SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2)

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SEDUCE MY HEART (Bloody Desires Book 2) Page 13

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Alexander was standing next to Brian, who had a noticeable beard like Liam's and there was one more person who I remembered I'd seen once on the opposite building, his blue eyes studying me carefully.

  "What's going on? Hi Jaiyana and Alexander. Brian? Why do you have a beard too? Oh, I guess I should say hi first. Wait. Actually, who's the blue-eyed guy? I've seen you before. Your hair reminds me of a shampoo commercial," I admitted.

  My comment made the blue-eyed, silver hair man smile slightly, relief in his eyes at my crazy rambling. I looked back at Brian who had a hesitant look on his face, which made me confused. I also noticed the weird vibe between us, kind of reminding me of his brother which wasn't present before.

  "Anastasia, we're going to take things slow and answer all your questions, but we need to tell you something and you have to promise you won't freak out," Alexander urged.

  "Am I dead?"

  "No, Sia," Alexander answered.

  "So, I'm alive."


  "Then what's to freak out about? Actually, what time is it? I'm still hungry by the way. I guess I'm thirsty too? I can't be both. Maybe I can...What day is it today?" I rambled again, and Liam gave me a troubled look, reaching out to hold my hand that was resting on the thick pink blankets.

  "Sia, baby. One question at a time, but let Alex finish first," he soothed.

  "Can't I know what day it is?"

  "It's Sunday, Sia."

  "Sunday? My meeting was on a Tuesday. Have I been asleep for five days?" I asked.

  Liam looked nervously at the others, and I noticed Jaiyana nod in approval which made me even more confused.

  "You've been asleep for three months, Sia."

  "Three...months?!" I stressed, blinking a few times as I tried to figure how the hell three months had gone by. "How?"

  "You got hit by a truck, Sia. You were heading to your meeting and got hit," Alexander elaborated.

  "By a drunk driver?"

  "No. It was on purpose," Liam whispered.

  "Why? What did I do to get hit by a truck? Damn, I must have pissed someone off," I suggested.

  Jaiyana sighed. "Her thought process is scrambled. Give her a few days and once she's adapted to what's going on, she'll be back to her normal self."

  "Normal self? What's wrong with me now?" I asked.

  "" Brian tried to say something, but he paused. I looked back at him and again felt a weird vibe. It was like a vibrating sound buzzing through us, and though I felt something similar with Liam, it seemed more settled, like it was already an established a connection.

  "What's that weird vibrating sound? It's a sound...yes? Or a connection." I pondered out loud. The guys exchanged looks and Jaiyana walked to my other side, placing her hand on my shoulder.

  "Sia. There are two very important things we need to tell you before you eat and drink. Can you give us a moment to tell you? Then we’ll answer all your questions."

  "Sure," I replied, not liking what she said. It was giving me anxiety already. Jaiyana looked at Alexander who took a calm breath and moved forward to stand where Jaiyana once was she returned to stand next to Brian.

  "Sia. When you got hit by the truck. You had some serious wounds and to cut things died,"Alexander explained.

  "I died? Okay...? But I'm here and you said I wasn't dead, but alive," I pointed out. He nodded.

  "Yes. You're alive because Brian had to do something to save you after Pixel revived you once."

  "Who's Pixel? Where's Pix? You guys didn't leave Pix behind, right? How about my cacti? Someone tell me you watered my cacti?!" I looked between all of them and Liam squeezed my hand to grab my attention.

  "Pix is fine. Rin and Saturn are also fine. They're at home."

  "Where are we?"

  "Sia," Alexander said with a firm voice, and I frowned, returning my attention to him.

  "Don't be so harsh, Alexander," Brian grumbled.

  Alexander looked like he wanted to say something but rolled his eyes and continued. "Yes, you're alive, because Brian changed you."

  "Changed me to what? Changed my clothes?"

  "No, Sia. Changed you," Alexander repeated.

  "Changed me into what, Alexander? Can't you stop talking in riddles? It's really confusing!" I huffed which ended up sounding like a growl.

  Everyone was silent, and I pouted my lips as I glanced at Liam. "Liam, can't you tell me?"

  "Sia, baby. Brian had to bite you which initiated the change. You understand what happens when a wolf bites you with the intention of changing you, correct?"

