Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 125

by Ashley Stewart

  “David…” She felt his pulsing cock throbbing deep within herself, sending pleasurable tingles up her spine. Leaning down, she wrapped her arms under his shoulders and drew him to her, pulling him up. Through the pleasure that was steadily building inside of her, she vaguely wondered if David would ever say he worried for her in any way, even as his lips pressed hungrily against hers and his thrusts began to grow more erratic.

  He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her body closer to his. His kisses left her short of breath. Her tongue slid across his lower lip, probing into his mouth. The muscles of her inner walls tightened around his cock, and it seemed to be the thing that snapped what restraint David had left in his body, because with a nearly feral growl, he rolled over and swiftly pinned her beneath him in one fluid movement without pulling out of her.

  He latched onto her neck, sucking and licking, leaving his mark on her skin to show the world that she was his, a thought that thrilled her to no end. Her wet heat was driving him insane, the tightness of her core driving him closer and closer to the edge of euphoria. She felt absolutely perfect to him, and the way that the two of them seemed to fit together like a lock and key made his head spin.

  Somewhere along the way, Angela had come to consume his thoughts, his every waking moment and his deepest dreams. His hands caressed down her sides, moving back up to play with her nipples. He wasn’t moving, despite how much he wanted to, how much he needed to drive himself into her until all either of them could see were stars. He was savoring this moment, where the both of them were too aroused to be able to tell where one ended and the other began. He swallowed as he lightly rocked his hips against hers, not enough to pull out in any capacity, but just enough that there was still a bit of friction, just enough to elicit a groan out of each of them.

  “David, David, move, please,” Angela whimpered, unaware of the direction that his thoughts had taken. He chuckled, kissing his way up from her collar bone to her lips.

  “Ordering your boss around?” He met her eyes, holding her gaze as he grinned devilishly at her.

  He began to thrust, deeply and slowly, exquisite and indescribable pleasure starting to course through her body.

  “More like ordering my boyfriend around,” her voice trembled, the intense sensations that the friction between them caused driving her too delirious to be shy and quiet.

  She pressed her hand onto his chest, feeling the rapid pounding of his heart. She needed to know he was just as affected as she was. He cupped her cheek, his thrusts becoming more forceful by the moment as he built himself closer and closer to his release. Barely pulling out, he slammed back into her, unable to keep it slow for any longer, and not wanting to even bother trying to. He grunted, as her body moved in time with his. Sliding her hand up from his chest to his head and running her fingers through his hair, she moaned brokenly when David rotated his hips, sinking his thick cock deeper into her. Angela gripped his hair, her breath getting knocked out of her lungs with every sharp, quick snap of his hips against hers. She arched her back until the small of her back was no longer touching the bed, and she threw her head back as she cried out, her climax so close that she could already see the flecks of light beginning to swirl behind her eyes.

  He brought a hand to her chest and twisted her nipple in the way that he knew drove her wild before it trailed lower between them to play with her clit once more. David enjoyed the sight beneath him as she writhed against his touch, a smirk coming onto his face. There was nothing else he needed in this world in that moment than her. No one else, nothing else but her, and he had no greater need than to make her come before he finished. Seeking her lips, he kissed her fiercely, wanting her to feel how he felt, to know what was in his heart and his mind in that moment. Her moans were muffled by the kiss, she dug her fingers into his back, and he felt her core getting even slicker with her juices.

  “Please, David,” Angela cried out, unable to take it anymore; the need for her orgasm was so immense that she was willing to beg for the rest of her life for it if need be, if he only gave it to her in that moment. “David…!”

  She rolled her hips as the intensity of his thrusts increased, the snap of his hips growing more urgent and erratic. He plunged his cock repeatedly into her like a well-oiled piston in a machine, adding to the coil of pleasure growing between her thighs. Her legs locked themselves around his waist of their own accord, keeping him close. Watching him come closer and closer to the edge of bliss did nothing but fray the already tattered remnants of her control. The signs were there, and Angela knew them well; his breaths were ragged, his thrusts frenzied and there was a raging storm of love and lust in his gaze as he pumped himself inside of her. His fingers skimmed against her sensitive and swollen clit, sending jolts of pleasure through her.

  “Are you going to scream for me as you come? Or am I going to have to try harder to make you?” he whispered beside your ear with a particularly hard thrust of his hips.

  David circled her hard bud with the pad of his thumb, the digit pressing down on it firmly when his cock hit that one spot deep within her that never failed to make her cry out in pleasure. The sudden increased onslaught of unrelenting and merciless pleasure caused her to writhe uncontrollably, her loud moans turning into ecstatic cries that practically rang out through the room. Some small part of her mind was thankful that they were alone in the house so that no one could hear the way that she wailed in such a wanton way. Her body spasmed underneath him as the coil in her core snapped, her screams echoing in the room and, she was sure, down the hall at the very least as she rode out the intense orgasm that ripped through her. David reached his peak moments after she did, his body shaking almost violently as a powerful orgasm ripped through him. He wrapped his arms around her, crushing her lips in an intoxicating kiss, the both of them still far too high from their orgasms. Their bodies convulsed together, his scorching seed filling her very center, and she felt as though she was melting from the inside out because of it.

