Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 111

by Ashley Stewart

  She practically shrieked in pleasure when he started to eat her out with renewed vigor, eyes rolling shut as she felt herself being lost to the sensations of his tongue plundering her cave again and again. She felt the heated coil in her belly tighten to near bursting, and all she wanted in the moment was to come on his mouth, for him to lick her clean. With one last, graceful stroke of his tongue on her clit, the coil in her gut snapped, and she was sent careening into the sky until all she could see were the stars behind her eyes. He rolled his tongue in time with the cresting waves of her orgasm, tasting her sweet nectar leaking onto his tongue like Bacchus' wine.

  He pulled away as she came hurdling back to earth, her head reeling from the high she just experienced. He grinned up at her as he stood, his lips and chin still glistening with the evidence of her arousal. She smiled sheepishly as she collected her panties and slipped them on, whimpering at the movement of her legs stimulating her already over sensitive insides.

  “Get that interview published, Miss Parker,” he said as he wiped his face clean. “Your first day here can't come soon enough.” He flashed her a dazzling smile, and she flushed prettily as she gathered her purse and her things.

  “I'll be starting on Monday,” she said softly, reminding him of their agreed starting date. “I should have the interview published on Friday, so everything will work out well enough.”

  “Fantastic,” he said, his toothy grin widening. “Until then, Miss Parker.”

  She loved the way he said that, the way that he called her, 'Miss Parker,' and how quickly he could recover from their activities like nothing happened. It would certainly make workplace escapades that much easier, even if she would frantically pat at her hair and adjust her skirts here and there.

  It was something to look forward to, she thought as she bade him goodbye and walked to the elevator.

  * * * *

  Going from such a wonderful experience as spending, “quality time” getting to know David to something as miserable as walking into work wasn't something that she had necessarily wanted to have happen, but she needed to work in the office to complete the last part of her interview, so she could hand it straight to the publishing department, hand in her notice, and be done with the place.

  Thankfully, she managed to dodge Jay, her boss, upon entry to her work office, a small saving grace that she was infinitely happy about; she wasn't in the mood to be hassled for work that she was completing on time, after all. Setting her recorder down and powering up her laptop, she pulled up the document for her article detailing the interview, and began to transcribe the questions she posed, and the answers that he provided. Once she had finished typing and the tape was completed, she shut her recorder off and put it away, needing to focus on the closing paragraphs that she was going to type out for the article.

  With that accomplished and the article edited successfully, she sent it off to publishing, who approved her article, released her meager payment for the article, and shipped it off to be put in the next issue of the magazine. She sighed and pulled out an empty filing box and began to store her things in it from her desk. Packing the little knick-knacks that she had accumulated in her years of being there, at that very same desk, working herself sick for just a little recognition that would go absolutely nowhere in the end.

  She shook her head to rid herself of such thoughts, knowing that it wasn't going to help her in the long run; she had a new job to look forward to come Monday, and she would begin a whole new chapter in her life thanks to it. She might even take her first ever vacation, and the thought of that alone thrilled her. With her things placed in the box and her laptop stored in its bag, she stood and walked out the door, taking a deep breath before heading into Jay's office. She set her box down beside the door and knocked, opening the door once she heard his gruff tone granting her entry.

  “The article's finished, and publishing has it,” she started, standing in the doorway. She had no intention of staying longer than was needed, so she opted out of the pretense of coming in for a lovely chat. Jay grunted, not looking up from his laptop.

  “About time, too. I was just beginning to think you'd never come through with it.” He stole a half-hearted glance in her general direction. “What else do you want? I haven't got all day. Well? Out with it”

  She sucked in a breath and cleared her throat.

  “I'm giving my notice,” she said in a rushed breath. Jay stopped looking at his laptop and looked at her, really looked at her. His eyes betrayed his surprise and his concern – not for her, but for losing her, one of his best article writers. She’d known him long enough to know what she was to him.

  “And just where are you going to go?” he ground out, his notorious temper already rising. “You know you're not good enough for anywhere better than here—”

  “I already have a job lined up,” she said easily. “I wasn't asking for your permission to quit. I was letting you know that I was out of a courtesy,” she said simply as she turned, picked up her box of things and walked toward the exit.

  “I made you what you are today!” She could hear Jay hollering as she walked down the hall. Several other workers began to peek out of their office windows, wondering what was going on, but too nervous to actually come out and see. Not that she could blame them; when angered, Jay was liable to throw tantrums on an epic scale. “You can't just leave, Parker!”

  “I'm leaving because of what you made me,” she snapped as she reached the front door. “You took the hope right out of me, and I'm done, Jay. Done.” Without another word, she slammed the door behind her and walked to her car. She knew that he wouldn't dare to bring the fight outside of the office for fear of his already shady reputation being demolished by the neighboring news buildings catching wind of his nonsense. Again.

  As she started her car, the only thing she was capable of feeling was relief.

  * * * *

  It had been a long four hours at the office of her typing her recording of the interview and, of course, her monumental move to quit the office and hand in her resignation, but she somehow managed to make it through it without any real incidents, apart from Jay's meltdown, but that was hardly anything new to her at this point.

