Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2)

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Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2) Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  “Yeah, I’m back now and I need to get the place straightened out.” Niku admitted.

  “You’re not waiting to mate first?”

  It was a common practice to mate before deciding what to plant and what animals to stock. Mates usually ran or at the least helped manage the home farm. “No, that may not happen for a long time. Looks like I got everything cleaned up and it’s close to bedtime.”

  Cretia nodded then set her glass on the table and turned to leave. “I guess it’s goodbye.” She said as she paused at the door and then she was gone.

  It was best not to encourage her even though he’d admit he got lonely too. Niku didn’t want to settle for a mate that was available, he wanted the right mate. Cretia had been around him enough if the dragon was willing to accept her, he would have said so. Niku took a shower and went to bed. Sleep didn’t come easily these days. He’d hoped letting his dragon fly and burn would have helped. Tomorrow he would work harder so he would be tired enough to sleep.

  Betty was naked and she looked glorious. They were outside of Romo’s house with all the scents exactly as they should be except for his mate’s arousal. She threw him a look of invitation over her shoulder, moaned with need, and walked into the house. Niku wanted her too much to even consider resisting. It was hard to believe she was there, nude, and no one else seemed to be home.

  He followed her into the house and up the stairs where her bedroom was. As soon as they were in the room, he closed the door and began to strip. She watched his every move from where she lay on the bed with her legs spread while it turned him on making his cock hard as a rock.

  “Mine!” Niku said with a growl.

  At this point, he knew they were about to mate and she would be his forever.

  Chapter 3

  Sweet Dreams

  Betty was naked as a jay bird and she threw a look over her shoulder to where Niku stood looking at her with a disbelieving look on his face. She couldn’t blame him, she had resisted him long enough he’d almost given up. That was in the past as the fire burned in her blood and she wanted him too much not to act on it. No one was home, how convenient. All she had to do was lure him to her room.

  Moving to the steps, she knew without looking that he was following as surely as if he was being led by a chain. A moan broke loose from her throat because her need was so great. An answering growl came forth from her dragon even though he was in human form. Sweat rolled down her face as the heat seemed to keep increasing. Her stomach clenched in need as the door to her room appeared in front of her.

  Niku was the one for her and she felt it on every level. How she had rejected him for so long, she couldn’t say. The time to claim him and be claimed by him, was here and it was now. She opened the door and walked into her room and watched as he entered and closed the door.

  Lying down on the bed, she shamelessly spread her legs and one hand walked down to her dripping and needy pussy. Niku was stripping his clothes off, but his eyes never left her body. He wanted her too, if his jutting cock was anything to go by. A small drop of precum on the end dripped hitting the floor. Betty wished she could have tasted it, but maybe the next drop would be hers.

  “Mine!” Niku said with a growl. Oh, yes! She was his.

  She crooked the finger of hand that wasn’t sliding through her slick nether lips. He jumped to her side moving so fast he was a blur. Niku was as needy as she was and she could scent his dragon’s musk as the aroma increased. Her other hand was over her pussy just before two of her fingers plunged into her slippery channel.

  Niku stepped up and pulled her fingers out and up to his mouth. He sucked them in and his tongue licked off any drop of her honey. Betty had never been turned on more. A rumble ran through his and her fingers felt it. The male was so damn sexy she couldn’t resist him.

  He moved onto the bed, his body hovering over her with his forearms bearing his weight. His eyes glowed golden fire as they stared into hers. “I want you, Betty. You are my mate and tonight I claim you.”

  Strong desire with a touch of fear washed over her. Forever was a long time but if she had to choose someone to spend it with, Niku would be the one. The male made her burn and her need for him drove her wild.

  “Yessss!” She moaned.

  Niku plunged into her in one thrust and she made a primitive sound. Maybe it was the dragon she thought was inside of her preparing to be freed? Her legs wrapped around his hips and hooked at her ankles. Betty was keeping him and now he was trapped. He didn’t seem to mind as he pulled back just enough to nearly be out and drove back in hard and deep. The spot he hit made her writhe in need and pleasure.