  He whispered her name in a hoarse voice, clearly worn from over use before burying his face in the crook of her neck. She could feel his deep, heavy pants on her skin, the heady rush of pleasure lingering in the aftermath of their shared climaxes. He barely managed to shift to the side of her before he fell onto the mattress, and she couldn't help but smile tiredly, stroking his hair as she gulped in air for herself. There was silence, but it was a comfortable one that seemed to be the perfect kind of quiet for the aftermath of their lovemaking, A quiet that let their hearts return to their normal rhythm. David eased himself out of her with a shuddering breath before he turned over to lay on his back beside her. He kissed her lightly, his hands running down her curves.

  “I'm not sure what's going to happen now,” his voice was hoarse, but there was his usual confident tone to it, in spite of the uncertainty of his words. “But I'm here for you. I'm going to do my absolute best to keep you safe.” She looked at him, smiling when she saw the way that he smiled at her like she hung the stars in the sky.

  “I'll hold you to that, you know,” she winked and went to the ensuite bathroom to wash herself.

  “It's not like I have any intention of going back on my word.”

  She could practically hear the way that he shrugged his shoulders as she finished up in the bathroom and came back to the bedroom.

  “I would never dream of accusing you of anything like that. You've been nothing short of honorable, kind sir,” she returned to the bed, flopping down beside him again. David chuckled quietly at her light jesting, tugging her so that she fell onto his chest instead of plopping beside him on the bed. “But I do still have the same questions that I had before.” She felt him sigh softly beside her before he rolled over to face her, a hand cupping her face and turning it so that he could look her in the eye.

  “Alright, Angela,” he said, his eyes impossibly soft, something that she was in no way used to. “Ask me anything. I'll tell you everything that you want to know.”

Billionaire’s Exclusive Book 9

  Bella Rayne

  The Billionaire’s Exclusive

  “Part of me isn't surprised that you know more about this than I thought you did,” Angela started slowly as she pulled her top back on over her head. “I guess I knew all along that I would get the answers for everything from you.”

  “Do you still think I'm involved?” David asked, lounging leisurely on the bed with only his boxers covering him. He rested his hand lightly on the lower half of his stomach, just over the waistband of his boxers, his other hand was supporting the back of his head as he eyed her. In spite of the fact that they had just finished with one of their more active bouts of sex, she had to press her thighs together once she had pulled her yoga pants over them in an effort to tamp down on the resurgence of her core throbbing under his gaze.

  “No,” Angela answered honestly. “I just know that you have more information than I do, and that you're the most trustworthy person that I can get answers from.” He smiled slowly, lazily, and a tension that she hadn't noticed in his shoulders before relaxed at her words.

  “That's good to hear.” He brought the hand resting on his stomach up to match his other hand as he stretched languidly, almost cat-like, on the bed. She joined him back on the bed, relaxing beside him. “Though, to be honest, I don't have nearly as many answers to this whole mess as you might think, resourceful as I am,” he sighed, his arms returning to their original positions. She leaned back and rested her weight on her palms.

  “Any clarity on what's going on would be great, honestly,” Angela sighed. “I suspect that Darla is the one behind, if nothing else, my attack, but I can't really pin down as to why.” She eyed David to try and gauge his reaction to her theory, and couldn't find it in her to necessarily blame him when he looked at her as though he wasn't exactly surprised by her assessment.

  “Honestly, that's the thought I had. I still have it, to be honest,” he frowned to himself. “Though, I think she has at least something to do with the other attacks on my employees as well.”

  “Wait, what?” Angela exclaimed, her eyes wide at the idea that Darla could have been involved with all of the attacks and that, hers included.

  “I suppose that I should explain why I think that,” he sighed. “I promise, the answers that you're looking for are all tied into that; telling you this won't leave you in the dark about anything that I know about.” He reached over to her arm that was resting nearest to him and tugged it lightly, coaxing her into lying beside him. It took very little to convince her, as she slipped down unto the mattress and edged herself closer until she was lying on her side, her body flush against his as they settled in for what she knew in her gut was going to be a lengthy discussion.

  “Alright,” she said into the crook of his neck. “Start from the beginning.”

  * * * *

  “If I had to put my finger on when this whole mess got started,” he began, staring up at the ceiling pensively. “It probably began when Darla's brother and a group of my former employees filed a lawsuit against the company a few years back.”

  “Darla's brother worked at the company?” Admittedly, Angela hadn't even known that Darla had even had a brother to begin with, but even she knew that asking whether or not she had even had a sibling was going to do nothing but waste both of their time. David nodded, his eyes never moving from staring up at the ceiling fan.

  “He was actually one of my lead writers for several years,” he sighed. “But the lawsuit accused me and my company of having robbed them of their wages and denied them their paid lunch breaks,” he grimaced darkly. “Their lawsuit was dropped rather quickly when we could easily prove with punch records and pay stubs that nothing could be further from the truth. The employees that were behind the lawsuit were all employees that I denied a raise to, and were bitter about that.”

