Book Read Free

Accidental Arrangements

Page 14

by Alexandra Warren

  “I said I’m fine,” Jules repeated, this time with a little more attitude.

  I couldn’t pinpoint the reason for her change in energy, though Hope didn’t care either way as she turned her attention to me and asked, “Well is that offer good for a friend? I mean, my feet are fine but my shoulders are on fire. Trent killed me in the gym this week.”

  “You work out?” I asked casually, knowing a little conversation would at least make the walk go faster.

  “Gotta keep this ass from getting droopy somehow, right?”

  Jules snapped her head back with a laugh before peeking over her shoulder to say, “Girl, stop lying. The only thing keeping your ass from getting droopy is your yearly appointment for sili….”

  Hope was quick to cut her off while Wes and Mia snickered nearby. “Bitch, didn’t nobody ask you. And don’t hate cause you’re too lazy to come to the gym.”

  This time, Jules turned around completely, stopping to challenge, “Lazy? I am not lazy. You know I’m not lazy.”

  And while I could tell Hope was struggling with a response, I had no problem adding my two cents. “You’re right. The Energizer Bunny couldn’t even keep up with your ass in…”

  “Anyway! We’re here. And I should’ve been drunk a long time ago so we got some catching up to do,” Jules said, cutting me off as we bypassed the line heading straight for the entrance.

  Wes and I both dapped up the bouncer before he pulled the rope back to let us in, the girls leading the way as we followed close behind them. I couldn’t help noticing the way Hope stayed closer to me than her friends, putting an extra switch in her hips as if she already knew we were watching. And I was definitely watching; more fascinated with how natural the surgeon made her booty look than anything. I mean, if Jules wouldn’t have pointed it out, I certainly wouldn’t have been able to tell.

  Still, Wes didn’t seem to care if it was fake or not as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder before leaning over to whisper in my ear, “That’s all you tonight, Levi.”

  I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good, man.”

  “She’s serving all of that ass on a platter and you’re good? What is wrong with you?” Wes asked before quickly continuing, “Nevermind. I know exactly what’s wrong with you.”

  I gave him my eyes to see what he was talking about, but his eyes were already trained on Jules as she slipped through the crowd towards the bar, catching glances from every dude she passed. And while I already knew Wes had a point, I had no problem shoving him in the arm when he started singing T-Pain’s I’m Sprung.


  I couldn’t stop looking at him.

  While I always knew Levi was attractive, even before I knew him - even before I lived with him -, something about his energy tonight had my eyes glued to his every move. Or maybe it was the fact that his every move went simultaneously with Hope’s as she basically plead her case for why he should fuck with her.

  “You sound jealous…” I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and took a hearty sip of my martini, swishing it around the glass before taking another sip to finish it off. But when I went to stand up, it was clear I shouldn’t have drank it so fast as I stumbled a little when I stepped down from my bar stool.

  “Damn, girl. You’re faded already?” Wes asked as he caught me by the arm even though I was already stable. And since I was, I had no problem snatching my arm away from his crusty ass hands.

  “It was only one drink. I’m good,” I told him as I leaned against the bar top near the stool I had just abandoned.

  And for whatever reason, Wes took it upon himself to take over the spot I had just left as he insisted, “I’m just trying to help, but you’re too mad at Levi for fuckin’ with your girl to even realize that.”

  “I am not mad at him. Why would I be mad at him? It’s a free country and he’s a free man,” I replied, trying to convince myself more than him that it was the truth.

  But my attempt obviously wasn’t strong enough as Wes answered, “Because ya’ll like each other. It’s obvious. The same way you’re mad right now is the same mad that got us here in the first place. You know he only wanted to get up out of there cause he saw how close you were getting to ol’ boy.”

  While I was more than happy to get from up under Jermaine once he started trying so hard to impress me and then doubled down by trying to stunt on Levi, I was honestly flattered that Levi’s efforts were out of the same jealousy I felt right now.

  Still, that didn’t stop me from defending, “Jermaine is just a friend of mine.”

