Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance

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Hang Em' Up: A Bad Boy Sports Pregnancy Romance Page 129

by Ashley Stewart

  “Say it again.” His voice was more demanding than usual, telling her just how much he loved hearing how much she needed him. She swallowed against the cotton mouth that she was steadily developing from leaving her mouth open while she panted and tried to speak in something other than a rasp.

  “Ah, I need your cock, David!”

  The need in her voice had somehow grown more pronounced, and it send a fissure of pleasure down his spine. My, she was always finding ways to surprise him, wasn't she?

  “There's my good girl,” he hummed, seemingly satisfied with her begging. He promptly removed the vibrator from her abused and swollen clit, clicked it off, and casually tossed it behind his shoulder with no care as to where it landed. That seemed to be the thing for him to do tonight, was Angela's first clear thought without the buzzing of that infernal vibrator against her most sensitive spot. She heaved a sigh that was equal parts relieved and disappointed that the vibrations on her clit had finally stopped.

  “David,” she moaned and made a move to drape her arms around his neck until the firm, restraining tug on her wrists reminded her that she was still in handcuffs. She bit her lip, wondering whether or not she would be punished for making a request of him when she had literally just been released from her punishment.

  “Yes, my naughty girl?” he said, looming back over her and placing his hands down on either side of her head.

  She swallowed thickly and decided that, fuck it, she went this far, what was more punishment if he decided that it wasn't something that he wanted to do right now?

  “Will … will … you fuck me?” She rolled her hips against his to emphasize her point. “Will you fuck me fast and hard? I need that right now,” she admitted quietly, looking away out of embarrassment. David's normally arrogant smirk softened into a genuine smile at her request, and something in her chest fluttered at the sight.

  “Well,” he pretended to mull it over as he positioned himself at her entrance. “I suppose, since you asked so nicely, I could do that.” He kissed her reassuringly as he stroked her side with surprisingly gentle fingers.

  Their kissed deepened with a tilt of his head, their bodies automatically grinding against one another as he slicked his cock with her juices. He ran one of his hands up her stomach, squeezing her breast harshly before giving her nipple a quick pull and twist. Reaching back down, he slid his cock inside of her

  Angela’s breath caught in her throat as he buried himself to the hilt; and her walls, in turn, clenched around his manhood. David took the opportunity to start thrusting even faster than he had been, his hips working like a piston into her core hard and fast. The pace was grueling, and didn't allow her a moment of reprieve, but she welcomed it.

  “Fuck, David, oh, fuck,” she was already a hot mess from how hard he worked her, with her chest heaving and her hair splayed all about her head as she thrashed from the intensity of the orgasm building. She clenched her hands into fists as she pulled against the cuffs. She felt the weight of her breasts bouncing with every one of his thrusts, and she was acutely aware of the way that his hips snapped against hers, how she felt him grinding himself into her as deeply as he could.

  His focus zeroed in on Angela's building release, David thrusts bucked wildly against hers, his thrusts growing erratic as his own orgasm built itself up once more. Desperately chasing after the release they both craved, his hand trailed to her breasts, where his fingers pinched her nipple once he had groped around blindly to find it. He pushed himself upright so that he towered over her, moving the hand he was resting his weight on to the neglected breast to repeat the same motion. Angela arched her back in response, the movement pulling against his fingers and making the tension he put on her nipples all the more delightfully painful.

  “You’re such a dirty girl, Angela.” He watched as he moaned out and angled his hips to drive that little bit deeper into her. She could only manage a moan back in response, her eyes rolling into the back of her head seemingly in an effort to find her orgasm quicker.

  A deep reverberating growl came from the beast held in the cage of his ribs as his orgasm drew ever closer. He felt her walls begin to constrict around him tighter in spasms, and he knew that she was as close to her release as he was to his. The pad of the thumb that had snuck between them pressed firmly against her clit.

  He might as well have shot her.

  “David, oh, God, I'm—!” Was all that she managed to squeak out before bringing her orgasm to a height that she had never imagined before.

  “Look at me,” David rasped out his command. Her eyes had slid shut, but she forced them open at his demand. Her back bowed to the point that it no longer touched the mattress as she threw her head back, then the cord in her belly snapped, and she was sent flying higher than she had ever dared to soar. Her orgasm ripped the air from her lungs, her head drifted into a cloud of pleasure so dense that she couldn't see past the white light behind her eyes, and it was all she could do to clench her entire body and ride out the pleasure that rendered her immobile and mute.

  “Angela,” he rasped as her clenching, pulsing around him proved to be his undoing. His own orgasm seemed to be ripped from some neglected corner of his soul, and for a few moments, all he could see were stars. He was vaguely aware of the fact that he was lining her innermost walls with his seed in hot spurts, each one seeming to drain a little of his life force as he went until he felt like he could die the happiest man alive from how empty he felt after his release.

  He barely managed to shift himself off to the side of his lover before he collapsed onto the mattress, his chest heaving with every deep gulp of air that he managed to take in as he came down from his high. Removing the handcuffs and sending a glance Angela's way, it was clear that though her orgasm had ceased rocking her world, it was apparent that her head was still fuzzy; her glassy gaze met his in a hazy and unfocused way that made the corners of his mouth quirk up in a smug grin of satisfaction knowing that he was the reason that she was so mired in ecstasy.

