Protecting His Forever

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Protecting His Forever Page 4

by Ashers, LeAnn

  "Like this, sweetheart." He chuckles slightly. His hands wrap around my waist.

  “Wait what are—” I squeal as he lifts me off the ground easily and places me in the seat.

  I look at him shocked. “Wow…” I draw out. He just lifted me like I was a child. Holy hell.

  He chuckles and shuts the door. My eyes follow him as he walks to the driver’s side.

  With a turn of the keys, the engine turns over and the seats vibrate as it roars. He switches gears and his muscles bulges and veins pop out on his tattooed skin.

  I see him glance out of the corner of his eyes. Jumping in my seat, I hurry and look out of the window. He totally caught me ogling him, but to my defense have you seen the guy?

  He pulls out onto the highway and drives toward town. I wonder where he is taking me? Taking my purse, I sit it on the seat beside me. I wring my hands on my lap nervously. I’m busting at the seams.

  We sit in complete silence. It’s not the kind of awkward silence that makes you want to bang your head against the window, but a comfortable silence. I watch as the lights of the town come into focus.

  “What do you want to eat?”

  Glancing over at him, I manage to say, “Umm, it doesn’t matter.”

  “Just tell me what you want.” He sighs as he comes to a red light.

  “I don't care?”

  “Sydney,” he growls.

  Which automatically makes me laugh. “Aren’t you supposed to pick the place to eat?”

  “Sydney!” he grounds out between his teeth as he looks over at me while we wait at the red light.

  I laugh again at his expression.

  “Enough fucking games, what do you want?” He looks over at me pointedly.

  “It doesn't mat—” I start to say but stop again when I hear him growl again. “Okay, okay! I’ll stop, but seriously, I am up for anything. I’m not picky. I'm satisfied with a burger.”

  I can feel his stare on the side of my face. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I can see a slight smile on his face. I glance out of the window trying to hide my own grin.

  We pull up in front of an old diner. Unbuckling my seat belt, I start to open my door when Kane’s hand on my arms stops me. “What?”

  “Let me open your door. Sit still.” He smiles and jumps out before I can argue.

  He walks around the hood of the truck and opens my door. Clutching his hands around my waist, he lifts me down from the truck, my body sliding against his body as he places my feet on the ground.

  He lets me go but laces our fingers together and leads me toward the diner. His large hand dwarfs mine; I can feel the raised scars covering his hand. My thumb is resting on one on the top of his hand. Involuntarily, I rub the scar.

  I can feel his hot gaze on my face when he feels my thumb. Shuddering, I go to open the door to the diner. He stops me again and opens the door for me. Walking inside, I’m hit with the smell of greasy food that makes my stomach rumble. It’s so loud it’s embarrassing. I hope that he didn’t hear that. Glancing at him, I peek to see if he noticed anything. He is smirking at me with an arched eyebrow.

  Yeah, he heard that. Heat floods my cheeks. A large woman pops out from the door behind the counter. “Sit wherever, and I’ll bring your menus.”

  Looking around the diner, I notice that they still have the 50’s style decor with the black and white checkered floor, red seats, and glass windows that line the entire front of the building. The woman has on roller skates. I’m not sure how she can still use them because she looks old enough to be my grandmother.

  Kane leads me to a booth toward the back of the room. I let go of his hand to sit down in the booth, and I expect him to sit across from me because I sit right at the end, but he picks me up and sets me closer to the window.

  I never expected him to sit next to me; his presence beside me is intimidating. It’s not that I’m scared of him because something about Kane always makes me feel safe. Maybe it’s because of the first time I met him? I have a feeling that it goes beyond that.

  A menu sliding in front of me breaks me out of my thoughts. Looking up, I see the woman standing beside Kane.

  “What would you like to drink?” she asks with notepad in hand.

  “Water,” Kane answers her first.

  “The same,” I tell her with a smile.

  “Kane?” The old lady gasps.

  My head shoots up, confused. She covers her mouth to catch the gasp that falls from her lips as her eyes fill with tears. Kane stares up at her. Confusion written over his face. What the heck is going on? How does this woman know Kane? I look at Kane and back to the lady.

