The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series Page 16

by Bryce Evans

  “I’m truly sorry, Dad. I wish I could change this or exchange myself for Selena, but…” Adrianna let the tears fall from her eyes.

  Afton placed his hands on his daughter’s head, telling her that Selena would be okay. He had faith in Selena’s abilities to survive. “Adrianna, I need to tell you that Selena thought of you as her daughter. She loved you very much. She knew she would never replace Olivia as your mother, but she felt that she took over when Olivia died. She had become friends with your mother before she died. Olivia asked her to look out for you, to protect you, and to love you. I believe she has done that.”

  Adrianna cried harder, knowing that Selena had been there for her and she had betrayed her by believing she would harm her.

  “I will make you this promise. I will get Selena back and I will kill whoever took her.” All eyes turned to Adrianna knowing something had changed in those few minutes. She looked stronger, like a person with a mission.

  “Okay, let’s get everybody together. We need a plan to get Selena back and to kill the Son of a Bitch who took her.” Adrianna walked over to the table they had used before to lay out the plan.

  Damen came over to the table smiling. “Now we’re talking.”

  They all came together that night as a united family. Trust was now something that was a given. Cade had called Jacob and told him what had happened and asked him to make a lot of sandwiches; they would be there soon with everyone and they were hungry.

  Felix Ross had called Afton back, telling him that once he went into Dalley Cord’s cell and placed the truth spell on her, one of the female guards appeared in her clothing. Someone had cast a spell on the female guard who never showed back up to work. She had come to work and everyone thought she had left, but instead she had been put in Dalley’s cell with a clone spell. This gave Dalley the ability to take the guard’s place as she walked out of the prison dressed like the guard. Someone powerful had to cast the spell because it lasted a long time. The guard had been missing for over two months now.

  “Whoever planned this has been planning a long time. They have to be strong enough to cast that type of spell.” Afton informed everyone that Felix told him that only a few witches or wizards could perform the spell. “He said one was Selena, her brother Magnus, and Felix. Since Magnus died fifteen years ago, that leaves Selena and Felix. They thought about you, Adrianna, but since you were with your mates when this happened, you wouldn’t be considered.”

  Mace got up, pacing the room. “We have to think about this. Who could be behind this? We know now that Dalley Cord is helping. She isn’t strong enough to pull this off or smart enough. They don’t think things through, they just act. They make mistakes. If we find Dalley, then we find Selena. How can we find her? Think everyone.”

  “Jacob can find her. Jacob is her nephew. He isn’t like them, but he knows how they think and what they do,” Adrianna said as she was walking to the door. “Well, come on, let’s go home, and talk to Jacob. We may not have a lot of time before they move her or do something else.”

  The ride home was filled with anticipation. They finally had a way in or they hoped they did. Jacob was there only hope. He was waiting on the porch when Adrianna and the others pulled up.

  “I just finished the sandwiches and they’re on the table.” Adrianna walked up to Jacob with hope in her eyes. “Did you find her?” asked Jacob.

  “No, but Jacob, we need your help.” Jacob looked around at everyone wondering what he was about to get into. “Come with me, Jacob.” Adrianna pulled on his arm.

  Adrianna sat Jacob down in front of his computer. “Jacob, you are one of the smartest people I know. I need for you to find your Aunt Dalley,” Adrianna asked.

  “Well that’s easy; she’s in the Twister’s Prison.” Jacob snorted.

  “No Jacob, she broke out,” Samson stated as he leaned in closer to Jacob.

  Adrianna told Jacob what Felix Ross had told them. Jacob started shaking because Dalley was one of the ones that had tortured him along with her sons.

  “Listen son, nobody will hurt you. I won’t let them,” Afton said. “I promise.”

  The same words were echoed around the room, letting Jacob know he would be protected because this was his family now.

  Jacob straightened up and looked Adrianna in the eyes, which was a first for him. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”

  Adrianna explained that if Dalley were out, she would have tried to contact some of the family. She would need answers about the pack to give to whomever she was working with. Adrianna asked Jacob if he had any suggestions on whom she would’ve called and how to find that out. Jacob looked up like a light bulb had gone off.

