The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series Page 4

by Bryce Evans

  “Geez, what’s next?” Mace’s expression changed to a cool and calm focus.

  Afton Mackenzie walked up before Mace could say anything else. Mace looked at Afton and sighed. “What’s wrong, Mace?” Afton asked concerned.

  “Can we go back to your office and talk? We have a problem that may cause Adrianna some pain,” Mace said and gestured to the other two men.

  “Okay, let’s go.” Mace, Cade, and Samson followed Afton to his office.

  Adrianna couldn’t think clearly, her fantasy just walked up to her and actually looked like he wanted her. Surely, she was just imagining the look of passion. It must have been the adrenaline. Yea, that was it. Adrianna sighed as Damen McDonald walked up.

  “Are you okay, Adrianna?” Damen asked.

  “Yes, Mad Max.”

  “That’s my girl, never saying how you really feel.”

  “What? I’m fine.”

  “Adrianna, I’ve known you all your life, we’re family, and I thought we were also friends. I know everything has happened so fast and all in one day. Now, add to it with the attack.”

  “Look Damen, we are friends. I appreciate your concern, but I can handle this. My main concern isn’t me, but the Supreme Alpha. He needs my, I mean our, protection. My personal life isn’t the issue here. The safety of the Alpha is.” Adrianna stated firmly.

  Damen sighed then addressed Adrianna, “Look Adrianna, I’m worried about you. They know now that you are the Trinity. They will be after you from now on. You ran out before Afton and Selena could finish everything that needed to be said.”

  “I can handle this, Damen. I’ve trained for ten years. My personal problems don’t matter. Rogues, now a witch, tried to kill Afton. That is my concern, it’s my job!”

  Damen placed his hand on Adrianna’s shoulder. “I understand that but I care about you. Your brother is worried sick about you. The news about the Supreme Alpha being your real father is a lot to take in and not feel anything.”

  “I’m fine, Mad Max. Let’s get through this. We need to find out who sent the Rogues and who this witch is. Whoever she is, she has some powerful mojo. I couldn’t break her shield on the Protectors. I need some answers, Damen.”

  “I’m on it, but this isn’t over, Adrianna. I know you’re the big bad “Trinity” but I can still put you over my knee and spank that butt!”

  Adrianna smiled. “Yes sir, but go get my information, first.”

  Damen walked off smiling, but knew the shit had just hit the fan and trouble was coming.

  Mace paced the office not knowing what to do. Mace had just informed Afton that Cade and Samson claimed to be Adrianna’s mates. Afton started laughing. Then Selena walked into the office.

  “Sir, this is not funny, how does Adrianna choose?” Mace questioned.

  Selena spoke first. “She doesn’t choose, Mace. Adrianna will have two mates.”

  That shocking news brought a small silence and then everybody started yelling at each other. Nobody was listening to one another. The high pitch sound of a whistle came out of Selena’s mouth.

  “Everyone shut up,” Selena said.

  Selena dropped her hand and began to tell the story of Adrianna’s life. All parties listened when Selena spoke. They were too scared not to. The woman could turn them into a frog.

  “I understand that you, Cade and Samson, don’t want to share Adrianna. However, fate has chosen differently for you. Adrianna is the Trinity. Her power surpasses mine or anyone’s power for that matter. She will need mates that will join with her, protect her, and fight beside her when the time comes. She will need protection, because every evil out there will want her. They will want to control her and use the power she possesses. Do you two get it?

  “There is a dark power, a dark witch, maybe something else, that we’ve never seen or heard of that wants Adrianna. This thing or person is powerful and cunning. It’s very smart. It can take on different forms. It wants all of us under its control. It will destroy us if we don’t protect the others and ourselves. The shifters and humans will die or they will be under its control.

  “I don’t know who it is, but they wield a lot of power. If they can control Adrianna, then the world would end, as we know it. This evil thing will turn us into slaves. The world will no longer reign in the light, darkness will fall over the lands we love. This evil is growing and wants Adrianna. The battle is coming that will change everything. We must prepare. Mace? Ashland is ground zero. Ashland is a special place with its own magic and the evil knows it and wants to possess the land along with all of us.”

