Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance

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Invisible: An Alpha Company Military Romance Page 6

by Beth Abbott

  Matt laughed loudly as Suzy poked her tongue out.

  “Bitch!” She shouted as Ellen slipped out the door.

  “Love you too!” Ellen called as she slammed the door shut behind her.

  Chapter 12 - Ellen

  The weekend rolled around again too soon.

  Although Friday and Saturday nights were when they made the best tips, they damn well earned them!

  From the time the doors opened at six o’clock for the early bird special, the footfall was constant, and even the small waiting area by the door was standing room only for a while, as late-comers with no advance booking prepared to wait for a table, rather than chance their luck somewhere else.

  Locally, Gianni’s was well known for having great food at reasonable prices. With the great family atmosphere G and Fran had created, it was popular with people from miles around.

  This Saturday had been no exception, especially as Fran had given Suzy the night off to spend with her man.

  Yeah, Fran was a sucker for romance, and when Matt hugged her and practically begged her to let him have his Suzy free for the night, Fran practically melted into a puddle.

  “Damn Sunday lunch better be edible.” Ellen thought miserably, trying to stretch out her cramped toes without actually taking off the shoes that were pinching so badly.

  “Ellen?” Mark called, rushing past. “Can you take the soup out to table six for me? I’m dying to take a leak.”

  Picking up the dish and the bread basket, she shouldered her way out of the kitchen, and made her way to table six.

  Not looking up until she was almost on top of the diner, she almost tripped, as she noticed Mr Tall, Dark and Moody, sitting looking at her expectantly.

  “Oh, it’s you again!” She blurted out, in what could hardly be said to be a welcoming tone.

  His lips quirked, and she realised how blunt she must have sounded.

  “I mean, welcome back.” She stammered. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Is it really?” He asked, teasingly. “Or are you already wondering whether I’m going to leave a big tip again?”

  Ellen blushed. She hadn’t actually remembered his generosity from the previous week.

  “Yes.” She blurted, then backtracked, in case he thought she meant the tip. “I mean, no!” She blushed profusely.

  He laughed, and then put his hand over his heart.

  “You mean, yes you want another tip, and no, I’m not really welcome?” He sighed. “Madam, you wound me.”

  Ellen watched as his face fell in an attempt to feign sadness.

  Asshole! That wasn’t what she meant and he damn well knew it. Ok, two could play that game.

  “Yep, that’s exactly what I meant!” Ellen flicked her ponytail back over her shoulder, turned and flounced away from him, keeping her head up, and trying not to fall on her ass as she sidestepped the other wait staff and returned to the kitchen.

  When the door swung closed and she was hidden from view, she finally let out her breath.

  God, but that man was a menace.

  He was too damned good looking for a start. And was that a personality disorder he had? Last week he’d been all gruff and demanding. Tonight, he’d actually been joking with her, and almost…what, flirty?

  Ellen, seriously doubted that.

  Men didn’t flirt with her. It was one of the sure ways that she knew that her ‘Invisibility strategy’ was working successfully.

  But he’d definitely had a twinkle in his eye tonight.

  His eye! That was it. It was his funny eye that was throwing her off, making her see things that weren’t really there.

  “Ellen, are you Ok?” Fran called from the counter.

  “Yes, fine.” Ellen smiled, as she collected her next order. “Just catching my breath. It’s busy out there.”

  “From your mouth to God’s ears.” Fran crossed herself, and waved her hands towards the heavens.

  Ellen laughed. “I thought that was a Jewish expression, not a Catholic one.”

  “Whatever works, honey! Whatever works.” Fran grinned back at her.

  Ellen pushed back into the dining room, and was immediately busy again. Apart from collecting his soup dish, and returning with his steak, she didn’t have any further interaction with Mr Moody.

  There were a few larger groups that had come in pre-booked at the same time, and she was having to go like the clappers to keep everyone happy.

  It had been almost an hour since she’d served him his steak, when she finally noticed that he was still sitting there. Chris must have served him, as the remains of a dessert were in front of him. He sat with the spoon in his hand, although she got the feeling he hadn’t touched the dish for some time.

