The Billionaires Treat: Betting On You Series Novella: Book 7

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The Billionaires Treat: Betting On You Series Novella: Book 7 Page 8

by Jeannette Winters

  Wait for me by our bench.

  Our bench. That had a nice ring to it. Okay. She was all the way on the other side but on a bike it wouldn’t take too long. She slipped the phone back into her pocket and turned her bike around. When she arrived no one was there. She had no clue where he was when he texted her. Actually, I have no idea where you stay. She was sure it wasn’t any place like where she lived.

  She couldn’t believe she had him in her house last night. From what she knew about Cole Wright, he was rich and powerful like Trent Davis. What someone like him wanted with someone like her was beyond her. He could have anyone he wanted. There was no way he could possibly want her. At best I’m a short term distraction.

  If she didn’t have feelings for him, then maybe she’d be okay with enjoying the here and now with him. But that would only cause her some serious heartache. What am I doing? Why tell him I’ll cook? I don’t want him at my place again. He probably wants to go someplace fancy with good food. So far their dates had included casual places, and he must’ve hated them.

  She heard the dog bark long before she saw either of them. Bear was half pulling Cole down the path to where she stood with her bike. Sharma wasn’t sure if Bear broke free or if Cole let go of the leash, but the dog bolted in her direction. She dropped to one knee and called out to him. Bear ran full speed to her, and instead of stopping, he plowed her over onto her backside. Bear was excitedly licking her hands and tried to lick her face. Sharma turned away laughing and said, “Yeah Bear, I’m happy to see you too.”

  A second later Cole was pulling him off her. “Bear what the heck has gotten into you?” Cole reached a hand out to her to help her up. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  She could see the concern in his eyes as he looked her over. “No. I think he couldn’t stop because he slipped on the leaves on the ground.”

  Cole arched a brow. “You’re making excuses for my dog’s bad behavior?”

  Sharma chuckled. “He’s too cute for me to be angry.” She bent down and gave him a scratch behind his ear. Bear leaned his head into her hand for more. “See, he loves me.”

  “He’s not the only one.”

  Sharma stopped petting Bear and shot Cole a look. “What did you say?” She knew there was no way she’d heard him correctly.

  If she thought he’d repeat the words she was wrong. Instead he asked, “Why aren’t you working?”

  She didn’t want to answer that any more than he wanted to repeat his comment. She pointed to the basket filled with apples. “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “You blew off work to pick apples? That doesn’t sound like you.”

  Even though they hadn’t known each other long, they’d spent enough time talking to get a feel of each other’s character. He was right. That wasn’t her. Lying wasn’t either. “I’m no longer employed. So with the time off, I figured I’d do something fun.”

  Cole obviously was surprised by her announcement. “What happened?”

  She wasn’t going to tell him she was fired because of him. Yet she had to tell him something. “We didn’t see eye to eye, and it was better we parted ways.”

  “I spoke to Trent. You’re a damn good nurse. They’d be crazy to let you go.”

  “Then crazy they are, because they terminated me today.” She could see the anger building in Cole. She reached out and touched his arm. “But don’t worry, I’d given them my notice of resignation before they fired me.”

  “So you quit?”

  “Technically, yes I did.” That was providing him the truth without making a hostile situation. She knew things were just cooling off between him and the protestors. The last thing their relationship needed was a wedge. And that’s what this would’ve been. Relationship? What’s wrong with me? We’re just . . . There wasn’t a word coming to her that fit.

  “Good, because they really wouldn’t like me if I showed up there.”

  Oh, I bet. “Well no reason to now.”

  “You’re making dinner. From what I see can I expect dessert?” The last word was filled with a sexual innuendo.

  Smiling, she said, “Maybe we can skip dinner altogether.”

  He pulled her into his arms and said, “I like the way you think. But I’m hungry. I’m not sure if you noticed, but you don’t have any food at your house.”

  She blushed. “I know. I’m sorry. I keep meaning to go shopping but never do.”

  “So why don’t we eat out tonight and tomorrow we shop?”

  That sounded lovely, but he was planning on tomorrow, and they hadn’t discussed anything about today. “I don’t want to get too much as I’m not going to be staying in Quinton long. I need to find a new job. Since this is the only hospital here, I figure I better relocate.”

  She was worried he’d hop all over her with a bunch more questions. But he didn’t. Instead he said the same words that she’d given to the security guard. “Change can be a beautiful thing.” Right then her heart melted all over again. Sharma stepped into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Not that I’m not enjoying holding you, but what’s this hug for?”

  She didn’t let go. “Just for being you.”

  Cole stepped back and looked down at her with a puzzled look on his face. “That usually isn’t a good thing.”

  “To me it is. I don’t care how others view you, Cole. That’s how I do.”

  “You’ve piqued my interest. How do you view me, Sharma?”

  She was sorry she brought that up. There were so many things she liked about him, but there was no need to stroke his ego by telling him. That didn’t mean she could get away without saying something. Humor might help. “You’re tall.”

  He waited as though there was more to come. When he figured that was it he laughed and said, “I bet your list would’ve been longer if I’d asked you about Bear.”