  Betty wanted more, so much more. This time when he drove in again, she arched to meet him making them slam together with a sound that echoed throughout the room. Shy, reluctant Betty was nowhere to be seen. In her place was a hungry sex goddess, taking and giving pleasure freely. Niku groaned and made a rumbling sound.

  Tension was building and she needed nothing more than to explode all around him. The orgasm would be freeing and the bite would make her inner dragon come alive. A part of her ached for the gift she would receive, the rest of her just wanted her damn climax now! Niku hammered into her relentlessly hitting the golden spot over and over.

  Betty tensed, she was so fucking close she could taste it. Pleasure like she’d never had before waited for the slightest thing to set it off in waves. Niku ran his dragon’s teeth over her neck and she exploded. Her body clenched and clutched at him wanting to pull him into her so deep, he could never come out.

  Niku roared, his orgasm rolling over him too. He jerked and bucked like a prize bronc only he was riding her. She felt the heat as his cum sprayed deep inside her. His sharp fangs sank into the lowest part of her neck and he tugged on the wound drinking her blood.

  Her instincts made her bite him too even though she barely broke the skin. A taste of his blood revealed it was spicy, tangy and delicious. They were now one and tears rolled down her face. Betty had never been so happy or felt so complete. That was when she woke up and felt something was missing. What was missing was Niku and the joining they had completed. It had been so real that it took her awhile to process that it was a dream.

  Maybe she was jealous because Romo had mentioned Niku had female company last night. The female friend had a killer crush on him and Romo thought he should settle down with this female. Betty felt confused because she wasn’t where she wanted to be before she thought about settling down, but she didn’t want Niku to pick someone else.

  It was selfish, obsessive, and not like her at all to be like this. Besides, the dream, oh God that dream had been so real. She’s been able to feel, to see, and to scent everything as clearly as she could now that she was completely awake. Unless she was dreaming she’d dreamed? Betty feared she was going crazy. It was dawn and there was no way she’d manage to sleep anymore no matter what she did.

  Betty went downstairs and put on some coffee in the coffee maker her mom had brought. Bree had packed coffee. Someday, her coffee beans would grow and provide enough coffee for the whole family, maybe even some to sell. That would be years down the road. For now she would drink a big mug of coffee and hope she calmed down so she could get started on some work.

  Bree had finally come up with a plan for Romo’s land. The yard would be first. There would be a mix of flowers and herbs. Some would be from Earth but most would be from Draconis. She would leave some fields in grass for the livestock. There would also be the funny Draconis version of chickens and they would need a shed. Plots of vegetables, mostly native ones, would be grown based on what they liked and what sold well.

  This would be a working farm and would give them income so they could live better. Romo made good money, but now he would have a mate and a child. Eventually there would be more children. Betty wanted Bree and her new family to have the best possible life. Bree would be happy here and it was clear they were in love.

  Even Tomi, who was bitter about being tricke
d into coming here admitted Bree had done well. Tomi would work hard to help her sister while she and Betty tried to find their places in this new world. Dori would also want her own place and maybe even her own mate. Betty was confused about that too. She wanted her mom to find love, but it seemed too weird to think of her with a man, any man.

  Betty pushed that to the back of her mind and looked up when she heard a sound. “Good morning, Bro.”

  “Hello, Sis. You’re up early.” Romo observed. “May I have a cup of coffee?”

  “Of course. Help yourself. I plan to try to get a few beans growing for you and Bree. Wish us luck, getting things set up here will be a big project.”

  “I know and I’m sorry I didn’t get things started. This house was bought right before I left. Ma got things ready inside so once I brought my mate back, we could move right in. Some of the fields are overgrown. I hope to lure Niku into helping with the offer of a free meal. I noticed he burned his fields off so they will be ready to plow and plant.”

