Virgin to Conquer (Taken by a Trillionaire Series)

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Virgin to Conquer (Taken by a Trillionaire Series) Page 2

by Melody Anne

  She reacted more fiercely as she kicked him and got the first notes of a scream from her throat before his hand once again covered her mouth. She tried to bite him, but he shifted, ensuring her lips were closed.

  “Stop now!” The utter command in his voice froze her. The intense need to obey this man was more terrifying than what was actually happening to her.

  The pause in her fight allowed him to quickly move to the open patio door and step through. She quickly reacted and reached above her to try to find his hair. The mask covered his head fully, and she scratched at the sides of his covered face, hoping her fingernails would inflict at least some damage. Her feet continued pounding against his legs, but he didn’t so much as grunt, making her realize her fighting was completely ineffective.

  He reached the fencing around her balcony, and she gasped as his hand left her mouth. But before she could scream, he tossed her over his shoulder, her stomach connecting with his massive shoulder, taking any breath she’d managed to suck in immediately away.

  She gasped as he jumped over the rail and quickly descended the narrow, tight stairway. Grasping his tight shirt in her fingers to keep from tumbling over his shoulder, which would surely lead to her death, Isabella paused in her struggles long enough to try to decide what the best possible way of escaping would be. They were on the ground before she’d come up with a solution.

  The man walked around a corner where Isabella was only able to see the ground going by as he quickly moved through a dark alley. She opened her mouth to cry out when she was pulled from his shoulder and unceremoniously tossed into the back of a large SUV.

  “There’s no escaping now,” the man told her, his lips turned up, his definitely blue eyes sparkling. “Enjoy the ride.”

  The door shut, and Isabella found herself alone. There was a dark panel separating the backseat from the front. She heard a car door open and shut, and the vehicle started in motion. There never had been a chance of escape. From the moment she’d woken to this man, her fate had been decided. Maybe it had been from the moment she’d chosen to go on this trip in the first place. She might never know.

  Tears filled her eyes and spilled over as she huddled in the corner of the car. She couldn’t open the doors, and she had no chance of breaking any of the windows. She truly was at the mercy of her captor.

  The ride didn’t last long before the vehicle pulled to a stop. Isabella could completely give up, or she could attempt to escape again. She figured she had nothing to lose at this point other than her life so she was ready when the door opened.

  Launching herself from the vehicle, she felt the smallest trace of hope as the warm island air touched her cheeks. Her spirit was soon dashed, though, when her attempt at freedom was thwarted by a rock-hard chest and solid arms once again wrapping around her, this time with her front pressed against him.

  “Hmm, frisky. I like that in my captives,” the man murmured with a chuckle. She was stumped completely by his words. Was this nothing more than a game to this man? How evil could he possibly be?

  “I’m not yours,” she yelled, waiting for her mouth to be covered again. It wasn’t. “Someone help me!” Her scream echoed back at her, but she didn’t hear the sound of running footsteps. No one was out there, and no one was going to save her.

  The man picked her up again and transferred her to a boat. She attempted to jump from it, but he quickly secured her before going to the helm and starting it up. They sailed out to sea in the night, and Isabella lay on the cushions as she mentally told her family goodbye.

  Time had no meaning as they sped across a calm sea. When the boat finally stopped Isabella had no idea if they were at another island or in the middle of the sea. Her fear and sadness were so consuming she wasn’t sure she had the will to keep fighting this man. She knew for her mother’s sake she should at least try, but no one understood being in a situation like this unless they had personal experience. It was terrifying and humiliating.

  “Let’s go,” the man said as he released her and pulled her to her feet. Isabella blindly followed. He helped her from the boat and walked down a long dock as the sun began rising somewhere far in the east.

  When they reached land he still held her tightly, and Isabella looked out at the seemingly endless hills and trees. A home seemed to be hidden within them, but she couldn’t be sure.

  “I will release you if you promise to quit fighting against me,” the man said. There was excitement in his tone. He truly was enjoying this game only he was playing.

  One hand still gripped her; he used his other to rip the mask from his face. Isabella felt despair at this action, because if he didn’t care if she could identify him, that meant he wasn’t planning on ever letting her go.

  His dark hair was mussed, and his blue eyes were sparkling. His full lips were turned up the slightest bit, but she couldn’t stare at them or think about what his expression meant. She looked instead at the flush on his cheeks before she pulled from him, surprised when he unhanded her.

  She didn’t attempt to run this time, having no idea where she was or where she could possibly go. She really was at his mercy. With her head much more clear now, she remembered the article she’d read about the customs of Rubare Collina and how the royal family liked to kidnap their brides. She’d never imagined something like that could be true, or that all the inhabitants of the island might find it acceptable to take any woman they might please.

  But what else was she supposed to think when she’d literally been ripped from her bed and captured like a flag on a pole?

  “If you try to run again, I’ll be forced to tie you up,” he told her, his lips turning up even more.

  “You’re a sick man, and you won’t do that to me,” she said, fear laced into her angry words. “I have rights, and you will tell me what this is about.” Though she was shaking, her words gave her more strength than she thought she had.