  “Well ya’ll didn’t look like friends. Not to me and definitely not to Levi.”

  “Good thing it’s neither one of ya’ll’s business, huh?” I asked with a roll of my eyes as I watched Hope try way too hard for Levi’s attention.

  And my heavy gaze must’ve been visible as Wes followed it before he said, “Look. Do you need me to run interference or not?”

  “Interference? What are you talking about, Wes?”

  “You know, get your man over here with you. Where he belongs.”

  I was quick to defend, “He’s not my man. He’s just my…”

  “Friend? Yeah, he said the same thing about you. So like I said, you need my help or you just gonna be the salty one all night?” he asked as he leaned in near my ear without saying anything.

  “What are you doing? Get away from me,” I screeched with a little shove that hardly made him budge. But he was sure to create real separation once Levi approached us.

  “Yo, Wes. What’s going on over here? Ya’ll cool?”

  Wes shrugged as he lied, “Jules had... something in her hair. I was just trying to get it out. Ya’ll should talk though.” Before hopping down from the bar stool and taking the drink that had just been delivered with him.

  At that point, I realized what Wes had been doing all along; trying to create this moment that I honestly wasn’t prepared for. But I tried my best to keep it together as I turned towards the bar and asked, “So… are you having a good time? I see you and Hope are hitting it off.”

  Levi followed my lead, leaning against the bar top with all on eyes on me. “She’s cool peoples. Not my type, but cool peoples nonetheless.”

  “Not your type? Hope is gorgeous. How is she not your type?” I asked, peeking up to find his gaze sitting even heavier than I imagined; as if he had been waiting to get me alone the same way I secretly had been.

  He served me his infamous smirk as he answered, “I didn’t say she wasn’t fine. I just… like ‘em a little different.”

  “Oh yeah? And how is that?”

  He took a step closer to me, putting me between his body and the bar top as he answered, “Well… if I had to put my dream girl together, she’d probably be just like you.”

  “Like me?” I asked, peeking up to meet his eyes once again.

  And this time, they seemed even darker as he bent his head when he said, “Yeah. Just… like… you.”

  “Let’s… take a shot,” I insisted, turning around out of pure panic from the idea of him almost kissing me in public. Though me turning around did nothing but allow him to step even closer, his body flushed against mine as he wrapped an arm low against my waist.

  “Nah, I’m not drinking tonight. Trying to be a more responsible spender these days.”

  “My treat then. In fact, let’s make it a double,” I offered as I leaned into the bar top trying to get the bartender’s attention, desperate for any distraction.

  Still, Levi only laughed as he said, “Damn, Jules. You sure you can handle all that? I mean, I saw you were already over here bobbin’ and weavin’ just a minute ago.”

  “So you were watching me like I was watching you?” I thought to myself just as the bartender approached us.

  But apparently it wasn’t just a thought after all as Levi leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Couldn’t take my eyes off of you if I wanted to.”

  “Uh… light or dark liquor?” I asked, trying to keep my breathing stea
dy as I became more and more aware of his closeness. It was almost as if he was doing it on purpose, taunting and teasing me by simply existing, forcing me to add, “You know what? How about one of each?”

  Again, Levi laughed. “Hell nah. You’re tryna kill us both. Let’s go dark.”

  I shook my head, pretending to be disgusted. “Yuck. Dark liquor puts hair on your chest. I’m getting light.”

  “Well why’d you even ask, crazy girl?” he said with another laugh just as the bartender prepared to take our order. And instead of answering his question, I ordered a double shot of tequila for myself and ordered him a double shot of Hennessy.

  “Hennessy and tequila? You tryna start some trouble or somethin’?”

  I peeked at him over my shoulder, my martini a little more settled into my bloodstream when I asked, “What? That’s what I like. And that’s what you like. Well… I think that’s what you like. That is what you like, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I like it. But I’m warning you now. Hennessy does some strange shit to me,” he insisted just as the bartender sat the drinks in front of us along with a receipt.

