The Wizard's Curse (Book 2)

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The Wizard's Curse (Book 2) Page 2

by Jenny Ealey

  Waterstone watched this interchange with some satisfaction from the periphery, pleased that Tarkyn no longer felt so alienated from them. His attention was drawn to North Wind who glanced at Waterstone as he stepped forward to speak.

  Before he could say anything though, Danton placed his hand on the prince’s shoulder and said in a tight voice, “Sire, the woodfolk are not your only people. Don’t forget the rest of us.”

  Watertsone smothered a smile as he saw Tarkyn stiffen under the unaccustomed familiarity from Danton.

  However, since it was Tarkyn himself who had granted Danton permission to behave less formally with him in line with the woodfolk’s behaviour, Tarkyn could do nothing but suppress his automatic response and relax his shoulder muscles under Danton’s hand. As he turned slowly back to look at Danton, his liegeman’s hand dropped from his shoulder.

  “Sire,” Danton glanced around the gathered woodfolk, “I mean no disrespect to the woodfolk and I know you have a special bond with them. But you are also a prince of sorcerers and wizards in the world outside these forests. And those people may need you every bit as much as the woodfolk do.”

  Tarkyn stood silently considering him for several long seconds, “Danton,” he said finally, “I am guardian of these forests and all who live in them. That is not the case with the sorcerers and wizards. My brother is their sovereign. Since his betrayal of me, I have foresworn my allegiance to him but that is no reason for me to challenge him and bring civil war to Eskuzor.”

  Stormaway shook his head, “I am afraid civil war is brewing, even as we speak, Sire. Conversations around the firesides in the encampment were all of unrest and revenge.”

  Danton pressed home his point, “According to Sargon and Andoran, the encampment itself is a marshalling point for vigilantes waiting to take the law into their own hands because King Kosar is failing to protect his people.”

  “I didn’t realise that, Danton. This is grave news.” Tarkyn looked around the gathered woodfolk, “I think we had better sit down, have some breakfast and hear everything you and Stormaway have to tell us. Perhaps this will also shed some light on how and why woodfolk are being hunted.”

  As they headed back to the firesite, Tarkyn manoeuvred himself so that he was walking next to North Wind. “So. What did you wish to say to me?”

  The woodman glanced up at him. “I didn’t think you’d noticed.”

  Tarkyn merely nodded.

  North Wind drew a short breath. “I wanted to say that even though your death would mean we were freed from the oath, I wouldn’t want you to die.”

  A puzzled frown creased Tarkyn’s brow. He shook his head slightly, “I see… Thank you North Wind, I think…actually, no. I don’t see at all. Why are you suddenly telling me this? I thought we were already friends.”

  “We are. That is, we were …and we still are. It’s just that…” North Wind stopped walking, in a total fluster. The people behind them nearly bumped into them. “Tarkyn, when I first got to know you, when we were helping Rain Storm, well, it was more that I thought you were better than I expected, given that I had to put up with you as our imposed liege, if you see what I mean.”

  Tarkyn looked at him quizzically, “More or less.”

  North Wind took another breath, “So now, I would choose to put up with you, even if I could choose not to.”

  Tarkyn laughed and clapped North Wind on the shoulder as they set off once more. “I do see what you mean and I thank you for it. It is high praise indeed if my company is worth your freedom.”

  “Yes, it is high praise,” said North Wind stiffly. “And although I may not have expressed myself very well, I did not come to this view lightly.”

  “I beg your pardon, North Wind. I hope my laughter did not offend you. It was pleased laughter, not derisory.” Tarkyn glanced down at the young woodman, “I hope you weren’t bullied into your new viewpoint. I know Waterstone can be a little feisty at times.... and I couldn’t help noticing your bruised jaw.”

  North Wind gave a reluctant smile as he shook his head. “No. Woodfolk don’t work like that. Waterstone wouldn’t bully me into submission. He just belted me because he was angry about something I said. I make my own decisions. That’s why I didn’t come straight over and talk to you. I needed time to think.”

  “ I see.” Tarkyn did not tell him how much anxiety the woodman’s reticence had caused him. As they reached the firesite, Tarkyn headed straight over to where Autumn Leaves was sitting, propped up against a tree with a blanket over his legs.