  His lips fully turned up now, changing the look of his face. She knew he was a monster, but as he stared intently at her, she could understand how victims were so easily pulled into the games of predators. He seemed harmless, or was that the look he was trying to portray? She knew better.

  “My darling girl, don’t you know?” he asked before a chuckle escaped. “I get to do whatever I want with you because you’re mine now.”

  His words hovered in the air as they processed in her muddled brain. She was nobody’s victim, especially this man’s. If he thought her fight was over, he was sadly mistaken. All she had to do now was figure out how to take the man down — and if it was the last thing she did, she’d get her revenge and show him he’d picked the wrong woman to mess with.


  CHRIS HADN’T GIVEN Robert much to go on when it came to this woman, but Robert had to hand it to her because she was making this adventure even more fun than he’d ever imagined it could be. She had the appearance of a victim down to a T.

  And though the entire game of capturing her had been more than fun, his excitement continued growing as he gazed at her. Chris might not have told him much, but her dark hair was mussed and long, hanging halfway down her back, making him think of running his fingers through it as she lay over him, her lips inches from his own.

  No makeup adorned her face, but that took nothing away from her as her midnight blue eyes flashed at him with both fear and anger. Her cheekbones were flushed, and her full pink lips parted. Her heavy breathing was causing her generous chest to heave, making it difficult for him to take his eyes away.

  Her long legs were smooth and tan, and he desperately wanted to see her perfectly rounded butt as he ran his hands over it. Only a skimpy pair of light blue panties rested there. He’d gotten a decent look while she’d been flung over his shoulder, and he was more than grateful she’d chosen her current attire for their night of fun. Maybe they could turn it into a week . . . or longer.

  Only a few moments had passed since he’d proclaimed she was his, but he waited in anticipation for what
she’d say next. Would she keep up the charade of the game or was she going to begin laughing and tell him he was a very terrifying captor? He’d be willing to do it either way as long as it led to his bed . . . preferably. He might be having fun on his adventure, but he wasn’t going to bed her during a game if she was struggling to be set free. That wasn’t a turn-on in the least.

  “I’m not yours,” she said. “I’m Isabella Shell, an American, and I demand you release me.”

  Role playing it was, Robert decided. Yea.

  “Your name’s too much of a mouthful,” he told her, and she glared at him as if more than willing to stab him if she happened to come by a knife. He was a little grateful there wasn’t one around. He didn’t know a thing about this woman, and that made all of this so much better. “Let’s shorten it to Izzy.”

  A huff escaped Izzy as she glanced around them. Robert wasn’t worried. He’d brought her to this island at Chris’s suggestion. It was secluded, giving them little possibility of unwanted guests. Depending on how things went between them, they might share a few glorious days in this place. He decided she was definitely spirited enough to keep his attention for at least that long.

  In fascination he watched as her spine stiffened. Then she stepped forward, moving easily up to him as she reached out and stabbed a sharp nail against his chest. Fire brewed in her eyes as she looked at him without fear.

  “You will take me home, and I might think about forgetting all about this. If you keep me one moment longer, I will ensure you’re dangled by your toes for all the people of this island to see.”

  Robert was surprised by her little speech and the urge to touch her was too great to resist. He reached up, capturing the hand that was trying to do damage to him. He pressed it against his rapidly increasing heartbeat and ran his thumb along the smooth skin of her inner wrist. A shudder ran through her, and it had him growing hard as he gazed into her beautiful eyes.

  She took in a large gulp of air before she pushed against him. Of course he didn’t move an inch, but pleasure coursed through him at the fight in this girl. She was beautiful with an imagination he was immediately drawn to. Robert would have to send Chris a new car or give him a vacation to anywhere in the world as a thank you for this gift who was bringing some much needed excitement to Robert’s life.

  “Enjoying the feel? Want me to remove the shirt?” he asked with confidence. No woman had ever complained after spending time with him. He had no doubt Izzy was well pleased already.

  Izzy’s eyes widened as she jerked her hand away and took a step back. Though he missed her touch already, he allowed her retreat. Something inside of him stirred in discomfort as he watched her gaze around again. Yes she was a hell of an actress, or . . .

  Robert gazed at her again and a thread of worry filled him. He had checked the address of her place at least a dozen times before he’d scaled the dangerous stairs to her open patio door. There was no way he’d taken the wrong woman he assured himself.

  But as soon as he had the thought, unease was taking over inside him. Unease and . . . to be honest, even more excitement. Maybe he’d been born into the wrong family line.

  “This has all been an exciting night, but why don’t we pause for a moment, and you can tell me how you know Chris,” Robert told her.

  When she gazed back at him with a blank stare, Robert knew the unforgivable truth. This woman wasn’t who Chris had set him up to play with. He’d captured the wrong person, and she wasn’t a willing victim.

  “What are you talking about?” Izzy asked.

  “You have no idea who Prince Christopher Demande is.” The words weren’t a question.

  “I just arrived last night and went right to sleep. I’ve been planning on exploring the island all week. Isn’t he the youngest of the Demande brothers?” she asked as she clearly searched her memory. She wasn’t faking this.

