Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2)

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Major of Special Forces (Winged Beasts Book 2) Page 14

by Crystal Dawn

  Selia came into the kitchen. “Selia, I had stuff picked out for you. Why did you pick that?”

  “It’s my favorite and I like it.”

  “Okay, we don’t have a lot of extra time. Sit and eat.” Betty directed as she slid pancakes on Selia’s plate then Niku’s, doing hers last.

  They all sat eating their meal and Niku loved the pieces of fruit in the pancakes. They ate quickly and he was done first. He got up and started cleaning. Selia finished and brought him her dishes to wash while she started to dry what he had already cleaned. Betty was last and she seemed to drag a bit.

  “The change will be easy. You shouldn’t worry so.” Niku whispered to his mate. He feared Bree’s refusal to shift might have colored Betty’s perception of the process.

  “You’re going to be a dragon Mama? That’s so cool. Maybe I can be a dragon someday too.” Selia said.

  “Maybe Baby.”

  They were done cleaning up and Niku hurried them outside. “It’s time Sweetheart.” Niku whispered as he and Selia stood back watching. “Just imagine your beautiful dragon.”

  Where his dragon was gray, hers was a lovely medium blue. Her dragon’s eyes were the same sapphire blue as Betty’s in human form.

  “Oh Mama! You’re pretty. Can I ride you?” Selia asked but Betty shook her head.

  “It’s her first time flying, Selia. If she has trouble, she won’t know what to do with you. Maybe after we come home today we can go flying?” Niku offered.

  “Okay. How will I climb on you and where will I hold on?”

  “Just slide up on my neck and hold on there. I’ll lay down by the table and you can climb on, alright?” Selia nodded very seriously.

  Niku changed and laid down by the table because it was higher than the bench. Selia was short, but she was strong and she managed to get on. He took off and watched to see Betty coming right up behind him. So far she was doing great. Today would be full of challenges for her like landing on the roof.

  Once he landed, Selia slid off and they moved out of the way. Niku had warned the guards yesterday that his mate was a newly changed dragon. No one wanted to get in her way in case she came in too hot but she landed perfectly. He’d started to sign Selia up yesterday during lunch because he thought Betty would agree and she had, but they still had to finish up today.

  They took her down to the lower floors where the school operated. Parents were required to volunteer a small amount of time, supplies, or funds each quarter. Between Betty and him that should be no problem. Cordet greeted them as they arrived in the classroom.

  “Hello Selia. There’s no need for you two to stay today. Selia and I will get started on her testing. Later she’ll meet the class.”

  “Alright. I’ll take Betty to her new job.”

  “She’s going to be a healer?”


  “That’s wonderful. Maybe the class will get to come and see you once you’re settled in.”

  “I’m sure that will be alright.” Betty replied as the teacher waved them off.

  “Let me escort you to the healer’s area.” Niku took her to the bottom floor where most of the offices and exam rooms were. “They have a greenhouse on the roof for rare herbs and plants and an exam room up there for royalty. Otherwise, it’s all down here.”

  Damos seemed to be waiting and he rushed up to them. “So glad to see you Betty, you too Niku.” He added as an afterthought. “Can we get started right away?” Betty glanced at Niku.

  “I’ll just get out of here and let you get started.” He said leaning forward to kiss her cheek before he headed back to the higher floors where his office was.

  When he reached the outside office, Rozlee was already there with the tea most dragons drank throughout the day sitting on her desk in a pitcher. “I have some tea if you’d like a cup?” She offered.

  “Thank you.” Niku said as he poured himself some. “Any news from Dirk or Romo?”

  “Yes, and it’s in person. They are in your office waiting.”

  Niku glanced at the clock, but it was just a few minutes shy of starting time. He entered his office with a greeting. “Tell me everything.”

  Dirk began. “Gazo is gone, but he left everything behind. His account has been frozen, he let the house go, but it is full of possessions we are taking to the warehouse to go through and eventually sell or donate to the needy. It is possible he’s been disposed of and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.”