  When he finally put the spoon down and pushed the plate away from him, she moved forward to clear it away.

  “So, do you know anyone who lived in Hanson Road?” He said, as if last week’s conversation had never ended.

  “What?” Ellen startled. “No, I… well, I just knew what happened because it was common knowledge. All the locals knew what happened. Why do you ask?”

  Ellen was nervous. Why was he still asking about her old address?

  “I’m trying to track someone down.” He confirmed. “An old army mate.” He watched her carefully, looking for some response.

  “Oh?” She said as casually as she could. “Didn’t you find anyone who could help?”

  “I was told a young woman lived in one of the houses.” He confirmed, giving nothing away by his expression. “The lady in the general store remembered a woman in her twenties, who worked in one of the restaurants on High Street. Reckoned she might know something of him.”

  “And have you had any luck finding her?” She asked, not sure she wanted to know the answer. Was that why he’d come back?

  “No, not yet. You wouldn’t know who that was though, would you? Could she have worked here?” He looked up at her again.

  “It doesn’t sound familiar.” Ellen pretended to be considering the question. “But with us being so close to the University, we get a lot of students working here for a year before moving on. Most of the other restaurants will say the same.”

  Well, it was mostly true, she thought, thanking God that he’d asked her that question, and not Fran or one of the others. They all knew she used to live in Hanson Road.

  “I guess.” He frowned as he reached for his jacket. “Still, I had to ask. Thanks for your help.”

  “No problem. I hope you find your friend.” Ellen smiled sympathetically as she turned away.

  He moved towards Fran, and they started chatting as he paid for his food.

  As the door closed behind him, Fran held up twenty pounds and gave Ellen the thumbs up, before stuffing it down into the tip jar.

  They could do with a few more customers like him, she thought, as she watched him walk past the window before slipping out of sight.

  Just…not him.

  Chapter 13 - Ellen

  Ellen looked in the mirror one last time.

  Oh well. It wasn’t going to get much better.

  She’d ditched her usual Sunday uniform of hoodie and jogging bottoms, and actually put on a skirt. It was a longish skirt, black, with a black and silver belt, but it was still a skirt. She’d been wearing it that last night with her father at Georgie’s house, and would have thrown it away, but it was probably the only decent piece of clothing she had to her name.

  Paired with a plain white blouse, it was never gonna set the world alight, but knowing what she usually wore, Suzy would see that she’d made an effort, as instructed, and hopefully would be pleased with Ellen’s efforts.

  This was the first proper family meal Suzy would have cooked for her little family since Matt had come home, and Ellen was touched that she had been invited.

  Checking herself out one last time, she swiped her hand over the back of her hair, swishing the ponytail as she went.

  She was surprised at how soft and silky it felt
, given that she avoided fancy hair products like the plague.

  Satisfied that this was as good as she was going to look, she grabbed her coat and headed to the door. The walk to Suzy’s flat would take fifteen minutes, and with no buses on a Sunday, she was undoubtedly going to be wet when she got there.

  Hood up, and umbrella over her head, she pulled the door closed behind her. It was cold enough to snow, she thought, but as usual, all they got in this part of the country was rain.

  She was almost at Suzy’s, just about to turn the last corner, when she heard the rumble of a car engine approaching, and the sound of a heavy bass booming from the sound system. Just as she was about to turn and see who was making the offensive noise, the flash BMW swept past her, channelling through the huge puddle of water in the road, and soaking her from head to toe.

  Ellen yelped as she tried to twist away from the water, but it was no good. Her coat and skirt were covered with the filthy, oily sludge.

  She looked down at herself and groaned. Short of going home to change, she was going to have to put up with the smell and damp clothes all afternoon.

  “Fucking wanker!” She called after the BMW. “I hope your balls shrivel and drop off!”

  Not one given to swearing much in public, she was pleased that she had managed to throw a curse which actually sounded bad-ass!

