The Fear of Surrender

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The Fear of Surrender Page 16

by Morticia Knight

  He’d thought he’d be more fearful of the procedure than he was. However, his nipples had received so much attention since the night with the clothespins that he’d become addicted to the tormenting and teasing of them. The idea of Thomas piercing his flesh then tugging on the rings when they fucked…

  He groaned. The ties dug into him as his cock tried to swell within the confines of the sleeve.

  The headlights shone through the front window. Thomas had told him to be ready, and he was more than that. He was raring to go. Before Thomas had even switched off the engine, Linus had bounded out of the front door then climbed into the passenger side of vehicle.

  Thomas laughed as he pulled him in for a quick kiss. It was all they dared on the decidedly less-than-private street. They were looking into purchasing a larger or more secluded property soon.

  “I was going to ask you if you were worried about the piercing, but I think you’ve answered my question.”

  “I’m not worried, Sir. Just excited.” He took a deep breath. What he had to say was important and he didn’t want to start having trouble speaking again. “When can I start calling you Master?”

  Thomas reached across the seat then gave his hand a squeeze. “Right after I put the rings in.”

  “Okay, good. And…” One more breath. “I want it to be private. I don’t want the others watching.”

  There was a pause and Linus wasn’t sure how Thomas felt about what he’d just said. He knew his lover had some leftover concerns after what he’d been through. He’d wanted to make sure that all the board members knew and that there wouldn’t be any issues.

  “I see. What made you decide that?”

  “You know how I like to watch the demonstrations, but wouldn’t want anyone watching me?”

  “Well, yes, but this won’t be on a stage. It’ll be a private ceremony with only our friends in one of the rooms.”

  “Yes, but I wouldn’t want anyone to see me come. That’s only for you.”

  “You wouldn’t…but why would you…?” Thomas hit the brakes of the car a little too hard at a traffic light. He chuckled as he seemingly pulled himself together. “In that case, I want it to be private too. I don’t want anyone seeing you come either.”

  * * * *

  It had been interesting trying to explain to Aaron, Saul, and their other friends why they’d changed their minds about sharing their moment with them. He hadn’t wanted to embarrass Linus—and he’d especially not wanted to discourage him from following through on what he planned. Thomas wasn’t so sure Linus had planned on it as much as he understood his body well enough to know that it would happen.

  He had the needles and the rings ready, already sterilized. The alcohol and gauze squares lay next to them so he could wipe off Linus’ nubs before he pierced them. Gazing down on his boy’s naked body stretched out on the padded table, he was struck again by his good fortune. He’d come so close to losing him by not claiming him right away. He would have missed out on the most loving person he’d ever known. And he would never have experienced the joy of Linus’ complete surrender.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, Sir. Very ready.”

  “I love you.”

  Linus grinned. “Love you too. Make me yours forever.”

  Thomas was surprised at the emotion clogging his throat. “It would be my honor.”

  He placed a soft kiss on Linus’ mouth then picked up a fountain pen. He wiped Linus’ nips with the alcohol, Linus jumping when he came in contact with the cold gauze. After teasing one nipple to an erect point, he placed a very tiny dot of ink on either side as a guide. He made sure he held Linus’ gaze as he raised the needle—the gold ring attached by a thread—showing it to him.

  Thomas gave the nub one more sharp pinch then in one quick move, speared the flesh, dragging the ring through then securing it. He regarded his boy, checking for signs of distress. Linus’ entire body had a rosy flush to it, the crown of his unbound cock scarlet and leaking moisture. Linus clenched his fists, and a fine sheen of sweat had gathered on his skin, but Thomas could see that he was okay. Linus’ arousal assured him of that.

  “That was beautiful. You’re beautiful.”

  “Thank you, thank you, um…?”

  “Say it.”

  “Thank you, Master.” His lower lip trembled.

  “Now the other one.”

  Linus nodded. “Please, Master. I want it.”

  “I know you do, my wanton boy.”