  “Kenley turned himself in and so did a few of his higher level males. Kenley and his males were gone and we couldn’t find them. I don’t know why they came back and turned themselves in like they did. Maybe they are just tired of living like they were?” Romo speculated.

  “There are five people missing that we wanted to capture and Dannia is on the top of the list. Kenley thinks she headed off planet in a shuttle they had use of. That means the destination has to be close. It also means she had help.” Dirk explained.

  “Now we get to run an internal investigation into anyone that is in a position to help her. Anything leaving the planet is highly regulated, yet she just runs.” Niku pointed out. “Still think she can’t influence a male?”

  “She has money to burn.” Dirk noted.

  “How much is their life worth?” Niku asked.

  “By the gods, what are you two talking about? I feel like I’m in an alternate universe.” Romo demanded.

  “Dannia seems to have undue influence on males around her. They risk everything to help her and Martz said they didn’t even get sex. At least most of them don’t. I suggested she may have some sort of power.” Niku admitted.

  Romo laughed. “Pulling one over on the new guy?”

  “Not at all. She has some kind of charisma or even mind control. On Earth there are those said to have it, why not from Laurelia Proper?” Niku asked.

  “It is true Earth has rumors of mind powers. But where is the proof?” Romo asked.

  “They had rumors of dragons too and no proof.” Niku observed.

  “That doesn’t make it so.” Romo argued.

  “It’s something to consider.” Niku added.

  “Okay. She has gotten a lot of power over a group of males even though she’s not nice.” Romo admitted.

  “She was able to make them kill, at least they would have if they hadn’t been stopped.” Niku insisted.

  “You’re right, but we can’t say she has mind powers.” Romo declared.

  “Tell them she uses drugs to confuse others, or at least that we suspect she does.” Niku decided.

  “That’ll work. Meanwhile most of those given clemency are in jobs and their own places now. Just in time to worry about the next group.” Romo informed.

  “Move the two that attacked Cretia to Esco for hard labor. Get a fair rate for them. Eighty percent goes to her for five years.” Niku decided.

  “You don’t mess around.” Dirk admired.

  “They’re lucky to be alive. Don’t let Esco push you around. Check what he offers employees and take a little less because he has to watch them, but not much. He’s crafty and will short change you every time.” Niku advised. “Besides, he may be getting more guys.”

  “He should like that.” Dirk said with a chuckle.

  “Get as much done as you can because we have a meeting after lunch with the emperor and king. Also make sure you get the latest updates. Rozlee will help, she’s a hard worker.” Niku instructed. “Get going everyone.”

  Romo and Dirk got up and hustled out the door while Niku watched their retreat with a smile on his face. His eyes fell on Rozlee who seemed to be watching the unmated Dirk. Was a romance brewing? It would be interesting to watch. Working through more paper work and reading reports, he was glad when it was finally lunch, but they hadn’t packed anything. He went by to see Betty and she was just exiting a meeting with Damos and another healer in training.

  “Are you ready for lunch?” Niku asked.

  “I am, but we didn’t pack anythi

  “We have a small nook that pretends to be a café. We’ll get a light lunch and have a bigger supper.”

  “That sounds good. I don’t think I could eat much anyway but my tummy is growling.”

  “Have you heard anything about Selia?”

  “Yes, the teachers wants us to stop by before we go back after lunch. They’ve assessed most of her subjects. It seems fast to me.” Betty admitted.

  “They let her work at her own pace. Maybe Selia works fast?”

  Niku led Betty to a table where she sat and waited for him while he got both of them sandwiches and drinks. They ate quickly because even though he didn’t admit it, he was worried about Selia too. When they were done with lunch, they went to the school room where many of the children were playing. Selia’s teacher got up and met them then showed them to some seats in a quiet alcove.