  "Um, yes. If they survive the change...hold on. BRIAN CHANGED ME?!" I shouted, and something shattered in the room.

  We all turned to the broken vase on the desk. "Oops?" I whispered before looking back at the others who had worried expressions.

  "So...I'm...I'm..." I couldn't finish as I tried to think properly. That's not possible. I'm a succubus vampire hybrid.

  Brian moved forward to where Alexander was, and he reached out to place his hand on my left hand. "Sia, breathe."

  I looked at him with wide eyes, wishing he knew how scared I suddenly was. "I'm a wolf? Werewolf? Like you? Am I not a succubus anymore? Or a vampire?"

  "You still are, Sia. You're all three. Succubus, vampire, and you have a wolf within you. It's hard to explain, but you survived the change. It took three months for you to recover, but you're alive because of it."

  "Okay...I think that doesn't sound as scary. I'm alive. I'm somehow a wolf, but what's that vibration thing?" I asked again, the feeling even stronger between the twins.

  "Um..." Brian trailed off, and I looked at everyone else who seemed hesitant. The person who I assumed was Pixel took a step forward, his sky-blue eyes reminding me of Pix as he stared into mine.

  "Sia. There's one more thing."


  "The sound thing is coming from Brian."

  "Why? He's quietly sitting there," I pointed out.

  "It's hard to explain, Sia," Alexander stated, looking frustrated with my slowness.

  "What's hard to explain? Brian is here, apparently making vibrating sounds with what? His cock? Can't you explain more instead of getting upset with me?!" I argued, not liking his tone. It was seriously beginning to piss me off.

  "Sia," Alexander looked directly into my eyes. "Brian's your mate. Your WOLF mate."

  Now that was unexpected.


  Coming in October 2018

  Taming the Storm

  Sneak Peek

  Taming the Storm - Blurb

  A mysterious pocket watch, six mage shifters, and one deceased lover...

  * * *

  My name is Crimson Arashi and I'm your typical 22-year-old, finishing my Bachelors of Arts degree. Sadly, my father insists I become a doctor, having supported my attempt as an artist for far too long.

  * * *

  In this world full of magic and shifters, it sucks that I am the only child to a powerful Warlock - my father - and a Kitsune shifter - my mother. I'd already disappointed them because I am a human child - neither shifter or mage. I’d be lucky to light a candle with the snap of my fingers.

  * * *

  After one night of drinking, drowning my sorrows of being a disgrace to my family, I crash into a man on the run with six men in pursuit to catch this thief. None of them notice the pocket watch that escapes their grasp, lying on the cold, wet ground. I didn't think opening it would grant me all the power and strength of the previous owner.

  * * *

  I also didn't think it would belong to Storm Yuna, the strongest female magician known in our world. Too bad she was murdered, and now, I'd inherited not only her powers but feelings too. Yeah...feelings.

  * * *

  It will take all my strength to navigate the Storm of power and feelings swirling inside of me.

  * * *

  I just hope I can survive the trials that await me.

  Taming the Storm

  Green eyes.

  Beautiful gems glittered under the lamp post at the other end of the alley. They widened, fear taking over as his body jolted forward into a sprint.

  I watched, everything in slow motion as he made his way toward me; the dark gloomy alleyway looked twice as long. I could see his desperation, his orange-gold strands that were bound together by a black gold ribbon with ancient text began to glow— the sensation of magic in the air evident.

  But it didn't matter. Something told me my fate had been set in stone and nothing could change it.

  Or maybe it was the five magical creatures that flowed out of the opened pocket watch that made my hand tremble and held such immense weight for a small piece of machinery.

  I could see the other five men come into view— all of them sprinting in slow motion to reach my side. My eyes rose to face the five beings above me while they danced in celebration. Or was it an act of mockery for setting them free?

  The magic that surrounded me was suffocating, making me struggle to breathe— leaving me frozen in crippling fear at the overflow of essence that could potentially kill me— stronger than my mother and father who were the strongest shifters I'd known.

  They crashed into one another— creating a spinning wheel of color; red, white, blue, gold and pink.

  I watched in awe, my eyes growing wide as the spinning bundle of color shot forward: straight into my body.

  The impact lifted me off my feet, the force of magic surging through my body as my legs and hands dangled in front of me.