  Thomas’ heart filled as he repeated the piercing on the other nipple. As soon as he finished, he took Linus’ lips in a hungry kiss. He grabbed Linus’ cock and with a few harsh tugs, Linus yelled his orgasm into Thomas’ mouth, his hot seed spilling over Thomas’ hand as he milked him. They shared his cum between them—Linus licking it off one of Thomas’ fingers, then Thomas taking it off another. They kissed some more, murmured their love, then Linus begged Thomas to fuck him.

  “I can’t tug on your rings until they’re more healed.” Linus had already shared his erotic fantasy about getting fucked with the piercing.

  “What about the hot wax?”

  Thomas arched his eyebrows. He’d begun to wonder who was teaching whom. “What about it, boy?”

  “You could drip it on my back while you take me from behind.”

  Thomas hurried to untie Linus’ limbs. He almost tripped over himself getting to the oil, then knocked over several items in the cupboard searching for the candles and match safe.


  Thomas peered past the door of the piece of furniture. He was met with the sight of Linus, bent over, holding on to the side of the padded table, his wonderful ass exposed. He swallowed, hard. There wasn’t the slightest hope of him lasting inside his boy. But it was okay. They had all night. He smiled, a sense of peace filling him.

  Once he’d retrieved the items he sought then set them on the padded table, he slowly removed his clothing. As Thomas undressed, he took the time to focus on his boy—his boy—delighting in the beauty of his lithe form, the contrast of Linus’ dark hair against his pale skin, the enticing shape of his slightly rounded little ass.

  Thomas stood nude, stroking the rigid column of his flesh. He was anxious, more than ready to fill his lover with his seed, claiming him from the inside. Concerned that he might not even make it past breaching Linus before he spent, he let go of his shaft to concentrate on getting Linus ready to receive him.

  He placed a hand on Linus’ lower back, letting it rest there for a moment, reconnecting them.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?”

  Linus nodded before speaking. “I’m okay. Sore. Are they supposed to throb like that?”

  There was a distinct tone of concern in Linus’ voice. Thomas smiled to himself, picking up a light motion on Linus’ skin, soothing him. They’d discussed everything in detail beforehand, gone over what he could expect from the procedure. But Thomas understood that talking about something and experiencing it was quite different.

  “Yes, Linus, that’s normal. I’ll be cleaning the piercing, watching it for signs of infection. But don’t hesitate to tell me any of your worries, even if you think you’re repeating yourself. As always, I want to know everything you’re feeling.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you.”

  Thomas leaned over to press a kiss at the spot right above Linus’ crack. Linus sighed as he dipped his tongue in the hollow at the top of Linus’ crease, teasing the silken skin briefly before straightening. After pouring some oil on his fingers, he searched between Linus’ cheeks for his puckered entrance.

  “Um, Master?”

  Thomas rarely restricted Linus from speaking to him—he was still encouraging Linus to express himself.

  “What is it, boy?”

  “I… Um, don’t prepare me too much. Please?”

  Thomas gently circled the wrinkled flesh of Linus’ hole with one finger as he considered Linus’ unexpected request. He had an idea why Linus might wi
sh for minimal stretching by Thomas’ hand, but he wanted to be sure.

  “What makes you ask for that?”

  There was a silent pause and Thomas was about to ask the question again when Linus abruptly answered.

  “I want the hurt, want to feel you as much as I can.”

  Thomas continued to rub over the tight ring of muscle, contemplating the idea and struggling internally with his own desire to always be the one who controlled Linus’ body—to be in charge. Yet it also thrilled him that Linus had confessed his need so freely. It inspired Thomas to give it to him.

  He dipped the tip of his finger into Linus’ passage. Linus hissed.

  “You’re in my care at all times, my control. But I’ll always listen to you, take your wishes into consideration.” Thomas pushed his finger in some more. “I’ll oil you now, one finger only, then moisten my cock. After that, I’ll take you hard, a single thrust all the way in. Then I’ll pound into you unrelentingly until I come. Is that what you’re asking for?”