  “How are you?” asked Tarkyn as he sat down beside him.

  Autumn Leaves glanced at him. “Not too bad. My face is still sore where they slammed me with the knife hilt.” He shrugged and gave a wan smile. “I guess it could have been worse. They could have used the sharp end.”

  “It feels horrible, doesn’t it? Being treated like that. I hated that a lot more than the pain.”

  The woodman nodded miserably. “Yes. Much worse. I felt as if I were some sort of contemptible, curious beetle they had found. I still feel now as though my very soul has been jarred.”

  Tarkyn grimaced, “And what’s worse, now you’ll have an even poorer opinion of sorcerers than you did before.”

  “No, I won’t,” said Autumn Leaves firmly. “Not when you put yourself in danger to rescue me. I already knew Sargon and Andoran were amoral bastards.” He nodded across at Danton. “And it looks as if your friend there maintained his loyalty in the midst of the enemy. So the score still stands at two good sorcerers, a few known bad ones and thousands still awaiting my judgement.” He looked at the sorcerer beside him. “Tarkyn, thanks for what you did. I know you said you weren’t at risk but we both know you were.”

  Tarkyn shrugged. “Well, I wasn’t in as much danger as everyone assumed I would be. I did have help from my little mouse scout. I was very careful, for your sake as well as mine.”

  “And you knew you would have to face everyone’s displeasure when you returned.”

  “If you can risk being burnt to a crisp to support your friend, I think I can risk a small argument… But seriously, Autumn Leaves, no one is going to stop me from helping my friends if they are in trouble.”

  The woodman gave a little smile. “Do I gather from your tone that you gave them one of your supercilious set-downs?”

  Tarkyn nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid poor Thunder Storm drew the worst of my fire. He made the mistake of demanding that I should not place myself in danger again.”

  “I wondered how long you would meekly accept everyone’s over-protectiveness.”

  Tarkyn raised his eyebrows. “Did you? You didn’t say so.”

  “No. That would have diverted the focus away from rescuing Golden Toad and his family. I knew you’d assert yourself when you needed to.” Autumn Leaves gave a reluctant smile. “You do, after all, hold the balance of power.”

  As he finished speaking, Danton handed them each a bowl of porridge and sat down on the other side of Autumn Leaves, “I hear you had a bad time at the hands of Andoran and Sargon. They are utter bastards, those two. Although it is not appreciated,” he added with heavy irony, “I had to endure hours of their company. True, I wasn’t being battered about like you two. But I did have my senses assailed by their opinions and it tested me sorely to listen to them running you down, Sire, without retaliating.”

  Tarkyn gave a rueful smile. “I’m sorry we doubted you, Danton. If it’s any consolation, I banged their heads together very hard. So they should at least have bad headaches this morning.”

  “Oh, Stormaway and I have done worse than that. We spiked their water and wine and rubbed crushed nettles and poison ivy in their bedclothes. It won’t kill them, but it will make them very sick and uncomfortable!”

  Waterstone chuckeld, “Danton, you were cross, weren’t you?”

  “Unfortunately, the hallucinogens in the wine kept Sargon and Andoran awake and I spent the evening of the rescue trying to distract their attention from the
sounds outside.” He shrugged, “Only partially successful, I’m afraid. At least they didn’t rush outside at the first sounds they heard. I managed to hold them until right near the end. I’m sorry I didn’t do better, Autumn Leaves, but of course I was in no position to help you after that, because this suspicious lot kidnapped me about then.”

  By this time, Stormaway and the other woodfolk were seated around the fire, listening to Danton.

  “You’re right, of course,” said Waterstone, “The outcome would have been better if we’d trusted you.”

  “Yes, possibly. I may have been able to save Autumn Leaves straight away which would have saved him from having to endure all that unpleasantness. But, despite what I said earlier, I’m not sure that I could have maintained my role with Andoran and Sargon. When they thought back over the evening I think they may have realised that I had been consistently trying to dismiss their suspicions. It depends largely on how confused they were as a result of the drugged wine. You probably did me a favour getting me out of there.”

