Protecting His Forever

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Protecting His Forever Page 15

by Ashers, LeAnn

  Kane pulls Ethan to the side to get everything sorted.

  “Come on, everyone, let’s go eat!” Clapping my hands, Arabella takes off running. The little boy stares at me in shock.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask softly not wanting to frighten him.

  “You guys eat together?”

  “Yes, we do.” Smiling at him. “You hungry?”

  He looks down at the ground ashamed. The growl I hear is proof enough. “Come on, let’s get you fed.”

  I place my hand out for him to take. He looks at it warily then slowly places it in mine. Pulling his gently, we walk to the patio. Pulling out a chair for him, I grab a plate and load it with a steak and the works. Cutting up the steaks in little pieces for him, I set it in front of him and he just stares at it like Arabella did when she first came here. He then takes the fork and stuffs huge bites in his mouth. He eats and eats. Grabbing some water, I set it in front of him. He takes it and chugs it down. Hearing a sob, I look back to see Jessica and Brae crying.

  Kane us a plate. Everyone is already eating. Arabella is sitting in Isaac’s lap which makes me feel like a horrible mom—I forgot to get her a plate. “Don’t worry I got her.” Isaac nods his head at me. I give him a thankful smile.

  The police show up a little while later with a social worker. He is to stay with us. He does have distant family, but they have many priors of drug abuse and the other is child neglect and endangerment. Carter is seven years old.

  The man that attacked me when leaving the mall was his dad. Arabella and Carter have the same mom. Carter’s dad was in the gang with my father. My mind is reeling at how connected it is. It’s hard to believe. I didn’t even know this town had a gang. Police records indicate that multiple cities in Texas have these gang members with the tattoo covering half of their face.


  Standing in the living room once everyone is gone, I’m not sure what to do next.

  “Kane,” I call out.

  “Yeah?” He peeks his head around the corner.

  “He needs some night clothes and a spare outfit for tomorrow. Then I will take him shopping to let him pick out what he wants.” He nods and smiles at me. He takes the keys from the hook and kisses me on the cheek before he leaves.

  The couch is calling my name. This day has been exhausting and the police should just move in with us. They have been called so many times the past few months.

  A giggling Arabella comes into the room pulling Carter who is looking around at the house in wonderment. His eyes connect with mine before falling back down to the ground. His body stiffens like he’s afraid I’m about to scold him.

  “Carter,” I call him softly.

  His head snaps to mine and slowly walks over. From his tense body you can tell he is scared. His movements are jerky as he moves toward me. His little hands are shaking. He sits on the corner of the seat and looks at the floor.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, sweetheart.” I slowly touch his shoulder. I want nothing more than to pull him into a hug.

  “Promise?” His bottom lip is trembling as his tear-filled eyes meet mine.

  “I swear. You’ll never have to worry about that again.” I move closer to him.

  Tears run down his face. I raise my arms out in front of me knowing if I just hug him out right it will freak him out. He looks at my arms for a second and then throws himself into them. His little body is shaking from him crying so hard. Pulling him into my lap, he tucks his face in my neck.

  “Mommy…” Arabella is watching us confused.

  Placing a finger over my mouth, I let her know to be quiet. She runs off to go play. “Are you okay, honey?” I lean back slightly so I can see his face.

  “You’re not going to hurt me?” he barely manages to get out through the snubs.

  “I would never ever hurt you. All I want is for you to be happy.” I wipe my fingers under his eyes and dry his tears.

  He starts sobbing again and my heart is breaking for this little boy. He cries onto my shoulder for a long time. He is still crying by the time Kane comes home. Kane watches us with clenched fists. Nodding my head toward the little boy, Kane nods and walks over to us.

  He takes him from my arms and holds him close. Carter stiffens up and then wraps his arms around Kane’s neck. “Carter, nobody will ever hurt you again, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure of that.”

  Carter nods his little head. He stops crying after few minutes. Kane just sways back and forth holding him.

  “I’m going to get Arabella bathed. Can you help him?”

  He nods and gives me a smile.

