Finding Leigh: Dark Horse Inc. Book 3

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Finding Leigh: Dark Horse Inc. Book 3 Page 21

by Amy J. Hawthorn

  Wen winced. “Ouch. That’s harsh, but I guess I deserve it. Still, I’m worried about you.”

  Indignation rose. “You’re worried about me? Do tell.”

  When his brother tilted his head in that considering way again, his blood boiled.

  Stupid brat. Doesn’t he remember who raised him?

  Wen paused before finally answering. “You haven’t been eating. I had to bring food to you last night and remind you twice to eat the damn sub, even though it was right there at your elbow.”

  “I wasn’t hungry.”

  “It’s almost two in the afternoon. I bet you haven’t eaten today.”

  Marcus didn’t bother with a verbal reply. He just glared.

  Wen kept at him, pointing his finger as he asked, “What about sleep?”


  “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Wen through his hands up. “You have dark circles under your eyes and your hair is a little shaggy. You’ve let your fingernails go. When it comes to hygiene and appearances, you’ve always been a perfectionist. I’m supposed to be the slob. It’s almost like we’ve swapped roles.”

  He glanced down at his hands. Then he told himself not to run them through his hair. “Bullshit. Just because you’ve been a good little boy for a very short time doesn’t give you the right to criticize me.”

  “Bro, I’m not trying to insult you. Promise. I’m just trying to look out for you. When was the last time you had a shower?” His brother asked as if he’d proved some monumental point.

  “When I bathe, clip my goddamn toenails, or take a fucking shit is none of your business. You can get off your throne now. In fact, I recommend it.”

  An odd look flickered through Wen’s features before disappearing. “Sure. No sweat.”


  Wen stayed silent for a moment then switched topics. “When are you leaving? Can I go?”

  “Since when are you interested in anything beyond finding a piece of trash to screw or your next high?” He pretended not to notice the hurt that flashed across Wen’s features.

  His brother straightened his shoulders. “Since today. It’s past time I grew up and started wat—helping around here. Maybe I’ll learn something.”

  Marcus threw his head back and laughed. “You don’t have the slightest idea how business or the real world works. You’ll get yourself killed.”

  Another flash of pain slashed across his brother’s face, then disappeared as he fought to hide it. “I don’t like this. Rick’s smart. You’re smart, too, but it stinks, Marc. Let me go with you.”

  “No fucking way. You’re clueless. You couldn’t plan a trip to the park, let alone a complex operation.”

  “Look, I know the commando shit isn’t my thing. It’s always been yours. I’m clean. You know I haven’t had a hit in weeks. Let me go with you. I want to watch you take them down. She was my mother, too.”

  “You want to see how a real man operates? Fine, let’s go. If nothing else, you might actually learn something.”

  Wen pursed his lips before replying, “Cool. What’s up first?”

  “First? We make a phone call.” Leigh MacDonald would be at his mercy in a very short time. He could almost hear her desperate cries now.

  Addie remained close to Leigh’s side as Kate showed them around. She couldn’t say she blamed the poor girl. No matter how welcoming every single person they’d encountered was, the enormous horse farm remained a strange place. The sheer size of the Walker’s operation continued to boggle Leigh’s mind, and she’d spent a great deal of time there. She could only imagine what it must feel like to a child.

  They entered the largest barn, and Kate led them to a stall. With her soft voice, Kate summoned the horse inside, a tall bay with a white patch on its muzzle. “This is Nash. He’s a big guy, but as sweet as they come, at least to the ladies. He’s new to the farm and still giving Trent and the boys the cold shoulder. He likes me, and I bet he’ll adore you.”

  Addie stepped closer and followed Kate’s instructions for petting the big horse. She beamed until Leigh thought that she could almost see real light shining from her. Jeez, she’s a pretty kid. She’d always thought so, but true happiness only magnified the loveliness of her fine-boned, doll-like features.

  “See, I knew he’d like you. You’ve got the touch too. Be careful or Trent might try to steal you away from Rick and Leigh. He’ll put you to work.” Kate continued to closely watch Nash and Addie.

