Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance

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Harden My Heart (Club Release 3) Science Fiction Abduction Romance Page 14

by Pixie Moon

  I move faster.

  “You good,” Ryk asks.

  “Yes, now that I’m free.”

  Zairin’s laughter echoes around us.

  “Prelling ass.” That just makes my twin laugh more.

  We focus on our task for a while and then Von breaks the silence. “Nof HabTe is gathering a large following. I don’t like it.”

  “Me either. The grounfos can only get worse with a strong and determined leader. One who’s willing to draw the support of several individual groups.” My thighs and arms are burning but not as bad as my desire to stop the rebel leader.

  “We’ll have to watch our females more closely,” Ryk says. He lands on a stalk and a bird squawks in his face.

  I move over and steady Ryk before he falls into the thorn bushes.

  “Whew, thanks. That prelling bird was a surprise.”

  “So is Nof HabTe’s growing followers. But like here, we can conquer them with patience and a group effort.” I leap to another dusty stalk.

  Ryk’s earlier words ring through my mind. We do need to watch our females more carefully. Ryk knows about the grounfos threat better than any one of us. I slip on the next stalk but quickly gain my grip and safely move on. Safe. I’m glad Kinsey Lea is safe at home. I don’t like the scent of worry that still comes from her at times. A harsh breath rumbles from me. With time that bad scent will quit coming from her. I’ll make sure it does.

  This prelling shit with the grounfos is taking precious time away from me getting to ease her into her new home. I’ll hurt the grounfos for this atrocity.

  Kinsey Lea is meaning more to me every day. My heart warms at that thought. I should be scared but I’m not. She did something to me the second I saw her. She is mine.

  Crashing sounds draw my attentions. Ash is going down. I pick up my pace as Zairin stops to help his teammate.

  My team races to the craggy canyon wall. Ryk climbs out and then helps me and Zar over the edge. Our victory shouts fill the muggy air.

  I laugh when the others climb out moments later. Turning to my twin, I say, “Cheater never win.”

  “I wasn’t cheating.” Zairin presents an innocent face. He’s good. “I was securing you so you wouldn’t fall again. Mom would expect nothing less.”

  As the others laugh, I tsk. “She would expect you to leave me tied up?”

  “What? I knew you’d free yourself. I was just giving you time to steady you nerves.” Zairin’s innocent look could fool most but not any of us.

  “Ready for round two?” Von asks as he wipes the sweat from his brow.

  I can tell he plans on winning the next round. I swipe away a drop of dusty sweat before it can fall into my eye. “Yeah, let’s do this.”

  An alarm blares from our com units. “Black star, it’s the Commander.”

  Our training comes to a quick stop. He’s not contacting us thoughtlessly. We are needed. I look the message over. My blood heats. We have to take care of another grounfos problem. They’ve started a vicious fight where lots of civilians are.

  With Kinsey Lea so new here, this is the worst time for the grounfos to start trouble. I long to spend more time with her but duty comes first. I look at my friends. They look dirty, menacing, and ready for action. We have to give her and the others who live here a safe environment.

  In the end, Kinsey Lea is my top priority. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect her. My heart lightens knowing she’s safe at home.



  ~ Kinsey Lea ~


  “Beep, beep, beep.”

  The sound startles the flipping crap out of me. Is Tairin okay? I move to the com unit in the living room and answer it. My heart thunders.

  “Hello.” Please don’t be something bad.

  “Hey, I’m bored. Hallie and I want to go out. You interested in coming with us?” Skyla asks.

  My heart keeps its wild pace for a whole different reason. “Where will we go? How will we get there? Are the guys at your house?”

  A chuckle comes from Skyla. “No, the guys aren’t here. I have a vehicle, remember? Are you in for some sightseeing and stuff?”

  “Yes.” What will Tairin think? “Do the guys care? Did you ask them?” They are domineering.

  This time Skyla growls which makes Hallie laugh.

  “Right now, Skyla does what she wants,” Hallie says.

  The humor in Hallie’s voice has me smiling. If they are good so am I. “I’m in.” They are my friends, they won’t steer me wrong. They wouldn’t go anywhere dangerous. Hallie and Skyla aren’t like the people I knew on Earth. They are true and good.

  After we end the link, I look down and see that I’m in my sheer uniform. “This is not going to work.”

  Rushing to my closet, I dig out a colorful sky blue blouse and a pair of tan pants. The top has a problem slipping off my shoulder but it’s cute and not see-through. I slip on a pair of slinky tan sandals and then brush my hair. Not knowing what we are going to be doing, I wrap a band around the dark strands.

  Skyla shows up a few minutes later. Hallie is in the front so I slide into the backseat and off we go.