  Tarkyn was watching Danton, a small crease between his brows. “Danton, what are you up to? You can’t possibly be grateful to us for knocking you out and keeping you tied up for hours.”

  Danton’s eyebrows snapped together and he spoke with a formality that barely covered his impatience . “I am not up to anything, Your Highness. I didn’t say I was pleased with being knocked outagainand tied upagain.” He drew a breath to reign in his temper. “But it might actually have been a good time to leave anyway. I certainly didn’t want to stay. Ask Stormaway. I hated having to spend that time with Sargon and Andoran.”

  “Sire, Danton acted tirelessly on your behalf even though it clearly distressed him. He knew he risked arousing your suspicions but took that chance in support of your cause.”

  Danton sighed, “I was not particularly surprised to find myself back in the forest under guard. I was annoyed but I was also relieved that I wasn’t in the same predicament somewhere in the sorcerer’s encampment.”

  “You have been playing a dangerous game, haven’t you Danton? Made all the more dangerous by having an uncertain liege.” Tarkyn accepted a cup of tea from Lapping Water who came to sit beside them. He blew on it and took a sip before saying quietly, “I apologise for my lack of faith and applaud your courage, my friend. It is one thing to risk physical danger but quite another to risk alienation from people you care about.”

  Waterstone watched the colour in Danton’s cheeks heighten as the passionate young sorcerer murmured gruffly, “Thank you, Sire.”

  There was a short silence. Finally Waterstone broached the subject that was on everyone’s minds.

  “Stormaway, Danton, how many people know about the captured woodfolk that we rescued?”

  The two men looked at each other, then Stormaway shrugged. “We can’t say for sure. But my impression is – not many. No one mentioned woodfolk or anyone bearing any resemblance to you in the conversations around the fire. Sargon and Andoran didn’t mention them as far as I know. Danton?” When the blonde sorcerer shook his head, Stormaway continued, “Golden Toad and his family were kept concealed in a tent that had a magically warded entrance. And people we spoke to thought there was a sick wolf chained up in there.”

  There was a collective sigh of relief.

  “So, who does know?” asked Waterstone.

  “Whoever was feeding the wolves knows,” said Tarkyn unexpectedly. “I saw him through the raven’s eyes when I was watching the encampment. He’s the young man who led the hunting party after we foiled the wolf attack.”

  “Is he? I wish I’d known.” Stormaway frowned. “It is very frustrating to be unable to pick up images like you and the woodfolk. I could have told you who he was when you showed everyone the image of the hunt more than a week ago.”

  Tarkyn raised his eyebrows, “And?”

  “And what?”

  “And so, who is he?”

  “Oh, sorry. He’s my old apprentice, Journeyman Cloudmaker. And unless I’m much mistaken, he will also have been behind that storm we dissipated last week.”

  Thunder Storm looked from one to the other of them. “So, is this Journeyman the driving force behind the search for us? Why would he be looking for us?”

  Stormaway shook his head. “No. He is not a leader. He will be acting under orders.”

  “Andoran and Sargon told me that the encampment was a gathering for forces who are being financed by some lord, Davorad of Stansbeck. Apparently, he is concerned that brigands are mounting constant attacks on farmers and travellers and has decided to address it himself.” Danton looked at Tarkyn. “Do you know him?”

  “I have met him at court. He is a thickset bullish sort of man, not that I suppose that’s relevant. He didn’t strike me as a philanthropist. In fact, I would have said he is the classic sort of parasite that revels in the games of power that are rife at court.” Tarkyn scraped out the last of his porridge and set the bowl down on the ground. “So. I can think of three reasons that he might be doing this. He might be supporting the king by clearing up the countryside on his behalf. He might be supporting Jarand by gathering resistance against Kosar or he might be planning to overthrow both of them.”

  “No,” said Danton firmly, “Your family has held the monarchy for over a thousand years. The populace would not contemplate an outsider usurping the throne.”

  “I think you’re right, Danton,” put in Stormaway. “From the discontent I heard around the campfires, I would say that Davorad is marshalling a vigilante force to show up King Kosar’s shortcomings. It remains to be seen whether it is a political ploy to embarrass the king or the beginnings of a civil war.”

