Sultry in Stilettos

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Sultry in Stilettos Page 20

by Nana Malone

  Once in her office, she relaxed. Shutting her door behind her, she immediately stripped off her jacket. She plopped into her chair, and off came the shoes. For the next half hour, she tried to focus on the myriad of emails, closing out fantasies and sending information to fantasy requesters. For a business based on fantasies, there was an awful lot of paperwork. By the time the phone rang, she was grateful for the distraction.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Beckett had never been in more of a hurry to finish a fantasy. Normally, he was jazzed, adrenaline pumping, energy blazing through his synapses. He couldn’t wait to join in the fun. Not this time though. All he could think about was getting his job done and getting back to Ricca.

  Thankfully, his clients were so pumped they more than made up for the fact that he was faking his enthusiasm. As he watched the techs suit the three fraternity brothers for their base jump, he surreptitiously watched the clock. Midnight wasn't an ideal time for something like this, but it added to the danger. Shit. And Ricca thought he was an adrenaline junkie.

  "You’re sure you're not jumping with us tonight, man?" Conner, the tallest of the three asked. "It would be way cool. Cement our bond, or whatever."

  One familiar byproduct of doing these types of adventure fantasies—the clients always thought they were his best friends. And in some ways, he was. Especially for the week-long excursions. This wasn't his first time at the rodeo with this bunch. They'd done a week on the Amazon two years ago. For all intents and purposes, they were his friends. They'd been back for two more adventures with him.

  Beckett shook his head anyway. "Not this time, Conner. Got to man the shop. But you guys have fun. Tell me all about it when you land."

  "You’re getting stodgy in your old age." Connor said, but he let it drop.

  Each adventure, Beckett had always been the one most engaged, the one most enthusiastic about moving on. Always first to help a client try out whatever they wanted and making sure he was suited up right next to the client. But now, Beckett just felt weary.

  He made sure the techs checked and rechecked the equipment. Made sure the ground crew had the net secured around the building. The permits for that had been a bitch to obtain. Sure made things easier.

  Standing on the roof, Beckett peeked over the edge. He waited for the rush of adrenaline. The pounding heartbeat he loved. The feeling of edginess, like he wasn’t quite sure if he was going to make it out or not. This was what he'd always lived for.

  He stepped back from the edge. Not anymore. He'd probably always have a dangerous streak in him. But he didn’t need to prove anything anymore. At least not to himself. He'd leave the base-jumping for the daytime activities.

  The guys started their three man countdown. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Adios. As first Conner, then Michael, then Jason jumped over the edge, Beckett held his breath and watched. Hoping, praying the chutes opened the way they were meant to. He hoped the backups didn't fail. Gosh was this what it felt like to be Ricca watching him act like a total fool? Was this what she'd felt? It was more than fear. This bordered on terror. He'd never gotten it before. Never understood. He’d always been too caught up in what he was feeling or wanted to feel. Maybe his father was right, and he was a complete self-absorbed prick.

  Silence pierced the air around him, save for the flapping of material in the wind. Then the low screams of terror mixed with joy filled the air. Beckett radioed to the team on the ground. "Chutes open?"

  It should have been just a confirmation. But he was actually freaked out for the first time in his life. What if something had gone wrong? What if he'd been with them?

  "Yep, all three shoots open and operational. First landing now."

  Breathing a sigh of relief, Beckett headed for the roof stairs. At least he was done now and could get back to Ricca. The moment he thought about her, his body went on full alert, his cock hardening and pressing insistently against his slacks. Jesus, what she could do to him when she wasn’t even around. The warmth behind his ribs was a different feeling than he was used to. It spread from the center of his chest throughout his whole body.

  Shit, he loved her. He'd always loved her. But the day they'd kissed under the stupid mistletoe had changed his life forever. As he left the building, his heart kicked up. Maybe it was time to do something more permanent about his feelings for Ricca.