  I made quick work of grabbing my debit card from my clutch, setting it on top of the tab for the bartender to take. Then I grabbed Levi’s glass, handing it back to him before grabbing my own and telling him, “Well, tequila does some strange shit to me. Cheers.”

  We clinked glasses then tossed the shots back; me in two big gulps and him in one, though we both bit back at the sting as we sat the emptied glasses on the bar top.

  “You want another one?” I asked as I swiped a hand across my lips to catch the excess that had slipped from the corner of my mouth.

  “Nah, I’m straight. I appreciate you though, pretty girl,” he replied before leaning in and landing a little kiss to my temple. A… strangely comforting, but also incredibly friendly kiss.

  At least that’s what I told myself as I tried to commit the feel of his lips to memory while telling him, “You’re welcome. Just don’t go wasting all of that good henny dick on some random chick.”

  Levi’s little chuckle warmed my skin, or maybe it was the alcohol, as he repeated, “Henny dick? I don’t need Hennessy in my system to give good dick. If anybody knows that, it’s you.”

  “You’re the one who said it does some strange shit to you,” I reminded him as I signed the receipt, being sure to leave the bartender a hefty tip.

  Then I turned around, feeling confident enough to face him straight up when he finally replied, “Yeah. Puts me all in my feelings, gets me runnin’ at the mouth, makes me extra aggressive. But wait… that’s the kind of strange you were talking about?”

  “I mean…” I trailed, pulling the corner of my lip between my teeth as I peeked past him out towards the crowd.

  But Levi practically forced my gaze to come back his way once he replied, “Nothing strange about that, baby. You see me. You want me. Shits not complicated.”

  I quickly brushed him off with a wave of my hand. “Blah, blah, blah. Get your cocky ass on somewhere. Ain’t nobody tryna hear all that.”

  “You like this cocky ass though,” he said with a smirk of confidence that I couldn’t combat if I wanted to.

  In fact, instead of continuing to fight it, I decided to own it as I crossed my arms over my chest and fired back, “So what? Is that a crime?”

  This time, it was him peeking out to the crowd as he ran a hand across his mouth. “No. But it’s definitely a pleasant surprise to hear you admit it out loud.”

  “Aww come on, Levi. You had to know I was interested in more than just your dick, right?”

  I mean, sure his dick might’ve been the prime focus since opening that can of worms. But the more I learned about Levi, the more attracted to him I became. Not because he was perfect, but because he was… human, and honest, and charming as hell.

  Still, regardless of how I truly felt, Levi wasn’t as convinced when he replied, “Considering how much you’ve used it since you’ve had access… uh… it was hard to tell.”

  “Well now you know. I like you, Levi. And seeing you with Hope only made me realize it even more,” I admitted, the liquid courage neutralizing the embarrassment I would’ve felt under any other circumstances.

  But to my surprise, I wasn’t alone in my feelings as Levi asked, “So how’d you think seeing you all hugged up with Jermaine made me feel?”

  “I don’t know. Probably like a lucky man since you knew you’d be the one taking me home tonight,” I answered with a smirk as I adjusted the chain hanging from his neck, estimating in my head how much it was worth. Not because I was a gold digger, but because it surely could’ve been pawned to pay a year’s worth of rent on a one-bedroom apartment.

  But if he would’ve done that, then I would’ve never met him, and he would’ve never been able to say things like, “Yeah, taking you home by default.”

  “That’s not the point. Take your wins when you get them. And let me tell you, all of this right here? A win.”

  “But I’m the cocky one?” he asked, his smirk returning as he looked down at me.

  And I couldn’t help but mock him when I answered, “You like this cocky ass though.”

  He licked his lips, wrapping me in another embrace as he replied, “You’re damn right I do. Come on. Let’s get up out of here.”

  I giggled as I pulled away. “Nu uh. I’m here with my girls. You’re just a tag-along which means you don’t get to call the shots.”

  Instead of pulling me back in, Levi stepped just close enough to whisper in my ear, “So you don’t want me to take you home and fuck you to sleep? Smack that ass and pull on your little ponytail?”