  “Oh stars above! My bloody brothers!” exclaimed Tarkyn. “Why can’t they learn to work together? They look so alike they could take turns at being king if they wanted to and no-one would know the difference – Well, maybe my mother would, but she’d never go against their wishes anyway.” Tarkyn ran his hand through his long, black hair. “But no! Kosar neglects the protection of his people while he fights off power plays and Jarand, instead of supporting Kosar to refocus his energy, grasps the opportunity to undermine him.”

  “Which leaves you,” concluded Danton.

  “Oh no, it doesn’t!” countered Tarkyn swiftly. “What are you thinking? That I choose which one of my brothers to support? Or that I take them both on and divide the country into three factions?”

  “I think you should concentrate on being our forest guardian and protecting us against whoever is hunting us,” said Autumn Leaves, entering the fray. “Perhaps the meaning of the prophecy will become clearer over time. You don’t have to change what you’re doing to make a prophecy come true. It’s not a script. It’s a future reality.”

  Everyone stopped and stared at him. Waterstone raised his eyebrows and remarked, “That was remarkably profound, Autumn Leaves. I’m impressed.”

  “Although I agree in principle with Autumn Leaves,” said Stormaway, “I should point out that being the hope for the future of Eskuzor is a present reality and an uncertain future”

  “Even more profound,” Waterstone nodded approvingly, a twinkle in his eyes, “And so early in the day. We haven’t even finished breakfast yet.”

  The wizard scowled. “Waterstone! Will you take this seriously?”

  Waterstone suddenly became stern. “And will you take seriously that you are trying to lay an enormous burden on one young man’s shoulders? I remember, if you do not, how hard it was for Tarkyn to come to terms with being our forest guardian. Let us just bring our planning back into the present and stop demanding the impossible from Tarkyn.”

  “Easy for you to say,” grumbled Danton. “He’s already supporting you. What about all those poor sorcerers and wizards who are being attacked with no one to defend them?”

  Thunder Storm’s deep rolling voice made itself heard, “Ah, but didn’t you say they are organising themselves to defend against marauders?”

  So intent we
re they all on this discussion that they took a while to notice that Tarkyn had quietly stood up and walked away.

  Chapter 2

  Tarkyn wandered down through the golden leaved trees until he reached the stream. Here, he found a comfortable rock to lean against and sat staring out across the sparkling, rippling water. He let his mind roam out through the surrounding trees and bushes, tuning into the birds and animals around him. He reflected with a small inward smile that there was nowhere he could go where he was really alone. He tuned into a little field mouse that was snuffling around under a nearby bush and asked her to come over to him. The little mouse scurried over the few feet of open ground and scuttled up his leg to sit, quivering slightly, on his knee. Tarkyn sent her waves of reassurance and friendship until she became still and calm. Very slowly Tarkyn reached in to a nearby bush and pulled off a small bunch of dark red berries. He had no idea what they were but hoped that the mouse might like them. He offered one to the mouse who grasped the berry between her front paws and after giving it a careful sniff, began to nibble it. Tarkyn received a little wave of thanks.

  Suddenly, Rainstorm and Ancient Oak were standing in front of him. The mouse jerked with fright but a calming message from Tarkyn kept her from scurrying off. Tarkyn looked up at the two of them and smiled, “Hello, you two. Have a seat.”

  They both dropped into cross-legged sitting positions.

  “Hi prince,” said Rainstorm. “Just thought we’d come down and see what you’re up to.”

  Tarkyn smiled broadly at them, “Thanks. I’m fine,” he said, correctly interpreting what Rainstorm meant.

  Ancient Oak frowned a little, “You’re not angry at them all for talking about you, are you?”

  Tarkyn spread his hands slowly, careful not to frighten the mouse. “Do I look angry? No. I just got a bit tired of it all and needed a break…and a bit of time to think. I’m sure I’ll pick up the thread of the discussion when I go back.” He shrugged and said cheerily, “I’ve already decided what I’m going to do. So I’ll let them know when they’ve had time to talk over all the angles.”


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