  He waved a quick goodbye to the security guard, the sound of his loafers echoing on the tile floor of the foyer. Exiting the building, he enjoyed the spring breeze on his face. Maybe he'd stop at the new cupcake place before he got to hers. They had a red velvet one that he could see himself licking off her body. His cock jerked again. "Down boy. We'll be there soon," he muttered.

  When he rounded the corner, he passed a couple in a serious break-up type of situation. The blond woman was yelling that she still loved the guy and wanted him back. She clutched onto the guy’s sleeve. The guy shook her off and muttered that he loved his wife. Wow heavy. Beckett halted. Maybe he should just take the long way. No. He wanted to get back to Ricca’s. He’d just keep his head down and pretend he wasn’t seeing the display.

  The guy held the woman away from him and climbed into his cherry red Mercedes Maybach. Beckett frowned. A red Maybach? He’d seen that car before. Against his better judgment, he glanced at the guy, and his heart stuttered. Roberto? Oh shit.

  As if his head was functioning on its own volition, Beckett actually looked at the woman. Their eyes met, and Serena froze.

  So. Not. His. Biz. He had no interest. But now she'd seen him. And there was no avoiding that he knew something he wished he didn't.

  "Beckett, wait."

  Serena’s low tones had him pausing. He turned to face her. "None of my business, Serena. I'm not interested."

  "Look, I know what it looks like."

  He tried to interrupt. "Again. Not interested. Not my business. I'll keep it to myself."

  "Please don’t tell Zach. I—We—It’s not like—"

  “Serena, I said I don’t care. Please stop talking."

  Her eyes narrowed. “What's your game? You want something for your silence?"

  He went still and dropped his hands. "What?"

  She rolled her eyes. “I hate to do this, but look—you keep your mouth shut, and the VP job is yours."

  Well if this didn't beat it all to fuck. All he had to do to have his dream job was to fuck over the woman loved.

  Beckett stared at Serena, unwilling to believe what he was hearing. "You mean to tell me, you’d give me the job just like that? Forget the presentation and who had honestly done the better job?"

  Serena shifted from foot to foot. "I'm willing to do what it takes to keep you quiet. Zach can’t find out. Think about it. I’ll expect your answer after the presentations at the end of the week."

  Beckett didn't bother to watch her run to the cab. His mind spun out of control. The old Beckett would have taken the job on the spot, screw whoever got trampled on the way. But he didn't have to be that guy anymore. Then again, he could be the youngest VP this company had ever seen. It was within his grasp. All he had to do was slice open his vein.

  He eventually made it to Ricca’s doorstep. When she answered her door, her hair was rumpled, and her Winnie the Pooh sleep shorts and tank top were askew.

  "Shit, sorry. I didn’t realize you'd be asleep already.”

  She smiled a soft smile "S'okay. I'll be making you pay for it later."

  He returned her smile, but he felt sick. He couldn’t stand back and take a job he knew belonged to her.

  Ricca turned back to look at him. "You coming?"

  He let out a deep breath. "Yeah, right behind you."

  Once he'd stripped down to his boxers, she grinned and started to peel off Pooh and friends.

  All he had to do was tell her what he’d seen, and he’d be absolved. But he opened his mouth, and instead, all that came out was. "You mind if I just hold you for a bit?"

  She easily melted in his arms, a
nd he held her tight. He’d figure out what to do about Serena tomorrow. For tonight, he wanted to pretend that he and Ricca were still in their bubble.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Ricca paced back and forth outside the presentation hall. She reviewed her notes time and again. She knew the presentation. She was just too nervous to go inside and sit. She kept checking the halls for Beckett, but she hadn’t seen him since last night.

  He'd made love to her with the fervor of a starving man. Heat pricked her cheeks and her sex as she recalled last night. Unrelenting, he'd demanded more from her than she'd thought she could give. But then, this morning she'd woken up to find him gone.

  Her first reaction had been that he'd needed to go home and change for work, but he hadn’t even left a note. He'd been off when he arrived at her place last night, but not too bad.

