Marked by Time (The Mark Series Book 1)

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Marked by Time (The Mark Series Book 1) Page 8

by Victoria Basnuevo

  “M-mom.” I snatched my face out of his hands and pressed my palms to my eyes, trying to stop the tears, but saying it aloud only made them run faster and my anger spark. I looked at Daris and saw his emotions warring in his eyes: sympathy towards me and fury towards my father, I’m sure.

  “I need you to t-train me.” My knuckles were turning white. “I want to kill him.” Daris’s face paled and the battle in his eyes froze as if the emotions were just staring at me in shock and disbelief, trying to figure out if I said that statement with as much clarity and conviction as I did.

  I was surprised, too. It felt like time froze, but my pounding heart assured me it hadn’t. I had never hated anyone to the point where I wanted him or her dead. I never felt that way towards my father for leaving us years ago, but at that moment, it was the only thing I was sure I wanted, the only thing that wasn’t going to suddenly change.

  “I want him gone, too, Blossom, but it’s not that simple.”

  “Then train me.”


  “No!” My voice shook the table again and I stood to start pacing before turning to Daris once my emotions were under some sort of control. “He killed her! He killed my mom and laughed about it like she didn’t matter! He-he…” I wanted to hit something. I wanted to hit something and watch it shatter. Daris stood up and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked at our shoes. When he spoke, his voice was smooth and even.

  “He’s killed a lot of people, Sky. You’re not the only one who wants him dead, but I’m not going to sit back and let you go after him when I know you’re not ready. I’m not going to let you get yourself killed.”

  “So, you’ll train me?”

  He smiled softly and his eyes returned to their warm sapphire. He squeezed my shoulders. “When we spar, I promise I’ll make sure to beat you relentlessly,” he chuckled and I smiled, “but not today.”


  “No. You’re going to shower while I take care of the dishes.”

  “Is that your subtle way of telling me I smell bad?”

  Daris smirked. “It’s my way of telling you that you need to relax after yesterday.” I nodded and started walking to my room only to quickly turn around and hug him. He arms went around my back as I gripped his waist, breathing him in, thankful he was still here and okay, that I wasn’t alone.

  “Thank you,” I whispered into his tattered shirt. He squeezed me a bit tighter and I took another breath.

  I let him go and went to shower, the hot water peeling away layers of dirt and grime as I rubbed my skin raw. The steam’s embrace was warm as I furiously scrubbed away the salty tear tracks that lined my cheeks, finally feeling a calm after my unforgettable birthday. When I came out in clean pajamas, Daris was putting away the last of the dishes.

  “Feel better? You were in there for a while.”

  “I’m fine.”

  He turned around and I saw his back again. I took a step forward and touched the smooth skin, feeling him shiver.

  “How did you—?”

  “I guess you’re a better healer than you thought.” He still didn’t look at me, totally focused on the plate in his hands.

  “I cleaned it with a washcloth and some water, and now you look like nothing happened. That’s not normal.”

  “I’m not exactly normal, though, now am I?”

  I smiled, tracing his spine with my fingers. “I guess not, but I still want to learn how to do it.”

  He chuckled under my hand and turned around. He leaned in close and whispered, “You aren’t normal either, Blossom, so stop acting like you are. It makes it harder to like you.” He pulled away and my face turned red. “I’ll teach you later.”

  I glared at him before shifting my attention to the pink flowers in the vase on the counter. Somehow, they had survived last night and still looked as beautiful as when I first saw them on my bed. That felt like ages ago. Next to the vase was the dagger. Daris’s voice brought me back to the present. “I suggest we spend the rest of the weekend on the sofa.”

  “Um?” I watched Daris wave his hand and, like a magician with a deck of cards, flash several familiar DVDs. “You want to stay in for a movie weekend?” I asked, surprised.

  “Not just any movie weekend.” He winked and handed me the stack of disks. “Despite everything that happened, it’s still your birthday weekend and I know you need to unwind and maybe not think about yesterday for a bit. You game?” I nodded and he smiled, “Then, while you look those over and decide on a movie. We can order pizza later.”

