Home > Other > Stalker CEO: BAD BOY BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE > Page 1

by Helena Vera

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4.

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 8.

  Chapter 9.

  Chapter 10.

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12.

  Chapter 13.

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16.

  Chapter 17.

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24.

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26.

  Chapter 27.

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29.

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34.

  Chapter 35.

  Chapter 36.

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38.

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40.

  Stalker CEO

  Bad Boy Billionaire Romance,

  Helen Vera


  Chapter 1.

  Chapter 2.

  Chapter 3.

  Chapter 4.

  Chapter 5.

  Chapter 6.

  Chapter 7.

  Chapter 8.

  Chapter 9.

  Chapter 10.

  Chapter 11.

  Chapter 12.

  Chapter 13.

  Chapter 14.

  Chapter 15.

  Chapter 16.

  Chapter 17.

  Chapter 18.

  Chapter 19.

  Chapter 20.

  Chapter 21.

  Chapter 22.

  Chapter 23.

  Chapter 24.

  Chapter 25.

  Chapter 26.

  Chapter 27.

  Chapter 28.

  Chapter 29.

  Chapter 30.

  Chapter 31.

  Chapter 32.

  Chapter 33.

  Chapter 34.

  Chapter 35.

  Chapter 36.

  Chapter 37.

  Chapter 38.

  Chapter 39.

  Chapter 40.

  Copyright © 2017 by Helen Vera

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organiza- tions, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is for mature readers. It contains sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some.

  All sexual activity in this work is consensual and all sexually active characters are 18 years of age or older.



  I poke my head through the office door, my eyes locating my boss Mr. Cavil who is seated at his desk. “I’m off for lunch,” I inform him. “Is there anything you’d like me to get you on my way back?”

  Mr. Cavil looks up at me from the file he was poring over just a minute ago and his frown turns into a smile. He is a nice man, portly and in his sixties. His hair, what little is left of it at the sides is black and white and the front is mostly bald. I had been lucky the day he took a chance on me and hired me to work for him two years ago. During that time I have come to respect him as my boss. His guidance has made me what I am today.

  “No, no, I’m fine,” he answers, though seeming a bit distracted. “Enjoy your lunch and as soon as you get back, let me know.”


  I close the door, wondering why he wants to see me when I get back. I shrug. Probably something he wants me to take care of. I take the elevator down to the ground floor and retrieve my phone from my bag. I heard it buzz earlier but I try to refrain from using my personal phone at work. I smile at the text message I received from my grandmother wishing me a good day. Finally! Before she had been stubborn, insisting she didn’t need to learn how to send a text, just to make calls.

  “What does a seventy year old woman need to learn to text for?” she had asked me a month ago when I gifted her with the new phone for her birthday. Apparently, she has now found the use for it.

  Pushing through the swinging doors of the office building, I am texting her back when I hit into a solid wall. A wall that catches me by the arms as I stumble and almost fall.

  “I’m so…” the apology for my carelessness gets stuck in my throat when I look up into striking bright blue eyes. My mouth goes dry as I stare at the most handsome man I’ve seen in a long time. Possibly in my lifetime. Black hair cropped short, a strong face with high cheekbones chiseled to perfection. I tremble a bit in his arms but not because of the instant attraction to this virile man. I tremble at the power, cockiness and hardness I sense in this morning. He isn’t a man to be trifled with.

  “You need to watch where you’re going, lady,” he states crossly, putting me away from him.

  His chide makes me flush a bright red especially given the way he is scowling at me for almost mowing him down.

  “I’m sorry sir,” I finally apologize even though the words end up sounding breathy.

  “You see that it doesn’t happen again.”

  Before I could respond, he turns his back and is walking towards the elevator. Stunned by the unexpected presence of this man, I continue staring at him and the way he fills out the charcoal suit. His jacket emphasizes his broad shoulders and the breadth of the muscular chest I’d found myself up against. The close fitting trousers displayed long, muscular legs and … Oh God, he stops at the elevator and is observing me observe him.

  His smirk makes me act. I push out through the doors of the building, gulping in the fresh air of the outdoors. Well that had been unexpected. Why am I allowing a stranger to rattle me this much? By the time I get to the office he will be gone and I wouldn’t have to worry about seeing him ever again.

  I walk the short distance to the deli where I take lunch sometimes. I try to push the man from my mind as I delve into thecobb salad and soup I order. Usually very fond of their soup, I couldn’t savor it this time around. My mind keeps going to that man. The one who made me feel like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the world for both of us.

  Only half-finished with my lunch, I order a bottle of Naked Juice to go and start the five-minute walk back to the office. I glance at my watch not so much checking if I’m on time to get off lunch but how many hours are left for the work day to end. I do enjoy my job as Personal Assistant to the CEO of Cavil Publishing. This isn’t how I’d envisioned using my Art degree but after prospects seemed nil in that area, I am glad I’d gotten an MBA as well.