  “Hey. Speaking of work, I thought Trent wasn’t too happy with the idea of you helping out here.” Leigh felt like a heel. She’d been so focused on her own troubles that she hadn’t given much thought to the major upheaval in Kate’s world. Yes, her cousin was far safer now, but security didn’t always equate happiness.

  “He’s still not thrilled with the idea, but he’s decided anything that keeps me occupied on the farm is better than anything that takes me away from it. Even if we weren’t restricted by our current trouble, he wouldn’t want me to leave at all. Any time I mention my house or Riley Creek, he changes the subject. He’s distracting me at every turn, but it’s actually kind of cute.”

  “How are the repairs on your place coming? Any idea what you’ll do when it’s finished?”

  “The fire damage to the outside has been repaired. Even Trent agreed those repairs had to be a priority. Of course, with everything that’s been going on, getting him to take me out there to check on progress has been near impossible. As usual, Uncle Robert has been a godsend. He’s helped check on things for me. Even if I can’t see the repairs myself, knowing he’s keeping watch is nearly as good.”

  “Yeah, Dad mentioned he’d been out there to check on things, but he didn’t give me a lot of details. You know how he is.” She shook her head in amusement. Her father was as good as they came. Worked hard every day of his life and always put his family and neighbors first.

  “That, I do. All work and very few words. I think he saves them all for Kylie.” Kate laughed and gestured to the next stall. “Addie, do you want to meet Barton?” She moved down and crooned directly to the big gray stallion. “He’s been a little restless, but deep down he’s a good boy.”

  Leigh smiled thinking of how tightly little Kylie had wrapped her grandfather around her jelly-coated finger. For Leigh’s father, the sun and moon had less sway over his life than his only grandchild. “Hey, Kylie could coax a stone wall into conversation.”

  “Very true.” Kate looked from Barton to Addie. “Hey, how about we go see Bonnie? I bet she’d be happy to see you.”

  Addie stopped. Her face paled.

  Leigh’s placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Addie? What’s wrong? Don’t you want to go to the other barn? Bonnie looks great. She’s housed with several other foals and in good company.”

  Addie’s bottom lip quivered and she shook her head. “That’s okay. Maybe some other time. I…I’m tired. All this walking has made me tired. I’m not used to being outside so much anymore. Can I go take a nap?”

  Her excitement at offering Addie a treat long gone, Kate ran a hand down Addie’s braid. “Offer stands anytime, okay? If you change your mind or feel better, just say the word.” Kate met Leigh’s gaze briefly, concerned. “I’m going to stop by Trent’s for a bit. “Holler if you girls want company later.”

  If Leigh wasn’t mistaken, she’d seen a flash of moisture in her cousin’s eyes before she’d turned away, jean clad legs carrying her into the bright sun.

  Concerned, she moved in front of Addie and spoke softly. “Hey. What’s wrong? Kate was only trying to be nice. She didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or upset you.”

  Fear flashed across Addie’s face. “Oh no. I didn’t mean to make her mad at me. Promise.”

  What in the world? “Sweetheart, she’s not mad at you.”

  “Are you sure? Then why did she go away? She’s nice. I don’t want her not to like me.” She bit her bottom lip.

  “I’m absolutely sure. I think she’s proba
bly worried that she hurt your feelings somehow. That’s the last thing she wanted to do.” She took Addie’s hand in hers and gently tugged her toward the big open doors. “Are you going to tell me what’s got you spooked?”

  Addie trailed along, her clammy hand firmly in Leigh’s. “You’re sure Kate’s not mad at me?”

  “She’s more like my sister than even the closest friend. I’m certain. Spill.”

  The humid air lay heavy and still around them as they walked along a fence line in the silence. It wasn’t long before Sandy and Harlan’s home came into view. Leigh bit her tongue, waiting and hoping Addie would confide in her.

  Finally, she spoke, breaking Leigh’s heart. “I miss Dream, I mean Bonnie. It was a silly name, I know, but all I could think of when she was born. I miss her a lot. I’m afraid to see her. I’d probably cry and look like a baby. I don’t want Kate to think I don’t appreciate her taking such good care of my, I mean, her horse. I’m happy Kate is taking care of her, and that she won’t be lonely. I just miss her. If I see her, I’ll probably start blubbering like a girl!” She threw her hands up in the air exasperated.