  “I’m so glad you were able to make it. I’ve been watching Selia as she’s tested and I’ve never seen the kind of out of the box thinking she applies to problem solving.”

  “That’s good right?” Betty asked.

  “Oh, yes. It’s very good. Her creative talent needs to be encouraged. As far as the regular subjects, she will be behind since she has to adjust to a whole new world, but I think she will catch up quickly. Selia seems bright and quick. I just hope you can work with her at home too so she doesn’t feel out of touch with classmates her own age.”

  “Certainly. Just suggest a line of study and we will work with her.” Niku agreed.

  The teacher smiled happily. “I’m ahead of you there.” She pulled out a book and set it on the desk.

  “That’s a very thick book.” Betty observed.

  “Oh, you don’t have to get through the whole thing. At some point in the next few months, she’ll catch up and your work will be done.”

  They chatted a little more and then they had to get back to work. It was a big day and soon it would be over. Niku would admit he was relieved everything had gone so well.

  Chapter 10

  Loving Draconis

  Betty woke up when she was ready to this morning with no work on the horizon. She had worked a full week to get a good start but today was her first day off. Now she would be working three days a week, but she would be on call the other two if needed. Life was turning out to be good here and she was glad she’d come.

  Bree was happy too and she suspected her mother had something going with Garulto, but for some reason, they were holding back. Her mother looked younger and had a glow that hadn’t been there before. Betty suspected she was in love. She was happy for her, but it was still weird to have your mom sneaking around with a male. And why was she sneaking around? What was going on that she felt they wouldn’t approve?

  Tomi was the only one that was angry and unhappy. She and Erak had seemed to hit it off but when she rejected him, he disappeared. Betty thought it served her right in a way for being so rude. If he really was interested, it looked like he’d be back by now. He must not have cared as much as he seemed to.

  Rising slowly out of bed, she ached a bit from all the physical work involved in her new job. The healers raised all their herbs at the castle, or at least most of them. That was alright since she loved gardening. Getting up, she dressed and made her way to the kitchen.

  “Good morning, Mom. Got any more of that tea?” Betty asked.

  “Sure, but aren’t you a coffee drinker?” Dori asked.

  “I am, but it’s later in the day and I’m too lazy to make a pot for a cup of coffee. No one else seems to be drinking.” She stared at her mom pointedly. She blushed and looked away. “Niku and I are fully mated now.”

  “I’m so happy for you. I came by hoping to get some news. We miss you at Romo’s, but we’re all happy for you.” Dori commented.

  “It’s not far. I’m still glad to see you. Selia started school and she seems to like it. That’s where she is today.”

  “I suspected as much. She needed to get back on a regular schedule. It’s best for everyone.”

  “It is. When are you going to share what you’re up to with everyone?

  “As soon as I see where it’s headed.”

  “Fair enough. Have you had breakfast yet?” Betty asked as she began to pull out food items and pans. Dori shook her head and Betty took out more to make a filling breakfast.

  She cooked more than she normally would because both of their appetites had increased on this new world. Eggs, bacon, and biscuits with gray were made quickly thanks to the biscuits that only needed heating up. Fixing two plates, she set one in front of her mom. About the time she was ready to sit down, Martz knocked than came in.

  “Good morning.” He said.

  “Want some breakfast?” Betty asked.

  “I’ll take whatever you have left over. I can’t tell you how nice the food is here compared to before.” Martz admitted. Betty emptied all the pans and added a piece of pie because Martz was almost as big as Niku. “Thank you. That sure looks good.”

  “How is your house? Are you settled in?” Dori asked.

  “It’s the nicest place I can remember living. Betty, I’m surprised you had a piece of Berry pie left over.” Marta commented.

  “I hid the last pie so Mom could try it. I wanted to see if she could tell me anyway to make it better. She’s the best cook I ever knew about.”

  “Mm, I don’t know that it could get better.” Martz said as he took a bite since he’d wolfed down the rest of his food.

