Virgin to Conquer (Taken by a Trillionaire Series)

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Virgin to Conquer (Taken by a Trillionaire Series) Page 9

by Melody Anne

  Tonight was just for them. Tomorrow she would tell him about their baby. She was sure he’d be filled with even more joy. Their story was only just beginning, and she didn’t see an ending in sight.


  ISABELLA LOOKED AT Robert as if he was crazy and that only made him laugh harder. He wrapped one arm around her and leaned over and kissed his daughter’s forehead before he stepped back and accepted the bag being handed to him.

  “This is a terrible idea, Robert, and not an example you should set for our daughter,” Lizzy informed him.

  “Ah, baby, a bet is a bet, and as you know we can’t back out of them,” Robert said. “Gwendolyn is only two months old. I highly doubt a child of mine will retain memories before one year of age.”

  “But you were the one who lost. That’s why I was kidnapped,” she pointed out.

  “Yes, but Christopher agreed to pay the price, too,” Robert said with glee as he pulled out a soggy tomato.

  “Give it all you got, spaghetti arm,” Chris yelled from the pillory he was locked into.

  Robert smiled as he got into a pitching stance. When Chris saw his form, his brows wove together and a little worry formed in his eyes. That only made Robert smile larger. The first tomato flew through the air and landed with perfect precision just above Chris’s head, the juice running down his hair and over his face.

  “That really stinks,” Chris yelled as he glared at his cousin.

  That’s when the guards stepped forward, all too gleeful, and all carrying a soggy tomato. Chris closed his eyes and whimpered as the splatter of fruit could be heard hitting the pillar over and over again. Not one slammed into Chris’s face. No one wanted to harm the prince, but all of them laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation.

  The fruit lay scattered on the ground when there was a commotion down the road. A car came through as the people parted, recognizing the king’s vehicle. It didn’t take long for Xander to step from the backseat, his beautiful wife at his side. He looked larger than life and highly irritated as he moved to stand next to Robert, who was the obvious ringleader of this event.

  “Hey, Brother,” Chris called out as he spit tomato juice from his mouth. “Are you here to rescue me?” he added with a bit of hope.

  Xander looked from Chris to Robert and then back again. “Do you two find these antics amusing?” he asked before turning his full attention on Robert.

  “Yes, I do,” Robert said with defiance.

  “Hey, this was my idea. We had a bet and I . . .” Chris trailed off as Xander turned on him. But he didn’t say a word, just looked toward his car and nodded.

  That’s when the rest of the royal family from both islands stepped from the vehicle one person at a time, and in each of their hands they carried tomatoes. Robert didn’t know what to think of this situation.

  They all marched forward, smiles on their faces as they lined up in front of Chris. King Heinrich handed King Xander a tomato and the two shook hands as they smiled at each other.

  “To a renewed bond between our families and our countries. We might have a bit of roguishness in all of us, but at the end of the day, we love our countries, our people, and our families,” King Heinrich said.

  “And we will grow together and build an even greater nation,” King Xander agreed.

  The two men held their hands high, much to the pleasure of all the people standing in the crowd. Then they faced Chris and launched their tomatoes. The rest of the royal family members, including the children, let loose their stinky fruit and the crowd erupted in laughter and praise.

  “Would you like to come to the palace for dinner?” King Xander offered Robert.

  “I’d be honored,” he replied.

  Robert wrapped his arm around his beautiful bride and baby girl and joined the rest of their family, minus Chris as he climbed into the car.

  “Hey, funny joke, haha, now let me out,” Chris bellowed. The car began driving away, and Robert enjoyed the incredulous look on his cousin’s face as it appeared his family had forgotten him.

  King Xander laughed and told the rest of them that the guards would release his brother in exactly five minutes, and they were under strict orders to hose him off thoroughly before he was allowed near the palace.

  Robert looked around the vehicle as the two sides of the isle sat together like long lost friends, laughing, visiting, and sharing their lives with each other. The past few years had brought significant changes to both Rubare Collina and Rubare Virgina, and all of their lives were richer for it.

  There were some things money could buy, and some things only loyalty and love could inspire. Robert had learned what was most important. He leaned down and kissed his wife and he thanked whoever had intervened when he’d been led to her room on a warm summer night and taken her to be his.

  Continue reading for an excerpt from Melody Anne's novel: The Tycoon's Revenge



  A STAR FELL FROM the heavens and Jasmine watched in awe as the light slowly dimmed, and then disappeared entirely.

  The feel of Derek’s hand stroking her back was pure bliss, and she felt as if she could lie here all night long, never return to the real world. This place they’d created together was perfect — no father telling her it was wrong, no worries, no troubles.

  “I love you so much, Jasmine,” Derek whispered in her ear. “You are my world, my life.”

  “You know how much I love you,” she replied, lifting her head to accept the gentle kiss from his lips. Her body melted all over again at his slightest touch.

  “I hate having to take you back home tonight,” he said, pulling her even closer.

  “Then don’t,” she begged.

  “Your father would hunt us down,” he told her.