  Even as Leigh felt for Addie’s heartache, she laughed at her last few words. “Like a girl, huh? That’s not a bad thing. You have a soft, kind heart. That’s a rare and wonderful thing. Don’t be ashamed of it.”

  “I guess.” Addie groused.

  “You know what the good part about gushy, girl feelings are?” She lightly punched Addie in the arm, punctuating the word ‘girl.’

  “What?” Addie looked at her with suspicion.

  “We get to wash them down with dessert. Let’s go see what Sandy has in the kitchen. She always has something sweet to snack on. Harlan has an enormous sweet tooth.”


  From her back pocket, her phone rang, startling them both. They looked at each other and laughed. She pulled it out looked at the display, which showed an unknown caller. Not wanting to leave anything to chance with Rick and his team out in the field, Leigh answered. “Hello.”

  “Hello, beautiful. How are you?” A voice summoned directly from her nightmares answered. She stopped, breath freezing in her lungs. The sun shone brightly in the mid-eighty degree weather, yet ice leeched into her bone marrow.


  “What’s the matter? Don’t you have anything to say? I’ve missed you, terribly. You shouldn’t have run away from me. I’ll make sure you remember that next time.”

  “Leigh?” Something gentle tugged her hand. “Leigh, what’s wrong? Should I run and get Kate?” Addie’s voice finally broke through the fog of terror brought on by Marcus’s call. Her hand shook, vibrating the cellphone against her ear.

  Addie, pale and scared, stared intently at her. She shook Leigh’s hand, attempting to get her attention. “Stay here. I’ll go get help.”

  Leigh fought to find her words. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that she had to keep it together. The last thing she wanted to do was scare Addie further. Her words came out in a whisper, but at least they came as she looked to the girl. “No. Don’t.” She swallowed her terror. “No. I’m okay.”

  Addie looked anything but convinced as she scrutinized Leigh. “Are you sure?”

  That average, everyday male voice couldn’t disguise the pure evil in Marcus. He spoke at the same time as Addie. “Is that the little brat from out by the quarry? I remember her well. Tell her I said hello.”

  Just like that, somewhere deep inside, a switch flipped. Every minute molecule of fear flashed, morphing into white, hot, protective, anger.

  Oh, no. He’s not getting anywhere near my girl. Not. Happening. Her spine snapped straight. The rage burned so fiercely, she didn’t know how she contained it. She half-expected fire to explode from her fingertips.

  How did she handle this? Rick was gone, and since Marcus was on the phone, they hadn’t taken him down yet. She could tell Joe. Hell, she probably should tell Joe. He was at work, but she could get a hold of him.

  “What do you want?” She smoothed a hand down Addie’s braid and smiled, but her girl wasn’t fooled. Concern warred with curiosity in her sweet features.

  “I thought I’d be a giver and let you in on a little secret. Your man is headed into a trap. He’s followed my breadcrumbs, and he’s getting ready to jump into the oven.” His gloating hit her, a sucker punch to the gut.

  “What have you done?”

  “See, those breadcrumbs are leading Rick and his band of merry men out to my father’s shack on a wasted trip. They’ll get there and find nothing but a grouchy old bastard with a loaded shotgun.”

  Something insidious curled heavy and lazy in her belly. She’d heard Rick say something along the lines of “father” and “digging deep” when James had come out for night duty a couple of evenings ago, but she’d been so focused on Addie, that she hadn’t paid attention to the details.

  As she sifted through her memory Marcus continued to gloat. “At this very moment, I have Frederick Evans in my sights. He’s sitting at his desk, looking over paperwork. I hope it’s his will. Very soon, it’s going to be a shame if his affairs aren’t in order.”

  She struggled to control her breathing and looked out over the horizon. The beauty in the storybook scenery seemed wrong somehow as she listened to a madman talk about killing. No matter what happened in the past Frederick didn’t deserve to die. It would devastate Rick. He might act cold toward his father, but ultimately their past wouldn’t cause Rick pain if he didn’t care about the man.

