Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 72

by Ashley Stewart

  “In your face, Jack!” I crowed.

  Jack softly cleared his throat and pointed back at the pool table. Confused, I turned just in time to see the cue ball gently rolling towards the left corner pocket. It hesitated on the lip of the pocket long enough for me to think I might win the game after all—then dove into the hole, swallowed up by the darkness.


  I curled up in Adrian’s bed, stretching against the luxurious fabric. My home down the street was also excellently furnished, but it didn’t have sheets that smelled like Adrian.

  We had spent so much time together the last few weeks, and we were better together now than any previous point in our marriage. It was hard to argue with results like these, but I still felt guilty for helping Victor.

  After Victor had been nudged out of the original solar panel deals with Sync Systems, he called me, hoping I would be bitter enough about my divorce with Adrian to help him destroy Adrian’s business.

  I was willing to help, but not because I was angry. I wanted Adrian to have more time for us to reconnect. I knew in the end, Adrian would be happier for it. He already was.

  Danisha would be happier in the long run, too. It was obvious she and Adrian didn’t have any kind of a future together. I’d barely spoken two sentences to the girl and she turned tail and ran back to school. She clearly didn’t have the guts to stick it out.

  After my little encounter with Danisha, Victor told me to keep a close eye on the house—he needed Danisha to gain leverage over Adrian. It wasn’t too long before I saw Danisha loading luggage into her car.

  I managed to follow her on the highway until she stopped at a hotel in Iowa, and once I was sure she had gone to bed, I crammed a fistful of dirt into her radiator. I knew she wouldn’t be able to get far with that. Once I saw her leave in the morning, I called Victor and told him to be on the lookout for her along the I-80.

  I didn’t know how far he’d take it. It had all gotten so out of hand. I was internally cringing the whole time Adrian told me his story, knowing that he could have died because I had helped Victor.

  I was glad it was over.

  Chapter Two

  It had taken me about ten minutes to figure out there was no way I could afford a last-minute plane ticket to Colorado. If I wanted to see Adrian, I would have to find another way.

  I would have driven, but I had no idea where the car that Adrian gave me was . For all I knew, it could still be on the side of the I-80 where Victor kidnapped me. Marisol had a car, but it was practically her child. She would never let someone else drive it, and certainly not across the country.

  Someone knocked on my bedroom door.

  Speak of the devil. It was Marisol.

  “Can we talk?” She asked.

  “Come on in.” I said. We sat on the bed together.

  “I’m, um, I’m sorry I called you a slut.”

  “Nothing happened between Raphe and I, Marisol, but just for your information: he was the one asking me out.” I told her.

  “I know. It’s why I got so mad.” Marisol hung her head. “But then I, uh, overheard what you said to Raphe about still being my friend. I should have trusted you.”

  “I forgive you, but you shouldn’t care so much about a guy like Raphe. He just latches on to whatever comes his way.”

  “Easy for you to say. Guys, school, everything comes easy for you, Danisha.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her. “You’re giving me way too much credit. Do you not remember how I got totally dumped last month? That was not easy.”

  Marisol laughed. Glad that I finally had my friend back, I explained how miserable I was without Adrian. I needed to go and fight for him, or I would never forgive myself. First, I needed a car.

  “Pretty please?” I asked Marisol. I knew asking to borrow her car was a long shot, but a girl had to try.

  “No way! Do you even know how to drive a stick-shift?” She said.


  “Do you think I could borrow some money for a bus ticket?” I tried instead.

  “You should try emailing the student registry. There are some kids desperate for cash around here. They might be willing to rent you their car.”

  “Marisol, you’re a genius!” I exclaimed, hugging her. I went over to my laptop and quickly sent out an email pleading my case. I didn’t expect much, but I was willing to do anything.

  “So…are we good?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I smiled at her.

  Later that night, Marisol and I went to the dining hall to eat dinner together. I was happy to have my best friend back.