  “Yes he is,” Robert said.

  He had to think fast because he wasn’t sure what to do next. He knew without a doubt he should turn them around and return her with a lot of apologies and pray she wouldn’t announce to the world what had occurred. His family would be furious with him.

  “Maybe he’d be more reasonable than you. Why don’t you call him up?” she snapped.

  Something new shifted inside Robert, and he wasn’t sure why, but he knew he wasn’t turning around. His action of kidnapping the wrong girl had already occurred. Maybe now he just had to win the woman over. If he took her back now, she’d surely scream about what had happened. But if she spent a little time with him, he had no doubt he’d have her eating from the palm of his hand.

  He just wasn’t sure if he should confess all, or have her assume he’d meant to take her. When she glared at him again, he decided she could wait on an explanation. He was a prince after all, and she was an American with no such lineage. His family had always looked down their noses at Americans and their uncivilized behavior. It wasn’t so bad that he’d captured one, he assured himself.

  “I’m going to go to those trees for a moment,” she informed him. They were only about twenty-five feet away.

  “For what?” he asked. There was something conniving going on inside that brain of hers. He could practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes.

  “None of your business,” she said with a new glare that made her eyes stand out even more. Damn, she really was beautiful.

  “There’s no point in running. For one, you’re on an island, and for two, well, I’d easily catch you,” he pointed out.

  Her body trembled in what he was assuming was unadulterated rage. That amused him even more. She was well worth keeping around — not only was she gorgeous, but she was also stimulating him in ways he couldn’t remember ever being.

  Robert leaned back against a fence as Izzy disappeared into the treeline. He was sure she was relieving her bladder. When she didn’t return after five minutes, he smiled. He didn’t hear a sound from where she was supposed to be. She’d made a run for it.

  The chase was now on.

  It took him a little under five minutes to hear the sound of what she probably thought of as quiet steps through the woods. She was moving at a jogger’s pace, probably because she was attempting to keep quiet. She was failing.

  Approaching her soundlessly from behind, he let her continue to flee, not allowing her out of his sight. She looked behind her once in a while, but he was careful not to be spotted. How could he observe her if he gave away his position?

  After about ten minutes, he saw her stop and look around, a satisfied smirk on her lips. She truly thought she’d escaped, had been so smart to get away. It was either that or she gravely underestimated Robert’s ability to control one small female.

  When she began moving forward again at a slower pace than before, he decided he was ready to go to the house. The chase had been fun but far too easy. He came out of the shadows and before she ever got the chance to move farther from him, he wrapped his arms around her and once more lifted her off her feet.

  She truly was his — at least for now. And in this moment, that was all Robert cared about.


  A SCREAM RIPPED FROM Isabella’s lips as her feet lifted from the ground. Just as quickly as it had been in her bedroom, a warm, large hand clamped down on her lips. But this time it wasn’t as firmly placed and she immediately reacted, clamping her teeth into the man’s flesh.

  He let out a groan as he jerked his hand away, his arm squeezing her middle as a curse escaped his lips. She thrashed her body against him, knowing the entire time there was little to no chance of getting away. She wasn’t ready to give up the fight though, even if the odds were against her.

  She planned on circling back to the boat and pushing it into the water if need be. She’d simply float until she was rescued. It was the only plan she’d managed to come up with. She, for dang sure, wasn’t being held captive by this man, no matter how good-looking he was.

  “What if there had been a pir
ate out here who’d grabbed you?” the man asked with a gasp at the end as her elbow connected in a perfect spot just between his ribs. Her arm felt as if it were on fire, but causing him even a little bit of damage made her own pain well worth it.

  Showing a weakness gave her a whole new rush of adrenaline, and she kicked and yelled as she tried to pull away from him. Her foot slid between his legs and caught at the back of his knee and suddenly the two of them were moving.

  The ground quickly arose and Isabella knew she was about to get crushed between her large captor and a giant rock. If she wasn’t knocked out cold by the fall, she’d surely have some nasty injuries. But shockingly he managed to twist their bodies at the last second and instead of her head slamming into the hard ground, he took the brunt of the fall, and she hit him.

  He was nearly as hard as a boulder, but her head had been protected and though her breath had been taken, she took this new opportunity to slam her knee into his leg. He let out a growl of frustration before she felt the two of them moving again.

  Before she had time to think about stopping what he had planned, he rolled her over, pinning her between the ground and his large body. Her struggles slowed when she found she could barely move with him on top of her.

  Her hands were free, but the minute she slapped his face, wiping the smug look from his lips, he captured her wrists in both hands and held them high above her head, stretching her body fully against his solidness.

  Isabella wasn’t ready to give up, but her struggles were futile. She glared into his frustrated eyes, trying once more to kick him. He sighed as if he was dealing with a child, and that only served to tick her off all that much more.

  “Enough!” he thundered when she managed to free one foot enough to dig her heel into his calf muscle.

  With the opening of her legs, she realized all she’d managed to do was sink him farther against her, making her less able to get away. Not only that, but she also realized he was aligned perfectly with her, and he was obviously turned on by all of this wrestling. She gulped and instantly stopped wiggling.


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