  I watched him walk away before glancing through the films he had handed me, several of which I remembered watching with my mom when I was younger. I melted a bit and looked up at a smiling Daris. He was doing his best to help me take my mind off the situation and I couldn’t have asked for a better guy to have by my side as my reality shattered like thick glass.

  By the time he joined me on the sofa, I had the first movie in the player, my favorite hoodie on, and was curled up on the couch.

  “Comfy?” he asked as he plopped next to me.

  “Don’t talk. The movie’s on.”

  He smiled and slung his arm around my shoulders, tucking me into his side. It helped when I started crying softly as memories flooded back. He just pulled me closer, rubbed my arm, played with my hair, whispered in my ear, and did anything he could to keep my mind as far away from yesterday as possible. For that moment, I was content to sit back, forget the world outside my apartment, and watch movies with my best friend.

  When Monday came, I felt so…blah. After calming myself, I forgot how tiring my “friends” could be, how quickly they could make me wish I was out of school. Unfortunately, Melanie was sick, making me the only target in Camille’s sights.

  “Skyler! Oh, Skyler!” Camille was calling me like I was a dog lost amongst the lunch rush, her pitchy voice silencing the rowdiest of the football players. I nearly laughed when I saw the small, tight pink dress she had squeezed into. She was clinging to the same guy she was talking up on Friday. To get a closer look, I faked interest and waved them over. She didn’t look the least bit annoyed after Friday’s conversation.

  “There you are, sweetie,” she cooed. The guy gently set her down on the bench before sitting beside her. She leaned over the table and looked around dramatically. “Where’s Travis?”

  “Don’t know, don’t care.”

  “What are you talking about, Sky?” She must have thought Friday was joke or she just didn’t care. “You guys are the hottest couple in the school. You should totally be sitting together.”

  “Uh-no. We are not together.”


  I snapped to a different subject. “Who’s this, Cam?” I asked, instantly breaking out my fake interest.

  “Oh, where are my manners? Skyler, this is Drew. Drew, Skyler.” We shook hands before returning to the annoying girl. Honestly, I was amazed she remembered that manners existed and were a necessity to survive in society.

  “Cam, why are you here? It’s lunch time.”

  “So?” So? She was only near me at lunch when she could find me or when she was desperate for something, like party planning.

  “Never mind.” My phone rang and I saw a text from a weird number. It read Come outside – D.

  “Sorry guys, but I have to go.” I picked up my bag and left, grateful for the excuse to leave.

  “Bye Sky! Say hi to Travis for me!”

  I growled and hoped she understood what would happen if she gave that asshole my number.

  As I walked through the halls, I couldn’t help but wonder who sent the message. I had a thought and I could only hope I was right. I opened the doors that led outside and smiled at the rush of fresh air. I looked around but didn’t see anything or anyone out of the ordinary.

  “Looking for someone?” A voice sounded from above me and I looked up to see a face I knew all too well peak out from the roof.

  “What are you doing up there?” I asked D

  “Enjoying the picnic I set up. Care to join me?”

  “No, thanks.” I smiled. “I have my own.” I reached into my backpack to show him my bagged lunch, but he shook a familiar brown bag. “Really?”

  “Really. Now come on.” His smile never wavered and I felt a sort of giddiness.

  I shook my head. “How do I get up there?”

  “I’m sure you can figure something out.”

  “Skyler? Skyyyyllllleeeerrrr?”

  “Shit.” I winced and jumped up, landing in someone’s arms.

  “Now, was that so hard?” I opened my eyes and saw Daris in front of me.


  “Your mark channels your energy more than you realize. Now, I can start training you the way you want me to.” Daris handed me a strawberry milkshake.

  “Seriously?” I’m sure my eyes lit up at that. “No going easy on me?”

  He smiled. “Well, I’m not just going to give it my all right off the bat, but perhaps we can start with some sparring and see how that goes.”

  “Alright!” I threw my hands in the air and hopped in place. He was finally going to train me!

