Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 34

by Ashley Stewart

  She must have sensed him nearby; she moved with the night, landing behind him. Jacob turned as she came up behind him, grabbing her by the upper arms. The motion pushed her against the wall, his greater weight holding her in place. He buried his face in her neck, breathing in her scent. “You are so sexy.”

  Her breath came in short bursts. “You think so, lover?” Her hands moved up his back, nails digging into his skin.

  “Oh, yeah.” He pressed against her more, his arousal pressed against her thigh. Her scent was making him crazy.

  She worked one of her hands around to stroke him over his trousers.

  Jacob’s mind was ready to explode. He released his weight against her to open the buttons on his trousers. That is when it happened. The moment was a blur; he remembered her fangs, feeling a deep scratch on his throat. It would have been his end, but for his own reflexes. He shifted to deflect her attack and then she was gone.

  He didn’t like being made a fool of. The desire to possess her was beyond his control. Several nights of hunting finally gave him his prey. Sitting among a group of pretty boys and girls from the Sorbonne, she laughed and smiled. The sultry vampire was masked as a bohemian girl. Desire didn’t wane. He watched and waited.

  Opportunity arose when she left the table for the bar. Moving up behind her, he placed a strong hand on either side, pressing against her. He felt her stiffen reflexively. His deep voice breathed in her ear, “Hello my lovely.”

  Her mask may have been a simple girl, but her tone was that of the alley minx. “Did you not get enough of me the other night?”

  His tongue grazed her ear as he whispered, “When I’ve had you, then it will be enough.”

  “Excuse me.” The voice came from behind him. “She’s not interested.”

  Jacob glanced dismissively at the smaller man. “Leave.” He left no question in his growl, allowing a hit of his power to peek through his eyes.

  “Leave her be.”

  Jacob would have laughed, but his mood wouldn’t allow for it. He glared at the intruder. “And who are you to order me around?”

  “H…her mate.”

  Jacob snorted in her ear, ignoring the other man. “You need someone who can tame you. Not a weak human.”

  “That’s just why I like him; he doesn’t want to tame me.”

  He felt her nails dig into his thigh. Jaw clenched, “This isn’t over, lovely.” Jacob stepped back, only glancing at the human before heading off.

  Again, he waited.

  Opportunity came again. The minx needed to learn a lesson, and so did the human. Discovering their small flat, he failed to knock as his shoulder forced the door open. The human was there, painting Jacob’s prey. Talented.

  The door closed, a long-handled paint brush hit the floor, and his deep growl filled the air. The silence was broken as limbs snapped, the bird’s egg crushed easily in Jacob’s hand, leaving dead eyes to watch over nothing. Standing, he claimed the discarded brush and painted mine now across the portrait. He left as quietly as he arrived.

  Watching out his window, Jacob downed the rest of his glass. The inner door opened; he knows without turning. “Did they tell you?”

  A leaner, but still strong looking man closes the door. His broad shoulders, squared back, rested casually against the door. “They did. It won’t come cheap.”

  “I want it done right. Money is no object.”

  “Dead or alive?”

  Jacob suppressed a chuckle. “In this case, dead is alive.” He turned setting the glass onto the table. “Your prey is a vampire. Vivian de Claire is her name. She won’t be easy to trap, but I want her on her knees and in chains.”

  He nods, “I work in my own time and way. No interference or I walk. Understood?”

  Jacob looked at him. Any other would be dead at his feet for speaking to him like that. This one was special. He was worth every penny. “Just see to it.”

  The hunter smiled, “Consider it done.”

  Jacob picked up the nearby phone, spoke quietly, and then hung up. “The first installment has been transferred.”

  The hunter nodded then disappeared through the same door.

  Chapter 3

  The hunter, Micha Balan, clicked off the bank’s website after verifying the funds had cleared. Relaxing back against the leather booth he opened the folder, reading about his prey. The only photo was a grainy black and white, not made any clearer by the dim light of the roadhouse bar. Some detective work. His finger traced over the image, committing what he could to memory. The biography told him more.