  I couldn't distinguish what was stronger— the unbearable pain that coursed through my veins or the stunned and fearful expressions of the men approaching me as I made my slow descent to the ground.

  Before I hit the grey, wet pavement, I blinked, opening my eyes to stare at the six men. But something changed.

  My fear didn't linger on my sense of impending doom as the power I once feared drummed through my veins, but on the fear of leaving these men— the ones I loved, again.

  As my conscious wavered, the flicker of emotions and memories flashed by in my mind, leaving just as fast while dark spots claimed my vision.

  I finally hit the ground; my body bounced from the heavy impact and energy that struggled to stay in my body, like trying to close a container with too much fluid— the excess spilling out with force.

  My head hit the ground the hardest, falling back till all I could see was an upside image of the way I'd come.

  The one time I hadn't listened to James, it led to my death. A tear rolled down my cheek as I struggled to breathe through my nostrils— blood already began to pool within them and trail down my esophagus.

  I wanted to gag or move my head to the side to let the metallic tasting liquid have a way to escape, but I was nothing but a broken rag doll, laying on the cold wet floor, unable to move.

  The final image I saw was my best friend— those ruby red eyes that I'd loved and soft, light pink lips I'd kiss when he craved my touch.

  I thought if I died, I would at least feel a sense of fulfillment for living a decent life. But as my eyes began to close just as my best friend ran forward, I regretted not telling him how I truly felt. To tell him how much I yearned for us to be a couple and not a fling based only on emotions and alcohol.

  I loved him…yet, I also loved these six men who were nothing but a group of strangers who had loved and cherished me till my very last breaths.

  As my conscious finally began to fade, my body began to fail one part at a time; in that moment I knew I'd died before. I'd lived, enjoyed the joys of love and fame, and had died a horrible death— a demise I didn't deserve.

  As I took a final breath, my lungs unable to spare any more energy, I made a silent plea.

  If I survived this, I would conquer my fears. I would love wholeheartedly and not be afraid to speak my mind and what troubled my heart.

  I would enjoy each breath I took and strive toward my dreams rather than the ambitions of others.

  Most importantly, I would love. Love without boundaries and follow my heart.

  The last thing I heard was my name; a part of me remembered the way it rolled off James’ tongue whereas the larger part of me didn't recognize its foreign origin.


  * * *

  Crimson...or Storm.

  Which one am I?

  Did it matter?

  I think not.

  Because without some type of miracle, I would be nothing but a memory.

  And that was my biggest regret of all.

  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Yumoyori.W.Wilson lives in Toronto, Ontario with her lovely Mother, Queen Loulou. When she’s not working the night shift as a Community Registered Nurse, she’s out relaxing with friends or sipping bubble tea while playing Elsword with her gaming friends.

  * * *

  She has an obsession with fashion and currently owns 100+ lipsticks, 50 being various shades of nudes though she insists all of them are different in their own way. She enjoys reading during her night shift, immersing herself in reverse harem, paranormal and romance novels to pass the time and prevent herself from falling asleep.

  * * *

  To connect with Yumoyori online:


  Yumo’s Star Knight Facebook Group:


  Instagram: @yumoyoriauthor

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Dark Wish

  Tainted Rose


  Poisonous Dream


  Forgotten Fairytale

  Forgotten Fairytale 2 (September 9th 2018)


  Visionary Investigator

  Visionary Awakened


  Visionary Christmas

  Starlight Christmas

  Visionary New Years


  Visionary X Starlight- Chapter One

  Visionary X Starlight- Chapter Two

  Visionary X Starlight- St. Patricks Day


  Taming the Storm

  Calming the Storm

  Facing the Storm (September 23rd, 2018)


  Reflections of You

  Reflections of Me

  Reflections of Us (October 21st 2018)


  Seduce My Blood

  Seduce My Heart

  Seduce My Soul (October 28th 2018)



  Celestia 2

  Celestia 3 (August 19th, 2018)


  Arielle Rainbow

  Arielle Rainbow 2 (October 7th, 2018)


  One Thousand & One Lies (September 8th, 2018)


  Wolf Tamer (October 6th, 2018)


  Wish for Me (October 27th 2018)



  Shattered Destiny




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