  Mace looked up at Selena with horror on his face. “Why, Ashland?”

  “Because Adrianna will be there, and her magic comes from Ashland. Your mother is from Ashland. Magic runs deep in your family. It’s passed down from generation to generation. Olivia McDonald’s magic is pure and very powerful. They want it and Adrianna has it—and more. She has been blessed with the magic from the light. You also have magic in you, Mace. I can see it on you. Adrianna will need your help as well.”

  Mace looked up with anger on his face. “Ashland will never belong to them. It belongs to the pack. I will die before I let anyone take it and make it into something evil.” Mace got up and started pacing the floor. He didn’t know how to react to Selena telling him he had magic. “I’ve never used magic, Selena. My mother never showed me how to use magic either. I wouldn’t even know how to start.”

  Selena smiled at Mace then stated, “That’s why we must prepare. Adrianna must be ready. Her mates must be ready. Cade and Samson must work together to prepare Adrianna.”

  Samson looked at everyone then asked, “Okay, I’m a little lost about what is going on. I understand that Adrianna is the Trinity, but what or who is “they” the evil ones. Are they the ones who attacked today? The wolf that got away?”

  Cade Maxwell looked at Samson and shook his head. “What are you, deaf and dumb? Did you not understand what Selena was saying?”

  Samson’s face turned blood red with anger radiating off him. Samson’s fangs came out in an attack position.

  “Listen up fang boy. I’m not scared of you. So put the fangs up or I’ll slam them down your throat,” Cade growled.

  All hell broke loose as Samson slammed Cade up against the wall. Samson started hitting Cade in the stomach and face. Blood started running and splattering onto everyone. But as quickly as Cade was against the wall, Cade reversed his position and slammed his fist into Samson’s face, spewing blood everywhere. Before the next punch could be thrown, Selena cast a spell freezing Cade and Samson.

  Selena walked up to Cade and Samson with a smile on her face. “You will need that energy for protecting your mate and Ashland. Do you two understand or do I need to keep you like this and find Adrianna someone else?”

  As Selena flicked her wrist, Cade and Samson fell to the ground. Cade spoke first. “Adrianna is my mate, Selena; nobody will take her away from me.”

  Mace spoke in a whispered tone, “Nobody is trying to take her away from you, Cade, but you will need to share her. Both of you will need to get along. Adrianna is special and if the fates have given her two mates then learn how to share, because I don’t know if she will want either of you. You two have a lot to do. She won’t come willingly. You’ll have to work for her love.”

  Samson got up off the floor.

  “She is my mate Mace, if it means sharing her to keep her, then I’m in,” Cade declared.

  Samson pointed at Cade, “You need to learn some respect DOG, and realize that I’m not going anywhere. Adrianna is my mate too, but if you ever talk to me like that again, like I’m stupid. Then I’ll beat the shit out of you.”

  Cade looked up and smiled. Blood was running down his face where Samson got some good punches in. “Sure thing, fang boy.”

  Afton looked at Cade and Samson. “Neither of you deserve her. I don’t know if there’s anyone good enough for her. However, the fates have blessed you two. Don’t screw this up and if
you fight like that in front of her, well let’s just say I’ll be the one who is beating the shit out of you two. Do I make myself clear?” Afton’s face tightened with tension, but his voice said ‘I’ll kill you both.’”

  Both Cade and Samson said, “Yes sir, Alpha.” They knew Afton could probably hurt them but both knew they didn’t want to piss him off either.

  Cade left Afton’s office in search of Adrianna. Before Cade reached Adrianna’s room, Samson was knocking on her door. Samson pissed Cade off just by being there. He didn’t know what he was going to do if he had to share Adrianna with fang boy.

  Samson grimaced and looked up at Cade approaching Adrianna’s door. “I don’t think she is in there,” Samson said.

  “You give up too easy then. You don’t deserve her.”

  “And you do?”

