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Winter's Storm

Page 6

by Gracie Meadows

  Tonight, he needed to think, to get some type of game plan before he went back to the cabin again. The last thing he needed was to scare Winter off by rushing her with various degrees of a long life together. Even if it was just friends. However, that’s not what he wanted at all. Right now, he wanted to crawl into his bed and sleep the rest of the night, waiting for tomorrow.

  Pulling up to his cabin, it was dark out, and only the moon and stars lit the sky. It was going to be cold once he got in, and he made sure to snag a few more logs on the way in to help with the fire. Pushing open the door, he managed to navigate the dark room with a flashlight he kept handy before he lit a candle that helped illuminate the room. Quickly making a fire, he found he wasn’t tired; instead, a new energy buzzed around him. He had an idea, and instead of going to sleep, he went to work. He wanted to make something for his son.

  The morning came before Jay even had time to really get a good night’s sleep. However, it didn’t slow his movements. Instead, he went into the kitchen and found a large thermos and filled it with coffee that he made over the fireplace. With everything he needed in hand, Jay headed down to his truck, only to find it had snowed at least six more inches overnight. Growling in frustration, he hustled to plow his way to his truck with the snow shovel he kept on his front porch for days like this. The process only took a half hour to complete, and it would be safer when they came and stayed with him. Felix could run and play in his cabin more than the small cabin she was staying in with him. On top of it, he would get power before she would.

  Getting into his truck, Jay cranked the heater, letting the cab heat up some before making his way to Winter’s cabin. It was going to take longer due to the snow, but his 4x4 truck with chains would make it there safer than her car would. Which would be under a mountain of snow at this point, anyway.

  Just as he predicted, he spotted the cabin and the smoke billowing out of the chimney, letting him know she was keeping the wood fire going. Good girl. He had wished he brought the shovel for her place, but he’d completely forgot.

  Getting to the door, he knocked loudly before opening it. Winter was sleeping on a mattress in the middle of the living room while Felix was sitting in the playpen, playing with his cars. He really hated waking her, she looked uncomfortable. Being that he had a two-bedroom, it would be easy to let her sleep at his place so she could get a good night’s sleep.

  Felix started saying his name, Jay, that Winter worked hard with him to say during dinner last night. It was cute; however, part of him wished he would say Daddy or Dad. Maybe someday.

  Bending, he pushed a stray piece of hair behind her face, saying her name. Her soft green eyes fluttered open, before groaning awake. “Ugh, I’m sorry. What time is it? I must have overslept.” Before she could say anything else, she jumped up and looked right at her son, taking a deep breath.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Just weird being in a different place. It freaks me out, makes me panic for a second before I find Felix and make sure he’s fine.”

  “Our boy is just fine. Though I’m sure he would like to run and play.”

  “Jay, there isn’t much place to run.” Taking him out of his bed, she blew raspberries on Felix’s stomach, making him giggle, while she changed his diaper and zipped his PJ’s.

  “I was thinking about that. I have a larger cabin. One with two rooms and plenty of room for Felix to run. Plus, my fireplace works better than this one, and the whole house stays nice and warm.”

  “Okay, and?”

  “What I guess I’m hinting about is, will you and Felix come stay with me? We can get to know each other. Try this family thing out. Before you say no, I brought coffee, too.” Holding up the thermos to prove his point, he smiled as Felix grabbed it and pretended to drink from it.

  “I don’t know, Jay. It’s a big step.”

  “I’m not saying permanently. Just at least until the storm passes. That way I know you’re both safe. Please.” God, those words sounded weird to him. She smiled and nodded.

  “What do you think, little man? Wanna go stay at Daddy’s?” However, as soon as Winter said those words, she froze, covering her mouth. “Jay, God, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t. I like it. I am, after all, his daddy.” Felix seemed to agree with them both and held his arms out for Jay to carry him. “See, Mommy? Felix wants to come home. Here, take Felix while I get his car seat from your car and start the truck. We will put him in while we load everything in the truck.” She nodded in agreement. Unable to stop himself, he kissed her lips tenderly before handing their son back.

