Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance Page 6

by Pixie Moon

  I look forward to the day she trusts me.

  After nuzzling her neck one last time, I gently release her. My arms ache to hold her some more. That’s a new need. But it’s one I’ll have to indulge in later. I need to get to my office and do some work.

  I ease from the bed and look down at her sleeping form. Kinsey Lea Walker is going to be an interesting addition to my home.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  In a haze, I snuggle into the soft sheets. Wait!

  Reaching out, I find that Din Tairin is not with me. I never wake up with him beside me. A mixture of disappointment and relief washes over me.

  “This is for the best.”

  I roll over and bury my face in the pillow beside me. His scent drifts through my nose and fills my lungs.

  My clit pulses. Every night he strokes me until I fall asleep. I’ve been here for a few days. I want him more every day. The press of his hard length against my body lets me know he wants me too. But he hasn’t taken me yet. The anticipation is killing me.

  I want him but I know I shouldn’t. He bought me and he’s my boss. I should just do my duty. Even when that’s releasing his sexual needs. I shouldn’t want him so badly, but I do. I know when he finally takes me, I won’t be just lying there while he ruts between my legs for his own pleasure.

  His touch and scent are magical—sensually electric. I long to ride him hard. Heat flushes my whole body. I’ve never wanted to have sex with someone as badly as I want it with him.

  So far he’s been a big tease. Am I just a toy he wants to tease? I shudder when I remember the feel of his solid cock pressed against me. That thought makes me feel better. Yes, he wants me.

  I stretch and then force myself to get out of bed. Din Tairin briskly showed me how to run the household devices. I’m not certain about all of them but I’m pretty sure I can figure them out.

  I hate to bother him when he’s in his office. Which is where he’s spent a lot of time.

  Going to the bathroom, I quickly take care of my morning needs. I’m mindful of the toilet water. I almost had a stroke when I found out that it burns human flesh. I was assured the bowl is designed to be splash-proof and so far that seems to be true. Still. I’ll be keeping an eye on it.

  This is such a strange place.

  I walk past a yellow purrdot flower and grin when it leans toward me. I stop for a moment and let the plant take in whatever it enjoys from me scent or essence. Some of the strange things around here are wonderful.

  As I enter the kitchen, I hear my alien’s voice. A shiver dances down my spine. “Okay, most of the strange things around here are wonderful,” I whisper as I look in the pantry and retrieve some breakfast.

  His growls. His frustrated tone carries over to me as I eat. Din Tairin must be on a conference call. Somebody or something irritates him a lot. But he never takes it out on me. He’s proving to be a good guy.

  Once I finish eating, I start on feeding the plants. They are fun and interesting to watch. The brist always wiggles when I water it. That blue vine can really get down. I look out and see that the sun is already totally visible. I continue to work. Taking care of the plants is important for the air quality. I move on to the next plant. I have to stay useful.

  I shudder at the unwanted thought of Din Tairin getting rid of me.

  ♥ ♥ ♥

  After eating my dinner alone since my big alien only eats once a day, I clean up and head into the living room.

  My heart speeds up when I see Din Tairin sitting on the couch. He waves me over. My nerves tingle as I get closer to him.

  Once I reach him, he pulls me down onto his lap. I squeak and he laughs. It’s a rich sound that does something to my heart.

  “I ordered you some uniforms and other necessities. They will be in tomorrow.”

  Warmth ribbons around my chest. That’s so sweet of him. “Thank you.”

  He rests his hand on my thigh causing a shiver to run through me. “It was nothing.” He looks deeply into my eyes. I feel snared by his gaze. “Now it’s time for you to learn a little more about your new planet.”

  “I love learning about Zaphin.” This is a wonderful place. Except for the crowdocs, of course. Meanass birds. So unnatural to the vision I carry of birds.

  “Time for some basic information. We have fifteen moons in a year. Twenty-two days in a moon. You can also call it a moon cycle. Whichever you prefer. There are thirty hours in a day.”

  When he pauses, I go over the information and try to memorize it. If I’m going to be living here for the rest of my life, I need to get this down. Time is a good start. I look him over and he gives me a fanged smile.

  “Ask your question, seema.”

  I try not let his sexy voice distract me. It’s hard though. I finally nod. “How old are you? I’m twenty-two.”

  “I’m one hundred and sixty-one.”

  My eyebrows shoot up and he laughs. I love that sound.

  “How long do zaphinians live? Are you like mythical vampires on Earth? Do you live forever?”

  He chuckles as he shakes his head. “No, we don’t live forever. Unlike your mythical vampires, we only live to around five hundred years old.”

  I quickly do the math. “You’re young for a zaphinian.”

  “Yes, there is a chance I’ll live for many more years.”