  “You’re going to ask him to burn off your fields? Is that safe?”

  Fire dragons can burn off fields in a way that the weeds don’t come back. The fire dies as soon as the weeds are burnt. It’s incredible to watch.”

  “Maybe we’ll get to see it if you talk him into it.” Betty found she was curious about what a fire dragon could do and she really wanted to see Niku’s dragon. Her hand moved to her necklace and she stroked the grey dragon. It made her feel close to him. “I’ll get breakfast started. Anything you’d like to eat?”

  “You could get me a sandwich, if you don’t mind. I have to work today, but I promised to get some gardening tools out of the shed before I go.”

  “That’ll be a big help. I’ll get you a sandwich.”

  Betty fixed Romo a sandwich setting it on the table before she went to start breakfast for the rest of the family. Romo was likable and she was happy for Bree. She liked most of the dragon males she’d met though none so much as Niku. Sometimes she wished she could just accept him, but she knew something inside her had been broken by Tom and the men that he’d hung out with.

  With breakfast done, she sat down and ate a stack of pancakes. The coffee tasted amazing and it might be that the flavor was better because she feared they would run out of it before long. It was surprising how much you could learn to appreciate something when you thought you might lose it. Maybe that was what had pushed her feelings for Niku to the surface.

  She really needed to think about what she would do if she lost him and he mated another. Would the regret tear at her every day? Yes, and her heart would ache when she saw him with someone else. There was no doubt she needed to figure things out or it would be too late. It might even be too late already.

  Sounds came from upstairs as the others marched down the steps. First Dori who was used to early mornings or at least had been at home. “Coffee, bless you, Betty.” Dori said as she poured herself a mug and added sugar. She even blew on the steamy mug so she could sip on it.

  Tomi was next, her expression disagreeable but when she saw the coffee her expression lightened. Saying nothing, she just hurried to grab a cup searching for the cream she liked to put in it. After she had drank some, she seemed more approachable. “Thanks Sis.”

  Selia came stomping down the steps like a little monster just minutes later. In complete five year old fashion, she looked around ready to explode. “Maammma!” She yelled as she looked around. Her eyes fell on Grams and she quieted. “I’m hungry.”

  Betty pulled a plate off the stack and gave her a pancake. She set the plate in front of her while Selia cast her a you got to be kidding look. “I want more.”

  “You didn’t finish your food last night and it was wasted.” Betty told her.

  Selia started to complain but instead patted on the butter and poured syrup over it. Dori must have gotten the butter and syrup out. The little girl wiped out the pancake and handed Betty her plate. She put another one on it which was promptly eaten too, but she didn’t seem to need more.

  “Today you will be helping Grams.” Betty told Selia.

  “I don’t want to stay in the house.”

  “That’s good, because you and Grams will be working in the yard. I expect you will be good for her and work hard.” Betty suggested and Selia nodded. “Good.”

  Once the meal was finished, everyone prepared to work outside. “Selia and I will do the dishes while you girls get set up for us.” Dori offered. Selia didn’t argue, she just started clearing the table. It was a task she did often at home and was good at.

  Betty led the way outside followed by Bree and Tomi. Romo had sat out a wide array of tools and some wheeled carts with lids. Everything they needed seemed to be there. It wasn’t even her land, but Betty began to get excited about turning this place into a working farm.

  There were some plants Romo had purchased and Betty picked a few out and set up an area for Dori and Selia to begin. Selia was young, but she loved plants and she had helped Betty with the container garden they’d had at home. By the time four work areas were set up, Dori and Selia had joined them.

  “I put on a stew for lunch. Selia and I are ready to get to it.” Dori said.

  “So are the rest of us. Everyone’s work area is set up with the tools you need and the plants or seeds that will go there. After everything is planted, we’ll go back and give it water and nutrients to get it off to a good start.” Betty instructed.

