said in the beginning.”

  She glared at him and then went to work. “So, who do you have designing the website sign-up for the event?”

  Spencer glanced at his four employees for support, but all five men got a deer in the headlights look on their face.

  Maxine continued on. “That’s what I thought. I assume you have a food and beverage operation down there? Where are you getting your liquor? Are you doing any product ordering that we could combine with Runway to get volume discounts? How about your scheduling, memberships, accounting?”

  The more tactical things Maxine rattled off, the more sheepish the Master of the Dungeon looked. Jaxson had to hide a new grin – this time at his friend’s expense. He was enjoying Spencer being schooled by the real outlet manager in the room.

  “Maxine, you bring up excellent points. I’m sure there are some scales of economy we could gain by combining some of the resources between the two clubs.” He paused to pin Spencer with a glare. “You are an excellent Master Dom, Spencer, but you don’t know shit about running a club. Effective immediately, I’d like you two to work together on the non-BDSM components of Black Light.”

  “You have to be shitting me. You want me to work with her? You told me Black Light was all mine to run.”

  “And it is. You have complete creative control over the BDSM components, but Maxine can help with the F&B and purchasing. Let her help you with the website setup for the event. Keep in mind, it has to be 100% confidential and have a login/password setup to protect identities.”

  Maxine did her best to ignore the grumbling at the other end of the table as she turned back to Jaxson. “I understand the need for confidentiality, but I’d like to let Noah in on the secret. He does all of our ordering of supplies and liquor. Trying to add anything to orders without him knowing will be impossible, and I’ve put him in charge of inventory control.”

  Jaxson and Spencer answered, “Agreed”, and, “No fucking way”, simultaneously.

  Spencer grumbled. “I already hired my own bartenders for Black Light. We don’t need his help.”

  Maxine rounded on him. “Let me guess. Old friends of yours?” When Spencer sat silently, she had her
affirmation. “I’m not suggesting Noah work downstairs. I’m only saying he helps with inventory control and purchasing. Don’t worry. He won’t interfere with your boys’ club.”

  “All right, I think we’ve had enough for today. Getting the website setup is a top priority and then sending out a confidential email to all of our membership with the invitation to participate or attend as observers comes next. Let’s get back together in two weeks at our next staff meeting. I’ll expect to hear how we are doing with participation. And Spencer?” He pinned his friend with a glare. He knew the Dom wasn’t going to like his next request any more than he’d liked the rest of the meeting. “Emma is our accountant. I’d like her to run the numbers with the planned participation and ticket sales to understand where our breakeven number is. We need to set target sales thresholds to make sure we aren’t losing money.”

  “For Christ’s sake. You act like you’re running a huge corporation or something. I thought you wanted to have a private place for the BDSM elite to play safely here in D.C. without fear of being outed with the media or public.”

  “Yes, but I never once said I wanted to open Black Light to lose money. It’s a business. Just like Runway. I’m willing to give it a few months to get things rolling, particularly since we can’t do any wide advertising and keep our anonymity. We’ll only get business through private referrals, which will take time to happen, but let me be clear. We either figure out a way to start making a profit within the next few months or we’ll shut it down. I’m not running a charity here, particularly since almost every Dominant member we’ve signed up so far is a millionaire.”

  “That’s the problem. We are heavy on Doms and since many of them already have regular subs, they pay the couple rate. It is single submissives we are short on. Many of them don’t have the money for the hefty membership fees.”

  “Well then, this is a great opportunity for many of them to come and play with the possibility of winning a month’s free membership. Just be careful who you invite. Even if they are a guest, they have to still agree to all of the confidentiality clauses.”

  Terry, the burliest of the four dungeon monitors, had sat quietly in the meeting up until that moment. Jaxson always thought he’d earned his nickname, Muscles, honestly.

  “I’m still doing part-time security over at the Overtime BDSM club next to the Capitol Building. Been there a couple of years now. I can get together a short list of submissives I think would be a good fit if you’d like. Most couldn’t afford the monthly fee for Black Light, but I think they’d love to participate in the Valentine Roulette event, especially if they had a chance to win a month or two of regular membership to come and play.”

  Spencer cautioned, “That’s a good idea, but just be careful. Confidentiality is a top priority.”

  Jaxson had worried about this. “We are in a bit of a bind, though. We can let the subs in for free for the event to get the interest up. We’ll never have enough members to make the business work if we don’t widen our invitations a little bit.” As his dungeon master started to argue back, he closed the meeting with, “I’m not suggesting we take out a full page ad in The Post, but we need to get a buzz going among the known BDSM community if we plan on getting enough members.”

  In the brief silence that hung in the air, he heard Emma’s tummy growling. The blush across the bridge of her nose was adorable. As their eyes met, he knew they needed to wrap up so he could take care of filling her tummy. His growing cock wanted to feed her an appetizer of cum before taking her out for a proper dinner.

  “So we have a plan. Let’s close this meeting. We’ll get back together in two weeks for our next meeting. Don’t wait until then if you need to run anything past me. Have a good evening, everyone.” The tone in his voice didn’t leave room for uncertainty. Everyone around the table knew they’d just been dismissed.

  Maxine grabbed up her tablet and cell phone and almost sprinted from the room to avoid further interaction with the men of Black Light. Spencer hesitated as if he wanted to stay to debate something with Jaxson, but eventually left, trailing behind the four dungeon monitors, and Blake.