  He’s going to outlive me by a few lifetimes. A pang pierces my heart. “One day you will totally forget me.”

  His gold and purple eyes turn serious and he growls softly. “I’ll never forget you, Kinsey Lea Walker.”

  I give him a small smile even though I doubt his words. “I hope not.”

  The purrdot flowers in the planter next to the couch lean a little closer toward me. I reach out and let them get their fill.

  He glances toward the glass wall and then back at me. “The jungle is dangerous. You are never to go into it without me. Do you understand?”

  I don’t like his rough tone but I nod.

  “No, say the words, seema,” he orders.

  I crinkle my nose. “I understand, Din Tairin.”

  I also understand that he’s used to commanding people around. I’ll just have to get used to him. Things happen in life and you have to deal with them.

  I flash back to being taken and sold. Fear shoots through me. My heart races. Yes, things change. I look into his pretty eyes. Things could be a lot worse.

  He shifts me so that I’m straddling his lap. When his soft lips brush across mine and then his tongue parts my lips, I moan and sink into him.

  Yes, things could be a lot worse. I need to enjoy him while I can.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  “Yes, I figured you out.” I shake my finger at the washer. “You gave me trouble yesterday, but today you are mine.”

  Excitement races through my veins. I’m starting to get the hang of things and it feels good. Real good.

  Speaking of real good. Din Tairin has been awesome. He’s so patient. But he’s also busy. The past flashes before my eyes. A shiver snakes down my spine. I know better than to become too much of a burden.

  Movement catches my eye. I look through the laundry room door. It leads into the kitchen. My hearts picks up its pace when I see my alien.

  Adrenaline from figuring out the strange washer is still coursing through me. I rush toward him and wrap my arms around his lean waist.

  Loving his scent, I bury my face in his chest and inhale deeply.

  My stomach does a little flip. Something is wrong.

  I take another breath and process his new scent. Something is definitely wrong.

  Slowly, I look up. He’s smiling down at me. He looks like Din Tairin, but his eyes are only filled with humor—no sexual hunger.

  My alien’s eyes always devour me. They make me long for him to take me. Use me.

  I don’t see that in his eyes now
. Either I’m losing my sexual appeal or something is terribly wrong. I take another whiff of him and then drop my arms from around his strong waist.

  As I take a step back, my shoulder is touched. I almost jump out of my skin. “Flipping fuck.”

  A tsking sound comes from behind me. My stomach sours as I remember that my alien has a twin. I slowly turn around and see Din Tairin. His gaze devours me. I just hugged the wrong brother. Backflipping fuck.

  “I see you still have your seema and that she is accepting her place well,” Din Zairin says.

  His words are like a spear piercing my heart. They hurt but they also remind me of my place. I’m nothing but a servant to them. One who will someday be forgotten. The excitement from early sours and turns into heartache. I was a fool for believing I could ever be more than a servant. When am I going to learn?

  Tsking comes from my warrior. “Yes, I still have her. Thanks for the show of support.” Din Tairin’s gaze runs over me and then returns to his twin’s. “She is doing well. I enjoy having her around.”

  Hope dances through my chest. Maybe I do mean something more to him.

  They head toward his office. I watch Din Tairin’s tight ass as he walks away. I never get tired of watching him. The lust in his eyes means he wants me too. I have to remember that. He is attracted to me.

  Din Tairin stops and turns to me. “Bring us some stros to my office, seema.”

  My heart sinks as he turns around and starts talking to his twin.

  I’m never going to fit in anywhere.

  As I watch the twins disappear around a corner, my foolish heart longs for a family of my own. A good family, that is.

  ~ Din Tairin ~

  A rash of thefts have kept me busy trying to tie them to a person or small group. Something is going on. I just wish I could figure it out.

  The worst part of this happening now is that I haven’t been able to devote as much time to Kinsey Lea as I’d like.

  I know she’s had good and bad moments. I don’t believe her past has been good at all. I’d like her future to be much better.

  From the way she looks outside so longingly, I know I have to take her outside. I find her in the kitchen drinking some stros. I get a glass and drink it down.

  My gaze captures hers. “Would you like to go outside?”

  Her brown and green flecked eyes brighten. “Yes. Will you add my handprint to the security system so I can go outside regularly?”

  “Soon,” I promise as I lead her through the glass doors. Her sweet happy scent surrounds me and makes my vents flare. My heart beats a little faster. The need to take her is getting stronger and stronger. My fangs itch to sink into her soft flesh. I can’t wait to hear her cry out as I make her come.

  My cock hardens. I shift it to a more comfortable position in my pants. The sight of her rounded butt through her shear uniform is testing my control. I smile when I think of her shocked look when she saw the wisp of material that makes her uniform.