  The description of the woman suggested she was beautiful. That didn’t impact Micha’s focus. When he took a job it never mattered who the target was. He was paid to remove problems. Husbands, wives, beautiful or not, it didn’t matter. The only line he ever drew was with children.

  A petite waitress smiled at him, setting another tequila and lime on the table. “Careful handsome, all work and no play.”

  Micha chuckled, taking a moment to notice the blonde before him. She wasn’t beautiful, but she had an attractive smile and piercing green eyes. “Maybe I haven’t found the right playmate.”

  She shot him a flirtatious smile before heading off.

  Micha watched her slide behind the bar, pretending to clean while stealing glances at him. The momentary consideration of taking her up on the unspoken offer passes as his attention shifts to a couple at the far end of the bar.

  The balding middle-aged man, sitting with his conservative suit, sipping a martini, wasn’t what pulled him. The woman next to him did. He couldn’t see her face, but the way she moved was enough to get anyone’s attention. She wore a long skirt, with a thigh exposing slit and stiletto heeled boots. Her long leg draped lazily over the barstool, allowing the bar to see well-toned muscle.

  Now that is more like the right playmate.

  He continued to watch the mismatched twosome. It was obvious the man wasn’t sure why she was with him. Micha wondered the same thing. She focused her attention him. Micha could see the sheen of sweat on his forehead glistening in the bar light. He wondered what was making him so nervous.

  It looked like his wonder would be left unanswered. The woman melted off the seat, sliding up next to the man, whose sheen had turned to beads of sweat. He dropped money on the bar and the two headed toward the door. Micha downed his drink. A feminine hand refilled it. Glancing up, he discovered the pretty waitress smiling at him.

  “Can’t have you left thirsty.”

  The smile he saw in her eyes looked full of promise. You’re working. His eyes glanced at the crisp yellow folder then back at the girl. Jacob can wait for his satisfaction one more night. “When do you get off?”

  “Unfortunately I can’t leave for a few hours, but I haven’t taken my break yet.” Her fingers traced along his inner arm suggestively.

  Grabbing the glass he slammed it back and stood, mouth lowered to her ear. In a low throaty voice, “Take your break now.” He felt her shudder at the command.

  A moment later they passed through a door towards a back store room. Micha locked the door before pressing her against the wall, his mouth enjoying the soft skin of her neck and shoulder.

  Her sighs filled the air as her hands moved over the strong muscles of his upper arms. A gasp escaped as his teeth played with the tender flesh.

  He knew he had to control his arousal--she couldn’t handle him otherwise, and he didn’t want to hurt her. Reaching down, his fingers slid her short skirt up, grazing along her outer thigh. Fingers dipped between her thighs, caressing her over the light material protecting her softer lips. Slipping a finger just inside her he discovered wet warmth.

  She sighed, head falling back when he touched her.

  In a single move, he tugged, removing the delicate material, exposing her to his fingers.

  Another gasp as he explored deeper. First a single finger enjoyed the warmth of her, then a second slipped beside the first, eliciting a moan from her. Micha smiled, as h
is mouth continued to work over her throat, and then moved lower. He teased a nipple hard, forcing it to strain through the material.

  She worked to free his erection; offering him an appreciative smile as her fingers played over the length.

  Micha dropped to his knees, his mouth claiming the wetness his fingers created within. Her hips moved against his tongue. He enjoyed taking her with his mouth, feeling her body shudder with her climax.

  Standing, he wrapped one arm around her slender waist and lifted her up, seating her on him fully. Petite legs wrapped around his hips. Micha held his own need back, waiting for her to move. Her orgasm hadn’t settled, and the change from fingers to cock brought another deeper moan. He knew his own power; few could handle it.

  Her hips started to move, devouring his full length, head back against the wall.