  “I'm going to hazard a guess,” he started, taking in the way that her bare chest heaved with every breath that she took to steady herself, “that you enjoyed yourself?” She lightly smacked his chest with a limp hand, wheezing a laugh under her breath.

  “Hush, you, the last thing that we need is to inflate your ego anymore,” she winced when she shifted her legs and they heard an audible squelching noise from between them.

  “Somehow, I feel like just cleaning up with a wash cloth won't cut it this time,” she said with a wry grin.

  “We're both a little gross now,” he admitted with a chuckle. “Come on,” he took her hand and stood, pulling her up with him. “My shower's roomy.”

  * * * *

  David's ensuite bathroom was nearly as spacious as his master bedroom, Angela noted as they stepped through the doorway, and it was just as luxurious as the rest of his home. With a start, she realized that he had a heated tile floor when her foot connected with the heather gray tile and didn't immediately feel like she had stepped on a sheet of ice. Lifting her gaze and taking in the rest of the roomy space, she took in the warm wooden panels that lined the walls on the outside of the shower that took up a quarter of the space and was walled off with crystal clear glass, and on the other side of the glass, inside the shower, the walls were covered in artificial gray stone slab walls that met in the corner. There was a small six-inch window that lined the top of the stone walls for ventilation, and it kept the air fresh enough that she could breathe in the cool air from outside.

  The effect of warm and cool coming together in the bathroom made her feel oddly relaxed and eager to hop in the shower all at once. She leaned against the smooth, cool counter top that held a lovely stone sink, her back to the rustic antique mirror that hung on the wall behind it, and watched David step into the spacious shower to turn it on and get the water ready for them. Water poured from jets on opposite walls in the walk-in shower as he turned to her with a grin.

  “So, are
we up for a hot shower, or a cool one?”

  “I think we both need to cool off, honestly,” she confessed, realizing that though they had ended their escapade several minutes ago, her body still felt like it was hot with fever, and if she had access to one, she just might have been tempted enough to dive into a pool for a refreshing cool off.

  “I agree,” he hummed to himself as he adjusted the dial for the water temperature. “Come on in, there's plenty of room.”

  She nodded, pushing off of the counter and sauntering into the shower after him. She moaned almost sexually when the water hit her, and the coolness of the stream running down her body made her whole body tingle pleasantly.

  For a while, she simply stood there, letting the water race down her creamy skin, before finally forcing herself to reach for the body wash and wash cloth to get a good lather going in an effort to scrub away the day's stress. Or rather the stress of the past few months, which was a more apt description of the weight on her shoulders.

  “Here…” broad hands and thick, muscled arms slipped past her shoulders and took the shower gel and cloth from her with surprising gentleness, “just relax, allow me.” She heard the cap of the shower gel bottle pop open from behind her, prompting her to turn around and watch his hands work. He squeezed out a sizable amount of the gel onto the cloth before working it into a lather under the shower head that he was standing closest to. “Turn back around, I'll wash your back.” The soft tone of his voice was still surprising to her, but she complied, returning her gaze to the faux natural stone wall that accented the shower.

  She couldn't help the moan that slipped past her lips when he began to tenderly massage the cloth against her shoulders, both washing her skin and soothing her muscles all at once. Her head lolled down to her chest as he worked, and in spite of the fact that she was standing upright, she found herself nodding off. Though, she only noticed it when she felt her body sway ever so slightly, and it surprised her enough to wake her back up.

  “This is nice,” she mumbled, forcing her unusually heavy eyelids to open back up so that she wouldn't fall over and go to sleep.

  “After care is one of the most important aspects of doing this kind of thing,” he continued in his soft voice, hands lathering soap along her arms slowly and comfortingly. “What we just did is more than we've ever done, and after each session, it's my job, as your man,” she couldn't deny the little flip that her heart did at the casual mention of the fact that he was her man, “to make sure that you're taken care of, and feel okay after we do something like that.”

  “Will every time that we have sex be like that now?” she asked sleepily around a yawn. Honestly, she was certainly game for the possibility, if this was the kind of care that she could look forward to in the future.

  “No,” he pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades. “It's not something that I need out of every encounter, and I don't expect that you do, either. When we want to, we will, and I'll take care of you every time, I promise.” They lapsed into silence, and he took his time to carefully wash every curve and cranny of her body. Her chest felt warm despite the tepid water temperature, and all of it felt good enough that she felt every tension in her body bleed away and run down the drain with every drop of water that washed it all away. “Time to get to bed,” he said just when she started to nod off again, his arm reaching past her to switch both shower heads off.

  Guiding her out of the shower, he picked up one of his fluffiest towels and took his time drying her gently and carefully, treating her as though she were made of porcelain. The warmth that had permeated her chest only grew more tender as he handled her with such care, and if she wasn't so ready to bed down for the night, she might have started to cry from its sweetness. She watched as he hastily toweled himself off once she was dry before he hung the towel back up to dry before he could stick it back in his hamper.