  “I haven’t seen you since you were a kid. You moved away and we never saw you again,” She tells him sadly. You can see the hurt written all over her face. Her hands white from clutching the waitress pad.

  “Meredith?” He finally looks up when it dawns on him.

  “Yes!” she yells and leans forward to wrap her arms round his neck. He hesitates for a second before wrapping his arms around her. Her eyes follow his movement before closing them. The pure pain written on her face as she sobs onto his shoulder.

  Putting my hand on Kane’s back to offer comfort. I don’t understand how he could have known this woman? I didn’t even know he used to live in this town. Sucking my lips into my mouth to stop the urge from asking questions. Questions that I’m dying to ask.

  “Your mother worked here for years, and I watched you every single day while she worked. Then she never came back. I hunted for you, Kane, and never could track you guys down.” She starts crying again.

  “I remember you now.” “His voice deep and ragged.

  My mouth drops open, confused.

  “You used to give me cookies,” he tells her and a smile tugs at the corner of his lips but slips instantly. His eyes are full of pain. He looks down at the table trying to hide it. The pain I saw in his eyes for that split second is the kind of pain that eats away at you, and suddenly I feel sadness for Kane, wondering what he felt in that moment. I place my hand on his and lace our fingers together, then lay our joined hands in my lap. Butterflies swarm my belly just at the small interaction.

  “I’m going to get your drinks,” Meredith says while looking between us. As she rolls away she looks back at Kane like she’s expecting him to bolt. Kane’s mother took Kane and left without a word. It’s understandable why she’s scared.

  Kane watches her walk away, and I watch him closely. Opening my mouth to speak, I think better of it as my mind draws a blank and close it instantly. What do I say to this?

  He tugs our entwined hands into his lap and clears his throat. He looks at me briefly then down at our entwined hand and lets out a deep breath. I don’t look away from him. I can’t, I’m entranced by the sorrow that swims in his baby blues.

  “When I was a kid, my mom got mixed up with the wrong man. He was a drug dealer and got her addicted. We never stayed in one place for too long. The hell they put me through dragging me from one place to another, the fighting, drinking…it was too much for a kid. She overdosed when I was fifteen and since I didn’t have any other family, I lived on the streets until I joined the Marines. I wanted better for my life than what she had given me.”

  “When I was young my mom used to work here. Meredith watched me during my mom’s shift. She would sit me down on the counter in the kitchen and sneak me cookies. This was before my mom was addicted to drugs. My mom used to a great mom. That was before…”

  My heart aches for Kane. What little I know of him, I’d never imagined he was brought up in such a cruel world. Kane was dealt a dirty hand at life, but he didn’t let that affect the man he’s carved himself into today. He wanted more in life, so he made something of himself. That shows his true character. I know that there is a lot more to the story, but it’s not my place to ask. If he wants me to know, he will tell me if and when he’s ready. My heart hurts for this man. A tear trickles down my cheek, and Kane’s face softens. His hand
comes up and with the pad of his thumb he delicately wipes away my tears.

  “Don’t cry for me, Sydney. The Marines is where I found myself. I’ve seen a lot of terrible things in this world, but seeing small children living in shacks with no food, living amid violence and hate…it gave me something to live for. My life may not have been the best, but I knew I could make it better. Something most people don’t even consider after having a hard upbringing. The Marines is where I found my family, my brothers. Ethan, Chase, and Isaac. The Marines taught me respect, honor and so much more. Most of all I found something worth living for. Protecting those I love.” He looks over at me as he finished, his eyes showing his emotion that he won’t voice.

  Wow... This man? No words. What I thought I knew about him is changed drastically.

  “I understand, but if you ever need to talk. I’m here.” I put my other hand on his forearm. Sliding closer to him on the seat, I wrap my arms around Kane’s belly. My face hits his chest. One of his hands holds the back of my head holding me to him and the other wraps around me tightly.