  Sharma couldn’t contain herself. “Well he does have the most amazing chocolate eyes. Totally irresistible.”

  Cole reached out and put a finger under her chin, making her look at him instead of at his dog. “I’d rather look at yours any day. Sharma, do you know how amazing you are?” She swallowed hard and shook her head. “You’ve got me all tangled up in knots. I have no idea where we go from here, but I know I don’t want this to end.”

  “What are you saying, Cole?” Her heart was racing, and she felt as though she couldn’t catch her breath.

  “That I think we both need change. I’ve been living a life I never realized was lonely until I met you. Only then did I know there was something missing.”

  “What is that?”

  “I’m not good with this kind of stuff, Sharma. All I know is that thinking about you not being part of my life is suffocating. We have a lot to learn about each other, but since you’re no longer employed, and I’m between projects, I was wondering if you might consider spending some time with me and Bear while we get to know each other better.”

  She looked in his eyes and saw the man who’d come to her last night. The one who had always treated her with tenderness. The man who the nurses and the news spoke about was foreign to her. This was the only one she needed to know. The real man. “I’d like that Cole.”

  He reached behind his back and pulled out a box he must’ve had tucked away. When he handed it to her he said, “I thought you’d like this.”

  She took the box and opened it slowly. She had no idea what a man of his stature might have gotten her. There was pink tissue paper covering it. Sharma looked up at him again before removing the paper. “Cole, you didn’t need to get me anything.”

  “I know, but I wanted to. I’ve never actually shopped for someone myself, but doing so for you, sweetheart, was a treat. You’re my sweet treat.” He winked at her.

  “Your treat?”

  He shrugged. “What’s the matter?”

  “Me? The billionaire’s treat? Why me?”

  He cupped her face in his hands and said, “Simple. Because you stole my heart. And before you, I never knew I had one.”

  Her eyes welled up; until now she’d felt her heart had closed for good.

  “Now open your gift.”

  She moved the pink paper with no idea what he had gotten for her. Inside she saw a paper all wrinkled up. When she looked closely it was the first note she’d written him this morning before she went to work. It was her telling him how she loved him. She didn’t need to read the letter that had come from her heart. “What is this?”

  “Your gift is underneath that beautiful love letter you wrote me.”

  She moved her letter and underneath she found a legal document. Sharma scanned it but wasn’t sure what she was reading. “I don’t know what this is?”

  “It’s the deed to the location where the old hospital was.”

  “And you’re giving this to me why?”

  “I knew I was going to build a casino there. Now I’m not sure that’s what belongs in Quinton. It was a place of healing for so many before us. I thought maybe you’d be a better person to decide what it should be next.”

  She looked at the form again. “You’re asking my help to build something?”

  “No. I’m giving this to you. When you decide what you want there, I’ll help you build it.”

  “You’re crazy; you know that, right?”

  He pulled her into her arms and lifted her off the ground. “Crazy for you, sweetheart. So, what do you say? Want to run away with me and Bear for a month while you think about your next adventure?”

  “A day, a week, a month or—”


  “Or forever. I don’t care where we go, as long as we go together.”

  Cole squeezed her tightly, and she almost told him not to break her ribs, but being in his arms was a slice of heaven. When his lips claimed hers, the world disappeared. All except for Bear, who didn’t want to be left out. He jumped up making sure they knew it was a package deal.

  “I love you, Sharma.”

  “I love you too, Cole.”

  “Tell me you really don’t have your heart set on cooking tonight.”

  “Just dessert.”

  When he claimed her lips again she knew they were both right. Change could be beautiful when it was with the right person. She thought she had met and lost her true love years ago. She was so wrong. Cole, you are my Mr. Wright.


  Cole couldn’t believe Sharma had agreed to spend two entire weeks with him. It hadn’t been his intention to take so much time off from work, yet once she agreed to go with him, nothing was going to take him away from their time alone.

  Sharma was insistent about going back to Quinton and packing up her own apartment. He’d tried convincing her he could have someone take care of it. She wasn’t hearing it.

  Although he’d gladly help her with anything, wrapping dishes in newspaper seemed like such a waste of time. “Just leave all this and the landlord can deal with it.”

  “I don’t want to lose my security deposit.”

  He wanted to laugh, but she was serious, and he admired her even more. Cole had made it clear she didn’t have to want for anything. If she wanted it, he’d make it happen. One night after making love to her he’d promised her the moon, but she told him she already had everything she wanted. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard those words from a woman, but that’s all they’d been—words. Their actions were the complete opposite. That wasn’t the case with Sharma. She was the real deal. Every single thing about her was honest and pure. Unlike me.

  Cole knew if Sharma ever tried to collect, he’d do everything possible to deliver—even the moon and stars. But she didn’t ask for a thing. She seemed genuinely happy. It was refreshing. He hadn’t seen much of that since he’d grown up and moved out on his own.

  He’d grown up in a family that had a tradition of strong lasting relationships. Never before had he ever thought he’d join those ranks. Yet now with Sharma he pictured having a family of his own.