  She halted in front of the presentation door again. She could do this. Get your head out of your ass, Munroe. Job first. You can worry about Beckett afterward. Right now you need to focus. She heard the muffled footsteps behind her, and her heart leaped. Beckett.

  But it wasn't him.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she went in to do her job. She'd find Beckett later and ask him what the hell he thought he was doing. He was the one who’d said he wanted this job. But he was throwing away his chance. With a deep breath, Ricca walked into the conference room.

  Her presentation was smooth. She went through each of her notes effortlessly. As she closed out her slides and potential fantasies, Beckett walked into the room, and she almost stuttered. He looked amazing in the suit he wore. She hadn’t even known Beckett owned a suit. He'd always kept it business casual, even for presentations, telling her it helped clients identify with him.

  She knew right away though, that something was wrong. He wouldn't meet her eyes, and he went right to Serena. He didn’t say anything, but he murmured something to her, and she nodded her head. Ricca didn't know what had happened, but in that briefest of exchanges, she felt her dream slipping away.


  Beckett couldn't look at Ricca during his presentation. He’d blown it. Soon enough, Ricca would know it too. Serena and her boy-toy were both watching him with keen eyes. How the hell had he gotten himself into such a mess?

  He'd left Ricca’s early in the morning. If he'd stayed, he would have told her his plan, and it wouldn’t work if she knew. Since he hadn’t slept all night, he’d had some time to think.

  His palms were sweaty. Which was a joke because he'd done some of the most dangerous stunts on God's green earth and never been nervous doing this.

  "Serena, Zach, before you make a decision, I need to say this."

  Serena glared at him, but she could kiss his ass.

  "I appreciate the time and effort Fantasy, Inc. has put in to help build my career." Here it was. Could he do this? Could he give it all up?

  His eyes swung in Ricca's direction of their own volition. The pain and confusion in her eyes felt like a knife to his heart.

  "I, however, am removing myself from consideration for the job. Ricca Munroe is a terrific asset to the team and an exceptional planner. She deserves the promotion. I’m taking myself out of the competition. I'm good, but Ricca Monroe is better. More than smart and capable, she's creative and intuitive and one step ahead of the client at all points. Giving me this title is a sham and a travesty compared to someone who shows that it all takes hard work. I refuse to take something that should have been hers from the beginning.”

  Ricca's face froze in a mask of shock.

  Serena scowled as she said, "Beckett, you do understand that another opportunity like this may not come along again, and that you're throwing this away for whatever relationship you two may have?”

  Beckett sucked in a breath. “Ricca deserves this job. More than I ever did." He looked straight at Zach. “One more thing, Serena was behind the accidents on this fantasy. She wanted a relationship with Roberto and was angry when he wouldn’t leave Lila. She tampered with the car, the juice meant for Lila, the suits at the track, she was behind it all.” The room went silent and frozen. “And last night, she offered me this job if I kept quiet about the relationship.”

  Gasps of shock filled the conference room. He stepped away from the podium and looked back in Ricca's direction, but she was gone, the door to the conference room still open. She’d left. Well at least he had his answer. There was nothing he could do. He'd really messed up. But for once, he felt okay.

  On his way back to his place, he passed the Westhorpe Hotel and immediately thought back to New Year’s Eve. A simple kiss under the mistletoe, and his whole life had changed.

  The logo on the front caught his attention. The thought that burrowed in his mind made him stop. Could he do this and swallow his pride? He glared at the automatic doors with the doorman in front. You can either get on with it, or you can go home and hit the want ads, what’s it going to be?

  He chose the hotel. As he strode through the opulent lobby, bellmen and receptionists didn’t stop him. He was as much a fixture here as the front walls.

  When he got to Alec’s door he paused. Could he do this? He knocked. Alec’s terse “Come in,” had Beckett sucking in a breath.

  When he walked in, Alec looked up and confusion etched on his brow. “Beckett? Jaya’s not here, man.”