  Walking into Arabella's room, I watch her play on the floor with her dolls.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Bath time.” I grab her pajamas out of the dresser.


  As I’m combing her hair, Kane and Carter come in the room. I barely recognize him. Before he was covered in dirt, and now I can see that this little boy is absolutely gorgeous. He has dark blond hair that Kane must have cut. Arabella and he have the same colored eyes and he is really tall for his age.

  I smile at him, and he looks down at the ground blushing. Kane gives me a wink.

  “Tarter! You wook gweat!” Arabella jumps up and down, excited.

  Laughing at her antics, Carter walks over and musses up her hair. Kane wraps his arms around me. We just watch them together. She has a brother. Kane’s hand slowly slides down my back and to my ass, then he pinches it which causes me to yelp.

  Smacking his chest, he laughs at me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I look deep into his eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, sweetheart.” Placing his lips on mine, he lifts me off the ground. My hands go to his hair. I almost forgot we had an audience. Hearing giggling, I lean back to see Arabella looking at us. Carter is staring at us shocked.

  “Hop in bed, Arabella. I’ll tell you a story. You want to stay too, Carter?”

  He shakes his head no. “You want me to show you your room?” He nods. “Kane, tell Arabella a story, and I’ll go get him settled.”

  Walking out of the room, I go down the hall a few feet to the guest room. Soon-to-be Carter’s new bedroom. “I will take you out tomorrow and you can pick out some things.”

  Pulling back the comforter and sheets, I wave him over and he slowly climbs into bed. He hugs the blanket close to his chest.

  “Goodnight, sweetheart.” I lean down and give him a kiss on the forehead.

  “Night,” he whispers.

  Walking out of the bedroom, I feel defeated. It will get better like it did with Arabella, but there is nothing worse than feeling helpless. Peeking in on Kane and Arabella, who is already asleep, I see Kane checking her window.

  Bracing my hip at the door frame, Kane takes my hand and we both walk down the stairs. Isaac is sitting on the couch and looks at us as we walk down the stairs.

  “Is he okay?” Isaac asks

  “I think he eventually will be,” I sigh as I sink into the couch. Kane sits down and pulls me into his lap.

  “He will be. He is strong,” Kane says while rubbing my arm soothingly.

  “He has seen a lot of rough things. He will always remember them, but he is lucky that he has you guys. Growing up, we didn’t have that.” He motions between himself and Kane. “That little boy will be getting more love than he can handle. It pours off you guys with Arabella. The love you guys have for each other is strong. Just by watching you, people can see it.”

  I look at Isaac, shocked. I don’t even what to say. What can you say to that? Kane grips me tighter to him, and I can tell he feels the same way.

  “He has cigarette burns on his shoulder,” Kane tells us solemnly

  Covering my hands with my face, I growl angrily.

  “Those stupid fuckers,” Isaac grounds out between his teeth.

  “You ready for bed?” I ask Kane, ready to get this day over with.

  “Yeah let’s go shower first.” He winks and lifts me off h
is lap.

  Walking ahead of him, he slaps my ass as I run up the stairs. Yeah, shower sex is the best.

  Stripping my clothes off before I even make it in the bathroom, Kane is chuckling behind me at my antics.

  Turning the shower on, I watch as Kane takes his clothes off. Looking down, I rub my belly. I had forgotten that I am pregnant and with twins at that. Smiling, I step into the warm shower. Kane comes in behind me.

  Kane closes the distance between us, slamming his mouth onto mine as his hand snakes between my legs and he touches my bundle of nerves. Biting my lip, I lean my head back against the wall. He slips two fingers in me while his thumb circles my clit. He curls his fingers and hits that spot in me that has my toes curling. Moving my hips against his hand, I try to get more of anything.

  “Kane, fuck me.”

  He smacks my ass and that has my thighs clenching together. Holy shit.

  He lifts me off the ground and my legs wrap around him. My back presses against the cold tile.

  “Hang on,” he grounds out before he slams home.

  Throwing my head back, I cry out while he pounds into me. With me braced against the wall in a way that I’m not moving, I claw his back as he swivels his hips and he hits that spot again.