  The streets are just beginning to fill with workers hitting up the various restaurants around for lunch when I slip back into the office building. I wave at a very pregnant Sandra who is sitting at the front desk, asking how she is feeling today.

  She rubs her bulging tummy and grimace. “Is any day better than some? Heart burn, swollen feet, several trips to the bathroom. I just want this kid to get out already.”

  Yikes, I think with a shudder, taking the elevator to the third floor. I can’t image ever being pregnant. So many changes take place in a woman’s body. I’d watched Sandra move from a size six to double digits. Her pregnancy also gives he
r acne and although she is a sweet-natured woman, sometimes she could now be snappish or burst into tears without much of a reason.

  No sir, pregnancy isn’t for me and besides a man has to be involved to become pregnant and I don’t have a boyfriend. I’ve never really had a boyfriend. There was Josh who I dated in high school but that had been briefly before I’d realized what it was he really was interested in. I’d plunged into my work through college and haven’t had much time to date since working at Cavil. My career had been more important two years ago and still is. This may not be what I envisioned myself working when I finished college but I am already here and determined to give it my best shot.

  I still have a few minutes to spare when I get to my desk, so I stash my bag and head for the bathroom. I keep disposable toothbrushes with me at all time. As a child I had cavities and never want to get back there. I floss, use the toilet, wash my heads and stare at myself in the mirror.

  Despite the lack of men in my life, it isn’t due to me being unattractive. I wouldn’t be thought of as Miss. World Material but then most girl aren’t. I am medium height with brown hair prevented from looking dull by the highlights and sheen of my long locks which end in the center of my back. The soft material of my champagne colored top is draped flatteringly over my small, round breasts. The top is tucked into one of my favorite pencil skirts which emphasizes my small waist, the gentle curve of my hips and the generous swell of my bottom. To complete my outfit, I am wearing black stockings and peep-toed pumps.

  I always take care with my appearance. Not because I haven’t put myself out there on the market means I am going to let myself go. I may not make an exorbitant amount of money especially with the decline in business which prevents us getting a raise but I dress well, knowing how to mix and match. That Art degree may not turn out to be much in terms of financial profit but it helps in my personal life.

  Satisfied that I am looking up to par except for the creases in my skirt which can’t be helped, I leave the bathroom and go over to knock on Mr. Cavil’s door.

  “Come in.”

  I push the door open. “Just letting you know…”

  I trail off, my smile freezing at the sight of the man sitting across from my boss. It’s the same guy I’d run into earlier. The one who had made me feel like a child in the way he had addressed me. He is staring at me too as I had earlier stared at him and I try to retreat.

  “Uh, I-umm,” I stutter, the cleared my throat to start over. “Excuse me, I didn’t know you have a visitor.”

  “That’s fine Joyce,” Mr. Cavil says with a smile and beckon to me. “Come on in and close the door. I do have something to discuss with you.”

  “I wouldn’t want to impose on your meeting,” I explain. “We can speak after, if that is okay.”

  “Actually, what I have to say to you involve Mr. Ash here,” Mr. Cavil explains. “Close the door behind you. I wouldn’t want word getting out to the other staff members until I get to break the news to them.”

  I enter the office reluctantly, aware that he still has his eyes on me, causing my stomach to flutter unsettlingly.

  “Mr. Ash, this is my Personal Assistant I was talking to you about.”

  They were talking about me? I wonder I alarm. What about? I have a bad feeling whatever it is Mr. Cavil wants to see me about isn’t something I am going to like.

  “Ah, the Assistant who knows everything,” Mr. Ash states ruefully but do I hint sarcasm in his voice. “Except it seems how to exit a building.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Mr. Cavil asks, thrown off by the other man’s comment.

  Mr. Ash waves him off. “Your Personal Assistant understands what I mean.”

  “You two have met then?” my boss enquires.

  “No, we’ve not,” I pipe in, realizing I haven’t said a word since being asked to step in. “We just ran into each other while I was on my way to lunch but we’ve not been officially introduced.”

  “Literally ran into each other,” Mr. Ash adds. “I hope texting on the job is not something that is promoted here at Cavil’s.”

  Heat suffuses my cheek. “I was on my lunch break,” I replies to his statement which is meant as a direct cut to me.

  Mr. Cavil looks from me to Mr. Ash with a frown before he shrugs. “Anyway, Mr. Ash this is my PA Joyce Brown. Joyce, this is Mr. Axel Ash. You’ll be working for him as his PA as of tomorrow.”

  “What?” My eyes shifts instantly from Axel Ash and towards my boss as his words sink in. “What do you mean work for him?”