  If anything happened to him, Rick would carry the weight of guilt for the rest of his days.

  She looked down to Addie and turned the phone away from her mouth as she spoke quietly to her. “Everything’s okay. Let’s go.” She indicated the direction of the house with a tilt of her head and put the phone back to her ear. Thankfully, Addie complied even as she didn’t look remotely convinced by Leigh’s words.

  When Marcus spoke again, it took everything she had not to crush the phone then throw it against the closest barn wall. “Are you still listening, beautiful?”

  At least that was one thing she could answer without giving anything away to Addie. “Yes.”

  “Good. Now, unless you want Rick’s daddy to die, you need to do me a little favor…”

  Chapter 20

  Rick closed his eyes, picturing his team’s whereabouts on the map in his memory. “Boss, it’s hot as hell out here. This Indian summer shit is for the birds.” Holloway’s hushed curse came through Rick’s earpiece. “I vote that next time we take down someone who lives in Hawaii. No, forget the heat altogether. How about Alaska? Surely there’s an asshole who needs to be taught a lesson in Anchorage.”

  Rick sighed. He knew they’d secured the surrounding area and that was the only reason Holloway dared run his mouth, but it didn’t stop him from wishing he could reach through his mic and slap the back of his friend’s head.

  “Shut it, asshole.” Noah’s deep, quiet voice filtered through next, a rarity and even more powerful for its scarcity.

  James ignored it, but his new commentary held a note of seriousness. “Seriously, sweat stains aside, this reeks worse than last week’s trash. I don’t like it.”

  Before Rick could agree, Noah put in his two cents. “For once, I agree with his runaway mouth. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Guys, for what it’s worth, I agree, but there’s no going back. Cara just reported in. Target A is on the go. Be on your toes. We’re finishing this today.” Earlier that morning, he’d received word from Noah who’d been doing surveillance that he witnessed increased activity at one of their observation points.

  “Hell, yeah. I’m not saying I think we should back out. It just feels off. Like we might have missed something. Pete? Did you dot your i’s and cross your t’s?”

  Pete answered. “Only dick flappin’ in the breeze is yours, playboy. I’m in position, hunkered down in the old treehouse. Feels like I’m at home.”

rprisingly, Holloway’s mouth continued, but his uncharacteristic words made them all pause. “By the way, Ramsey, Sylvie, the little brunette at the Thirsty Beaver? She shot me down. She wouldn’t tell me why, but she wouldn’t meet my eye when I made my play. She kept looking over my shoulder at something behind me. Pretty sure she was watching you clean up at the pool table. You might want to revisit that Beaver soon. Shit, I mean revisit the bar, not that beaver. You know what I mean, damn it.”

  “She tied your tongue in knots, playboy? Hell. Maybe I do need to go back to the Beaver.”

  Remarkably, James did shut it, at least until he had something to report, updating Rick on his progress through the surrounding forest. “I’m at the creek’s northernmost point. I’m ready to move on your word.”

  Rick replied with what he remembered of the area, one he’d easily committed to memory. “Good. If you look east, you should see two boulders. The largest is probably about waist high.”

  “I see it and the two lazy rats keeping watch.”

  “I doubt they have much training, but be on your toes.”

  “Copy. I’ll wait there for your word.”

  “Remember, I’ve brought in two extra team members. Trent’s in the field with you, so if my second takes over, you might want to stop the wisecracks. Big brother isn’t as fun as I am.” Rick’s focus narrowed to a pinpoint. Nothing registered beyond the steady green pinpoints on the digital map displayed by his phone. Each dot, an important piece of his tactical plan, represented a member of his team. No single dot was more important than any other. Beyond their importance in his plan, each one was a member of his family and that role held far more weight.

  Trent, right on time, reported in. “I’m in position, seventy-five yards out. You were right. I have a good view of the front entrance from the old shed. I have the third bogey in my sights. Over.”

  They’d been observing Marcus’s lazy crew for two days. His inexperienced men didn’t have the slightest idea they’d were being watched. They’d followed until one of them led them to the townhouse Marcus was staying in. Last night Trent and Noah had placed a tracking device on the bastard’s car.


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