  “If you don’t lower your voice, we’re going to get caught. And by ‘we’, I mean you because I can get out of here.”

  I pouted.

  “I only taught you the absolute basics earlier because, if I taught you anything else when your power was still so young, you could have destroyed yourself. I’ve been teaching you to control the air for weeks, but look how high you just jumped.” I looked down. Yikes.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “You have no idea, Blossom. Sandwich?” He held out a plate and I took it gladly.

  “Thank you. Props on the picnic by the way.”

  “I had a feeling you would need the break.”

  I chuckled and looked down at Camille. “You have no idea. Come here and let’s watch.” He came over and sat next to me. We used the small ledge as a sort of table. It was like dinner theater.

  “Skyler? Skyler? Where’d you go? Someone wants to see you!” I didn’t like her knowing tone, and I liked the person she walked out with even less. “I just saw her in the cafeteria, Travis. She didn’t suspect a thing.” Travis walked out of the school and I stopped eating. My body tensed and I saw Daris look to me in suspicion, his eyes guarded.

  “You okay?” Daris whispered.

  “I’m fine.” We both knew that was a lie. I was shaking with anger and my voice was tense. Daris touched my shoulder and I looked down. “I want to hurt him so much.”

  “What did he ever do to you?” He was smiling, trying to make light of it all, but his eyes still showed that he was hiding something.

  “Remember what I was talking about on Friday?”

  Daris nodded.

  “Yeah…meet the asshole.”

  Daris’s eyes flashed and darkened. He growled, and the sudden change in temper terrified me.

  “Mind if I try something?”

  “Go ahead,” I said, mildly curious. He smirked that smile that said he had an idea and winked.

  “Watch this.” He waved his hand once and a small cloud formed over Travis’s head.

  “Do you smell rain?” Travis asked. Camille looked up at the sky, probably confused by his question and the clear sky. Suddenly, a small flash of light was emitted from the cloud.


  “Shh.” He smiled and pointed. “Watch.” A small bolt of lightning, so tiny it was barely noticeable, struck Travis on his head.

  “Ow. What the hell?” Travis rubbed the spot on his head.

  “What’s up with you?” Camille asked, placing her hands on her hips.

  “Nothing. Just find my girlfriend, would you?”

  “Girlfriend!” I screeched. I covered my mouth quickly as though that would prevent them from hearing me. The two looked around, trying and failing to find me. I waved my hand like Daris did, though a bit faster, and sent another two, slightly larger, bolts at the pair. I burned a hole in Travis’s jeans and melted Camille’s heels, sending her to the floor. She got up quickly.

  “What the hell! I am so out of here!” Camille yelled as she ran into the school barefooted, her ruined shoes clutched tightly in her hands while muttering “my babies” repeatedly as though that could repair the horrific heels. Travis was right behind her.

  As Daris and I watched the two retreat, I struggled to contain my laughter, but Daris looked serious and for a moment, I thought I was in trouble. That is, I thought I was until Daris started laughing. I smiled.

  “That—that was so awesome!” he managed to get out through his fits of laughter.

  “Serves them right.” I crossed my arms and leaned against the small wall, brewing my anger and wishing I had done more.

  “Pouting in your mind isn’t going to change anything, Blossom.”

  “Who said I was pouting?”

  “Continuing to imagine what you could have done to them isn’t going to help either.”

  I smiled and stuck my hand out.

  “Whatever,” I replied as he hauled me to my feet. “Can we just finish lunch? I have class in fifteen minutes.” Daris handed me a sandwich and we finished our meal in content silence, just enjoying each other’s company. I couldn’t help but imagine how different things could be in other circumstances.

  Before long, the bell rang and I was forced to help Daris clean up the picnic.

  “Don’t look so sad, Blossom.” Daris poked me and I jumped. “School’s almost over.”

  “You’re just saying that because you don’t have to deal with Camille and Travis.”

  “True. I’ll leave those two demons to you. See you at home.” Daris was about to jump from the roof when I caught his arm.