  “Yes, I’ve known Adrianna all her life, we grew up together. She is my mate.”

  Samson leaned into Cade’s space. “Well get this Dog, Adrianna is my mate too, I didn’t ask for this. But as everyone has told me, you don’t screw with fate. I don’t plan on letting her go.”

  Cade’s hands turned into fists. “She is mine as well, so we need to figure this out. Then let Adrianna pick who she wants.”

  “Okay, if she picks only one of us, then the other will walk away and respect her choice.” Samson answered.

  “That’s fine with me, because I know she’ll pick me,” Cade told Samson.

  As both Cade and Samson left Adrianna’s door, both questioned themselves on what they would do if she didn’t pick them or picked both of them. Could they share a woman? Not just a woman, but also the Trinity.

  Samson knew he would be moving to Ashland. The question he needed answered was how it would affect him taking over the Vampire Council. He didn’t even know if he wanted a mate or if he had a choice in the matter. This was not the right time for a mate. She would be too much of a distraction.

  Cade walked away thinking of how much a fool he was. Practically foaming at the mouth over a woman, he didn’t even know if he wanted Adrianna. Now he felt like he was only chasing her so the vampire couldn’t have her. Wow, what an idiot he was. He didn’t want this to hurt his friendship with Mace. He loved him as a brother. He needed to call and talk to his parents. Maybe they could help him understand this and find out if there was ways to fight the mating pull.

  Adrianna rested back on her bed listening to Cade and Samson talk about her, giving her a choice. She snorted. What if I don’t want either of them, Adrianna asked herself, but what if I do? She wanted to fight her feelings; they would only get in her way. She knew love would only complicate everything. What was she saying? Who brought up love? Adrianna felt restless, too much had happened today to her.

  “Too much,” Adrianna screamed. Adrianna threw off her clothes and opened the glass door leading to the wooded area behind her room. Adrianna’s magic came to her and she shifted. She ran toward the woods in order to figure out what she needed to do. Everybody would be looking to her for answers. Adrianna ran hard until she came to the stream she loved to sit by and just think. Adrianna lay down, looking at the water passing by. Her life had changed dramatically with the events of today. Adrianna heard Mace approaching. She never even looked back.

  Mace sat beside Adrianna looking at the stream. Then Mace shifted into his human form. Nudity didn’t bother shifters. They were so used to changing from their wolf forms back into their human bodies without clothes on. Adrianna continued looking at the stream waiting for Mace to talk.

  Still staring at the stream, Mace asked Adrianna, “How are you doing, kiddo? I know everything has happened to you all in one day. I know this is hard for you. I am your brother Adrianna, and nobody will ever change that. If you know anything, remember I am your brother, I love you, and we will be together. Nobody will change that.” Mace looked at Adrianna, “I mean nobody, do you understand that?”

  Adrianna stood up on her paws then shifted into her human form. She laid her head on Mace’s shoulder. “Yes Bubba, I understand.”

  Mace and Adrianna stayed like that for a couple of hours. Mace talked about Ashland and all the goofy stuff that had happened. Mace could always make Adrianna laugh. Adrianna knew that Damen McDonald was also watching their backs while they talked.

  Adrianna ran back to her room to change after her run with Mace. She left her room and went to find Afton so he and Selena could explain everything to her before another day ended.

  Chapter Five

  Afton later met again with all the Alphas and the Vampire Council. He informed them about Adrianna being the Trinity. He answered questions concerning the validity of being the true one. Then he informed them that he would be moving the headquarters to Ashland. Adrianna didn’t accompany Afton to this meeting. She was trying to avoid Cade and Samson. She sent her Seconds instead. Adrianna checked the area several times before the meeting started just to be sure. She watched from a side room just in case something happened again. Afton had cut the conference short, advising everyone that he would reschedule another one in Ashland in a couple of months, once the move occurred. All the Vampire Council and Alphas left the Oakland Resort traveling back home to their own lands. Mace, Cade, and Samson were the only ones who stayed behind. Cade and Samson both couldn’t leave yet, they needed to get this mating business under control before they could go home. At least that was what they kept telling themselves.