  The damn car seat was crazy contraption that needed a million instructions, but he finally got it belted in okay. He would double-check with Winter when they left, just to make sure he’d done it right. Pulling the truck closer to the door, he opened it wide to see Winter had dressed herself and Felix. Taking their son, he quickly jogged to the truck, snapping him in place while Winter handed him some things. It seemed that everything was loaded up.

  “Wait, I got to get his favorite blanket. It’s in the back room.”

  “Okay, hurry, Cookie. I’ll wait here with Felix.” Making sure everything was covered and Felix had his truck, he turned to hear a sickening thud and crash. Panic set in. Rushing into the cabin, he saw the most horrific sight. The bedroom roof had caved in under the weight of the snow. Adrenaline pumping, he cried out for Winter, but didn’t hear her, or see her.

  “Winter! Baby, answer me.” Doing a quick look to ensure Felix was secure in the truck, he ran into the room and started shoveling the snow out of the way. He didn’t know where she was. Though the room was small, the snow filled the room to his mid-thigh. Making his way in, he hit a small roof beam, but even after lifting it up, he still didn’t see her.

  “Fuck.” He couldn’t see her. She was going to be okay, she had to be. Handfuls of snow went out the side, but the room seemed to be filling with more of it as the snow kept falling. He reached the bed, giving him an idea of where he was in the room. Suddenly something blue caught his eye. Digging in that direction, he found her hand clutching Felix’s blanket. Yanking her arm as hard as he could, he saw her head was red with fresh blood. She was breathing, and that was all that mattered right then. Scooping her up, he wondered if he needed to find a hospital, but the roads were too dangerous right now with the snow. He would have to take care of her at his house. Putting her in the front seat, he grabbed his spare blanket to cover her, before blasting hot air on her body. In the driver’s seat, he sped off as fast as he could without crashing or skidding down the trail.

  She had to be okay. He wasn’t going to take any other answer.

  Chapter Nine

  Jay put Winter on the bed in his room, while he set up a playpen for Felix with his toys. Running to the bathroom, he pulled out his first aid kit before making his way back to Winter. Her head wound wasn’t deep, thank God, allowing him to clean it before dressing it. Removing all her wet clothes as well, he pulled the thick comforter over her body, rubbing her arms and legs. Felix let out a cry. Hating that he needed to leave her, he went to check on Felix. He seemed hungry. Remembering that Winter packed the high chair, he went to work on fixing his son a snack and drink so he could tend to Winter.

  She still hadn’t woken. It had been a good three hours now. If she didn’t wake soon, Jay would ring the doctor in town and ask advice. Her body started to stir before her beautiful green eyes fluttered open and she put her hand to her head.

  “My head hurts.”

  “Well, that’s normal. Do you feel sick at all?” Doing his best to remember what he learned about concussions when he was in school.

  “No. Just some pain.”

  “I can give you something for that.” Handing her some water, Jay set two pills in her hand to take. It was a stronger pain reliever, which would probably knock her out for the day. “You rest, and I will take care of our son.” He kissed her head, watching as her eyes fluttered closed again.

Back in the kitchen, he cleaned Felix up before rocking him in his giant recliner for his nap. His son held onto his shirt, snuggling into his neck. It was so comforting, something he wanted to keep doing. This was his happy place. His calm during the crazy winter storm. With the fire crackling and Felix’s soft breathing, his eyes followed his son as they both slept.

  Jay jumped awake when someone touched his arm.

  “Hey, let me take him.” Winter was standing, wearing his shirt, looking sexy as hell. Damn if his cock didn’t strain against his pants just them. It didn’t help either that Felix stretched, kicking his throbbing member.

  “You should be sleeping.” He rubbed his son’s back and let her take him.

