TACKLE (Boston Terriers Book 4)

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TACKLE (Boston Terriers Book 4) Page 11

by Jacob Chance

Dressing in a clean pink t-shirt, I grab my brush and walk around to the bathroom part of our locker room. Standing in front of the sink, I twist my freshly showered hair up into an elastic on top of my head. Hot water from the running showers has steam beading up on the mirror. Using my damp towel, I wipe the glass and glance at my hair once more. I’m about to leave when Trevor’s name catches my ear. Kerry and Lisette, two of my teammates, are in the side by side showers discussing him. Pausing, I crane my head to hear them better.

  “He’s been so different lately. I haven’t seen him with a girl in months. What do you think’s going on with him?”

  “Maybe he’s on steroids and he can’t get it up?” I cover my mouth and smother the laugh before it can escape. Trevor is definitely not on steroids and I know firsthand his equipment is all in working order.

  “Seriously though, I don’t get it. How do you go from a playboy, party animal to a monk in a matter of months? And what’s the motivation?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe he likes someone and he wants to make a good impression.”

  “Trevor Lincoln?” she snorts. “Come on.”

  “Stranger things have happened. Look at his brother. He did the same thing.”

  “Shit. Maybe you’re right. I wonder who the lucky girl is.”

  I return to the locker room side of the space before they finish up and catch me eavesdropping. Has Trevor really not been screwing around? I haven’t seen him with anyone besides Sandy and he was adamant nothing happened with her. I hope he’s changed his ways. I won’t allow myself to hope I could be the reason. Guys like Trevor Lincoln don’t do things for no reason. There has to be more to the story.

  Bending down, I groan and pick up my dirty practice clothes. Shoving them and the towel I used into my sport sac, I glance at my friends. “What was up with Coach today? He kicked our asses up and down the field.”

  “He needs to get laid,” Leah quips.

  I laugh and slap her five as I straighten up. “True story.” Amelia giggles like a good sport. It has to suck to be in love with someone and not be able to be with them. Especially when they’re around each other all the time. Talk about blue balls. “How would you guys like to go to my family’s restaurant for dinner? I know I can get my vegan options and my dad will cook for us.”

  “I’d love to eat there,” Amelia replies.

  Leah claps her hands. I’m not convinced she wasn’t a former cheerleader, no matter how much she denies it every time I’ve asked. “Hell, yes. I’ve been waiting for an invite.”

  We gather up our things and sling our bags over our shoulders, leaving the locker room. We each wave as we pass Coach in the hallway. He’s mid discussion with Mark, our head coach, so we don’t exchange any words, but I notice the softening of his expression when he sees Amelia. I hope someday a boy will have a special expression for me. Something that no one else gets to see. And I can have one for him too. Immediately, Trevor’s face pops into my head and I push the thought back. Just because he brought me a coffee yesterday morning doesn’t mean he wants more than friendship. Time will tell where we’re headed.

  We start down the sidewalk from the stadium toward the T station. The three of us are starving and make short work of it. Within ten minutes we’re seated on the train and headed toward Somerville.

  “How’s Trevor working out at the restaurant?” Amelia asks.

  “He’s doing a good job so far. He’s only working two nights a week and I was sick most of last week. He had an extra football practice last night and work so it’s really too soon to say. I’ll see how he does once the honeymoon period wears off. That’s when I’ll begin to see his true work ethic.”

  “You don’t think he has a solid work ethic?” Leah frowns.

  “I don’t know. Why would he need one? Daddy can open a lot of closed doors for him.”

  “Have you ever watched one of the boys’ team’s practices? Trevor is a beast. The only one who gives him a run for his money as far as going above and beyond is Owen. Those two work like they’re possessed.” I find it interesting to hear this. Of course Leah could’ve caught him on an unusually good day.

  The doors open at our stop and we step out into the early evening air. “This way guys,” I direct them to the right. “It’s not far now.” We walk for two more blocks before we come upon the red lit sign.

  “Davis Square Cafe,” Leah says. “I like that name. It looks great all lit up.”