  Adrianna had one class left with her Protectors and Guards. They would graduate her course then leave to go back to their pack or clan. Adrianna was the best teacher there was. She knew what talents the students had just by being around them. One of her class’s involved students role-playing. This was the class the students hated the most because Adrianna would call in her team and they would play the bad guys in the skit. Adrianna would watch the students and see how they reacted. If she thought they were not going full throttle, then she would become the bad guy and wear them out. There was always one student who tried to test Adrianna, thinking they could best her since she was a girl. Adrianna didn’t know that Mace and Damen were watching her class. Cade and Samson had been separately searching for Adrianna when Selena told them she was teaching her last class at the Resort. Cade came into the room and sat by Mace and Damen. A few minutes later Samson walked in, sitting on the opposite side of the room away from Cade. They watched as Adrianna instructed the students on how to take out a bad guy. Peter was a wolf from Cade’s pack that was in the class. He was always a clown. He was goofing around when one of Adrianna’s Protectors tried to take another student down. Adrianna was observing when the wolf was caught laughing in the corner with some of the other students that had already finished.

  Adrianna called Peter to the floor next, but this time she was acting like the bad guy. Peter kept smiling at Adrianna, not taking it serious when she would come at him. Adrianna stopped the class then addressed Peter, “Peter, I will give you one more chance to take my class serious.”

  Peter looked up then said, “I can’t help it, Adrianna. It’s hard to take you serious and not laugh.” Everybody in the class got quite. They couldn’t believe Peter had spoken to Adrianna like that.

  “Well okay, big boy, let’s make a deal. If you can take me when I come after you, then I will pass you in this class, and give you one hundred dollars. Now here is the best part of the deal. If you can’t take me and you find yourself flat on your back, then you will start taking this class serious and I will give you an opportunity to come to the advance classes before the end of the year.” Adrianna’s advance classes were highly sought after and were hard to get into because so many people wanted to take them. She only had a few slots.

  “Sure, that’s fine with me. I’ve always wanted to get you on your back, teacher,” Peter said as he smiled at Adrianna.

  Adrianna just smiled at the arrogant wolf. She knew Peter could make a good Protector, but with an attitude like his, he had no place as a Protector. Peter was on the other side of the
room when he started inching closer to her. Adrianna could always figure out what direction the Protectors would go. Adrianna tried to act like a person who was being guarded. Then Peter ran at her trying to get Adrianna off her feet, when Adrianna flipped Peter over her back putting him flat on his back. The whole class burst out laughing. Peter got mad and ran at Adrianna again. This time she went lower picking Peter up and throwing him against the wall. He was no match for Adrianna. Peter was getting angrier, which only made him make more mistakes. He walked up to Adrianna this time and swung at her, trying to hit her in the face. The whole class couldn’t believe Peter was acting like this. Adrianna grabbed his arm-twisting it behind his back. The pop could be heard around the room. Peter went down yelling out. Adrianna had popped Peter’s arm out of the socket. The pain showed in his face as Peter grabbed his dangling arm. Adrianna went down in front of Peter looking at him without saying a word.

  “You broke my arm,” Peter whispered out of breath.

  “No Peter, I didn’t break it, but I popped it out of the socket. I can put it back, but before I do, I want you to listen very carefully to me.” Adrianna looked at Peter, knowing he was in a lot of pain. Wolves could take a lot of pain, but they would need to shift into their wolf and they weren’t allowed to in this class.

  “Tell me Peter, what did you learn from this test?” Peter looked at Adrianna confused and not knowing how to answer.

  “Well, I guess you could say that I just got my ass handed to me,” Peter said.

  “Yes you did, but the best thing you could and should’ve learned is that anger has no place as a Protector. You tried acting bad and thinking you could take me. Peter, you were not sent to this class to play but to learn from those that have the knowledge to help you save whomever you are protecting. What if you were protecting Cade, your Alpha? Do you really think he would have you on his team to play around and not to take this seriously?”


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