  “What berries did you get?” Dori asked.

  “We had some in the woods Martz picked. Because they are patrolling for rogues, females are restricted from the woods until they are safe.” Betty explained.

  “Any more berries?” Dori asked.

  “I’m going back to check on them in the early evening when it’s cooler. There will be some, just not sure how many.” Martz observed.

  “Bring back whatever you can find and I’ll fight my daughter for them.” Dori noted.

  “Daughter? You’re Dori? I thought you were the other sister.”

  “I like you.” Dori said with a wink.

  “Tomi won’t. That’s the other sister.” Betty explained.

  “I’m going to go out and plant the second field. It was nice meeting you and thanks for morning meal.” Martz said as he left.

  “Seems like a nice young male.” Dori observed.

  “I think he is and he knows a bit about plants. Between the two of us, I hope we can manage our way into this business.” Betty said.

  “You’ll work at the castle too. Do you really have to farm as well?” Dori asked.

  “Listen to you Mom. You’re usually the first out the door picking or planting.” Betty noted.

  “You’re right. I always was, but there’s a place for work and a place for your male. I won’t make that mistake again. Your father and I loved each other, but we didn’t spend much time together. You have a military male too. Make your memories and if he makes it through, you can use them in your old age to reminisce.

  “You’ve never talked like this before.”

  “My girls aren’t fools. You know I’ve found someone but I don’t know if it will work out. Until it doesn’t, I plan to love him and hang on tight. I want all of you to do the same thing, Love is what matters most.”

  “I don’t think I’m overdoing it. When Niku is home, we work together at least some of the time.”

  “That’s good because your father didn’t like working on the farm.”

  “Does Garulto?”

  “I knew you had it figured out. Yes, he would like to buy a farm. He could afford to, but his current position locks in his residence.”

  “Can’t move, huh.”

  “No, even though he’d like to.”

  “Who knows, something may change in the future.”

  “We can hope. Do you need help with anything?”

  “No, today I’m going to cook and freeze some meals in.”

  “Okay, I’ll s
ay bye then. Bree has been queasy and I bet she’s up by now.”

  “She’s been sleeping in late?”

  “Yeah, she’s felt tired, weak even. I’m sure it will pass.”

  “Let me know how it goes or if you need help.”

  “Okay. Bye Sweetie pie.”

  “Bye, Mom.”

  Now that her mom was gone, she was all alone surrounded by the odd equipment a Draconis kitchen had. She grabbed a kettle and filled it partway with beans adding smoked meat and topping it off with a little water. She added some herbs and hung the big kettle in the fireplace under a low fire.

  Betty worked hard the rest of the morning and into the afternoon limited only by the areas she had to cook. The last thing she would do was set supper on so she would have it ready for Niku and Selia. Once that was done, she would take a nap. Her arms and legs felt weighted with concrete and her eyes felt like they had sand in them. It was probably all the excitement from last week.

  Now that she was done, everything was safe to simmer until she woke up from the nap she just had to take. She hurried to the bedroom, stripped off, and slipped into a sleep shirt. This nap wasn’t just nice, it was necessary. Her eyes closed and she was out cold.

  She slept until Niku shook her shoulder lightly. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “I’m just so tired.” She slurred. “Want to sleep more.”

  “Okay, but once supper’s on the table you have to get up.” Niku directed.

  “’Kay.” She said and she went back to sleep.

  Niku came back and it seemed like just minutes had passed. “You need to get up, Baby. Supper is ready.”

  “”Kay.” She replied but she just lay there.

  “That means sit up and take a shower so you wake up. I need to know if something is wrong.”

  Betty sat up blinking at him probably looking like an owl. “Sorry. I’ve just never felt so tired before.”

  Niku helped her up and she slid the sleep shirt off and tossed it carelessly on the bed. She stepped into the water and the barely warm water she selected helped her wake up. The tiredness was leaving but she was afraid it would be back.


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