  I was going back for second helpings when Raphe tapped me on the shoulder from behind. I was suddenly very thankful Marisol had decided not to join me.

  “What is it, Raphe?”

  “Are you still looking for a ride?” he asked.

  I had forgotten that Raphe had a car. A nice car, too. Not a sports car like Marisol’s, but an SUV perfect for driving all the way to Colorado.

  It didn’t matter, though. Marisol and I had only fixed things between us that day. I didn’t want to do anything to upset the careful balance between us.

  “Not from you,” I said, turning away from him to pull a slice of pizza onto my plate.

  “Hey,” he grabbed my shoulder, “I’m sorry about Marisol. I was…lonely after you left.”

  I started to feel a little bad for him. I knew Raphe had feelings for me, even if he wasn’t very aggressive about it. I had pursued him until I left for spring break. I’m sure he thought we would pick up right where we left off, but once I got back, I dumped him for Adrian.

  No wonder he was lonely.

  I could relate to that. These days I was feeling pretty lonely myself.

  “I understand,” I told Raphe, “but Marisol just started talking to me again. Besides, you don’t even know anyone in Colorado. Why would you want to go?”

  “Wow, you two sure are chatty lately.” Marisol said. I had been gone a while, talking to Raphe. Marisol must have come to check on what was keeping me.

  “Uh, Raphe was just leaving,” I glared pointedly at Raphe until he got the hint.

  “Right! I’m out of here. Nice to see you, Marisol.”

  Marisol stared at Raphe as he left. Her blue eyes were so cold I thought she might freeze Raphe to death just by looking at him.

  “What was that all about?” Marisol asked after Raphe was gone.

  “Raphe saw the email I sent out. He offered me a ride in his SUV, which I did not take!”

  “Hmph. Seemed like more than that,” she said huffily.

  “Marisol…” I warned her. She looked like she was struggling with herself.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she said after a few seconds.

  Once we got back to the apartment, I sat at my desk and started looking for anything that would get me to Colorado in time for the weekend. Only one other person besides Raphe replied to my email. Unfortunately, their car was so beat up, I didn’t think it would make it past the Massachusetts state line. I would end up stranded once again, and I doubted I could rely on a man in a helicopter to come abduct me to his private island this time.

  I was on the verge of stowing away in a railroad car when Marisol knocked on my bedroom door.

  “Hey, Danisha,” she said, sitting on my bed across from me.

  “What’s up, girl?” I asked.

  Marisol took a deep breath and let it out.


  “I think you should go to Colorado— with Raphe.”

  “Uh… What? Why?”

  She grabbed one of my pillows and hugged it. “You haven’t been the same since Adrian dumped you. You need to sort that out one way or the other, and if Raphe is the only way you can get there… Well, you’re my friend and I trust you,” Marisol said calmly.

  I was amazed. Where had this incredible level of depth come from? The Marisol I knew was concerned about herself and not much else. She had made a complete 180-degree change.

  “Thank you, Marisol… I don’t know what to say.”

  She went back to her room and I hurriedly got my phone to call Raphe.

  “Hey, sorry about earlier. Is that ride still on the table?” I crossed my fingers and hoped he wasn’t too mad

  “What about Marisol?” He asked.

  “Marisol is surprisingly okay with the whole thing. Speaking of being okay with things: how are you okay with skipping a couple days of school to drive me two thousand miles to see my ex?” Raphe was a nice guy, but this was too much.

  “Well, I expect you to pay for gas, and I’ll be taking that hundred bucks you offered in your email because I desperately need it, but I’m mostly doing this because what happened with Marisol was not something a good friend would do. I want to be a good friend to you, Danisha.”

  First Marisol, now Raphe?

  “I can’t tell you how thankful I am, Raphe. You are a good friend,”

  We made plans to leave Wednesday night and take turns driving and sleeping without stopping. I promised Raphe we wouldn’t have to do the same thing on the drive back home, but I couldn’t wait to see Adrian.