  “No, Master. Begging.”

  Thomas groaned, stroking Linus internally just enough to glance over the bump inside him a few times. Linus responded by undulating his hips, pushing against his hand, arching his back.

  “Yes. That’s my boy.” Thomas kissed his shoulder. “And the hot wax?”

  “Oh…” Whimpers fell from Linus’ lips.

  “I’ll accept that as an agreement unless you cry mercy.”

  Thomas’ promise of a rough fuck was sincere. However, his ability to make it last very long was in question—especially when Linus’ shameless movements and greedy noises already had Thomas at the edge of release. And the wax…

  God help me.

  After removing his finger from Linus’ hole, he quickly added more oil to his own heated erection, squeezing the base and taking steadying breaths to help slow down his urge to come. He grasped Linus’ hip with one hand then directed his shaft to Linus’ entrance, nudging between his cheeks as he did. Thomas inhaled then punched into Linus in one punishing thrust, seating himself in his boy’s ass. Linus grunted as he clutched at the edges of the table and Thomas repressed a hiss at the stinging sensation he’d felt on the end of his dick as he’d forced his way into Linus’ gripping heat.

  He paused, breathing deeply. Reaching over Linus, he then plucked the top off the match safe and took out one of the small wooden sticks. He picked up a taper with his other hand. Flicking the end of the match with his thumb, he brought the fire to life and touched it to the wick of the candle.

  The first drip immediately landed on the small of Linus’ back, and the resulting clench around Thomas’ cock from Linus’ passage caused him to forget about the burning stick in his hand. It singed his fingers and he yelped before quickly shaking it out. The taper blazed and more searing wax splashed onto Linus’ skin. With each drop, Linus clamped down on Thomas and he growled through gritted teeth. It was driving Thomas mad—he had to move inside him.

  Once he’d blown out the candle, he dropped it back on the table. Thomas grabbed Linus’ hips then fucked him with all he had, relentless in his intent to make Linus feel him for days, feel him everywhere—inside and out. His boy’s nipples would ache, his ass would be sore and his flesh tender from the wax. Thomas would be all over him even when they were parted.

  The combined sounds of their lust filled the room as a sheen of sweat formed on Thomas’ skin. He continued to thrust into the tight grip of Linus’ passage, his movements becoming erratic. His dick swelled, nuts tightening, his release imminent. Linus’ moans increased in intensity and he knew Linus was close as well. Thomas didn’t wait for him to beg.

  “Come now, boy. Let go for me.”

  The flutters around his shaft were instantaneous and Thomas couldn’t hold back. He roared out his release as he pumped Linus full of his cum. Small white dots of light danced in his vision and for the briefest of moments, a slight dizziness overtook him. His breathing was rapid and he noted that Linus was panting as well, his boy’s body slackening. Thomas encircled Linus’ waist to keep him from collapsing, yanking him close to keep them joined for as long as possible.

  Once Thomas slipped out of Linus, he scooped him into his arms then brought him over to the bed they’d used before in that same room. He laid him gently on his side so that his nipples wouldn’t get irritated. Splotches of the dried wax decorated Linus’ torso like white starbursts. Linus twisted his head to peer behind him so Thomas stole a kiss before starting to peel the candle drippings off Linus’ skin.


  Thomas chuckled. “How do you feel about everything we just did?”

  He removed more pieces of wax as gently as he could, the dried substance seemingly reluctant to let go of Linus’ flesh. He caught Linus wincing.

  “I feel…”

  Linus sighed and Thomas’ gut twisted. He wondered if he’d gone too far. His own cock ached from the harshness of their fuck, so he knew Linus had to be sore from it in addition to everything else. Thomas caressed Linus’ shoulder.

  “Don’t be afraid to tell me that you didn’t like anything we did.”

  He swallowed past a lump in his throat, fear rising at the thought that Linus might regret the piercing.

  “Oh, I loved it all Master.” He peered up at him again from over his shoulder, a sweet smile curling his lips. “Especially the piercing.”