  “This is going to be fun. Have you two taken many of these sightseeing trips?” I ask. My voice is high but I don’t care. This flipping shit is exciting. Way more exciting than cooking, cleaning, and watching for my pretty boy to return.

  Hallie turns around. “We’ve only done this once. But we just went to the mall that time. Today we want to do that plus some sightseeing.”

  My stomach knots. “We aren’t going to need an entry fee are we? I don’t have any money.”

  Skyla chuckles. “Din Tairin is known for being a tightwad.” She flicks her hand breezily. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll only be buying a few snacks. I’ve got it.”

  My mind races back in time to Tairin haggling my price down. He scared me and then became my savior. My light in the darkness. He’s my tightwad. But in cases like this I should pay my own way.

  “That’s right, you have a job. I need one. Is the restaurant looking for help?” I like the people at the restaurant. It could work out.

  “You need to talk to your man about that. He may want you at home…where I’ll be soon,” Skyla says.

  “When is the baby due?”

  Skyla holds up two fingers. “Two moons. I can’t wait. This little one gets heavier every day.”

  Her belly is getting larger by the day. A pang flits through my chest. I wouldn’t mind having a baby of my own. Someone to freely love.

  A massive blur removes the light. My stomach sinks. A whoosh gently vibrates the vehicle and then the sunrays are back.

  “That gets me every time,” Hallie says a little breathless.

  “Me too,” Skyla agrees with a laugh.

  “My heart is still beating faster. If you two haven’t gotten used to vehicles passing overhead yet, I may be doomed.” My voice is light but I’m not sure I’ll ever totally get used to the way things are done here. One vehicle roads. Sheer uniforms, really! Domination of the weak…okay, that’s not always bad.

  “Yeah, these paths are scary but I love their technology,” Skyla says just as we enter a clearing.

  With wide eyes I stare at the building not far from the parking area.

  “This is amazing,” I whisper.

  “Yes, the materials they use to build with keep their looks for centuries,” Skyla says and then opens her door.

  We all get out and I glance up at the blue ringed sun and then at the wonder in front of me. I can’t help but smile. My heart beats a little faster as we head toward the shopping center.

  I hesitate when I hear shouting. “Who’s that?” I look around but don’t see anyone making that much noise.

  Skyla growls as she waddles on. “Probably just a few zaphinians fighting. They do that to blow off steam.”

  We keep walking down a stone path that leads to the mall. The shouting gets louder and then the doors to a smaller business
burst open and two young zaphinian females are pounding each other.

  I stop and stare but Skyla urges me to continue on. “Their parents will handle them.”

  Sure enough, a moment later two older females come outside and watch as the girls tire themselves out. What a strange way of doing things. But as long as nobody gets hurt and the girls learn something, it’s okay. Different but okay.

  We enter the tall glass and metal building. Cool air blows around us. Plants and benches add a welcoming touch to the scene. I could hang out here and just watch people come and go.

  The flutter of wings has me grinning. A green camleon flies overhead and chatters at me before flying off. I love that they let birds in here. My shirt slips over my shoulder so I fix it as I watch the bird fly around.

  “That is a crazy thing, you know. The way the birds are drawn to you,” Hallie says.

  “Was it that way on Earth?” Skyla asks.

  “Yes, they are my friends.” True friends.

  Hallie scans the jungle through the glass and then looks back at me. “Plants and animals can be good friends.” She looks at Skyla and then back at me. “So can we.”

  Warmth fills my chest. Their eyes mirror her words. Maybe things will be different here. The three of us have been through some flipping bad shit. Now we can go through some better days, together.

  “I’d like that…to be friends.” Close ones. Like a family. I don’t add the last part because I don’t want to look desperate.

  Hope and happiness flit through me. I eagerly follow them around. All the sights, sounds, and mixed species are amazing.

  I see a zaphinian female openly strip down to try on a dress. Shock has me blurting, “Flipping fuck.”

  Skyla flicks her hand nonchalantly. “You get used to it.”

  “That’s good to hear. Zaphin is so different from Earth.”

  Hallie laughs. “You got that right. At least most of the differences are good.”

  “True,” I agree as we head to a vendor who sells snacks.

  Skyla pays for our food and we walk on. “I feel bad about you paying.”

  “Don’t. I just work at the restaurant because I like it. Not because I have to.” Skyla stops and then smiles and waves at a pale blue skinned male. “Hi, Nami.”

  He smiles and walks over. His gaze moves over all three of us and then settles on Skyla. “It’s good to see you outside of work.” His black eyes twinkle. “And with friends.”

  Skyla introduces me to Nami. He’s a verplonian. I’m glad she reminded me because I couldn’t remember what species he is. Nami seems nice but we don’t chat for long. As we scan the mall, Skyla waves and calls out to several people she knows.

  “You know a lot of people.” I’m kind of jealous.

  “The restaurant draws people from all around the area,” she replies and then nibbles on a cracker.