  “I'm guessing that they were let go to avoid any more drama?” Angela asked quietly.

  “It was either that, or have to face their other coworkers that hadn't stirred up petty drama over not getting their way.” David shrugged. “Most of them just didn't return of their own volition.”

  “Okay, so that explains why there was a last name among those listed in the lawsuit that I recognized in the public records that I looked over,” she mused as he began to trace patterns onto her back delicately with his fingertips. “So you hired Darla after that whole incident?”

  “About two months later or so,” he confirmed.

  “Why?” She frowned, baffled as to why she was hired in the first place. David shrugged.

  “She's the daughter of one of my biggest investors, and he made a point to mention that to me the day that her resume was dropped off at my desk. So, to avoid potentially making one of my biggest shareholders angry, I hired her and stuck her in a cubicle so I wouldn't have to deal with her.”

  “I can't imagine that she was terribly happy with that.”

  “Far from it,” he nodded his head, his frown deepening. “At first, she would come straight to my office at least a few times a week, making all kinds of demands that she, quite frankly, had not shown that she would be capable of handling if I had caved and given into her whims.” He stretched his legs before crossing one over the other. “Then, after a while, she started to come up to my office for a different reason. At least, that's what she claimed,” he smiled wryly. “I didn't buy it. One day, she stomped in demanding that I give her a promotion, the next, she saunters in with a half buttoned top and the highest heels I've ever seen asking me to, 'help her with a personal problem' that she had.”

  “I'm guessing this is the part where you tell me that the two of you became lovers?” Angela asked wryly.

  “Kind of,” he said with a shrug. “I mostly just turned her back to the door and shooed her out at first, but damn if she wasn't persistent. She would just keep coming back up to my office at least twice a week dressed in something revealing and sitting herself on top of my desk like she owned the place.” He rolled his neck to the side, casually pressing a kiss into her neck as he moved. “I made it very clear to her that if the two of us were ever to do anything, it wouldn't change anything, and I wouldn't want to date her in any capacity.”

  “And she was alright with that?”

  “I think she thought that if I slept with her once, that I would get … hooked, or something, I don't know. Maybe she thought that it could lead to us becoming a thing later.” He shrugged again. “But I eventually indulged her, and we had casual sex for a while.”

  “What changed?” Angela asked, vaguely surprised that she wasn't more upset about the fact that the two of them had been intimate. It probably had something to do with the fact that what she had with him was so much more than what he and Darla had before. Or the fact that she wasn't a psychopath.

  “She tried to press for more after a while.” He turned to look at her, finally pulling his gaze from the ceiling fan for longer than a moment or two. “I wasn't interested, and she started to cause a fuss because of it. She said that if I didn't agree to be in a relationship with her, that she would make my life a living hell. I couldn't exactly fire her, but I certainly wasn't going to just let things continue the way that they were, so I shifted her to a different department that was further away from my office and piled her with work that I knew she wouldn't be able to complete so that I had an excuse to fire her when her father demanded an explanation.” He smiled wryly. “At least, that was the idea. Then, she suddenly found her stride, and I couldn't get rid of her because she was one of my most productive employees.”

  “Well, at least she found her calling,” Angela said, trying with all her might not to be snarky about it.

  “Turns out, her true calling was harassing her coworkers and making them feel like shit,” he smiled wryly. “Even though it took a while for me to hear of things through the grapevine, I heard about them all the same. I was hearing horror stories about how she would stalk around the cubicles when the managers weren't aro
und and bully the more insecure workers that were just trying to do their job,” he frowned. “There wasn't a whole lot that I could do, though; because she would isolate everyone that she bullied, and because none of the supervisors ever saw her do it, there wasn't enough evidence to take action against her.”

  “Did she just keep doing it?” Angela frowned, more upset with this revelation than anything else that he had told her about up until that point.

  “For a few months, yeah,” he uncrossed his leg and let it flop against the bed. “But then when she found out that I had slept with my secretary, I was suddenly facing abuse charges from Darla.” He clenched his hands from where they were resting. “Never mind that I had had barely had any contact with her for months beyond seeing her in board meetings, and never mind the fact that I had never laid a hand on her in any abusive way. Suddenly, I was being faced with abuse charges.”

  “I'll admit, that kind of stood out to me, out of everything else that I had found,” she confessed quietly. He nodded.

  “I can't fault you for thinking that—”

  “I didn't think they were true,” she made a point to clarify before he could go on. “I just figured that she got intimidated by your domineering personality, and took it as abuse. I didn't know that the charges had been filed so long after the two of you had been together.” She scrunched her face up in disgust. “If I'd known that little detail, I wouldn't have even bothered to ask you about it, to be perfectly honest.” He suddenly kissed her hard on the mouth, robbing her of breath for a moment before she recovered from her surprise and kissed him back. After a few moments of pleasurable distraction as their mouths passed control back and forth, David was the first to pull away after one last nip of her bottom lip with his teeth.


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