  Once the three lovers were alone, the atmosphere switched in a flash from business to pleasure. Chase almost attacked him, sliding to his knees and crawling under the table to start grasping at Jaxson’s pants zipper.

  “I fucking love watching you dominate the meeting like that. Watching you keep even Spencer and his boys in check is the hottest thing ever. I’ve been like steel for the last thirty minutes.”

  Jaxson chuckled until he felt his lover’s warm hand pulling his own hardening cock free from the confines of his underwear. His touch was the perfect aphrodisiac to add to the growing sexual need hanging in the air. Jaxson reached his hand out as an invitation to Emma who sat nearby watching her lovers starting without her.

  “Come here, sweetheart. I want to give you a big kiss. You were perfect in the meeting.”

  “Are we really going to have front row seats that night for the Valentine Roulette?” He saw excitement in her eyes.

  “That was the plan.”

  Emma rushed to stand next to his chair where he could pull her down into an urgent kiss. Jaxson let the pleasure of the two mouths connecting with him intimately wash over him. Within seconds, his cock was rock hard and ready for the next phase of their tryst. As tempted as he was to let his lovers finish him off, he knew they deserved to come too and he really did want to feed Emma his growing load.

  He broke out of the kiss and pushed his rolling executive chair away from the table, leaving a panting Chase on his knees under the table.

  “Get on up here, Chase. You’re gonna pound our Emma while she kneels on the chair. Come here, sweetheart.”

  He pushed to his feet so she could place her knees on the seat his ass had just vacated. She faced the back of the chair. “That’s it. Lean over the back of the chair and I’ll feed you while Chase services your hot little pussy. Don’t forget. We all come together.”

  Chase was already on his feet, freeing his own manhood from his pants and stepping up to bare Emma’s core. Jaxson waited until Chase’s eyes met his own, telling him all was ready. The only indication to Chase it was time was a small nod. The men both entered Emma, one in her mouth and the other in her pussy, in one strong push. Jaxson felt her gagging as the tip of his engorged penis hit the back of her throat. Her gurgling cry as Chase went equally deep at the other end of her enhanced Jaxson’s pleasure. She was holding onto the back of the chair for stability, which meant he had complete control over the speed and depth he fucked her mouth. The sound of bodies slapping together was joined by the slurping of wet channels being plundered front and back on their submissive.

  The soundtrack of the room was too fucking sexy to let any of them last for long. He could feel Emma trying to pull off his cock as she attempted to ask permission to come. He was too close to allow her to stop, even for a second. Instead, he wrapped his fingers through her long dark hair and used her wet orifice to chase his own pleasure.

  Jaxson was so focused on plunging into Emma’s throat he missed Chase leaning in, seeking his own intimate connection to his Dom. The men’s mouths connected in an open mouth kiss, completing their favorite triangle of connection for the trio.

  Within seconds, they all tipped into a loud orgasm with the men depositing their loads into Emma’s warm body.

  Chase grinned his lopsided smile as they began to peel apart from each other. “That should tide us over for a few hours. I’m starving. I vote we go to dinner before we head down to Black Light for round two.”

  Jaxson pulled one of the cloth hankies he always carried with him out of his pocket to start cleaning up Emma’s spunk filled mouth where she’d dribbled drops of sticky cum she couldn’t quite swallow.

  “That’s one idea. I kinda thought we could order up a pizza and start round two while we waited.”

  Emma giggled as Chase got to work stripping her. “Perfect plan. You order the piz

  Valentine’s Day, evening, at Black Light

  Chase was going to be late to his own event if he didn’t get moving. Watching a few couples enter Black Light, he pulled up the cuff up on his tuxedo shirt, baring his invisible tattoo and holding it under the black light scanner on the desk in front of him. The beeping acknowledgement coincided with a locker springing open to his left.

  “You know the drill, Mr. Cartwright,” the security guard added.

  “Danny, for crying out loud. When the hell are you going to start calling me Chase?”

  The guard grinned. “When you’re no longer my boss.”

  They’d had this discussion before, too many times, so Chase knew to let it go and simply sighed as he stepped out of the way of the next guest. More patrons were arriving by the time he’d finished depositing all of his electronics in his locker. Several people he’d never seen before had pieces of paper printed with a QR code that allowed them entrance for the one-night special event. Still, Danny asked for photo ID every time.

  Chase breathed a sigh of relief at the strict security measures. God willing, no one unauthorized would be entering Black Light ever again. Not after they’d had a breach like Madeline O’Neill’s so early in their history. If it weren’t for Thomas Hathaway, they probably would have been exposed as front-page news before they’d even been able to identify the gaps in their policies. The experience from just a few weeks before had taught them all to be extra vigilant, and was a solid reminder of why Black Light had the membership it did.

  Security was paramount.

  The vibe in the club was exciting from the minute he walked through the door. The lighting was not quite as dim as usual, allowing spectators to view several of the nearby scenes that would be surrounding them throughout the evening. As a result, Chase could see across the massive expanse of the club, his eyes honing in on his lovers as they slow danced on the area of floor in front of the bar. The winding, sexy beat of the music set the perfect tone for the night’s upcoming event.


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