  The sound of air hissing through teeth alerted her to the elderly couple passing by at the moment of her outburst.

  “I…He…” Ellen stammered, blushing scarlet with embarrassment.

  Watching their backs move hurriedly away from her, she gave up trying to explain or apologise. Head down, brolly up, she beat a march to Suzy’s flat.

  “Oh God, could this day get any worse?” she mumbled.

  Chapter 14 - Ellen

  As she stood under the front porch of Suzy’s house, shaking off her umbrella, she looked across the road at the parked cars.

  The BMW was parked there, bold as brass and twice as shiny!

  “Wanker!” She thought angrily. “I ought to go slash his tires.”

  She turned back as she heard Suzy’s door opening.

  “Whoa!” Matt backed up, with his hands up. “Who pissed in your Cornflakes, lady?”

  Realising that she must have been glaring at poor Matt, she turned and pointed to the offending BMW.

  “The wanker that owns that piece of shit BMW, if you must know!” She snarled.

  She pointed down at the dirty marks all over her skirt.

  “Obviously, the tinted windows prevented the idiot driver from actually seeing us poor pedestrians. Or possibly the fact the he must be a complete bloody moron, meant he didn’t give a shit that he left me soaking wet and filthy dirty, standing in the street.”

  Ellen put her bag down in the hallway, and shrugged out of her coat, as Suzy walked out of the kitchen.

  “Hey, Hun.” She smiled nervously. “Are you Ok?”

  Ellen puffed out a breath. “Yeah”.

  Suzy and Matt gave each other a strange look, just as another figure appeared behind Suzy.

  “Uh, Ellen, meet Luke.” Matt pointed a finger back and forth between them. “Luke, meet Ellen.”

  Matt grinned, looking back at Ellen.

  “Luke’s the wanker with the BMW.”

  Ellen groaned inwardly.

  Oh, holy shit! Just kill me now and put me out of my misery!

  Not only was the man in front of her the owner of that piece of shit BMW parked outside, but he was also already known to her as Mr Tall, Dark and Moody!

  Glancing up at Luke, Ellen noticed immediately that he looked utterly gorgeous.

  Dressed in a nice white button down shirt and black jeans that fitted him way too snugly, he looked good enough to eat.

  She didn’t have to look down at herself to know that she looked like shit!

  She’d looked barely Ok to begin with, but with the dirt, and, good God, the smell, she looked like a bag-lady on a bad day!

  “Great!” Ellen murmured before she could stop herself.

  “Come on, babe, let’s get you something dry to change into.” Suzy grabbed her arm, steering her towards her bedroom.

  She heard her friend mutter “Asshole!” as they passed Luke, and it was as much as Ellen could do not to smirk at him.

  “Go stir the gravy!” Suzy instructed Matt, just before slamming the door in the men’s faces.

  “Soooo...” Ellen dragged the word out. “Is there something you forgot to tell me?”

  “Hmmm?” Suzy looked up from rummaging in a chest of drawers.

  “Oh, don’t give me that wide-eyed innocent look. I know you too bloody well!”

  Ellen pointed her finger at Suzy, and then back at the door.

  “So, what is this, a blind date? So blind in fact, that you didn’t even bother to tell me it was happening?”

  “No!” Suzy insisted, blushing crimson. “Well, not exactly…”

  “How is it not exactly a blind date? He’s here, I’m here – both of us presumably single? We’ve never officially met. All of this is adding up to a blind date in my book!” Ellen wasn’t so much angry as frustrated.

  “Ok, well maybe it is a little like that, but Luke is one of Matt’s new partners in the business, and he’s just up here for the weekend, so we thought it would be nice if you two met, that’s all. It’s just a one off, I promise.”

  Ellen reached for the leggings Suzy was handing her.

  “Really, this is the best you can find?” Ellen stared at the leggings as if they were going to bite her.

  Suzy pointed at Ellen, and then down at her own much shorter and curvier body.

  “You really think I’m gonna have a wide selection of clothes in my wardrobe that are gonna fit you?”

  Ellen’s shoulders fell.