  He pounds impossibly faster. The fire spreading through me is almost too much.

  “Come, baby.” He circles my clit, and I explode. Kane pumps a few more times before he grunts out his release. Laying my head on his shoulder, I attempt to catch my breath. Kane gently unwinds my legs from his waist putting me back on the ground.

  He grabs my bath sponge and then gently washes me. He shows me every day how loving and caring he is. Grabbing his face between my hands, I ask him, “What did I ever do to deserve someone like you? I love you with all my heart and soul, Kane.”

  I hug him and rest my head on his chest. His hand presses my head tighter to him. “I love you, too, sweetheart. More than my life itself.”

  He gets down onto his knees and presses a kiss to my belly. “Daddy loves you, too, my boys.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rolling over in bed I look over at the clock. 9 AM. Groaning, I slide out of bed and walk to the closet. I’m surprised Arabella isn’t awake yet. Kane starts making the bed. Slipping on a sundress, I put some eyeliner and mascara on. Taking some powder, I pat it on my cheeks. SMACK! I jump as Kane gropes my ass as he walks to the other sink. "Will you knock that off?”

  Kane puts his fingers to his chin in thought for a moment before grinning wickedly. “Never.”

  Rolling my eyes, I walk into Carter’s room to check on him and as I get over to the bed, I see that Arabella has got into bed with Carter. He has his arm wrapped around her protectively.

  Walking back out of the room, I go back to our bathroom. “Kane, come here.”

  I stick my head in and run back, grabbing my phone off the table as I do.

  After snapping a couple pictures of them, Kane walks into the room. “Look how cute, Kane!”

  He chuckles at me and walks over to wake them up. Carter jumps up and moves in front of Arabella who wakes up sleepily, rubbing her eyes. She looks around confused.

  “I’m not going to hurt you or Arabella,” Kane tells him softly. Carter swallows and then slides off the bed. He looks up at Kane defiantly.

  “All right, kiddos. I’m going to start breakfast. You can go downstairs to watch TV, play, or whatever.” Arabella jumps off the bed and runs downstairs. I know she is heading straight for the kitchen.

  I ruffle Carters hair as I walk past.

  After breakfast is ready, I set Carter’s plate in front of him and he stares down at it for a second and then up at me. Arabella carries Isaac’s plate.

  “Dig in, sweetheart.” I ruffle his hair again.

  He looks up at me and smiles. Smiles. That smile just made me fall in love with this little boy. He has those sweet little dimples that Arabella has. Kissing him on the forehead, I walk back to the kitchen. I can hear Kane coming up behind me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and lays his chin on my shoulder.

  “He’s going to be okay, sweetheart.” He presses a kiss on the side of my neck.

  The rest of the meal is uneventful. Taking Arabella upstairs, I get her ready for the day. She wants to match me so she grabs her own little sundress. Carter and Kane walk in a minute later and they’re matching in dark jeans a white t-shirt.

  “Oh my God! Look at you guys!” I can’t keep the squeal out of my voice.

  Carter blushes and looks down at the ground. Kane smirks and stalks over to me giving me a kiss. Taking my hand, he leads me downstairs with the kids following behind us. Sneaking a peek back at them, I love how Carter’s hair is gelled to the side. The urge to pinch his cheeks is becoming too much. He catches me looking and rolls his eyes.

  Kane smacks my butt. “Leave him alone.” My butt is sore enough from all the ass smacking, so I pull my hand back and smack him back hard. He yelps and gets that evil glint in his eye.

  I hear giggling, and I look back just in time to catch Arabella pantsing her brother. My eyes all but fall out of my head.

  I watch in shock as Carter starts laughing and that sets off the rest of us. Wiping my tears, I ask her, “Where did you learn that?”

  “Chase!” she squeals and runs down the stairs. It puts me in full panic mode because I can see her falling down the steps and getting a concussion.

  “Chase is a troublemaker,” I mutter to myself.