  He looked at Mace, “Alpha, do you remember when you asked me for a list of everyone in the pack and along with their numbers and addresses? Well, I went beyond that, I did a family tree on everyone. I even gathered their Facebook account info, e-mail, and bank accounts. I searched for property in other states, etc.”

  Mace looked at Jacob in surprise, “Jacob, you’re a damn genius. So start with your family, the ones who are still here in the pack.”

  Jacob grinned at Mace. “You got it.”

  Cade came up to Adrianna and kissed her on the cheek. “I love you!” Adrianna smiled, telling Cade that she loved him too. He nodded his head in the Supreme Alpha’s direction. “He needs you right now.”

  Adrianna kissed Cade back, and walked over to the Supreme Alpha who was sitting on the couch looking out the window. “Dad.”

  Afton looked at Adrianna with a half grin on his face. She sat down beside him. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear you call me that? I used to dream of it. I didn’t think it was possible because you would think of Cale. I know how much you loved him,” the Alpha stated with tears in his eyes.

  “Yes, I loved him, but I love you too. I have a big heart and he will always be a part of it, but you are my dad and I have your blood flowing through my heart. I’d say that gives you a permanent place in there.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart,” Afton said as he grabbed Adrianna’s hand kissing it.

  “We will get her back,” Adrianna stated firmly.

  “I know, but Dalley Cord hates Selena, she was always jealous of her, plus Selena would tell the guards when she had visions of Dalley trying to escape. She hated Selena. I pray she doesn’t hurt her.” Afton couldn’t finish. He started shaking thinking about Dalley hurting his mate.

  “Dad, I promise I’ll get her back to you. I will.” Adrianna promised.

  Jacob yelled, “I found her. She called Lilly Cord, my cousin. She was just a little girl when Dalley went to prison. She is in college now in Fellington. I didn’t suspect her, but checked anyway and I saw several calls to her, then after that, I saw where Lilly called Liv, my other cousin. She was calling Lilly and getting Lilly to call Liv and find out about the pack. We need to trace that number.”

  Samson asked for the number and called a contact he had with the CIA. This would be a big favor and Samson would have to pay up when they asked, but since this was important, he agreed. “He’s checking the number to see if it’s on and if so then he will trace it and call me back.”

  “I should have guessed it would be Liv. She hates my family. Every time we have a run, she gives me dirty looks. She still blames us for breaking her family up,” Mace growled.

  “Alpha, I know you think that, but Lilly doesn’t even know everything that happened. She is trying to better herself. If Dalley was calling her, she doesn’t even know that she was telling her things about the pack. She probably thought Dalley was just curious about what was going on with her family and in the world. She is too nice to say no and just a little naive. Please don’t think all of my family is like them. Lilly and I have been through a lot. She went three states away to college in order to get away from them. We still keep in touch. If I called her, she may know something. She may be able to help.” Jacob looked at his Alpha asking for permission to call his cousin fo
r help.

  “Okay Jacob, but place her on speaker phone so I can talk to her too,” Mace said.

  Jacob called Lilly Cord at college waited for her to answer her phone.

  Lilly answered on the third ring. “Hey Jacob, how they hanging?” Everybody smiled at Lilly’s comment as it made Jacob turn red. “They’re hanging fine, Lilly. Listen, I need your help. I have you on speakerphone so Alpha Mace can talk to you too. Don’t be scared, you’re not in trouble or anything.”

  “Okay, is it my sister Jacob, did they get my sister?” Everyone could hear the fear in Lilly’s voice.

  Mace spoke before Jacob could talk. “Lilly, your sister is fine. Why? Has someone threatened you or your sister?”

  “Alpha,” Lilly said as she started to cry.

  “Listen Lilly, I will protect you and your sister. I promise. I’m sending Protectors now to go and get her so nobody can hurt her. She will be coming to stay with you until this is over, but I need to know who threatened you.”