  I take a sip of my drink and think of the homey restaurant. “It is a nice place. I can see why people return.”

  “We try,” Skyla admits.

  “Yes, and you succeed. Can we move on to some natural sightseeing now?” Hallie asks.

  “Yes, if Kinsey Lea is ready. Remember, this is her first time being here.”

  I give a quick nod. “I’m ready. We don’t want to stay gone too long. I’d like to be home before Din Tairin.”

  I drink in the new sights. Skyla drives by a medical facility, a factory where goods are bought on computers and sent out to homes, and a school with little ones playing outside. Everything is massive and well kept. So unlike Earth.

  When she passes by a large body of clear water I ask, “Can we get out.”

  Skyla slows and then stops. “I think that’s a good idea.”

  We get out and I inhale the fresh air as I enjoy the sunrays. A gust of wind pushes me back. I laugh and move closer to the water. Wind makes the surface ripple.

  I turn to my friends. “Thanks for inviting me. I can now picture Zaphin differently. More fully.”

  “I think it was good for all of us.” Skyla rests a hand on her rounded belly. “I’ve never gone by the school before.”

  “The children looked happy,” Hallie says.

  “Yes, I was glad to see that,” Skyla agrees.

  I look out across the water. It goes on beyond my vision. Everything is so big here. “Have you two been here often?”

  “No, this is our first time. It’s beautiful,” Hallie answers.

  “Zaphin is beautiful but there are dangerous beings here too. We can’t forget that,” Skyla says.

  I think of Earth. “Every planet has dangers.” A flock of birds circle overhead and then move on. “And interesting animals.”

  Movement has us all looking to the right. Three fluffy blue ears twist. When its head turns I see big white fluffy cheeks and golden eyes.

  “What is that? It’s so cute,” I ask.

  Hallie leans down. “I don’t know. It is adorable though.”

  “We’ll have to ask the guys. I’ll capture its image with the com unit.” Skyla goes to her vehicle and comes back with a small screened device. She presses the screen and then snaps a photo of the furry bunny like creature.

  “Got it. I wonder if it’s someone’s pet,” Skyla says.

  Hallie laughs. “I don’t think so. Zaphinians don’t do the pet thing much. They believe in letting animals come and go at will.” She stops and purses her lips. “Except humans. They like to keep us close at hand.”

  Skyla laughs. “You got that right. Even my vehicle has a tracking device on it.”

  A sensual gleam enters Hallie’s dark brown eyes. “I don’t mind Zar keeping me close.”

  “Speaking of the guys, we should head back,” Shyla says.

  The trip to my house is smooth, well almost. Skyla only took one wrong turn. They need bigger signs.

  “What a fun day,” I say as we pull up to the house. I frown when I see vehicles that belong to Dins Ryk and Zar. “Are the guys having a meeting?”

  “Not that I know of but you never know. Things change all the time with the warriors,” Skyla answers and Hallie agrees.

  All three massive males exit the house and stare at us as we get out of Skyla’s vehicle. Tairin’s disappointed tsk has my stomach lurching up into my throat.

  “You are never to leave without permission again,” Din Ryk snaps and Dins Zar and Tairin growl their agreement.

  “Go to the backyard for your punishment,” Tairin orders.

  “Punishment? There’s a tracking device on the vehicle,” Skyla states.

  The growl in her voice worries me. You should never challenge giant alien males. Especially glowering ones.

  “Which is how we knew you were heading here,” Din Zar says.

  Hallie nods defensively. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

  All three males growl. The warning sound has the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Are they going to take us into the jungle and leave us there? I trudge through the house and into the backyard. The warm summer air is thick. I harden my heart. I’ll do what I have to. The three of us can survive on zophar fruit and other foods this planet produces in the wild. It isn’t like Earth at all. Zaphin is lush and healthy. We can do it. I walk taller.

  We are lined up and stared at. I force myself not to cower. Instead I slide my shirt back over my shoulder and try to keep an air of innocence around me. I won’t let them falsely guilt me into feeling bad. My friends are right, we didn’t do anything wrong.

  Din Ryk takes a step closer. “Who came up with the plan to go on a trip without permission?”

  The growl in his voice makes me flinch. I’m no rat though.

  Skyla growls back. Din Ryk’s eyes darken and narrow. She scowls back at him. He answers with a loud snarl.

  “It was my idea and there was nothing wrong with it,” Skyla states firmly.

  This can’t be good. When the couple growl at each other again a blast of aggression whips through me. When Tairin growls in my direction, a w
ave of regret races through me. I sure wanted to stay with him for a long time. But I know pissed people never stay by your side. We are all doomed.

  Din Zar steps closer to Hallie, she doesn’t flinch. “We didn’t do anything bad. Why are you so mad?”


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