  He held her with one arm; the other slipped beneath her blouse, caressing and playing with a hard nipple. Her hips moved harder telling him she liked what he was doing.

  Hips moved faster as she rode him, the wall bracing her back. Her body started to shudder with her second climax.

  They exploded together, and he held her against him through the orgasm. Her head fell forward against his chest. After several moments, breath returned to normal, he placed her back down gently.

  She smiled, “Wow. That was… wow.” She leaned against the wall for more support.

  Micha chuckled, “It was. Sorry about your…”

  She laughed, “Don’t be.” Stooping down she scooped them up and headed to her locker. She tossed the ruined lingerie inside and closed the door. “It was worth it.”

  Micha made sure his clothing was back to normal before they headed back out to the bar. Pulling out his wallet, he dropped a wad of cash onto the table for his tab and a generous tip.

  “I get off at 1 am. See you then.” She flashed him a smile that made her face light up.

  Micha smiled and winked as he slipped the folder under his arm and headed out the door. Once out in the crisp fall air, he allowed his lungs to fill. His head snapped to one side, picking up a familiar scent. He moved towards the scent, taking one corner around the building. He stopped near the dumpster, finding the balding man, pants still undone, slumped dead against the wall.

  He stooped down; the familiar scent was still around the body. Moving the bald man’s head to one side he saw what he was looking for. Vampire. So much for coming back.

  Chapter 4

  Vivian relaxed in the deep porcelain tub, luxuriating in the hot water and body oils. Wagner’s Love duet from Tristan und Isolde filled the air around her. She loved the power in his compositions. This one was particularly meaningful. The tragedy of the doomed lovers reminded her of Bernard.

  She enjoyed her hunt, though she was certain her friend at the bar wished he’d stayed home with his wife. She smiled, thinking he may have died in the end, but he enjoyed the ride.

  Her thoughts drifted to something else she noticed earlier in the evening. A scent she had caught only once before, but it was impossible. She dismissed it from her mind, allowing the hot water to soothe her spirit.

  A soft knock on the door got her attention. “Come in Devon.”

  Devon stepped through the doorway. His attention was drawn to the shapely leg resting on the edge of the tub.

  Vivian laughed, not moving her leg. “What is it, Devon?”

  “I’ve checked the estate. Everything is quiet.”

  She looked at him, “That can’t be the only reason you came in.”

  “No, I’ve had word about who Jacob is sending after you.”

  She shifted, sitting up more with interest. “Tell me.”

  “The werebear known as The Hunter.” She didn’t miss his barely concealed concern.

  “He is upset with me, isn’t he?” Her head fell back as she sighed. “No matter. He finally understands that I won’t stop until I have his heart in my hand.”

  “He’s the best. I’ve heard he never fails.”

  Water cascaded off her curves as Vivian stood. Stepping out, not worried about an audience, she grabbed a thick pile towel and dried off. Everything she did had a sensual nature behind it.

  Devon’s breath caught. He averted his eyes.

  She dropped the towel as she moved past him into the bedroom, smiling as he let out a held breath. “I’ve heard all about him. I’m not worried.”

  Following, “Vivian, don’t take this so lightly. He is hunting you with the intent on killing you.”

  Turning, as she slipped a silk robe on, “He won’t kill me. Jacob would never allow that to happen. He wants me to suffer before I die. We both know it won’t end until one of us kills the other. That is a pleasure he won’t share.”

  Devon frowned.

  Closing the distance, she cupped his face so he has to look into her eyes, “You cannot allow fear for me to fill you. It will get you killed, and that would break my heart.” Her voice was quiet, not worrying about being sexual or sensual.

  Devon nodded.

  “Promise me.”

  “I promise.” His voice betrayed his reality, but he nodded again. “I’ll try.”

  Vivian’s smile was warm, betraying her feelings for him. It had been a long time since they were physical, but she had to admit being so near was difficult. “That’s all I ask. He’ll come soon enough.”