  “I know, but the headache is gone. Plus, I didn’t want you to have to do all of the daddy’s duties your first day with him.” She smiled when Felix snuggled close to her before she set him in his bed.

  “I like having him here. You here as well. Hell, it’s so weird how everything has turned around in such a short time. I was so pissed when I found out you were a Stevens, then Travis was there, his prick ass all up on you. I thought you played me. Then two days ago when I said, well, you know. Damn, I should have kicked my own ass, and would have, too. It’s hard to deny the truth when he is sleeping right in front of you.” Winter climbed on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Well, you’ll learn I’m not like my family. I have my own. So as long as you talk to me, we can work this out. Because I hate to say it, Jay, but I’m falling for you. Yes, I know it's soon. But with you, it feels natural, like I’m safe.”

  “Home.” He finished her sentence that hung in the air. She was his home, too.

  “Yes.” Her voice was a whisper as she planted a soft kiss on his neck. She was hurt, so he let her take the lead. Wrapping his arms around her middle, he carefully lifted her while her legs wrapped around his middle. Shit, she was still naked under his shirt, nothing between them but his clothes and the shirt. Heading to his bedroom, he sat down, with her legs on either side of his. Without hesitation, Winter’s lips touched his, kissing, tasting tenderly before deepening the kiss. She broke apart, only to lift his shirt up and off her body.

  “So fucking beautiful.” He palmed her tits, feeling the heaviness while admiring their roundness and small scars that marred her stomach. She looked a little afraid. Releasing her breaths, he ran his thumb along the small lines.

  “Felix was a big baby.” She offered a small smile, not looking at him.

  “Beautiful. Each one. It's proof you carried my son. Evidence that you’re stronger than anyone I have ever met.” Not wanting her to get caught up in her thoughts, he leaned down, taking a nipple into his mouth, sucking, rolling it with his tongue before biting it, then changing to the other one. Her small moans of pleasure drove him on to wanting to take her hard and fast like a rutting animal, but she needed this. This time to reconnect, to have control. He could do that and would do that for her. Because, despite the fact he hadn’t said it back, he was falling for her, too.

  Winter was terrified he would complain about her stretch marks; Felix was a large nine-and-a-half-pound baby, despite her eating everything she was supposed to. He took after Jay, for sure. Jay didn’t complain, though. Instead, he wiped away all fear and doubt. He sucked her breasts; they were beyond sensitive, and sent an electric current right down to her pussy. She needed him, to feel him. His shirt soon joined hers on the floor as she moved on to his belt. Everything was done while kissing, groping, feeling, never completely breaking contact. Jay was giving her free rein, and right now all she wanted to do was feel him. She didn’t need any time to prepare to take him. She was wet, had been since the moment he walked back into their lives. She pushed herself farther back up the bed, making it easier for her to sit on top of him. Not wanting to wait another moment or risk Felix waking, she grasped his cock, pumping it up and down, feeling his hard steel rod weep with his pre-cum. Using that as lubrication, she adjusted herself and ran the tip up and down her sex lips, letting her juices help as she lowered herself onto him. His cock stretched her in the most delicious fashion. In unison, both of them groaned as they connected. Up, down, up, down, she worked on taking him deeper, until he was connected to her balls-deep and her body trembled, begging for release.

  Not wanting to break apart, she worked her body, gliding along his cock as it worked its way in and out of her body. His hands on her hips, helping her as she rode him. Sweat dripping down her body onto his, neither one saying anything, lost in the moment of just them. Winter’s body started to tremble as it neared the peak of her orgasm, but she just couldn’t fall over. Jay seemed to pick that up, and his hand slid between their bodies as he strummed her clit, helping light the last fire as she rocked back and forth, crying out his name as she fell forward and her skin sparkled with new life. Jay didn’t seem to finish. Instead, he flipped her over and thrust into her over and over making the same feeling start all over again. How much could one person come before they blacked out? She didn’t know, but Jay seemed to like to push her limits. As he thrust, he rolled his hips, hitting her g-spot and clit.