  “Wow. You really think throwing me the dick is going to convince me to leave?” I asked teasingly, the words actually coming out of my mouth almost convincing me to change my answer before I could add, “Well… you’re wrong. I haven’t been out in a minute and I’m not about to rush it on account of that baseball bat in your pants.”

  “Well come on then. Let’s dance. If that’s what you’re here for,” he replied as he reached for my hand.

  But I was quick to dodge his attempt as I told him, “If I wanted to dance with you, I would’ve just stayed my ass at home and turned on some music.”

  “Is that an offer for later? A private dance? In just those heels?” he asked, somehow managing to get even closer to me than he already was.

  And as I ran a hand along the stubble on his chin, I gushed, “It’s not even your birthday, Mr. Graham.”

  “Well if that’s my present, I’m about to expedite my shit.”

  I burst with laughter as I smacked a hand against his chest, grinning from ear-to-ear thanks to the deadly combination of L’s - Liquor and Levi. But unfortunately I didn’t get to bask in the moment for as long as I would’ve liked as Hope stepped up to us, pushing her boobs to the forefront of everyone’s attention as she asked - no, not asked; demanded -, “Come dance with me, Levi.”

  And as if he was suddenly under some sort of spell, Levi shrugged as he accepted her invitation. “Yeah, aight. Let’s do it.”

  I watched with wide eyes as they slipped through the crowd to open ground before he positioned himself comfortably behind her.

  “You motherfucker…” I muttered, peeking down the bar to find Wes in the face of some girl. And since he didn’t belong there, I had no problem interrupting when I called out, “Wes! Wes, get over here!”

  His frown was tight as he excused himself before making his way down to me. “Damn, Jules. What’s the emergency?”

  “That’s the emergency,” I answered, pointing towards Hope and Levi just as Hope was dropping it down to the ground in front of him.

  But instead of being in a frenzy like me, Wes’s face lit up as he said, “Oh shit. Aye! Go ‘head then, Levi! That’s my dog.”

  “You’re supposed to be helping me!” I shouted, the liquor only intensifying the mix of emotions I felt.

  And Wes did absolutely nothing to mak
e things better when he replied, “Helping you? Last time I tried to help your silly ass, you were ready to jawjack me!”

  “Yeah, cause you caught me offguard!” I reminded him, my nerves becoming more and more frazzled the longer I watched them. I mean, how was it even possible for him to have been talking all of that sweet shit one second and be snuggling up with Hope the next?

  Before I could answer my own question, Wes offered, “Alright, Jules. What you need me to do then? Dance with you or somethin’? Take you out of here by the hand so he’s forced to see where we’re going?”

  “That almost seems too obvious.”

  “Well the longer you stand here and try to come up with a plan, the longer your girl has to steal your man,” he insisted as he sipped from the drink I wished was mine.

  Though it was clear I didn’t need any more alcohol once I snapped, “He’s not my man.”

  “So why are you doing all of this then? It’s plenty niggas in here waiting for me to walk away from you so they can shoot their shot. Just let it come to you and show Levi what he’ll be missing out on. I can almost guarantee his ass will be hustling back over here once the song changes.”

  “But what if he doesn’t?” I asked, not feeling as sure of it as Wes seemed to be.

  Still, he offered a reassuring pat on my shoulder as he said, “If he doesn’t then he’s really as stupid as he looks which means you can do better.”

  He was right.

  I could do better. Levi wasn’t some anomaly. I was the anomaly. I was the catch. And if Levi couldn’t recognize that, it was his loss.

  I was just getting ready to turn back to the bar to order up a drink I didn’t need when I heard someone behind me ask, “If you’re here, then who’s serving up the free drinks at The Max?”

  I smiled as I turned around to find…, “Danny. Hey! How have you been? How’s Shawntel?”

  He pulled me into a quick hug as he answered, “She’s... not so good, and I’m here. So that should tell you everything you need to know.”

  “Damn. Ya’ll stay going through it,” I told him as I climbed back onto the bar stool to give my feet a break.


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