Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 40

by Ashley Stewart

  “I never thought vampires existed,” she murmured.

  “Really?!” Zach asked.

  He had an incredulous tone as he came to stand in front of her again. His drug his fingers along her side enjoying the way her curves shaped the gorgeous woman she was.

  “Really?” he asked again.

  His hands came to rest on her voluptuous ass. She rolled her eyes at his playful tone and kissed his fangs that extended to prove his point. His eyes twinkled just a bit and realized just how much of a homicidal maniac he had to be to think anything she just said was funny. He was also allured, her dangerous sick twisted heart was clearly attracted too. He pulled her in toward him, she couldn’t resist.

  “If we don’t exist, then you should just chalk this up to one horrifying dream,” he whispered.

  His lips against her lips, he placed a soft one right there. When she didn’t move, he lowered his lips to her neck and whispered it again,

  “It’s just a dream.”

  “If it is then I hope when I wake up you’re still with me,” she cupped his face with her hands.

  She pulled him into her and as the kiss deepened. She slid her hand beneath the hem of his shirt to feel his hot skin burning with desire beneath it. Stop and walk away, you skank! She urged herself feeling like she was selling her soul to the devil, but she loved every minute of it.

  As his mouth moved against hers and she caressed his skin. For a moment she felt like a teenage girl, caught up in a fickle love affair that wouldn’t last beyond the summer. This one, might not even last beyond the full moon. Consequently, she wasn’t merely going back to high school she was going to die.

  She deepened the kiss as she considered the absence of truth in the ol’ fairy tales. She knew she needed to step away from him, but every inch of her body wanted nothing but to be devoured by the passion he ignited in her. He responded with the same, cupping her ass and pressing his groin into her. She could feel how much he wanted her and then he lifted her as if she were paper light and turned towards a writing desk. It sat just to the left of the window, he shoved anything in his way to the ground.

  “Just a dream.”

  He told her, as he ripped the buttons from her shirt exposing her breast beneath it. She fumbled with the buckle on his belt and released his manhood stroking him. His fingers dipped inside her waistband of the slacks she was wearing. Whoever had dressed her hadn’t bothered to put on underwear, and it was a realization that drove him mad with desire.

  As he pulled her to the edge of the desk, he positioned her to enter. She closed her eyes in hungry expectation, but seconds ticked by and nothing. She opened her eyes to see him smiling down at her and she was confused.

  “What?” she asked him.

  He only smiled some more, before kissing her lips and stepping away from her. She reluctantly released his cock wanting nothing more than to feel him inside her but she would not beg him for it.

  “I don’t want to do this without Mikol,” he said.

  She found his confession sweet, but there was no way she was going to get this hot and bothered for no reason,

  “I intend to do it all again when we find him.”

  She walked to the window and lifted her shirt over her head, coyly avoiding his gaze. As she lifted the shirt over her head she felt his fingers circle her breast from behind as he squeezed her nipple causing her to moan.

  “Zach,” she began.

  Her words turned into a sigh as he bit into her neck and pressed her up against the window. His anger evident even in the gently yet dominant way he took her body as if he were apologizing. One hand left her breast and she replaced it with her own, moaning as his pulled her slacks down and gently ran his fingers against the slit of her pussy.

  She moaned as she turned her head to kiss him and his fingers toyed with the sensitive hood of her clitoris. He touched her just above where she wanted it most. She placed her hand over his and pressed it hard against her wet cunt. She continued to grind against his hand.

  He freed himself from his pants and spread her legs, bending slightly so as to position his cock at the entrance of her womanhood from behind. And as the forest below them carried on without a care, his hand circled her neck and he slowly pushed upwards enjoying the feel of his cock disappearing into her bit by bit.

  He applied pressure to her neck and began thrusting into her in earnest. The animal in him took over and the need to be filled by him controlled all of her senses.

  “Still think this might be a dream?” he huffed in her ear.

  But Chaiyan could find no words to respond to him. All she could think of was how much she wanted him to fuck her into oblivion and back. She moaned against the glass shoving her ass back into him as he pumped in and out of her pussy and just as they were about to climax he pulled out of her, making her beg him for more.

  He turned her around, wrapped his hands around her thick thighs and slowly lifted her onto his cock, taking her nipple in his mouth as he fucked her against the window. He pulled out each time he knew she was going to climax. Then when she thought she would die from the need for release he kept denying her. He slipped in and slowly thrust into her kissing her lips and her neck. He gripped her ass firmly in his hairy hands.

  She felt the climax building again and she looked to him with urgency to make him fuck her faster. He gripped her ass and stared into her eyes, controlling every movement that she made. His thrusts were quickening as they neared climax. In two hard thrusts he pushed them both over the edge and she trembled against him. He held her pressed against the window with the night eyes casting judgment and whispering their secrets all around them

  Mere minutes passed by and he eased her onto her feet that wobbled a bit. She placed her arms on his chest to steady herself and looked up into his eyes. Then she stepped away from him and crawled in the bed enjoying the feel of the soft cotton that caressed her naked skin. He crawled into bed with her resting his nakedness over hers as she stared out into the night lost in thought.