  My eyes flutter, closed and I bask in the feeling of his arms. His scent comforts me. I feel protected. Those arms are something I always want around me. Kane has something about him that puts me completely at ease. He makes me feel protected and that nothing can touch me.

  The moment is interrupted when Meredith comes back to take our order. Kane’s arms ease off me, and I sit up in my seat. She looks between Kane and me with her eyebrows raised before a smile creeps over her face.

  “Who’s this?” She motions to me.

  “I’m Sydney.” Smiling at her, I look down at the menu at the burger selections.

  “She’s beautiful, Kane,” she whispers to him.

  “She’s more than beautiful.” A gasp shoots through me, and I look at Kane who’s staring at me in a way that has me believing that he can see all the way down to my soul.

  “Well, I’ll be,” Meredith says under her breath but my eyes don’t leave Kane’s. “What can I get you guys?”

  Breaking my gaze from Kane’s, I scan the menu again. “I’ll just take a burger with all the fixings. Except mayo.”

  “I’ll have the same,” Kane answers next.

  She writes everything down and rolls away. Kane turns to me. “Tell me about you.”

  "Not much to tell, really.” I shrug, but judging by Kane’s cocked up brow, my answer isn’t enough. “My mom was a single parent who worked two jobs just to keep food on the table. We moved every six months, sometimes the bills were just too much or work was slow. Me and Ethan learned early not to make friends because we knew we wouldn’t be staying in one place too long. Ethan was my best friend; I guess you could say. I was a loner, I closed myself off from the rest of world and lived in the fictional world of the books I would read.” I pick at the hem of my shirt nervously. “Ethan joined the Marines when I was a senior. I kept to myself that year. College is where I found myself and learned to live. Well sort of.” I laugh slightly and glance up at Kane who’s staring at me intently. “I learned to get out of my shell. When I wasn’t in class or studying, I would volunteer at the woman’s shelter or the veteran’s center. Now I’m an indie romance author,” I laugh under my breath as his eyes widen at the romance part.

  “You write sex?” His eyes widen waiting for my answer.

  “The whole book isn’t sex.” Rolling my eyes at how cliché people are.

  “No social life? No boyfriends, dating, or prom?” Kane asks.

  Shaking my head, I blush. “I rarely dated. The few guys I did date, I’d learn early on they weren’t the right guy for me. No point in wasting my time on someone I felt nothing for. Ethan was always very protective of me in high school, so he scared them away.”

  “Good,” he mumbles.

  “Hey!” I smack him on the shoulder. “I heard that.”

  He just shrugs his shoulders and smirks at me cockily.

  “Remind me to thank your brother the next time I see him.”

  “Oh, you think I didn’t date in college?” I tease him. His smile drops.

  Meredith brings our food to the table. My burger is huge, like the size of the small plate. I thank her as I lift the burger off the plate. Opening my mouth, I manage to get a small bite in, groaning at the taste.

  “Shit,” Kane hisses from beside me. Glancing out of the corner of my eye I see Kane staring at me with hooded eyes. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Setting the burger back on the plate, I turn toward the window to hide my laugh.

  We finish our food in silence, but my eyes keep wandering back to the noticeable bulge in his pants.


  While Kane pays for our food, I walk outside. The warm Texas air hits me. Closing my eyes, I bask in the feeling. My eyes shoot open at the sound of something coming from the alley. Walking toward it, I see an old man in dirty and ripped clothing. He’s leaning with his head back against the wall. His hat says that he’s a Vietnam vet.

  Walking over to him, I bend down so I’m eye level with him. His body stiffens when I sit close to him, but he doesn’t look up.

  “Sir,” I start but instantly jump when he sits up and we almost butt heads.

  “I’m sorry,” he says and then scoots back closer to the wall.

  “Are you a vet?” I sit down on the ground in front of him. The scent of urine hits me, and I put my hand over my mouth to cover up my gagging.

  “Yes, ma’am. A Vietnam vet.” He smiles at me proudly. His face is weathered.

  “Thank you for your service.” I offer my hand for him to shake. He stares at for a second before putting his hand in mine. “Are you hungry?”