  Ever since I realized that couldn’t let Adrian go, there was a voice in my head telling me that I needed to get to him as soon as possible. I knew once I got there, everything would be okay. I would look into his eyes as he held me and we would be together. I just needed to show him how much I cared about him.

  Adrian wouldn’t take no for an answer in a situation like this, and neither would I.

  Chapter Three

  I closed my laptop, finished with work for the evening. I looked at my watch. It was just after six. I normally didn’t put down my work until at least midnight. I went into my bedroom to see Sally getting ready for one of her evening jogs. She worked hard to maintain her amazing body.

  I couldn’t get over how much our relationship had blossomed since Victor had taken on my clients. Sally always complained that my work that had driven us apart, but I never thought so. Perhaps she was right. I had chosen my ambition over her.

  Now that I had so much time, I was getting to know Sally all over again.

  “Hey, good looking,” I said, hugging her from behind.

  “Are you already finished with work?”

  “I sure am.” I watched as Sally bent over to tie her shoes, admiring the view. “I thought maybe I would join you on your jog. I haven’t been to the gym in weeks, and if I keep eating all of your delicious food, I’ll wind up immense.”

  Sally went to the closet to get her sweatshirt. She zipped it up and came over to give me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Oh sweetie, you know you wouldn’t be able to keep up. Start with the treadmill,” she said, teasing.

  I put a hand to my heart as though deeply wounded and dropped my jaw in feigned shock.

  “Madam!” I exclaimed.

  “How about you try making dinner while I go on my run? You’re a better cook than you give yourself credit for. Now that I keep the pantry and fridge stocked, there’s plenty of food.” She patted my shoulder and blew me a kiss as she walked out the door.


  I ran about a mile down my normal jogging route until I reached a dirt path in the park that led to a scenic view overlooking the river. I ran along the dirt road until I found an empty bench and pulled out the satellite phone Victor had given me.

  The phone barely had time to ring before Victor answered it.

  “Sally, it’s been a while,” he said smoothly.

  “It’s been busy these last few weeks.”

  If anyone had overheard us, they might have thought we sounded courteous, but Victor had been trying to reach me, and tonight was the first time I was calling him back. He might not sound angry, but we both knew I had blown him off.

  After I told Victor about Adrian’s secret plans with Ozolinsh and the new solar panel deal, Victor told me to wait and that he would contact me once he figured out a plan. At first, I was ready to do whatever he said. I didn’t want Adrian to get his business back, no matter what. Things were going so perfectly for Adrian and me, I would have done anything to keep it that way.

  Then, when Victor didn’t call me for a week, I began to wonder what sort of plan he might have. I started to worry. I had helped him kidnap someone. What would he ask me to do next? Kill someone? Could I do that? In trying to save my relationship with Adrian, I might end up doing something to jeopardize it.

  I wasn’t sure if I could keep up the sneaking around, either. If I continued to hide things like this for too long, I would eventually be found out. So, when Victor finally did call, I put off calling him back as long as I dared.

  “Well I hope you can find the time in your packed schedule to help out an old friend,” Victor said.

  “Actually, that is why I called you, Victor,” I said carefully. “While I consider you a close friend, I unfortunately no longer have the time to assist you.”

  “How dare you refuse me?” Victor said without any trace of his previous civility.

  “Calm down, Victor!” I whispered harshly. “I’m sorry Adrian beat you in the negotiations, but I can’t help you destroy him. It’s destroying me as well.”

  “Oh really? Would you say it’s destroying you as much as perhaps, being arrested for kidnapping?”

  I was silent. My jaw hung open. Was Victor blackmailing me?

  “I see I have your attention. Much like I would have Adrian’s attention if I were to call him and inform him of your role in Danisha’s kidnapping. That is, right after I called the police. I imagine you’ll have lots of free time in jail.”

  “You would call the police on yourself just to screw me over?” I hissed.