  “If anything ever happened to you, I’d never forgive myself,” he said.

  As if that was some consolation for murder. She didn’t respond, she was too busy wondering what her life would be like when they got Mikol back. Humans often read the stories spun by the imagination of writers and wished they could live the lives of the characters they loved and hated in equal measure. But little did they know that being a part of one of those stories could be as horrifying as a night on Elm Street- she wasn’t terrified though, just a little anxious.

  His fingers trailed up and down her skin sending shivers through her and she turned on her back and urged him on top of her. He kissed his way up from her navel and as he reached her lips he once again pressed his erect cock into her, slowly grinding and pushing in and out.

  “You will both make sure nothing does,” she asked him.

  He moaned in unison with her as the climax built once again,

  “Promise me,” she whispered against his lips when she could speak again.

  “I promise,” he said.

  He pushed both of her thighs upward as he plunged into her with hard deep strokes. She could feel the abyss of pleasure reaching out to her and as she rocked with blissful release. He continued to thrust moments later throwing his head back to howl with the genuine pleasure he felt.

  Chaiyan froze in fear as a shadow rushed into the room. It took him by surprise as well, slicing Zach’s neck. As the blood flowed, he screamed in pain. Unconsciously, he was still buried inside of her, she looked up at the smiling face of Fin.

  “One down, one more to go,” he said.

  Chapter 5

  Chaiyan tried as best she could to stop the bleeding, but nothing she did helped.

  “Go,” Zach said weakly,

  “Get to the tree line and head east, if Mikol is alive, he will sense you.”

  She cried in protest not wanting to leave him, knowing she would be no match for the vampires who certainly lurked in
the shadows. She knew Zach was grasping at straws too, but she obliged him. The last time he lifted his bloody hands to her face, he begged her to go in haste.

  “We will come back for you,” she promised hoping it was true.

  She pulled her slacks back over her hips and her bra and T-shirt. Then she cautiously placed a finger in the doorway. When no electricity ran through her she stepped out and gingerly made her way to the stairs to find a way out.

  The damn place was like a mausoleum, with painted glass windows and high arches. As she made her way down the stairs, a light came on. She froze on the spot and willed whoever it was to just go away. She wanted to make a clean break for it. She had a feeling that anyone stopping her would lead to more bloodshed that was something she didn’t want.

  The seconds ticked by and she hoped with all the hope she had left, that no one who be as stupid as to stand between a caged animal and her freedom. Hope clearly was not on her side that night.

  “Going somewhere?” Fin asked from behind her.

  He moved with the speed he was known for and slapped her across the face. She flew across the room and landed on a chair below that broke beneath her weight. She righted herself with effort as the anger crept up her spine.

  “I came after you months ago and you chose them!” he screamed at her.

  But as he moved in to attack her again, Mikol came crashing through the window. He wasn’t alone. He was traveling along with three others. It was the first time she had seen him like that. The regal presence of him scared her but pleased her at the same time.

  Fin stood no chance. Before he could correct his moves and intention’s Mikol bit into his neck and ripped half his throat out, while his other men easily took down the vampires who came to his defense. Mikol flung Fin’s body across the room and turned to look at her. His anger was one of silence as he rushed to her side.

  “Are you ok?” he asked spinning her to check her out.

  “Yes, but Zach...” her words trailed off as they ran up the stairs.

  Mikol gazed in horror at his lover on the bed. He moved swiftly, biting his wrist and pressing it to Zach’s lips when he realized he was still alive.

  “It won’t work,” Zach’s words were barely audible,


  Zach lifted his hand to Mikol who knelt at the bedside with tears running down his face.

  “Change her,” Zach whispered,

  “For the sake of our child.”

  Chaiyan and Mikol stared at him in surprise as a smile spread across his face. Mikol pressed his palm to Chaiyan’s stomach and felt the growing life. But it was still too young to have its own heartbeat. He turned to smile at Zach, but the stare of death that greeted him made him burst into tears.

  They sat with his body until the sun came up and the body burst into flames. With tears in their eyes, they comforted one another. They knew that he had given them the ultimate gift.

  “I will have to drain your blood, feed you mine then break your neck for you to change,” Mikol said to Chaiyan minutes later.

  “But the baby?”

  “Will be fine,” he assured her.

  But she looked at him hesitantly, “Trust me,” he said and she found comfort in those two words.

  He kissed her and bled her near dry. As she was about to black out, he pressed his bleeding wrist to her lips and she drank. The last thought she had as Mikol snapped her neck, was that blood didn’t taste so bad. She felt sure that the rest of her life was going to be nothing short of amazing.

  When she woke mere minutes later, marveled at the fact that everything around her was enhanced. She could see the single threads on the bed sheets, hear the traffic a few miles away and as more sounds and sights bombarded her she looked up at Mikol. She could hear his heart beating in time with hers and more amazingly, she could feel the life inside her growing cell by cell.