  “Says the person who put baby powder in the hair dryer.” He takes a piece of my hair and gentle pulls it while smirking at me. I roll my eyes at him, but that doesn’t stop me from grinning.

  When we arrive at the store, I grab Carter’s hand and lead him inside. Kane goes to pick out furniture. I go to the stuff he wants to decorate his room.

  “All right how do you want your room decorated?”

  He is staring at me like I have two heads.

  Placing my hand on his back, I encourage, “Choose what you want, sweetheart.”

  He smiles at me and then walks off ahead of me. He walks down the aisle and stops at a dark blue comforter. He points at it and smiles at me. His little dimple pops out, and I want to squeeze him again. His eyes narrow like he knows what I’m thinking.

  Pressing my lips together, I resist the urge not to smile and tackle him into a hug. He places his hands in front of him, but I grab them and pull him into me. He starts squirming, and when I let go he looks down at the ground blushing. Giggling at him, he looks up and glares at me. Twisting around, I make a big show of looking at the items on the shelves.

  Kane pops around the corner with a buggy. Arabella sitting in the front basket. Grabbing the correct size comforter, he wants, I lay it in the buggy. “All right, sweetheart, let’s pick out the rest of your things.

  The things he picked out didn’t match, but he wanted it so it’s his. We go to the mall to get clothes and Kane will be taking him around to look at things he might want. Arabella will be staying with me because she loves clothes shopping as much as I do.

  We go around the store getting pants, dress shirts, t-shirts, shorts, swimsuits, shoes and pajamas. The buggy is loaded full of clothes by the time Kane and Carter come back. Carter is grinning from ear to ear and is carrying a bag.

  Looking at them curiously, Kane winks and pulls Carter closer to him.


  Carter is acting all shy now that we are away from Sydney. He keeps peeking up at me and looks back down at the floor. He stops, and I look back to see him staring into a sporting goods store. He looks at me and then walks back over, but keeps looking back at the store staring at something.

  “You want to go in there?”

  He looks at me and then looks unsure what to say. So I just put my hand on his shoulder and lead him over to the store. “What do you want?” He looks so uneasy. “You don’t have to be afraid, especially around me.” He visibly relaxes and walks over to a pa
ir of UFC fighting gloves. “You know what those are for?”

  He nods. “I watched them fight on TV. I want to be able to fight like that. Nobody will mess with me again.”

  I don’t blame him. As a kid all I wanted was to feel safe and be able to take care of myself. I could fight at a young age, but it was street fighting. I still defended myself. If he wants to learn to fight, who I am to stop him? He will be trained, though. When I look at this little boy, I see so much of myself in him.

  “Do you want to learn how to fight like that?” He grins and nods enthusiastically. “You will have to train and it won’t be easy. I have a gym that teaches mixed martial arts. Do you want to go?”

  “Yes!” He fist pumps the air. Chuckling at him, I grab a pair of kid gloves for him.

  “I will call and ask when classes start. School starts in two days.”

  Paying for the gloves, I hand them to Carter who hugs them to him. The grin that comes over his face never leaves. Going back to the store where Syd is almost done with shopping, I walk inside to see her standing at the counter with a cart full of clothes.

  Her face lights up when she sees us. Her smiling like that almost always puts me on my ass. She’s so beautiful, and she is my fiancée. She is an amazing mother to our children, and she loves me. Loves me. It’s hard to believe someone who is so honest and beautiful would want someone like me. I’m a selfish fucker, and I want to keep her.

  Paying for the stuff, I grab all the bags. How in the fuck am I supposed to carry this much? By the time I make it to the truck I’m pretty sure my arms are going to fall off. The little straps of the bags cut into your skin. All but throwing the stuff in the truck, Carter hands me the other bags.

  Picking up my baby girl, I set her in her seat and buckle her in. She pinches my nose.

  “Ouch!” I yelp at her. She starts giggling and does it again. I place a kiss on her forehead and walk over to put Syd in the truck. Carter manages to get in himself. Syd gives me that sexy little grin that makes my limp dick hard in seconds. She looks down at my hard dick and smirks at me. She bites her lips.


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