  Lilly controlled her crying and told the Alpha. “It was Dalley Cord. She called me two months ago asking about you and the pack. She kept asking questions about where everybody was living, the evacuation plans, and about your sister, Adrianna. I knew then that something was wrong. She told me to call my sister, Liv, to obtain the information, and call her back. I told her no Alpha, I did, but then she put her son Eli on the phone. Eli told me he would get Liv, hurt her like he’d done to Adrianna and then he would kill her. He said he knew where I lived and he had someone watching me. He told me to go look out my window and look for the red sports car. When I looked out the window, I saw a man with long, black hair and a big scar down his cheek. He said the guy would cut me up into little pieces, but before he did that, he would have fun with me first. I’m so scared, Alpha. So I did it. I haven’t been to class in a week. I thought they were in prison. Please forgive me, Alpha.” Lilly broke down crying pleading for her Alpha to forgive her.

  Mace looked around the room and everybody was staring at him. They were wondering what he would say to the young wolf. “Listen, Lilly. I forgive you. I know what Dalley and her sons are capable of. I know you didn’t have a choice, but you should have told me sooner.”

  “Oh Alpha, I wanted to, but Dalley said if I told anyone she would know because she had spies watching the Alpha and his family. I’m sorry, Alpha. I know what the Cords are about. They are cruel people and they would hurt us just for the fun of it.”

  “Okay Lilly, now let’s put this behind us. We need your help now. Do you think you can pull yourself together and help us?” Mace asked.

  “Yes Alpha, I can. Tell me what I need to do.”

  Mace asked Lilly a lot of questions and wanted to know if Dalley had asked about anyone else. He asked if she heard anyone else over the phone when she called. Lilly told them in detail what was said. She told them things about the Cords that Mace and Jacob didn’t know. Lilly was smart, so smart she tested on the genius level. She also told Mace that she had visions and has had them since she was young. She explained in detail what she seen in her visions since Dalley called her the first time.

  Lilly explained she observed Dalley bowing down to a man with dark hair. He wore a black cape with a hood on it. She seen his face but didn’t recognize him. She could see another man who looked familiar, but she couldn’t recall where she’d seen him. She said they had a woman tied up sitting in a chair. The woman was cussing the man in the cape. She couldn’t understand or hear what they were saying, except the woman was pissed at the man in the black cape. Lilly said the man was very powerful with magic. The magic was sparking off him. The woman in the chair looked as if she needed food or something. She looked like her energy had been drained from her.

  Lilly said in the second vision, the woman was still tied to the chair and the other man had hit the woman in the face. Then the man in the cape had come in the room and knocked the other man so hard he fell into the wall, cracking it. He went over and picked the man up by the throat, said something to the man, and the man’s face had a big scar carved down it. “I knew then he was the man I saw standing outside my window.”

  Lilly advised Mace that she hadn’t had any more visions, but if she did, she would call Jacob immediately to let him know.

  “Lilly, you did well. I know you are scared, but you have helped us a lot. We will be in touch soon. Samson Ward is one of Adrianna’s mates. He is sending a man to collect you. His name is Sleepy. I know it sounds funny, but that’s his name, or at least that’s what we call him. So if he tells you his name is Sleepy, go with him. Pack light, only one bag. He will dress like a college student, so put your clothes in your book bag so it won’t look suspicious. Your sister will meet you when you arrive to the location. Don’t call her or anyone. Take your cell phone and give it to Sleepy. He will give you another phone. Listen, thank you Lilly, you did really well.” Mace handed the phone back to Jacob.

  Samson had already placed the call to Sleepy and gave him his instructions. Mace was sending his Protectors to get Liv and take them to Pevington land. The Alpha was a friend of his, he would protect Liv, and Lilly until this was over.

  Cade laughed when Mace hung up the phone. “Samson, where did he get a name like Sleepy? He sounds like one of the seven dwarves.”