  “I don’t care. I know what I want and that’s to be with you, Derek.”

  “Then we should run away together. I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot, about moving on from here.” As she flinched, he added, “Only with you, my love; I’d never leave you behind. Here’s my idea. My dad will be fine. He’s starting his new business. It’s foolproof. He wants me to run it with him, but I have bigger dreams than running a computer store. I want to go to the city, intern for someone like Bill Gates, learn from them, and make something of myself,” he said, passion flowing through his young voice.

  “You already are someone special, Derek. You won my heart, and I’ve given it to you for life,” she said, kissing his neck as the full moon washed its light over their naked bodies.

  “You make me feel special — make me feel as if there’s nothing I can’t do.”

  “That’s because you’re Superman,” she told him with a giggle. “Definitely more powerful than a locomotive…”

  He laughed, then grew serious again. “What do you say? I’ll take care of you if you come with me. We can get married and start our lives in the city,” he promised. “You can even go to cooking school and open that café you’ve always talked about.” He grew more excited as he spoke.

  Jasmine paused as she thought about what he was asking of her. Could she leave it all behind? If Derek left, though, what would she have to stay for? Nothing worth keeping. She loved her father, but he was so cold most of the time — how much would he miss her, really? He’d eventually get over his anger and their relationship would heal, though it might take a few years.

  Derek would have to come back. His father and cousins were here, and they were all closer than most families. The three boys were more siblings than cousins. She’d just be starting a new adventure with the boy she loved, but she wouldn’t be cutting her ties here completely.

  “Yes. I’ll come with you. You have to give me a few days, though,” she asked.

  Derek pulled her on top of him with a laugh. Jasmine was a little sore, but the pleasure far outweighed the discomfort. The two of them made love beneath the stars, their joy shining even brighter.

  They were g
oing to forge a new path for just the two of them. Nothing could keep them from their destiny.


  Ten Years Later

  ANOTHER NIGHT, ANOTHER party, though for once probably not another woman. Derek Titan looked around the crowded room and forced himself not to yawn. He couldn’t stand attending events where everyone drank too much, laughed too loud and tried far too hard to impress one another.

  Derek knew he was what women considered a real catch. Hell, an idiotic magazine had published a write-up on Seattle’s most eligible bachelors and ranked him, with his picture, as number one. He’d been furious and had tried to have himself taken out of the article, but his attorney had spouted some crap about freedom of speech. OK, so there were good points in the First Amendment, but he hadn’t seen many. Since the article appeared, even more women with their eyes on a prize had approached him.

  The magazine listed his net worth as equal to Bill Gates’. Though slightly exaggerated, that part at least was related to business. But of what possible interest or relevance was the hackneyed phrase “tall, dark and handsome”? So what if he stood over six feet and had broad shoulders? He gagged when he read of “rippling muscles.” The flipping author even gave advice on how to meet him: don’t bother with stalking him at the gym — he hated those places — but take up running, because he ran every morning, and sometimes in the evenings too, as a way to relieve stress.

  Though it hinted, at least the article didn’t quite say what happened after his second-best way to relieve stress. But here it was — the minute he’d finished taking a woman to bed, he just walked away, and that wasn’t something to inspire the magazine’s female readership. Sure, a lot of his women tried to get him to stay, but no one held his interest longer than it took him to zip up his pants.

  He’d let a woman beat him once at the mating game. And after Jasmine shattered his heart and destroyed his father’s business venture, he’d lost interest in the female sex — except, of course, for the sex. His priority had long been revenge. He figured that once he got it, he’d think about settling down.

  A woman breezed by him wearing entirely too much perfume, and he snapped back to reality. He sighed, then grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter.

  These parties were all about who had the most to offer. The women were on the prowl, and the men were fishing. He just wasn’t interested.

  He watched as a couple of superficial wannabe socialites passed by in low-cut gowns, dripping with diamonds. They were trying to catch his eye, and normally he’d make their day by flirting a little, giving them the impression they stood a chance. Today wasn’t that day. He had a raging headache, and he was pissed that he’d been summoned to this snooze-fest.

  “There you are, boy. What are you doing hiding in the corner?” Daniel Titan, his father, had walked up to give him the third degree.

  “I’m wondering why I’m here when I’d rather be home with a scotch and my feet up,” Derek replied.

  “You’re here because you received a request from your father. I have some things to discuss with you later,” Daniel said in his no-nonsense voice.

  “And it couldn’t wait?” Derek questioned.

  “Oh, live a little. You’re always so busy adding megabucks to your bank account that you don’t stop to smell the cabernet sauvignon,” his father said.

  “I live it up plenty. Hell, I was in Milan last week.”

  “You were in Milan on business. That doesn’t count,” his dad told him.

  “For me, the ideal time is mixing business with pleasure,” Derek said with a waggle of his eyebrows. Both men relaxed. “Seriously, Dad, I do have a headache. What’s so important it couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning?”