  “Thank you. My mom came up with the idea because of the location. Come on, dinner awaits.” I push the door open and the first thing my eyes land on is Trevor Lincoln. I scowl. What’s he doing here? It’s not that I’m not happy to see him. Okay, I’m not happy to see him right now because he’s not supposed to be working. Carla, one of our other employees, is. Why didn’t my father call me and tell me he needed help?

  I lead the girls over to my favorite booth tucked into the back corner and we get comfortable on the red vinyl seats.

  Amelia studies me carefully. “Did you know Trevor was working? Is that why you wanted to come?”

  “No. I’m not sure why he’s working this shift.”

  “Well look who’s here. You girls just made my night by walking in. What can I get for you?”

  “I’d love a giant, ice cold soda. We just got the crap kicked out of us in practice,” Leah explains.

  “Zeke was in a bad mood, huh? Blue balls will do that to a guy.” He aims his gaze in my direction. Why’s he looking at me? I’m not giving him blue balls. Am I?

  “That’s funny, we said something similar about his behavior,” Leah tells him.

  “What would you two like to drink?”

  “I’ll take a large diet soda, please,” Amelia drums her fingers on the tabletop.

  “I’d love an ice water with lemon, thanks.” My eyes haven’t left his face the entire time he’s been standing beside our table. He notices and smiles. I find myself echoing the gesture back before I realize it.

  “Do you guys know what you want to eat or do you want more time to look over the menu?” He asks.

  “I want a large garden salad and tell my dad to throw a bean curd burger on for me.” Trevor grimaces as he writes it down and then looks to Amelia.

  “I’d like a cheeseburger medium-well with extra bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Can I get a pickle with that and french fries too?”

  “Damn, now I see why you and Zeke work so well,” Trevor jokes, jotting it down. No one knows where Amelia puts the copious amounts of food she ingests. She’s tall and leanly muscled. With all the training we do for football there’s not a spare inch of fat on her. “What about you, Leah?” He waits with the pencil poised over the pad.

  “I’d like a chocolate frappe, an order of onion rings, and a turkey club.”

  “Solid choice,” he comments, adding it to the order. “I’ll be right back with your drinks, ladies.” He winks, his mouth edging upward in a quick grin and walks toward the kitchen. I watch his backside until he’s out of sight.

  “Damn, that boy’s smile is wicked and adorable all rolled together,” Leah offers. She’s absolutely right. It’s both of those things wrapped in a tempting package promising a good time.

  Rising to my feet, I step out of the booth. “I’ll be right back. I want to say hi to my dad.” When I open the kitchen door I’m surprised to find Trevor and my dad dancing and singing about fat bottomed girls. My father holds the spatula up like a microphone and Trevor does some slick dance move that has his hips thrusting in a way that should only be seen in a bedroom.

  What the fuck is going on?

  I cross my arms over my chest and paste a chastising expression on my face. “So this is what goes on when I’m not here.” Both of them freeze and peer over their shoulders at me with wide eyes. I stroll forward, mouth pursed disapprovingly. “Dad, your lip syncing was spot on, but your dancing needs some work.” He chuckles.

  Trevor steps forward, pausing in front of me. “What about me, Red?” He leans close
r. “Did you like my dance moves?”

  I poke my index finger against his solid chest. “Your hips shouldn’t be allowed out in public.”

  He catches my hand, smiling crookedly. “That good, huh?”

  I shrug and tip my head toward my shoulder. “Maybe.”

  He raises our joined hands and twirls me around once. “I wasn’t even trying. If I knew you were watching I would’ve given it my all.” I can’t imagine what his all entails. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle it. Thinking about his pelvis thrusting is not something I want to do with my father here as a witness. I tug my hand free and direct my attention to dad. Time for a change of subject.

  “Why didn’t you call me and ask me to come in?”

  “Because I knew you had practice and you worked extra yesterday to help out. Besides, when I called Trevor he was available. You don’t need to handle it all on your own, Fireball. It’s okay to depend on other people. If you don’t know that, then your mom and I haven’t done a very good job of teaching you.”

