The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series

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The Trinity: The Ashland Pack Series Page 19

by Bryce Evans

  Felix decided to stay for a while in Ashland. He needed to learn more about what would happen when Adrianna woke up. Would she now demand to be the leader of the Twister’s Council? There were so many unanswered questions. He went over to the window and sat down. Joshua Cahill walked into the room smiling.

  “What are you smiling about?” Cade hissed.

  “Ah, it’s a beautiful morning out there.” Joshua smiled even bigger.

  “Well, it’s not in here. My mate lies there not even moving, so what is so happy about that?” Cade bristled, shaking his head. He wanted to take out his frustrations on someone, might as well be Joshua.

  “Well now, don’t be like that. Your mate has been blessed. Her hair has the kiss of the light on it. Look at it.” Cade and Samson looked down at Adrianna’s hair. They hadn’t noticed it, but it was shining. It looked like the light was shining off it.

  “Now boys, back up so I can do my magic and wake up your sleeping beauty.” Joshua pushed past Samson sitting on the bed beside Adrianna.

  Joshua leaned over and whispered something in Adrianna’s ear. Then leaned back and stood up. Samson and Cade leaned forward to see what Joshua was doing to their mate. Adrianna blinked her eyes open. Her eyes focused and looked over at her mates. She smiled at them, bringing tears to their eyes. They came to her side, kissing her, telling her how much they loved her.

  Samson and Cade pulled back, looking into her eyes. “Baby, are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere?” Cade asked.

  “I’m fine, my loves. There is one thing, though. What is that smell?”

  Felix and Joshua started laughing, knowing it was her mates because they hadn’t taken a shower in three days.

  Adrianna asked if anybody got hurt. She asked about the pack and if everybody got to safety.

  “Yes, everybody is fine. They got everyone out of the Pub before the bomb went off. The Pub didn’t make it, though. Mace is rebuilding it, everybody is helping,” Cade answered.

  Adrianna tried to get up but Samson tried to make her stay in bed. “I want to get up. I think it’s you two who stink, so if you stink, I know I do. I want to take a long, hot bath, and then eat. I’m starving.”

  Samson and Cade laughed but insisted on picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom. Joshua and Felix left the room so Adrianna could be alone with her mates.

  Samson and Cade insisted on getting in the big tub with her, washing her hair and body. She wanted to wash them too, but they said she needed to rest. Adrianna pouted but she didn’t get her way this time. They bathed her, dried her off, and putting loose fitting clothes on her. She wanted to go to the kitchen to eat so Cade carried her to the kitchen. Mace and Afton came up to her, hugging her, telling her how much they loved her. Adrianna sat beside Selena who was sitting at the table. Adrianna hugged her, thanking her for her help in the field.

  Adrianna sat at the table with her family going over the events that occurred. Felix and Afton had some questions they needed answered.

  Felix sat down at the table. He knew Adrianna because she was a witch too and part of the Twister’s Society. “Adrianna dear, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”

  “Sure, Felix,” Adrianna answered.

  “How do you command the trees?” Felix asked.

  “Well, I don’t command them; they are my friends and part of nature and Ashland. They are products of the light. You see, Felix, if Magnus had won, then the trees, flowers, and everything living in the light would have died. I have always had an ability to talk to the trees and flowers. I never asked how or why, I just know it’s a gift that I don’t take lightly. I respect them and they respect me.” Felix sat there staring at Adrianna, knowing that nobody on earth could do that.

  “You are truly blessed, my dear. How did you know the trees would have helped you when you called on them?” Felix asked.

  “Well earlier that morning, I went outside and talked to the trees. I asked for their help, only when I called. If I had done it sooner, Magnus would have had time to kill the trees. So I had to wait for the exact moment when he was so focused on me that he wouldn’t know what hit him. You see, we already knew the battle would take place at Seige Field. Trees surrounded that particular field.”