  Beckett nodded. “Yeah, I know.” He rocked back on his heels and cleared his throat. “I’m actually here to see you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Two weeks into her new job, Ricca wrapped up her first round of reports. After Beckett's little firebomb and vanishing act, the whole office was in complete disarray. She personally couldn't believe he'd backed out of consideration. He’d wanted it just as badly as she had.

  Her heart squeezed like it always did when she thought of him. She’d tried to call him, went by his place, but he hadn’t called her back. If he wanted to talk to her, he knew where to find her. She just wished he’d told her about Serena. He’d been off the night of the base jump. She should have pressed harder to get it out of him.

  But then Beckett was full of surprises. How stupid of her to leave before he’d made his announcement that he was turning down the job. Everyone said the true fireworks had started after she left.

  The police had been called. Serena was being charged with reckless endangerment among other things. She and Zach were headed for divorce court. A few days after the kerfuffle, Lila had called her to say thank you and apologize for all the madness and nearly getting her killed.

  Apparently before Lila had met Roberto, he and Serena had had an affair. Roberto had eventually ended it because he met Lila and he supposedly felt horrible about hurting Zach. Lila said Serena had apparently never gotten over the rejection.

  Ricca shuddered. All that pain had been over a man. Though, knowing what it was like to actually be in love, she understood how it could make someone so totally cray-cray. But attempted homicide was taking it a bit far.

  God, she missed Beckett. But if he’d wanted to be found, he’d have left a forwarding address. Jaya and Micha had taken her out to celebrate and help her forget. Somewhere along the line, things had just gotten so complicated. He hadn’t believed that she had any faith in him. That’s why he hadn’t told her about Serena. He hadn’t trusted her enough.

  An insistent knock at her door brought her head up. She hadn’t ordered room service. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and the client didn’t arrive in Quebec until tomorrow.

  Putting the laptop down, she padded to the door in her bare feet and considered getting a sweatshirt to put on. Her Armani Exchange T-shirt was nearly see-through and did nothing to hide the double Ds. She looked like a yoga sexpot or something.

  She breathed a long sigh when she looked though the peephole, then stumbled back in shock. "Beckett."

  Dressed in dark jeans and a light blue shirt, he looked handsome and striking. She opened the door slowly.

  "Hi, Ricca.” He gave her a lopsided smile
. “I hope you don’t mind me tracking you down.”


  Beckett loitered in the doorway for several moments. How the hell was he going to do this? Just put himself out there like this.

  She turned to face him, and he nearly swallowed his tongue. Again. It really should be illegal to run around in that see-through shirt. Down boy. That's not what he was here for. He was a letch, but for ten minutes or however long she let him stay, he could do his best at being a nice guy. “It’s good to see you.”

  His heart thundered. All he wanted to do was hold her, but he owed her an explanation or two.

  "So you going to tell me where you disappeared to? I looked everywhere for you. Even Jaya didn't know where you were."

  Good old Jaya. She was a shit liar, but a good friend. She'd kept her mouth shut. Granted, she didn’t know too many details about his new venture with Alec. If she did, she’d probably have a fit. Alec wanted the San Diego Westhorpe to become a prime destination for the adventure set, especially for locations in South America. Beckett had been on a scouting mission for a week. It was something he knew how to do. And he could do it well. Jaya just knew that he’d be working with Alec on some things. She knew he needed the time, and she'd given it to him.

  Well, at one least one thing had gone the way he wanted it to.

  He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I took off for a few days and got a new job.” He paused. “I’m working for The Westhorpe now.”

  Ricca’s delicately arched brows drew down over her forehead. "What do you mean? I looked for you. I called you."

  “I needed to work some stuff out, and I couldn’t do that in San Diego."

  She moved into the living room without a backward look and stood by the window, as if she just expected him to follow. Like he'd done for so many years.

  In the living room, he told himself he couldn't touch her. The temptation to pull her close and bury his head into her hair was already too strong, so he stood and leaned against the archway. "I wanted to explain about Serena."


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