  Cole wrapped the last plate in newspaper and put it in the box. Then he turned and grabbed hold of Sharma’s hands. She was just about to open another cupboard when he said, “I think it’s time for a break.”

  “We have so much more to do.”

  “But we have so much more to talk about. Come sit while there’s still a couch in here.” He led her to the living room. “Have you made your decision about what you want do with the old hospital property?”

  “I have.” Sharma got up, walked to her purse, pulled out the paperwork he’d given her a few weeks ago, and handed it to him. “You looked at this old building and saw possibilities. I’m not foolish. You saw a profitable business venture.”

  “I did.” Another thing he loved about her. She didn’t mince words.

  “The protesters only saw one side, theirs. Since I’m not from here, I was the perfect impartial party. I spoke to others and did my own research. What I found was this city is sick financially. As badly as they needed the new hospital they now have, they also need a source of revenue, a place for people to work.”

  “And your suggestion is?” He found he actually wanted to hear her opinion. What she thought of him, what he did, mattered. Might not keep me the most powerful businessman, but the smile on her face is worth the price. She pulled out another piece of paper. He looked at it and asked, “What’s this?”

  “The name of a man who is looking for an opportunity your casino will bring. Good jobs. My one request is for you to hire him. Give him a chance to prove his worth. If he doesn’t work out, then do what you need to. But I think you’ll like him.”

  “You want me to move forward with the casino?”

  Sharma smiled. “I want Quinton to have a chance. The plans you have, the design, it’s amazing. The old building was an eyesore. It’s not going to be easy, and I’m sure you’re not going to be on the most popular list here for a while. But start putting people here to work, and you will be.”

  He knew what she meant. Don’t bring in all the contractors from out of town. Keep the negotiations going, and find a way to get them to agree to work for him. Let’s see how good I am.

  “I have to admit, that’s not what I thought you were going to do with it.”

  “What did you think?”

  He laughed. “A park or a medical facility because you’re a nurse.”

  Sharma chuckled. “Those both crossed my mind. But I called my friend Rose and talked it out. And she told me to go with my heart. And my heart said to trust and believe in you.”

  His pulse raced. Not so much at her words, but that they were what he wanted from her, trust. She trusted him and he her. All he wanted to do was pull her into his arms and kiss and hold her forever. But the moving truck was going to arrive in a few hours, and he knew she was going to remind him of that fact.

  “Looks like Quinton is getting a casino after all. And we’ll also have a job fair to hire locals first. I promise.”

  “Thank you.” Sharma’s grin was all the thanks he needed.

  “We haven’t talked about where you’re going after this.”

  She looked around the apartment and turned back to him, shrugging. “I guess I’m going back to Marpe-Agape.”

  That wasn’t what he wanted. Although she’d explained what they did there, and he admired them all, he didn’t want her that far from him. “I was hoping some place closer.”


  “New York.” They’d never spoken about living together, and he’d never pictured sharing his place before. There was a reason he didn’t have a guest bedroom in his penthouse.

  “I’m not the city type.”

  That was a shame, because he owned one of the most sought after penthouses in New York. The view was spectacular. If you like the lights of the city. “And if it wasn’t in the city would you stay?” She arched her brow at him. “With me.”

  “Cole, are you asking me to live with you?”

  “I am.”

  “I really meant it, Cole. I don’t want to live in a big city. I
want to walk in the park each day. I want to pick apples in a local orchard. I want to—”

  “Stay here?”

  Her eyes widened as though it had just dawned on her as well. “Yes. I guess I do.”

  Cole knew how much people disliked him here. Putting down roots in a place like this was not what he wanted to do. Yet the look in her eyes said this was her moon. And he’d be damned if he wouldn’t give it to her. “Funny you say that, because Bear seemed pretty fond of that park too. What do you think about having some roommates?”

  “You mean here at this apartment?”

  Cole laughed. “Sharma, I love you so much, but no. There are certain things I require.”


  “Privacy. I want a place with a pool where I can make love to you with no one watching.”

  Sharma blushed. “You sure know how to sell me on a place. So you’re going to stay in Quinton too?”

  “I’m going to stay anywhere you are.” It scared him a bit that he was giving up part of himself to be with her. Control was everything to him. Yet without her in his life, it meant nothing anymore. “I love you, Sharma.”

  “I love you too, Cole.”

  As he pulled her into his arms, his heart echoed the words he’d heard her say. There was no longer any doubt. This was the woman he was meant to be with, and wherever they were would be home. Change truly was a beautiful thing. It only required you do two things. Trust and believe.

  The End

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  Other Books By Jeannette Winters

  The Billionaire’s Secret

  Billionaire Jon Vinchi is a man with one passion: work. His friends decide to shake him up by entering him as a prize at a charity event.

  Accountant Lizette Burke is dressed to the nines and covering for her boss at a charity event. She’s hoping to land a donor for the struggling non-profit agency that employs her.

  She never expected to win a date with a billionaire.

  He never thought one night could turn his life upside down.

  One lie stands between them and their happily ever after. Too bad it’s a big one!


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