  Felix smiled at the Trinity, knowing that she was born to be a true leader. “One more question, if you are up for it.” Adrianna smiled then nodded at Felix. “What do you plan to do with the Twister’s Council?”

  Adrianna paused for a moment then looked up at Felix. “Well I plan to leave it the same, Felix. I’m not ready for the responsibility to run the packs, Vampire Council, or the Twister’s Council. I hope that you will agree to keep it the same. Hopefully, you will start coming to the meetings we have with the packs and the Council. Together we can make a lot of decisions that need to be made so we, as a society, can flourish. That way if something else happens like this again, then together we can come up with a solution and solve it before it gets to this stage. There shouldn’t be any more prejudice against each other’s race. We are all different and to grow, we need to protect each other to thrive.”

  Everybody sat at the table looking at Adrianna in admiration. She didn’t even know how good of a speaker she was.

  “Wow, angel. You give great speeches. I need to take you with me to my meetings.” Samson smiled.

  Everybody in the room was listening to what Adrianna said and liked the fact everyone would be considered equal. Declan was leaning against the wall, listening to Adrianna and what she said about all the different species joining. He knew it was a good idea but he knew there were others out there who wouldn’t like that and would fight against it.

  “Well, I plan too. Remember, together, all for one and one for all.” Adrianna laughed as Samson and Cade reached over and kissed her cheeks.

  A month had passed since the battle on Seige Field and Adrianna felt like her old self. The pack had rebuilt the Pub and planned to reopen it for a party to celebrate. Cade was still Alpha of the Viston Pack and Samson had been appointed to the leader’s position over the Vampire Council.

  Felix kept his word and came around more often. He said he wanted to move to Ashland so he could be close to the other governing parties.

  Afton continued to run the packs as the Supreme Alpha. Selena regained her powers and helped Afton.

  Mace was still Alpha of the Ashland Pack. He had come to her house a lot lately. Adrianna could tell he was lonely although he would never say it. He would always say the pack was his mate.

  Then there was Joshua Cahill. He said he was moving to Ashland because he would be needed one day. Joshua said that Magnus wasn’t working alone, that he had to pull that kind of power from someone else or something. He said the Wardens would be arriving soon to protect her. He also said he wanted to sample the new babes that were moving to town.

  Then there was little Jacob who wasn’t so little anymore. He had started his training and was coming into his own. He had put on a lot of muscle and the girls were starting to notice him. Damen and Declan helped with his training, giving Adrianna a break for a while.

  Mad Max and Declan were as always a blast to have around. Dating everything that had two legs was their motto. That was a disaster waiting to happen, but Mace just said let them learn the hard way. They would find the one who would change their life.

  Ashland was flourishing with different communities moving into the area. Jamenson hired on more workers to help build the new housing that was needed. Everybody was coming together trying to co-exist and prepare for the future.

  Samson had called his friend, Mary Redden who was a witch and a family friend. Mary would be arriving in a few days. She asked if she could bring her daughter, Lexy or Lex, as she likes to be called, who was more powerful than she was, so she could help with the spells. Adrianna had a feeling about Lexy. She thought something was going to happen between Lexy and someone from her family. She didn’t know who, but she had a feeling it would be a good thing. Samson said the last
time he had seen Lex; she was away at the Twister’s Council, studying. He said she was a good girl and couldn’t wait to see all of his Clan who was starting to move to Ashland. Adrianna hadn’t met Samson’s parents yet; they were also moving to be with their son and new mates.

  Adrianna sat on the front porch, rocking, thinking about her life. She was finally happy and she couldn’t wait for her mates to get back home. They had some more celebrating to do. Mace informing her the day before that she had a different scent to her, prompted her take a test and she’d found out she was pregnant. Telling her mates had been fun in more ways than one, as she smiled to herself remembering the loving they had besotted on her. Her life had finally changed and it would only get better. She knew trouble was just around the corner but she couldn’t stop living. Together as a family, they would figure it all out.


  Watch for more on The Ashland Pack, coming soon.




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