  “I do know that, but I like to handle things myself, Dad. Only child syndrome, I guess.”

  Dad makes a shooing motion with his hands. “Go sit down with your friends. We’ve got control of everything back here.” Rising on my tiptoes I kiss his cheek before turning around. I’m almost to the door when my father calls my name.

  I look over my shoulder. “Yes?”

  “I’m proud of you. You’re a good daughter to care about the business so much.”

  “I care about you, Dad, and I know how much this place means to you.” He smiles as I pass through the door and head back out to my friends.

  I study Trevor as he drives. His large hands capably grip the black leather steering wheel. flexing the muscles in his forearms. Those same agile hands catch a football in high pressure situations and yet at times have touched me so gently. The more times we’re together, I realize there’s so much more to him than I originally thought. I pegged him as a spoiled, rich kid, and that was a gross generalization on my part. At my age I should know better than to make snap judgements without knowing someone. I’m ashamed at how horrible I’ve treated him.

  My gaze drifts down to his muscular thighs in his worn jeans before slowly climbing his flat stomach and pausing to drool over his defined right bicep and tricep. His fitted t-shirt shows them off as he guides the car safely through the early evening traffic. There isn’t an unattractive part on him. And as gorgeous as he is on the outside, his character is even more impressive. He’s clearly shown me what kind of man he is, and I’ll have to find a way to prove I’m not the shallow, judgemental girl I’ve been acting like. Gliding my eyes upward over his shoulder and the side of his neck they freeze when they meet Trevor's amused stare.

  Embarrassed at being caught studying him, I snap my head forward and realize he’s pulled over in front of our dorm. I was so busy ogling him I didn’t even notice. “It’s really nice of you to give us a ride home,” I blurt out.

  “I’m glad to give you a ride anytime you want.” Leah and Amelia snicker in the backseat and my cheeks flush.

  The three of us exit the car, Leah and Amelia shout out a quick thank you and head for the door without me.

  “Have a good night, Grace.” Trevor smiles endearingly.

  “You too. Thanks for helping my dad out, and for the ride.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. I told you I’m happy to help.” So many thoughts rush to the forefront of my brain and get lost in a mad jumble of insecurity and indecision. As much as I want to tell him I’m sorry, standing on the sidewalk in front of my building is not the right time or place.

  “See you in class.” I shut the door and sling my sport bag over my shoulder as I amble on tired legs toward the entrance of my building. Once I’m inside I don’t look back, but I see Trevor pull away in my periphery. As I round the corner to the main hallway, Leah and Amelia are leaning against the wall.

  “Well?” Amelia queries.


  She sighs, “Did he ask you out?”

  “No. I thanked him again and that was about it.”

  “Crap, I was hoping he’d put the moves on you,” Leah says bluntly.

  “Well, he didn’t.” Why do I feel so disappointed?

  Chapter Fifteen


  Grinning from the moment I left the girls at their door, I’m feeling encouraged by the way Grace has been acting for the past two days. Her eyes drank me in when we were in the car. She’d never admit it, but she must be just as attracted to me as I am to her.

  Dropping my keys on the table, I notice the stack of mail addressed to me. I shuffle through the envelopes, bill, bill, bill. Fuck. I knew this was coming, I just didn’t think it would be this soon. I kick off my sneakers and pay no mind to where they land.

  Our apartment is quiet as I trudge to my room. Closing the door behind me, I drop the mail on my nightstand and sit down on the bed. Resting my elbows on my knees and my forehead in my cupped palms, I stare at the wooden floor between my feet. If only I could find the answer to my lack of funds somewhere in the various woodgrains, a secret message I can decode if I look long enough. I need to find another job that pays well enough to cover all my expenses. The two nights at Davis Square Cafe won’t cut it and the bar Owen works at doesn’t have any regular hours. They’re only looking for someone to fill in sporadically. Steady income is what I’m looking for. Leaning back, I slip my phone from my front pocket and dial Brady’s number. He picks up immediately.