  Once Derek had made his first million, he’d moved his father to the city. Daniel, now the chief financial officer of his huge corporation, had been instrumental in the company’s swift and exponential growth. But his dad had gone through hard times more than once while Derek was growing up.

  “David Freeman’s here tonight, and he’s talking to some people, trying to get new investors,” Daniel said, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at the man who’d destroyed his livelihood some years before.

  Derek was on instant alert. He searched the room, spotting his enemy. David was the one who’d made Derek the cutthroat businessman he was. “It’s far too late for him. By tomorrow morning, he’ll know that his company is mine, no matter what he tries tonight,” Derek said.

  Derek saw a beautiful woman approach David, stepping up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. David didn’t even bother to turn and acknowledge her. The man noticed nothing around him if it didn’t have dollar signs on it, not even his stunning daughter.

  Derek’s eyes narrowed to slits. He hadn’t seen Jasmine for ten years, and those years had been very good to her. It wasn’t at all what he’d been expecting, although, with her supreme shallowness, he should have known she’d have focused first and foremost on her appearance.

  The top of her dress hugged her body, dipping low in both the front and back. Her curves were even more pronounced now that her body had matured. Her gleaming dark hair was swept up in a classic bun, with tendrils floating around her delicate face. Her chocolate eyes had once mesmerized him. They had a hypnotic quality, with a deceptive innocence shining through the thick lashes.

  His gut tightened at just the sight of her, and that outraged him. Was he still a complete fool about her? She’d nearly destroyed his entire family, and yet he still wanted her. But that was all right. After all, his full revenge included her; he would have her in his bed again, and then she’d be begging him not to leave. Shrinks might call it closure. To him, everything was far more primitive.

  “I’m leaving now, Dad. There’s nothing he can do tonight, and tomorrow’s a busy day for me,” Derek said. After clasping his father’s hand, he turned away and walked from the room without once looking back.


  JASMINE SPOTTED DEREK across the room, and fire and ice waged war within her. How dare he walk around as if he owned the place? She knew the kinder, gentler side of him, but that boy was long gone. He probably never really existed beyond her girlish imagination.

  The man she’d spotted tonight wasn’t the boy who had taken her virginity and promised her forever. She wished she could forget that summer so many years ago when she’d waited at the abandoned church all day, waited and waited, hoping something had happened to make him late. As the sun had faded from the sky, she’d finally had to admit he wasn’t coming. It had all been lies.

  Just as her father had said, Derek had told her all he needed to get her to have sex with him. Once he’d added her to his list of conquests, he’d been finished with her. The remembered pain was almost too much to bear, even ten years later.

  She watched him turning and walking from the room. He was by far the sexiest man at the party, with his custom tuxedo and piercing blue eyes. Although he sat in an office all day, his body betrayed no hint of softness. Her heart fluttered as she dwelled again on those long summer nights of touching and tasting those hard muscles.

  Derek disappeared around the corner just as he’d disappeared that summer ten years before. Back then, she’d believed in fairy tales and magic.

  No more.

  Jasmine had grown up very wealthy in a small town outside of Seattle, Washington. Her father owned a multimillion-dollar medical-equipment company, and she’d always had more than most people could ever hope for.

  Her mother had died while giving birth to her, and her father never remarried. He dated a lot of women, but none of them really acknowledged her existence, so she didn’t grow attached to any of them. Sometimes, Jasmine had thought it would be nice to have a woman help her pick out a dress or teach her how to do her hair. But the staff, at least, always spoiled her a bit, which she knew irritated her father.

  She’d seen Derek in school from the time she was young, but she got to know him only the summer befo
re her senior year in high school. His family was dirt poor, but he was always determined to make a success out of his life and turn things around. He ended up helping her with math, and soon they were fast friends. She’d loved his hunger and motivation and the way he never talked down about anyone. She thought he was every one of her fairy-tale heroes come to life.

  Soon, she found she was spending every waking moment with him. When her father found out she was dating a boy from the poor side of town, he’d been furious and demanded that she end the relationship. It was the first time in her life her father told her she couldn’t have something she wanted. It also was the first time she’d defied him.

  She’d continued to see Derek behind her father’s back. She loved that Derek seemed to like her for who she was and not for her money. He wouldn’t let her spend money on him — ever. He worked hard for a construction company, which would frustrate her at times because she wanted him to be with her and not at a job. He’d laugh at her frustration, but he always made it up to her on the weekends.


  Jasmine turned to find that she’d completely tuned out of the conversation. Normally, she was the epitome of cool — making sure to schmooze with her father’s investors. That was her job at these functions.

  More than once she’d had to fend off the advances of some dirty old man. It was a source of contention between her father and her — just one of many.

  She wouldn’t sell her soul to the devil, even if the devil was dressed in a hand-tailored business suit. Money had its uses, and she certainly needed a lot more than she had, but she wasn’t for sale, not at any price.

  “I’m sorry. I have a slight headache tonight and it’s made me lose focus,” she answered sweetly to the sixty-year-old who was leering at her. She had to fight the shiver threatening to travel down her spine at the lust in his eyes.


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