  They were starting up against the house so they would only be planting flowers and herbs. There were some local plants that looked like sunflowers and had edible seeds that would go around the perimeter of the yard if they had time in the afternoon. Herbs similar to parsley, dill, and oregano were planted as seeds. The climate here was subtropical which meant they could grow vegetables year round.

  Everyone started their planting and the dirt was easy to dig, at least it was near the house. Digging in the fields might be different. They all seemed to finish around the same time and it was surprising that hours had passed and it was lunchtime. Whatever their mom had put in the stew, smelled wonderful and they all hurried in to wash up so they could eat.

  The stew was served with bread and cake so they had plenty to eat. Once the meal was done and everyone helped cleanup, it was clear Selia needed a nap. Their mom looked like she could use one too but she seemed stoked at all the progress they’d made.

  “I’ll put Selia down and once she’s asleep, I’ll join you outside.” Dori stated.

  “Alright, Mom. We’ll get started for now.” Betty agreed. They went outside and looked around to see where they stood. “I think we should plant some sunflowers. I think a foot apart because these get big.”

  Each of them took some kind of hoe and a bag of seeds and started on one side of the perimeter. It was amazing how fast the work went. Dori came out and took the front of the yard that was divided by a path to the door and the driveway. About an hour later, Selia came out bouncing with energy. She set her up with a gallon watering bucket that had a rain spout that was filled with what the plants needed.

  Selis watered an area and then came back for a refill. They were almost done when Romo landed with Niku behind him. It looked like the controlled burn was on. Everyone called out their hellos and Romo explained what Niku was going to do. Bree was thrilled to get such a big jump on clearing the fields for planting.

  “I wanna ride a dragon.” Selia asked.

  “Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Betty discouraged.

  “Why don’t you both ride? We can get something for you to hold onto.” Niku offered.

  Selia started begging. “Please, Mama!”

  Betty didn’t know how to get out of it. It seemed she was going to ride Niku, just not the way she had in her dream. Romo found some straps, one for Niku and one for him. It must be safe since he was giving his pregnant mate a ride high in the sky.

  Niku’s dragon dropped to the ground once the strap was secured and Betty craw
led up on top of him with help. Romo handed Selia to her and they got situated. Her dragon took off before she could see how Bree managed to climb onboard. Betty’s attention immediately went to Selia to be sure she wasn’t afraid.

  “This is fun, Mama.” Selia crowed.

  “Yeah, fun.” But once she relaxed, it wasn’t so bad until Niku started burning the fields.

  Now that she had relaxed a little and she wasn’t as worried about Selia freaking out, she looked around. She could see the land below for many miles in every direction. The wind whipped in their faces, but it felt good and cooled them off.

  As Niku burned the land below in rows, some heat came back washing over them but it was warm not hot. Betty could smell the burning plants and some released a pleasant scent. She would have to ask Niku about that. They flew on his back for about half an hour before he set them down. Selia slid down easily and Betty followed.

  “Are you done with the fields?” Betty asked.

  Niku hadn’t changed back but the grey dragon shook his head. Romo landed and Bree slid off him, but Tomi took her place. Dori stepped up and climbed onto Niku. Betty wasn’t sure how she felt about her mother riding her man. Um, she meant a man. They both took off and flew across the sky again. Even watching from the yard, the burning was a spectacular sight.

  By the time the dragons landed the second time, a sweet smoky scent had spread across the area and the air was hazy. Romo had been right about the blaze dying down swiftly and it being completely safe. After dropping Dori, Niku went airborne again to continue burning off the last of the fields. Romo stayed changing back to his human form.

  “What did you ladies think?” Romo asked. Selia just giggled.

  “It was amazing.” Betty admitted. The others all agreed.

  “That just saved us days if not weeks of work.” Bree observed. “We need to fix something for supper. Feeding him is the least we can do. Didn’t you say breathing fire takes a lot of energy?”


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