  “Trevor, what’s up?”

  “Hey, I was calling to see if the station has any positions open. I need more hours than I’m currently working.”

  “Perfect timing, bro, I was just about to call you. I talked to one of my bosses and he said Chestnut Country Club always needs waitstaff for banquets. They hire B.U. students all the time. The pay is decent and you get a free meal out of it.”

  “That’s awesome. Thanks, man. You’re a lifesaver. I came home to a pile of bills and had a mini mental breakdown.”

  “No worries. I’ll text you the number, and you need to call tomorrow.”

  “I will. You’re my favorite brother, you know?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I better be seeing as I’m your only one. Let me know how it goes.”

  “Will do. Say hi to Harlow for me. Talk soon.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I end the call and fall backward on my bed exhaling a sigh of relief. If this works out, my big brother came through for me in a huge way.

  “Hey,” I call out to Grace as I sit beside her in class.

  She whistles looking at the clock on the front wall. “You barely made it.”

  “I know, but I did make it.” I wink cockily.

  Professor Gordon immediately begins to speak and we listen to her instructions before she passes out a quiz. Shit, I wish I’d taken the time to study last night, but I need the money the extra shift brought in.

  I begin working on each question. There are twenty five of them and some are in essay format. This seems more like a test than a quiz. Fortunately, I know the answers to all the questions and I’m pretty good at bullshitting my way through essays. I’ve had a lot of practice between high school and my first two years of college.

  Glancing side-eye at Grace, I see her busily writing and I go back to double check my answers.

  We hand our papers in at the end of class and walk out together. “How did you do?” I nudge Grace, getting her attention.

  “I think I did okay. I knew the material fairly well.” Taking hold of her upper arm, I steer her away from two guys horsing around in the hallway. We exit with the flow of other students and once we’re down the stairs I guide her to a patch of well manicured grass between the building and the sidewalk. My thumb caresses the outside of her arm before letting go. “Are you going to the frat party tonight?” she asks.

  “No, I have a paper due and I can’t put off writing it any longer. I’ll be at the
library for most of the night. Are you gonna be at the party?”

  “I’m not sure. Leah wants me to go with her. I don’t really want to, but I hate to let her down. And Nolan wants me there.”

  My teeth grind at the mention of Nolan. Does she have a thing for him?

  “What’s up with you two anyway?”

  “Nolan and me?” I nod. “Nothing. We’re friends and partners in class. I like him.”

  “You like him as in like him or like him as in like platonically?”

  “What are we in middle school?” Grace laughs. “I like him as a friend and nothing more. Why?”

  “I’m just curious if I have competition or not.”

  “Who says you’re even in the running?”

  Cradling the side of her jaw, my thumb grazes the curve of her bottom lip. A raspy breath slips from her mouth. Leaning forward, our eyes link together and I’m lost in a sea of swirling blues. Ranging from icy to dark in color, the shards dot her irises in a kaleidoscope of pattern.

  “The way you react to my touch tells me all the things you’re too scared to admit.” My fingertips trail down her cheek. “Oh, I’m definitely in the running.”

  “Trevor,” Owen shouts as he jogs over. Grace takes a step backward and I frown. I was enjoying our talk.

  “What?” I bark out angrily.

  “We’ve gotta run, man. We have to be in the weight room in ten minutes.”

  “Shit, you’re right. I almost forgot. Go ahead and I’ll catch up,” I instruct. Owen glances from me to Grace and back to me with a grin, and with a quick nod of his head he’s off.

  “Sorry for the interruption. Coach wants to work with us in the gym today.”

  “No, it’s fine. I need to go and so should you.”

  Glancing down at my watch, I realize I have seven minutes to get to the gym and change. “Fuck. I really wanted to talk to you some more, but now’s not a good time.”

  “No worries, I’ll see you tomorrow night at work.” She turns and walks in the opposite direction and my chest aches. I finally felt like I was making some headway with her before Owen came over.


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