  “Oh, God.” Holding onto his arms, sweat and skin making a sound as the room filled with cried and moans. It wasn’t long before Jay bent down, kissing her deep, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, as he fucked her in earnest now. Holy hell, did she miss this. Her nails dug into him as her legs wrapped around his waist. Her cut her screaming off as he covered her mouth with his once more as he came too, grunting as he held himself deep inside her.

  Lost in the endless feeling of safety and happiness, she breathed a second before Jay pulled out of her, rolling, so she lay against his chest.

  “Damn, Cookie, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  “Nah, I think if anything, you’re going to be the death of me.” However, as she said those words, he turned and looked at her.

  “No, you’re the reason I’m alive. You and our son give me a reason to truly live.”

  “Right back at cha.” And right on cue, Felix started crying out for mommy.

  “I’ll get him.” He kissed her once more before leaving her.

  Life has a funny way of changing in a blink of an eye. He may have saved her when the roof collapsed, but she’d saved him from himself. It’s funny how one little storm can blow people together.


  One Year Later….

  “Cookie, I swear if you don’t hurry up with the shower, Felix is going to eat all your bacon.” Winter smiled as she finished rinsing the soap from her body. It was going to storm again in the next few days, and if that happened, she wanted to get a shower in before they couldn’t.

  Walking into the small dining room, she smiled at her son was sitting in his booster seat, eating everything his daddy set in front of him.

  “Hi, Mommy. Break-fast time. Daddy cook. It's nummy. Want some?” His cute little hand held up a fork full of eggs.

  “That’s okay, little man. Daddy made me a plate.” A year ago, it seemed too weird to be saying Daddy with Felix, but now it was so normal. Her whole life was normal.

  After the storm had passed, she found herself still staying with Jay in his cabin. It seemed that even though he picked up shifts at the lumber yard, he made furniture on the side and sold it online. The night he found out about Felix, he started working on a small bed, which had been her favorite piece he made. She even started painting, for real this time. She hadn’t sold much, but the money she did bring in helped stockpile various items for when the weather got bad, and to add onto the cabin. She and Jay had also married in a small ceremony that Aunt Opal flew in for during the spring. She invited her parents, but they ignored it all together. Which was fine by her. She had the family she wanted, and nothing would take it away from her. Jay even went a step further and made sure that Felix had his last name on his birth certificate. So she was no longer Winter Stevens, but Winter Brennon.

  A small smile spread across her face, as
she knew an extension would be needed, and soon. Part of the reason she wanted to spend more time in the shower.

  “So,” Jay looked at her, with a knowing look in his eye. He suspected what she hadn’t earlier. It was only because he said that with Felix out of diapers, he didn’t want to wait too long and tossed her pills. Sexy bastard.


  “Damn it, Cookie. You know what I want to know.” She stood next to her husband, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him softly on the lips.

  “Well, can you make a cradle in eight or nine months?”

  A slow smile spread across his face.


  “Yup took the test this morning. All three of them. We're gonna have another baby.” His arms wrapped around her middle, hugging her tight before turning her around.

  “Hot damn, woman. God, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Jay set her down and went over to Felix, kneeling down.

  “Hey bud, guess what. Mommy is having a baby.”

  “A baby. Okay, Daddy. Mommy has a baby; I want a puppy.” Unable to hide her laugh, she busted out of pure happiness. Leave it to her almost three-year-old to wheel and deal with his dad. Life was just as it should be. Storm or no storm, she wouldn’t change a thing.

  The End

  Author Bio:

  I was never much of a writer in school. I enjoyed mostly poems, but anything longer never held my interest. When a friend challenged me to actually write a book better than the one she was reading, I toyed with the idea, and now here I am today. I have found a hidden passion that allows my wild side to come out while keeping the romance together. I would love to hear from all of you.


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