  “You’re not going anywhere until you get me down from here.”

  “Fine.” Daris handed me the picnic basket and wrapped his arms around my waist. “On the count of three, we’re jumping. One.”


  “Three!” Daris jumped and I screamed. I was far from scared, though. The rush of the wind through my hair combined with the thrill of jumping off a building with Daris’s arms around me had me screaming with joy and excitement. I had never experienced such an energizing rush. When we touched the ground, I was disappointed. It was that same feeling of just stepping off a roller coaster. Daris picked up on it.

  “How about this?” he said. “You go to class and I’ll come back to get you after school.”

  “Alright. The walk isn’t that long so we can get home quickly.”

  Daris looked at me and smiled. “I’ll see you after school, then.” He was gone quickly and I was left to hurry to class.

  I went through the rest of the rest of the day like a zombie. I barely paid any attention to my teachers, and I was only concerned with trying to avoid Camille and Travis. I was so close to accomplishing that goal, too. My only obstacle: eighth period with Camille. Normally, she skips this class, so I never considered her as a part of it. Unfortunately for everyone in the room, she had to make an appearance sometime, and she chose today. Thankfully, she was late and I was out of the room before she could catch me.

  “Skyler!” Camille called as I nearly sprinted to the school’s exit after class. Her excitement was sickening and I hated it. “Where’d you go at lunch, Sky? Someone was looking for you.”

  “Oh really?” I asked, playing innocent. “Who?”

  “Me.” A voice interjected. I scowled.

  I turned around to see the last person I wanted to see. Travis was standing in every ounce of his arrogance and I was astonished he wasn’t suffocating himself with it. “Where were you, kitten?” He grabbed my arm and a part of me made the connection that without the fabric, he would have been touching my mark. “I was looking everywhere for you.”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Oh. Well, maybe tomorrow you can meet me in Room 301. Maybe we could get to know each other a little better.�
� Camille looked so excited that I was sure she was about to start making announcements to the world.

  Too bad I had to kill her mood. “No thanks. I rather do something more productive like clean the bathroom than spend time with you.”

  Camille’s jaw dropped.

  “Skyler!” she whispered.

  Travis smirked. “Put the claws away, kitten. You’re much easier to deal with without them.”

  My arms were stiff at my sides and my fists were clenched. Easier? Is he kidding me? I took a deep breath to still my shaking body.

  “I’ll just leave you two lovebirds alone.” Camille’s coy smile came back and she walked off, leaving me to deal with Travis, who snatched my attention back by tightening his grip.

  “No thanks. I kinda like being vicious. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have something more important to do than dealing with you.” I took three steps before he grabbed my wrist, nearly crushing it in his grasp. “Let me go!” I wriggled in his grasp but couldn’t get free.

  His dark eyes flashed. “Excellent. Now, where were we?”

  “You were about to let her go.”

  We looked up to see a figure leaning against a set of lockers. He had a familiar hoodie drawn over his face.

  “Yeah, right. And I’m definitely going to listen to you,” Travis mocked the person’s voice.

  “You might want to listen to him,” I remarked, recognizing the man’s voice.

  “No, I don’t think I do. Come on, kitten, we have a date with Room 301.” Travis pulled me away from the guy, but he was faster, quickly reaching out and snagging my arm. I screamed in shock.

  “Both of you need to let. Me. Go!” I felt a slight burning sensation start in my arm and trickle down to both of my wrists where the boys were holding me hostage. It wasn’t long before they both yanked their arms away.

  “What the hell?” Travis screamed, shaking his hand. He looked at me and the guy in the hood just grabbed him by his shirt.

  “Leave her alone,” he growled.

  “And if I don’t?” Travis had a challenge dancing in his dark eyes and it scared me.

  “Then you answer to me.” The guy in the hood dropped Travis on his butt and walked away, but he didn’t get far. Travis launched up and yanked the hood down, revealing someone I knew all too well. I still gasped in surprise, though. Travis pulled his fist back but I grabbed it before he could take a swing at Daris.


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