  “Let's get some sleep,” he said, turning her back toward the bedroom. “We've got work early tomorrow and we need our rest.” She barely had enough energy to slip on her oversized shirt again before practically flopping onto the mattress, a sigh escaping her as she sunk into the plush bed. She was vaguely aware of the deep, throaty chuckle from above her as a blanket was pulled over her. After a few moments, the bed dipped beside her, and she felt David's reassuring, domineering presence as he pulled her closer to him. He might have wished her goodnight, but she was hazy on much more beyond that.

  Hazier still on when she actually fell asleep.

  * * * *

  With morning came the strangely domestic process of waking up next to David to face the day. More bizarre still for Angela because she had never really progressed in a relationship before this one to the point that she was comfortable enough with the man to spend the night with them. Sure, they had done this before in the loft back at the office, but it was … strangely more of an exercise in domesticity when they were sequestered in his actual home.

  She was quite surprised when she was the first to wake up, and took great measures to ease herself out of bed and make her way over to her bag. Rummaging around in it, she managed to pull out an outfit for work, and laid it out on the side of the bed that she had previously occupied. As she stared at the suit pants, button up top, and blazer that she had picked out, she contemplated if going to work was even a wise choice at this point, for either her or David; it was the one place that Darla could guarantee that they were going to be, and she knew the hours that the two of them operated on the premises. It wasn't that much of a stretch for her to think that Darla might try something while they were working. The thought that the comfortable place that she had made for herself at her workplace was no longer safe didn't sit well with her, to say the least.

  So absorbed in her thoughts was she as she stared at her chosen work attire, that she didn't realize that David was awake until he was stepping out of bed and walking over to where she was standing and draping his arms around her. After a bit of a start — how had she managed to miss that he was waking up — she turned in his arms and reciprocated the hug with a sigh.

  “I don't think I've ever seen someone contemplate their clothing like this,” he husked, his voice raspy from disuse.

  “That bad?”

  “You're staring at them like they're the source of every existential crisis that you've ever had.”

  A bark of laughter escaped her as she turned back to her clothing, laid out and waiting for her.

  “What on Earth did they ever do to you apart from make your ass look good?”

  “You think it was just the pants that made my butt look good?” She chuckled in an effort to divert attention away from her dilemma, if only for a few moments at least. It seemed to work, if the snort that she heard from above her head was any indication.

  “A good present is always a good present, but the right gift wrap makes it incredible.” He pulled back enough to stare her down evenly. “But enough avoiding the subject, Angela. Tell me what's going on in your head.”

  “I just…” she frowned, unsure of how to even begin to word it without making it sound like she just wanted to slack off. “Are you sure that it's safe for either of us to go to work until Darla is caught?” Even she could tell how feeble she sounded, so she averted her eyes from him as she continued, “She knows how to get there, obviously, and I don't think that the police have made it public that they're trying to arrest her yet, so no one would think to try and stop her when she came in.” She bit her lip. “What if she tries something, and one of us winds up getting hurt? What if we both do? I—”

  “Worry too much, that's what you do,” he said with a chuckle, reaching up and tucking a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. “Relax, everything will be fine.” He smiled warmly, reassuringly at her. “I have no intention of letting Darla get away with whatever it is that she's planning. I know you're scared, but I need you to trust me for just that little bit longer. This will all be over soon.” He brushed a calloused thumb across her high cheekbone.
br />   “I trust you,” she said without a moment of hesitation. “But what if she does show up? You can't deny that it's a possibility,” she countered.

  He mulled over his words for a few moments before nodding slowly.

  “I can certainly see where you're coming from,” he began. “I certainly wouldn't put it past her to at least try, and the last thing that we need is for her to injure someone.” He nodded again, more firmly this time as he straightened and let her go, walking over to his night stand and scooping up his phone. “I'll call the front desk at work, have them keep an eye out for her, and alert me if she's gone through. If she has, we wait for the police before we get involved, so as few people as possible are at risk of getting hurt by her. Fair enough?” She nodded, but he was already dialing the phone number to the front desk.

  With a sigh, she began to undress herself as she faintly heard the dial tone on the other end of his phone. Just as she had lifted her dress pants and begun to slip them on, she heard the receptionist pick up on the other end.

  “It's David,” there was a formal greeting on the other end of the phone, no doubt. “Has Darla come into the office yet?” She grunted a little as it felt like her pants were a little snugger around her ass and waist – nothing that was ill fitting, but they certainly weren't as roomy as they used to be. Best not to let David spoil her too much more, she thought to herself as she pulled the zipper up and buttoned them shut. “Well, if she does come through the office, notify me immediately.” Or maybe her pants just shrunk, she thought as she buttoned her shirt up, which felt the same as it always had. Odd – she would have to look into it later, when she got home. “No, don't act any differently to her if she shows up, just notify me as soon as she can't hear you.” There was now an undeniable edge to his tone, a clear indicator that he was running out of patience with the inane questions that the receptionist was asking. “Yes, thank you.” He ended the call and tossed his phone back on the bed with a huff.


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