  “Well, we call him Sleepy because when the IPad came out, he would fall asleep with it lying in bed. His brother caught him sleep walking without any clothes on outside, trying to type on it. He continued to do it six or seven times, each time he would be typing on his IPad walking around in his backyard. So his brothers started calling him Sleepy and the nickname stuck. When you meet Sleepy, he is seven feet tall, big as a bus, and all muscle. He doesn’t look like the IPad type, but he is a computer whiz just like Jacob here. He does the books for me and the Clan.”

  Samson’s phone rang, which brought everybody back to reality. He didn’t like what the other person was saying. He told the person on the phone he would be in touch and hung up.

  Adrianna went to his side, “What’s wrong, Samson?”

  “Well that was my contact in the CIA and he tracked the number. The phone was tracked to a house in Cantonville, Georgia.”

  “That’s the town next to us,” Mace muttered.

  “I know, that means she’s close and they don’t know we are on to them,” Adrianna calmly said to Mace. “This is what we were waiting for. We know where they are holding Selena and they don’t have a clue we know. You see Mace, you were right, she is stupid, and she made her first big mistake, which was underestimating you.”

  Mace loved his sister. He knew now why the fates chose her to be the Trinity.

  The group sat down in the living room changing some of the plans since they knew now what Lilly had told Dalley. She would be shocked when they found her and her Master. Adrianna couldn’t believe she was finally going to kill Eli Cord. He wouldn’t know what hit him when she was done.

  Declan came in the door saying that someone was coming down the driveway and it looked like a black limo with a Vampire Council’s seal on the tag. Samson got up looking out the window. “The only person who drives in that is Edward Jonas. Wonder what he is doing here.”

  Afton got up and instructed everybody not to say anything, act normal and not to speak about Selena being kidnapped. Samson thought it was odd for the Supreme Alpha to say that about his leader, but didn’t say anything.

  Declan opened the door before Edward Jonas knocked on it. Samson approached him first. “Sir, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?”

  “Well, I had to hear from your parents that you found your mate and it’s the Trinity. I had to see for myself.” Edward turned so he faced Samson and the others. Jacob gasped as he saw the long scar that was on his face.

  Samson looked shocked at his leader. “Sir, what happened to your face?”

  Adrianna walked over to Edward, touching him on the shoulder. “Well what ever happened, it didn’t change how handsome you are.”

  Everybody turned and looked at Adrianna like she was crazy. Lilly talked about this man. He was the traitor. Adrianna kept her hand on his shoulder when Edward grabbed her hand, kissing it, thanking her for her kind words. Edward explained he had fallen over a log in his backyard while jogging and the log’s limb had cut his face. Adrianna walked behind Edward making eye contact with her mates, telling them to act normal and not to act any different. She looked at Samson, pleading with her eyes to keep calm.

  “Sir, if you could excuse me for a few minutes, while I go to the kitchen for some refreshments.” Edward smiled at Adrianna as she walked out of the room. “Damen, can you help me please?” Damen didn’t want to leave, but he knew Adrianna was up to something.

  When they walked in the kitchen, Adrianna grabbed Damen and pulled him to the back of the kitchen. “Do you have all your equipment with you? You know; the listening devices and your trackers.”

  “Bloody hell Adrianna, you are brilliant. I’m on it. Keep him busy so I can get the tracker on the car and is there a way to get the guards away long enough for me to place the bug into the car?”

  Adrianna nodded and got out the drinks. She knew alcohol was in order, so she got the best. Declan had made his famous wine. The man was a connoisseur of wines. He made the ones that vampires and werewolves could drink which were strong enough to have a kick. Adrianna made her way back into the living room with Afton talking about the move to Ashland.

  “Here we go, sir. This wine is fabulous. It’s the rave in Europe.” Adrianna knew that would get him. Edward was a snob. If he thought the rich and famous had it, then he should have too. How he became the head of the Vampire Council was beyond her. She knew Afton hated him and now Samson would probably kill him.

  “Adrianna, look at you. I see being mated has done wonders for you. The look is breathtaking. You look wonderful, my dear. We must all get together sometime at my house for dinner. All of you must come.”


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