  Blessedly, traffic had been almost nonexistent on the way home. At long last, Angela parked her car, unlocked the front door of her condo, and walked in. Slipping off her shoes and going over to the kitchen, she made herself a cup of hot tea, grateful that Kaitlyn had gone out and bought more black tea bags while she was gone. With her mug of tea in hand, she sighed blissfully as she slowly sank onto the chaise lounge, her favorite spot to relax on.

  She swore she could almost hear her feet thanking her for the release, and she simply lay there for a few moments, relishing in the quiet, the complete lack of the clacking of a keyboard, or the scratchy recordings of David and her during the interview, no Jay, no worries at that moment, and simply let her mind decompress. She had a full weekend before she had to go in on Monday bright and early to start as David's personal assistant, and she intended to make the most of it and just relax.

  “How was work today, Angela?” she heard Kaitlyn ask as she walked over and took her spot on the plush oversized chair. “I heard you come in, and I was wondering how things were today.”

  “I quit,” Angela said simply as she sipped at her tea.

  “So,” Kaitlyn grinned. “Finally gave Jay the middle finger, eh?” She laughed. “Good. Bastard deserves it.”

  “Ha! I wish I had given him the finger!” The two women shared a laugh about it. “I might have, if my hands hadn't been full with my stuff,” she said, nodding to the box she had set down on the counter in the kitchen.

  “Well, he certainly had it coming, that's for sure,” Kaitlyn said with a nod. “I'll probably hear about it in publishing tomorrow, but still, I'll pretend I don't know,” they giggled. “How do you feel about it?”

  “I'm too tired and relieved to be anxious,” she replied honestly. Kaitlyn gave a nod in

  “So you'll be starting over at Westley Entertainment soon, then?”

  Angela nodded.

  “On Monday,” she sipped at her tea. “Would you like me to make you some?” she asked, gesturing to her mug.

  “Actually, no,” Kaitlyn said as she stretched. “I just wanted to ask about your day, but I've got to get back to my guild online,” she smirked. “We're doing a raid tonight.” Ah, yes, that online game that Angela knew almost nothing of. She nodded to her friend.

  “Alright, I think I'm going to head to bed, then.” She finished her mug of tea and rose. “I'm pretty exhausted, and I think I'm just going to sleep it off rather than just power through it with caffeine.”

  “Probably for the best.” Kaitlyn headed to her bedroom. “Goodnight, Ange.”

  “G'night, Kait,” Angela said sleepily, barely making it to her bedroom and flopping onto her bed before exhaustion caught up with her. She hadn't even managed to pull the blankets up over her.

  * * * *

  After a weekend that was probably the most relaxing couple of days that Angela had ever had, she arrived at Westley Entertainment's building at six thirty feeling refreshed and ready to face her new job. She held two coffees in her hands and went up to the elevator leading up to David's office. She sighed happily as the elevator dinged, informing her that she had arrived at her destination.

  Walking out and toward the desk, she noticed that David was seated at his desk as usual, though he looked noticeably groggier because of the early hour. She would have laughed if she didn't sympathize with that feeling on a deep and personal level. So, she opted to silently hand him his coffee, earning her a bright, if still half asleep smile from her boss.

  “Ahh, my savior,” he said as he breathed in the scent of the coffee with a blissful sigh. “You're early, you know,” he said as he blew on his coffee to cool it.

  “I figured it wouldn't do for me to be late on my first day,” she said with a bright smile. “So I set my alarm for just a little earlier than normal.”

  “I knew I hired you for a reason,” he said as he sipped at his beverage. His eyes roved over her low cut button up top. “Or two.”

  She flushed and giggled behind a hand before taking a drink from her own coffee.

  “Ohh, you even remembered my favorite blend of coffee,” he sighed. “Make that three reasons.” After a moment of enjoying his drink, he rose from his seat with a sigh. “We'd better head over to the board room. We're having a meeting to look over our business strategy for the quarter, and I want to introduce you to my team.” She nodded and followed him back to the elevator.

  As they took it down to a different floor, one she had never been on before, David drank deeply from his cup of coffee that she brought him. He must not be much of a morning person, she thought as she suppressed a giggle at the thought of him waking up in the mornings when he needed to come to work early. The elevator dinged to let them know that they arrived to their desired floor, and as the doors opened, they were greeted by a few people heading into a room off to the side of the hallway that lead out from the elevator.

  “It seems everyone wants to make a good impression today,” he said with an amused chuckle. “Rumor mill gets it right once in a while.”

  “What do you mean?” Angela asked with a tilt of her head.

  “There's been a rumor going around that I was getting a new team member, and that she was going to start any day now.” He winked at her. “I didn't bother to correct them or let them know when because it was a great way to get them to be more productive than normal for a little while.” She shook her head and smiled as he led her to the board room where everyone else had already gathered.

  It felt like being the new kid in high school all over again, as the moment that she had walked into the room, there was a quiet, but still undeniable collective gasp as they took her in. She smiled shyly as she made her way over to an empty seat beside where David would be conducting the meeting and set her briefcase down next to her. She wasn't sure what she should say – or rather, if she should even say anything at all – so instead folded her hands in front of her and kept her focus on her knuckles to keep from gripping her hands too tightly.