  He jerks his hand from mine and looks at the ground. Pride. No matter what circumstances have put this man where he today, his honor and pride are things that can never be taken from him. Not waiting for an answer, I get up.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,” I tell him over my shoulder. As I turn the corner to go back into the diner, Kane walks out looking around wildly.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask him when I’m right beside him.

  “Sydney,” he grounds out and grabs my hand.

  “Wait, I need to go back inside.” I jerk my hand from his and walk back inside. Spotting Meredith still at the counter, I walk over to her. “I would like to order two burgers, and a large order of fries. If you have bottled water, that would be great too. This is to-go.”

  “This will be 15.60,” she says after she adds everything up on the cash register. Taking my card out, I pay for the food.

  “Thank you. I’ll put the food in now and it should be done soon,” she says before heading into the kitchen.

  “Expecting to get hungry later?” Kane chuckles from behind me. Giggling, I shake my head no.

  “You should have let me pay for that.”

  Shaking my head again, I narrow my eyes at him. No way am I letting him pay for that. From the corner of my eye I see him shake his head in frustration. He’s such a guy. Rolling my eyes, I lean back against the counter, watching through the little window into the kitchen at the man fixing the food.

  Kane wraps his arm around me and hugs me into his side before whispering into my ear, “What were you doing over by the side of a building?”

  Leaning the back of my head against his chest, I tell him, “I was talking to a friend.”

  “A friend?” I can hear the confusion in his voice.

  I nod. To be honest, I’m sad. A person who fought for this country is living on the streets. Without food or water. Nothing. A man who served this country deserves to always have a place to sleep. Shame is what I feel.

  Spotting a napkin on the counter, I take a pen from the cup by the register and jot my number down. If he ever needs anything I will help him. No questions asked.

  “Here you go, honey.”

  Looking up I see Meredith holding a massive carry-out box and two waters. Smiling at her, I mutter a thank you before taking it from her.

�Here, let me take it from you.”

  I start to argue, but Kane already has it in his hand. Taking the waters, Kane puts his other hand on my back and leads us out of the diner.

  “Wait. This way,” I tell Kane as he tries to lead me toward the truck. He looks confused but follows me.

  Walking into the alley, I see the man still sitting there. He looks up as I walk up beside him and then snaps his gaze to Kane who is standing behind me.

  “I brought you something,” I tell the vet and set the waters down beside him. Taking the food from Kane I bend down and hand him the tray of food.

  “Here is two burgers and fries.” His hands shake and his eyes never once leave the food. I almost choke up, but I hold it in. Grabbing the napkin from my back pocket, I hand it to him.

  “If you ever need anything at all, let me know. Here’s my number.” He smiles and nods at me.

  Stepping back, I look up at Kane who I can feel is starting at me with mixed emotions. Taking his hand, I lead him out of the alley and straight to his truck, not wanting the veteran to see my emotions.

  Sadness sweeps through me. I worked at the veteran’s center. Seeing someone on the streets, hungry and especially a veteran is like a punch to the gut. What if that was my brother? Blinking rapidly, I try to stop my tears. How can life be so cruel? How can people be so cruel?

  Kane opens the passenger door before his hand goes under my chin and lifts so I’m looking up at him.

  “That was the most amazing thing I ever seen, Sydney, what you just did.” His face shows his raw emotion mixed with awe. Blushing, I watch as his eyes travel down to my lips. My lips part on their own accord. My heart races in anticipation. Is he going to do what I think he is? My hands grip Kane’s biceps. My breathing comes out in shallow bursts.

  He lifts me off the ground and onto the seat. I let out a squeal as I bounce on the seat for a second, and I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. His hand goes to my jaw before he presses a kiss to my lips. Without hesitation, my lips part, and I deepen the kiss. I slide my hands down his back, pulling him closer to me as I wrap my legs around his waist. My heart is beating out of my chest. Kane’s warm lips caressing mine in a way that makes all the other kisses I’ve had fly out of the window. This kiss is a one-of-a-kind kiss that makes the world stop. Pigs fly. The kind of kiss that you will compare all others to.


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