  “Sally, darling, I’m wanted in the United States for half a dozen things. Extortion, fraud, embezzlement… They can’t extradite me, so what do I care if they add one more charge to the list?”

  I was silent again for several minutes as I watched the sun set over the river.

  “What do you want me to do?”

  Chapter Four

  “Do you have everything packed?” I asked Raphe. He was loading a cooler of snacks and drinks in the backseat so we wouldn’t have to stop for food as often.

  “Food, drinks, map. We are all set.” He threw his backpack next to the cooler and then came around to help me put my suitcase in the trunk.

  Marisol stood awkwardly off to the side as she watched us. I went over and gave her a hug.

  “I cannot tell you how thankful I am, girl.” I said.

  “Don’t mention it.” She said, hugging me back. “I’ll bring it up the next time I need a favor.”

  I laughed. Marisol was still Marisol.

  Finally, the only things not loaded into the car were Raphe and myself. Raphe was taking the first shift driving. As we pulled onto the highway, I knew I should nap to prepare for my shift, but I was too anxious to sleep.

  I had no idea what I was going to say to Adrian when I saw him. I hoped something would come to me, but I was terrified that I would open my mouth and nothing would come out! I would look like a fool if I drove thirty-five hours just to choke on the spot. I needed a game plan.

  I fiddled with the radio dial, changing station to station. After about twenty minutes of that, Raphe slapped my hand away from the stereo.

  “If you do that the whole way there, we’re not going to make it,” he joked.

  “I’m sorry, Raphe. I’m just really nervous.” I sighed. “It’s easy for me to put myself out there in the business world or at school because if I get rejected I can just come back and try again. If Adrian rejects me, there’s no coming back… What if I go all the way there just for him to reject me? I’ll look like a crazy person.”

  “You’re not crazy.”

  I half-laughed, half-sobbed.

  “Okay, so you’re kind of a crazy person,” he admitted. “But if going after what you want makes you crazy, then maybe being crazy isn’t such a bad thing.”

  I looked over to
see Raphe gazing at me. It was a good thing the road was empty.

  “I know you are worried about what to say to him. You’re thinking too hard to feel your emotions. Relax, and the words will come to you.”

  Raphe was right. I had been a mess the last few weeks. No wonder I couldn’t think straight. If I didn’t slow down, I would blow it. Knowing this calmed me, and I fell asleep within minutes.

  I woke up several hours later to bright fluorescent gas station lights and the distant sound of truck horns. Raphe held up a cup of coffee. It was my turn to drive.

  We traded on and off every seven hours, stopping at gas stations when we needed to, making a game of stopping at the weirdest ones we could find. Raphe convinced me to make two extra stops in New York and Chicago so we could have a genuine pizza experience for comparison. I knew he was going to great lengths to help me feel better about the situation I was in, and I appreciated him for it.

  Friday afternoon, almost a full two days later, I was directing Raphe to turn onto Adrian’s street. My heart pounded in my chest. I was going to see him soon, and I knew exactly what to say. I had practiced it a thousand times in my head.

  We drove up a small hill, giving us a view of Adrian’s house below. There was a small moving truck in the driveway. Was Adrian moving? Was he leaving Colorado? What if he felt the same way and decided to move to Cambridge and surprise me?

  Wouldn’t that be a tale to tell future grandchildren!

  As Raphe slowly drove up to the house, I saw Adrian step out of the back of the moving truck with a large box in his hand. He carried it up the drive and into the house.

  Was he…moving back into his own house? Confused, I stared through the windshield as Raphe drove us closer.

  Adrian walked back to the moving truck and helped a woman get out. He picked her up, spinning in a circle as he kissed her.

  It was Sally.

  “Get down!” I yanked Raphe’s shirt, pulling him down as we drove by the house.

  When I was sure we had passed Adrian’s house, I let go of Raphe’s shirt, but I remained with my head between my knees. Tears were streaming down my face. They dripped from my nose onto my shoes.


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