  She smiled up at him,

  “Let’s go home,” he said a few seconds later and stretched a hand out to her.

  As she walked the halls, she marveled at everything. As they stepped barefooted through the glass, into the sun, she looked at vampires who surrounded them. She smiled as she singled each heart beat out and writing it into her memory. They would be her family now. As they dashed off into the forest, the vampires surrounded her for protection.

  Chapter 6

  Two days later as Chaiyan stood in her room looking out at the lawn in back of the house. Mikol had moved there too, the wedding jitters ran through them. She had been thinking about her life all day, how she had come up from nothing to now be as powerful as she was.

  It made her weepy and sad at the same time that she did not have her own friends or family to share it with. She looked down at the compound, at the feast that was being laid out in their honor. There would be no white dress, no church and no pastor and she was happy about that.

  She was not a white dress and church kind of bride. She wasn’t even a ring bride, she thought as her hands touched the wedding ring that was given to her earlier that day.

  “Yeah, I am so not going to wear that,” she had said as she handed it back.

  He had not gotten upset. In fact, he had half expected her to say that, so he had taken a thin gold necklace from his pocket, dropped the ring on it and put it around her neck.

  “I know you aren’t that kind of bride,” he had said and kissed her softly on the lips.

  She was hoping for all the years they would be together that he would always make her that happy. She didn’t need wealth she just wanted to be happy.

  “Hey,” Mikol said behind her.

  She turned to him as he walked into the room and gave her a kiss. He placed his hands over hers on her belly, feeling the heart beat and smiling into her eyes.

  “Let’s go outside for a bit,” he said and she took his hand.

  But they did not stop in the back yard for all the merry making, he took her into the woods. They walked to the river. She had heard it rushing the first day they had moved into the house. He bought it so their child could have free space to run around.

  He went in before her and then she waded into the water, discarding her clothes as she went. She could feel his gaze on her back as he watched her naked and curvy body before him. A big, beautiful woman that was now his own.

  “I will love you for eternity,” he said.

  His voice was husky with desire as the moonlight danced across his faces. Before she could think of a response, Mikol pulled her in for a kiss. She melted in his arms as his hand slipped beneath the surface of the water to grab her ass and pull her into his groin.

  She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his cock rubbing against her where they stood locked in a passionate embrace. Her arms instinctively came up and caressed his firm broad shoulders, feeling the taut muscles beneath his skin. He was getting more aroused at the thought of it.

  Mikol broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her neck and she could not help but gently nip at his ears. She thought to herself that such a gentleness could come from such a giant of a man. Especially, not one who dispersed death as easily as he gave love was unheard of. She took one of his hands and moved it to the treasure between her legs, wanting to feel him touch her on the most intimate part of her.

  “Fuck me,” she begged against his lips.

  He lifted her up onto his cock and began thrusting into her in earnest. His thrust was powerful and pleased her. In no time he leaned her against the river stone and gave one last plunge into her as they both moaned in the pleasure of the release.

  She thought to herself that as little time as she had spent with Zach, she would certainly miss him. She looked forward to what life with Mikol and the tiny human-vampire growing inside her, would be like.

  No Mates For These Lycan Lovers

  Paranormal Lesbian Romance

  Chapter 1

  Their footsteps were cloaked by the moist leaves blanketing the ground. It was a good thing the leaves were changing, bec
ause without the cover, they were basically planting evidence for the pack of wolves to find. Every drop of sweat, every hair, every sliver of cotton caught on a branch could be used to track them through the forest, across state lines, and beyond. The moon cut through the branches intermittently overhead so that they were at first walking in shadow, now moonlight, now shadow again. It looked like a huge bone coin in the sky, big enough that it fooled small children into thinking they could reach out and touch it. It certainly didn't look like the symbol of death and destruction it had become to Ella and her fleeing partner the last few months.

  They had another two or three miles before they crossed over into the next state. Ella's side was burning, a product of having to run so soon after spending so much energy on other things. The last ten miles had been uneventful, and their muscles were tired from jumping at every snapped twig or the scuttle of tiny paws across dampened leaves. It was the big paws they were looking out for. Every pack in the area should be at their bonding ceremony, pairing dew-eyed young adults with mates and misanthropic widowers with new partners. Ceremonial knives would be used to cut slits into fleshy palms and blood magic would seal the tie as wound met wound. Some young men and women would change for the first time tonight. The moon had an irresistible pull on power so that their control would all but disappear as they slipped their skin. Undoubtedly, those new noses would be sent out into the night to search for their respective pack members, and neither Ella nor her partner wanted to have to kill someone who just believed they were doing their job.

  Ella felt a touch on her shoulder, and turned to look into her mate's eyes. The hair on her skin bristled and stood, and Ella strained to listen before she heard it: The sound of rubber crawling along the road.


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