  “Nah, didn’t think so.” Suzy smiled.

  “So how do you figure this is to be a one-time deal, when I’ve already met him twice before today?” Ellen asked.

  “What? You have? How?” Suzy obviously knew nothing about the previous meetings.

  Ellen filled her in on the past two encounters.

  “Mr Tall, Dark and Moody? Oh, my God, that’s priceless!” Suzy cackled loudly. “I may have to drop that into the conversation over lunch.”

  “Bitch! Don’t you dare!” Ellen laughed, pulling the leggings up and smoothing the blouse down over the top. Not too bad…

  “I promise not to say anything, if you promise to be nice to him.” Suzy giggled.

  “Are you kidding me?” Ellen backed down under Suzy’s stare.

  “Ok, fine! But he’d better grovel first!”

  “Hell, yeah! You make him work for it.” Suzy grinned, pulling the door open to go and re-join the men.

  Chapter 15 - Luke

  “Man, Suzy’s gonna have your balls!” Matt laughed. “What the hell? Tell me you didn’t soak the poor woman on purpose!”

  “Tosser!” Luke punched Matt in the bicep. “It’s good to know you think so highly of me.”

  “So how did it happen then?” Matt quirked an eyebrow.

  “Aww, it was the crappy sat-nav in my car. It kept telling me to ‘make a right turn’ when there weren’t any right turns, and then when we got to the one-way system, it got completely cocked up. I swear I didn’t even see her!”

  “Yeah, the one-way thing is new.” Matt snorted. “I’ve lived in this area most of my life, but that new one-way system almost caught me out when I got back last week. I drove around the block three damned times before I could find my way into my own street. Crazy, man!”

  “Yeah, tell me about it.” Luke sighed.

  “So, you’re going to apologise, right?” It wasn’t really a question.

  “Yeah, of course. You know I will.” Luke looked at Matt out of the corner of his eye. “Though, I think I’ve just added to what was already a pretty piss-poor impression she has of me.”

  “How can she already have an opinion of you when you only just met?” Matt wa
s understandably confused.

  Luke explained about their prior meetings.

  “So, the first time, I was in a real shitty mood. Hell, I’m not the cheeriest of assholes on my best day, but you know how dark it gets when I have to focus on anything to do with Casey’s murder.”

  Matt nodded his understanding.

  “Well, I guess you’ll just have to suck it up for today, and make nice with the lady.”

  Luke nodded. “I will, I promise.”

  “Good, cos Ellen’s a decent woman. And my beautiful wife adores her, as does my son. So, if you screw up? It won’t be just your balls on that plate man, y’hear?”

  “Message received and understood.” Luke grinned as the bedroom door opened.

  As Suzy and Ellen stepped into the hallway, Luke stepped out from the kitchen.

  Suzy barely spared him a glance as she swept past him.

  “Hello, again.” Luke began sheepishly.

  “Hello.” Ellen replied, not attempting to let him off the hook yet.

  “Look, I know this is a bit late, but I really am sorry about soaking you. My sat-nav was taking me around in circles, and I was having a hard enough time seeing the road with all the rain. I just didn’t notice you or the puddle, and, well…. I’m just really sorry. I’ll happily pay for your dry-cleaning or replacements if needed.” Luke stopped to take a breath.

  Ellen just stared at him for a minute, as if trying to decide whether to let him off the hook.

  “Would it help if I agreed that I really am a wanker, and an asshole, and any other name you may have called me today?” Luke grinned at her.

  Ellen chuckled before she could stop herself.

  “It might!”

  She paused, as if giving it serious consideration. She silently counted to ten.

  “Ok, apology accepted. Seeing as you offered it so nicely.”

  “Thanks.” He grinned down at her.

  “But I reserve the right not to withdraw my curse until I’m convinced you’ve earned it.” Ellen smiled sweetly at him.

  “Curse?” Luke wasn’t grinning any more.

  “Yeah.” Ellen grinned. “The one where I hoped your balls shrivelled up and dropped off.”


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