  Devon nodded before leaving her to her privacy.

  She moved out to the balcony. Her spirit was restless. So many years have gone since Bernard’s death, yet it felt like yesterday. She could still feel his frail, broken body clutched in her arms as she sobbed uncontrollably. Finding the painting told her who did it. She didn’t need it; his scent had filled the room. He wanted her to know that he took the one person she loved. She swore to do that and more to him.

  It took years for her to find just the right opportunity. The roguish wearbear found a mate. Vivian tracked them and visited her when he headed out one night. She knew he was going to see another woman. It was almost a gift to end her naïve existence. She was a pretty thing; young and vivacious. Vivian almost felt guilty for taking her life that night, but images of Bernard fed her rage.

  She slipped easily inside. So arrogant to not protect her properly. Moving through the house, it was oddly quiet. As if she knew death would come knock on her door. Vivian couldn’t help but notice the way the house was decorated. Jacob was a collector of odd artwork. He didn’t seem to prefer the classic masters, as his walls were covered in more modern, gaudy works.

  Vivian had placed the package she carried down in the library, then headed to find her prize. Once she left the library she heard soft chiming music upstairs. Following the music, she caught a light in the room at the end of the hall. She moved so quickly and quietly the distance seemed only inches. The door, open just a few inches, was all that stood between her and revenge, but at that moment, instead of attacking she only watched.

  The young woman moved about the room. She appeared to be preparing for bed. Vivian waited until she lowered the lights and slipped under her covers. Soft snoring was her cue. As a shadow moves unheard through an innocent opening, so did Vivian. She stopped beside the bed, watching her sleep. No, this cannot be in your sleep. With the flick of her wrist, the lamp on the bed table crashed to the floor.

  The girl bolted upright. “Who’s there?”

  Vivian’s voice came from a nearby corner. “One who would avenge a murder.”

  Her fear was palpable, as it should be when facing death. “I have murdered no one.”

  “No,” she hissed. “You are loved by one who did. He took my lover…my husband…my mate, and now, I will take his.”

  Shadow took form, enveloping the smaller woman in a bitter embrace. A single kiss to her supple neck silenced any cry. Her body went limp. Vivian had tucked her back into bed, into her eternal slumber. She’d smiled, knowing that by the next night the girl would walk again, and Jacob would have to kill her.

  Her revenge complete,
Vivian had headed back towards the stairs. That was when she heard it. A soft wail, coming from a room further down the hall, called to her. She’d slipped into the room to discover a newborn seeking his mother. “She will not answer your call, little one.”

  The baby had looked at her expectantly. Motherhood was not something Vivian had ever considered. She moved to end the suffering of being Jacob’s son, but stayed her hand. Her smile gave the baby cause to smile. That is the perfect revenge. First his wife, and now his son, but not death for him. She’d wrapped him in a blanket and headed downstairs.

  They entered the library; she placed the baby in a chair before leaving her final gift for Jacob. She unwrapped the package and placed the painting on his desk. So he will know. Never yours.

  Stepping back, she looked at the painting. For you, Bernard. She scooped up the now sleeping bundle, looked at the tiny angelic face before disappearing from the house.

  She’d heard of Jacob’s anguish, after. Oddly, what she heard was not grief for what happened to his mate, but for his son. She killed the woman without much thought, but could never bring herself to harm the boy. She left him with another family, then vanished from his life.

  Chapter 5

  Micha parked his jeep some distance from the house. Hidden among the trees, he continued on foot. Tracking the woman wasn’t difficult. He mused about it being the easiest money he’d made. Either she doesn’t know about the contract, or she’s not worried. That thought intrigued him. He considered visiting the petite blonde at the bar again, but finding the dead man made that impossible.

  Hiking among the trees towards the dim lights of the estate, he worked his way around to the back. In the few years he’d been a bounty hunter, he discovered most people don’t worry about their back door. It is the most common weak link in any security system. He never understood why it was neglected.


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