  One growl from me and she put it on. She is a good seema. One that takes a lot of effort to forget while I work. Her ability to distract me is strange but I’m sure it’s only temporary.

  I watch from the patio as she walks around enjoying her journey outside. Her happiness is infectious. Kinsey Lea is truly a good addition to my home. I see why Zar is happy to have Hallie and why Ryk is so happy with Skyla. Human females are intriguing.

  The sound of wings fluttering has me looking toward the sky. I watch as a camleon flies toward my little human. Kinsey Lea laughs when the bird lands on her shoulder.

  “What kind of bird is this? I love its bushy unibrow and the tuffs of hair that stick out on both sides of its head.” A second bird lands on her head causing her to laugh out loud.

  The sweet sound causes something in my chest to shift and turn. I walk over to her and am surprised when the birds stay on her and even chatter a bit.

  “They are camleons. They usually only rest on things that are green or blue because their feathers will change to match a green or blue item, like a plant.”

  She holds her arm out and the bird on her head flies over to her hand and lands on it. “So they can camouflage themselves against green or blue. That’s amazing. I love how expressive their big green eyes are.”

  I immediately think about how expressive Kinsey Lea’s eyes are. I can see how eyes are appealing. Lust powers through me as I watch her talk to the birds. She seems to be in her element with them.

  Come to think of it, I’ve never seen camleons take so quickly to a person of any species. My seema truly is special.

  I watch her interact with the chirping birds for a long while. Her happy scent is filling the backyard. I want to keep her this happy. I’m going to buy her some birdhouses that are made for camleons.

  The birds are flying all around her. I enjoy watching them land on her, talk to her, and then fly off. She is unique. The longer I watch her explore the plants and interact with the birds, the more I want her.

  When the need to touch her gets too strong, I call her over to me. When she gets close, I sit on a lounge chair and pull her down on top of me.

  Her lush body stiffens for a moment. "I'm too heavy to lie on top of you."

  "Not at all. You feel good on me." I glide my hands over her body until she starts to relax against me. I love the feel of her in my arms. Her scent is intoxicating.

  Needing to find out more about her, I say, "Tell me about your family and friends on Earth." Once again her muscles stiffen. I give her a gentle squeeze. Her muscles soften.

  "There's not a lot to tell. We moved from place to place and when I turned sixteen my parents left me and my sister, Sonya, to find their own way."

  My hands tighten. When she squirms I force myself to relax. What kind of parents did she have?

  Maybe I'm being judgmental. "Did they have a good reason for leaving you and your sister behind?"

  Her hair glides over my arm as she shakes her head. "They just didn't want to be responsible for us anymore. It's not a big deal. We did okay."

  I inhale her scent and know she's lying. "What did you and your sister do? Where did you live?"

  She gives a little shrug. "We went to the nearest town. Sonya found a boyfriend and we moved in with him."

  My heart aches for her. She is acting indifferent but I know her family hurt her. "Were you still living with them when you were taken?"

  "No, she left with him two years later."

  I barely stop myself from stiffening up. "Did you choose to stay in the village?"

  "No, she just up and left me. But it's okay, Milo let me stay with him."

  I inhale and don't like the scent of her anger, sadness, hurt, and insecurity. I'm starting to have my own anger issues. I force myself to calm down. My little seema has been abused by the ones that were supposed to love her.

  "Who is Milo?” Did he abused her as well?

  "He was my boyfriend for a while. He was nice. He even let my aunt, Becky, come and stay with us. She left with a man four months later but while she was with us she taught me how to cook. Oh, speaking of cooking, I found a new recipe on the vidcam that I'd like to try. You don't mind me trying new things, do you?"

  I take a deep breath to control my anger. Even her aunt left her. Her family is ignorant. Couldn't they see how special she is? Even small brained birds can see it.

  "You can try any recipes you would like, little seema." I breathe in her scent. This time I smell relief and happiness. I don't blame her for not wanting to talk about a family like hers.

  "Thank you. I enjoy cooking and want to get better at cooking the foods on Zaphin."

  Kinsey Lea runs her hand up and down my arm. I don't know if she's trying to soothe me or herself.

  She glances up at me. "Are your parents still alive?"

  "Yes, they live half a day away. They are tech wizards who scan the galaxy networks for the latest technology."

  Her touch is heating me up. It’s gentle and arousing. I dou
bt she even knows what she’s doing to me.

  "Were your parents good to you when you were growing up?" she asks.

  "Yes, you will most likely meet them one day. But now it's time to continue your training." I shift her until she is straddling me. The feel of her legs spread over mine is zyfing good. Something I could easily get addicted to.

  Her sheer uniform allows me to feel every curve of her body. Her intoxicating scent has me sniffing her neck. Delicious. My cock swells and presses painfully against my pants. I don't let it stop me from touching her.


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