  “It’s no surprise we’ve been lagging behind in the publishing business Joyce,” Mr. Cavil states. “You of all person understands this as you’ve been working closely with me. I’ve long since wanted to go into retirement but thought it cruel to shut down operation, leaving everyone here without a job so when Mr. Ash put in an offer to take over the company, I accepted his offer.”

  No! No! No! My mind screams in protest. I couldn’t work for that man. Everything would change. He is nothing like Mr. Cavil, nice and friendly, looking like everybody’s Grandpa. How would I get any work done with this man around when I find it hard to focus with him around?

  I nod my understanding, though my face is probably white from shock. “I see. Is there anything else that I should be aware of?”

  “Not that I can think of,” Mr. Cavil responds thoughtfully. “Except that this will now be Ash Publishing. I do trust you will continue to do an excellent job with Mr. Ash, Joyce but then again I know you will.”

  “Of course,” I agree, not looking at the man who I feel is about to ruin everything for me. How old is he anyway? He couldn’t be older than early thirties. How is he able to afford buying this company at such a young age.

  “I’ve to get back to my desk,” I announce, then for the first time since finding out I would be working for him, I turn to my new boss. No, not new boss yet. Mr. Cavil did say tomorrow.

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Ash,” I tell him with a tight smile.

  “The pleasure was all mine, Joyce.”

  The way he says my name sends a shiver down my spine. Our eyes meet and the air is sucked out of my lungs. This man has the potential to be dangerous. I can see it in the depth of those icy blue eyes. Those cynically, cold blue eyes. How could a man who appears so stoic cause the warmth pooling into my belly?

  With another nod, I hurry from the office, knowing he is still observing me. The walk from the office has never seemed longer on trembling legs. When I am finally on the other side of the closed door, I lean heavily against it and my body sags.

  The shrill ringing of the phone on my desk startles me and I nearly jump out of my skin. My elbow hits into the door at my back and I move away as though burnt. Damn. Now they would know I had still been standing at the door after leaving.

  “Get a grip, Joyce,” I caution myself. “Axel Ash will be your new boss. Get over it already. What do you think is going to happen?”



  “Mr. Cavil’s office, how may I assist?” I answer the phone and sat heavily onto my chair. Time to get back into work mode.

  “Hey Joyce, it’s Sandra,” the receptionist at front desk responds.

  “Hey Sandra, you’re not calling that you’re going into labor, are you?” I ask jokingly.

  “Don’t I wish,” she replies. “Not this time. Some mail just arrived for Mr. Cavil. Can you be a dear and get them for me please. I’d ask Jack but he’s on lunch.”

  “No problem. I’ll be there in a bit.”

  “Thanks, Joyce. You’re an angel.”

  After hanging up, I power on my computer, giving it some time to warm up while I get the mails from Joyce. I am waiting at the elevator when Mr. Ash and Mr. Cavil walk out of the office.

  “Oh crap,” I mutter and hit the button over and over again as though that would make the elevator appear faster. I would not ride the elevator with that man!

  Ding! Yes, now to get in and hit the button for the fir
st floor before…

  “Joyce, hold the elevator for Mr. Ash, will you?”

  For a second I contemplate acting as though I didn’t hear him but I make the mistake of looking up at them. No way out of this one. I press the hold button and watch both men shake hands.

  Mr. Ash steps confidently towards the elevator and I shuffle to the back in one corner as far away from him as possible. My heart thump wildly in my chest and although I try to avoid looking at him, my eyes keep flickering to him, drawn to him by some inexplicable reason. It couldn’t be that I am attracted to the man. Men like him scare me. I always envision myself in the future with a gentle, kind man. Not someone who makes me feel intimidated as this man does.

  Without warning, he presses the emergency stop button on the elevator. What the hell? Doesn’t he know that would alert emergency response?

  “What are you—?” my question ended in a gasp when his long strides bring him over to me and he is close. Way too close. I am running out of oxygen which causes my breathing to turn shallow. Bup! Bup! Bup! Good God was that my heart beating?

  “I can’t wait to see if you’re the saint Cavil makes you out to be,” he says gruffly, raising a hand to my cheek.

  I flinch at first believing he is about to strike me but he only strokes my cheek with the back of his hand gently.

  “You’re afraid of me, aren’t you?” he asks softly but I know better than to ignore the steel in his tone.

  “I- I’m not,” I croak out, hating myself for the way my voice trembles.

  The gentle caress of his hand turns rough as he grips my jaw. I want to say his grip hurt but it doesn’t at all. He holds me firmly enough for me to know I wouldn’t be getting out of his hold if he doesn’t wish it. Still, I could feel the power and strength in him.

  “You should be afraid,” he cautions. “Be very afraid. I expect nothing but the best from you. Thanks to your boss who extolls your finer attributed greatly, I expect the same quality work and if you can’t deliver… well, you get my drift.”

  A voice comes over the intercom. “Is anyone there? We’ve a report the elevator isn’t moving.”


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