  Thomas exhaled on a shaky breath. “You did?”

  He nodded. “It’s just so difficult for me to put into words. It’s so, um, so strange to want you to do these things to me, to need them the way I do. But I’m happy. I’ve never been so happy before, didn’t know it could be like this.” Linus chewed on the side of his lip. “Could you, um, tell me again how much you love me?”

  “Oh, Linus. More than you’ll ever know. You’re my heart, my love. I’ll always keep you.”

  Linus grinned. “And I’ll always keep you.”

  Thomas burst out laughing. “Then I’m the luckiest man alive.” Thomas pulled him close so that his body curved around Linus’. “Lie in my arms for a while. I don’t want us to leave quite yet.”

  They snuggled, Linus wriggling himself against Thomas as if searching for the most comfortable position. Within minutes, the telltale sounds of Linus’ tiny snores could be heard and Thomas brushed his lips along Linus’ neck. He was exhausted and his muscles ached. But the night was too important, too significant for him to drop off to sleep. At last he’d found a boy of his own, one who’d surrendered to him so completely that it really did take his breath away. All that was left for them to do was cherish each other.

  For the rest of our lives.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Semper Fidelis: Safe Shores

  Morticia Knight


  Chapter One

  Quit checking your cell, old man.

  Shane would be docking soon—Kirk had received his text the night before. There was a tightening low in his belly in anticipation of seeing his Coast Guard lover for the first time in three months. They would have two months together before Shane took off on his next tour, plus holiday time. It was the longest stretch of time they’d had together in a while.

  Kirk was done fishing for the year until he started up again in May. As was typical, he would work more hours as a cook at the Lighthouse Grill—he took over for the kids who usually went back to school in the fall. But the comfort of routine had been absent as of late. Restlessness scratched under his skin, a dissatisfaction he hadn’t felt since he’d ended his marriage ten years before. He’d grown up in the Columbia River community of Astoria, Oregon then married his childhood sweetheart. They’d had a magnificent son, he’d taken over his dad’s fishing business and had settled into what should have been a peaceful, ideal life.

  Except for the part where admitting he was gay had created a major upheaval in his world.

  He’d always known that divorcing Cindy would be painful—they’d been best frien
ds since they were twelve—but there’d been the added challenge of being outed in such a small town. It had been a mixed bag of those who didn’t give a shit and those who’d behaved as if he’d contracted leprosy. Since he’d never been social—quiet by nature—it hadn’t been that big of an issue. Thankfully, he and Cindy had finally reached the point where the friendship had returned.

  Kirk absent-mindedly checked his cell again after taking a final swallow of the bottle of beer he’d been nursing at the bar of Neptune’s Galley. It was his local dive of choice and he’d patronized it most of his adult life. Grunting at his borderline obsessive behavior, he replaced the phone on the surface of the bar and tried to will himself to calm down. It was nice to wait for his lover Shane in the place where they’d met three years prior. He still marveled at how lucky they’d been to connect at all in the small town. It wasn’t exactly known for its gay hook-ups and Shane’s sporadic shore leaves hadn’t upped the possibility for them to meet. It was like a textbook fated moment—even though he didn’t believe in such things.


  Kirk shook his head. “I won’t annoy you with my presence much longer.”

  Davey, the ancient bartender, grinned a partially toothless grin at him as he tossed Kirk’s empty container in the trash under the counter.

  “Coasties are docking soon.”

  Kirk nodded. “Uh huh.”

  Anyone who listened to the ship report on the local public radio station every morning knew which freighters, cruise ships or other vessels would be crossing the Columbia Bar and either docking, returning to the open sea bound for distant ports or passing through to Portland or Vancouver. Davey’s words had been a statement, not a question. Kirk fought off the unease he always felt when a local referenced his relationship with Shane. But Davey had known him since Kirk had downed his first beer at Neptune’s and had never treated him any differently when his orientation had become public knowledge. It was likely the only reason he’d continued hanging out at the joint.


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