  “Good morning everyone,” David said in a clear tone that reverberated within the walls of the expansive room. Everyone gave a quiet salutation of their own in what amounted to a collective grumble. “It's good to see everyone here bright and early,” he smiled at them. “Before we begin, I would like you to give a warm welcome to Miss Angela Parker, my new personal assistant.”

  “Ah,” she smiled shyly again. “Hello, everyone,” she said, hoping that her smile was going to win at least a couple of them over.

  “This is Linda,” he nodded to the older woman in the group. A woman with beautiful copper toned skin and long ebony hair pulled into a neat little bun. She smiled and waved. “This is Alex,” he nodded to the other male in the room, a man with ebony skin and a shaved head who smiled and nodded to her silently. “And this is Darla,” he nodded to the final woman in the group, a thin, blonde haired woman with very angular features.

  Even though Angela smiled and nodded at her, Darla simply looked down her nose at her from across the table. Angela tried not to shiver from the scrutiny.

  “It's so very good to meet all of you,” she said earnestly. “I look forward to working with you all.” She hoped that she conveyed how happy she was to be here in the few words she said, and that she was just misreading Darla, or that she was just having a bad day; the last thing she needed was to have conflict with someone in the office on her first day.

  “Right, then,” David said, clearing his throat. “If there are no other announcements, I would like to get this meeting under way.” When there was no interjection from anyone, he pulled out his laptop and brought up his power point presentation showing their fall lineup for this year. Angela followed suit, pulling out her laptop and taking notes on the meeting. “As of this moment, we have four shows coming out of hiatus to start a new season, and two shows that are just starting out with their first season this year.

  Angela was surprised at the list, and how varied it was; it had two shows that she loved to watch, A Leaf on the Water and The Immortal Blades were up for their second seasons this year, in addition to a children's show she had never heard of before, and another show that she didn't recognize. The two new shows were ones that she had seen the commercials for, and found them to be potentially interesting, depending on their execution.

  “Of these six shows, three of them have finished filming, two are in their wrap up stages, and one has just hit gold, ready to be broadcast.” Angela typed out everything that was spoken aloud, taking notes as needed.

  “If I may interject, Mr. Westley,” Darla said in a snide tone. “I was under the impression that A Leaf on the Water hadn't finished filming, but you're saying that this isn't the case, and that they're all finished. Which is it?”

  “They pulled a few all-nighters to get filming done on schedule,” David said in a flat tone. As she typed out her notes, Angela wondered how often they had interactions like this where David spoke to her in such a disinterested tone, but opted to not mention it later; Darla just might not be a morning person, or something. “So A Leaf on the Water has finished filming.”

  “Editing has already gotten to work on finalizing direction edits and effects,” Linda said as she looked up from her tablet. “I just got the confirmation from them that they finished editing three of the sixteen episodes so far.”

  “Outstanding,” David said with a nod. “What's the status on the other five shows?”

  “The Immortal Blades has finalized filming, and editing just got the footage this morning,” Alex said, looking up from his tablet. “And Quest Hour has been sent out to be broadcast in three weeks.”

  “Good, I like to hear that,” David said with a grin.

  “Titan's Betrayal has hit the last four episodes, so they're almost out of fi
lming,” Darla said in a bored tone. “Nuclear Fallout hasn't finished animating its last two episodes, but the animators look to be finishing it within the week. And Realm of the Wraith is three episodes from completing their filming.”

  “Sounds great, team.” David said as he went on to the next slide. Though she took notes of it, she couldn't remember much of it beyond the fact that it was about budget, and that Linda had most of the answers to his questions pertaining to each budget for each of the shows.

  The meeting seemed to drone on, but still Angela took meticulous notes, and genuinely enjoyed the interactions of the team members. Well, all of the team members except for Darla, who seemed to shoot down everyone around her and completely dismissed some ideas outright, something that positively baffled Angela. She made a mental note to mention it to David later; perhaps he either didn't realize the way that she threw off the dynamic, or had just gotten too used to it to realize what she was a detriment to the team.

  “Alright, then, everyone,” David said as he closed his power point and shut his laptop. Everyone took it as a sign that it was time to begin putting their own laptops and tablets away. “This meeting is concluded. Alex, Linda, I'll be meeting with you later to see how progress is going on the shows that aren't finished just yet.”

  “Of course, sir,” Alex replied smoothly as everyone stood.

  “We'll get right on them, sir,” Linda said as she walked past Angela. “It was so good to meet you, dear,” she said to her, laying a hand gently on her arm before walking out of the room. Darla shot her another withering glare before walking out as well. Alex was the last to go, shaking her hand on his way out, leaving the two of them alone once more.

  “Angela, get another coffee for me, please, and meet me back in my office in about half an hour or so,” he said in that same business like tone of voice, throwing her off guard. On the other hand, she couldn't say that she necessarily blamed him; she was hired to be his personal assistant, after all, and she was considered to be on the clock. It was to be expected that they would have to separate their working and personal relationships to keep some semblance of professionalism. At least, more than they had in the past.


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