Hot to Trot: Transformed into a submissive pony girl... (Pony Tales Book 3)

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Hot to Trot: Transformed into a submissive pony girl... (Pony Tales Book 3) Page 5

by C. P. Mandara

  'You called, Madame?' he drawled in his deep south, American accent.

  'Isobelle will do nicely, thank you very much,' she said reprovingly.

  Oh, how his fingers itched. 'Yes, Ma'am.' He grinned.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, but the look was wasted as he wasn't paying attention. He had his nose in the air and appeared to be sniffing out prey. When his attention finally returned to her she gave him a pained look. What on earth was he doing?

  'Did you know that your coffee beans have passed through a set of intestines? An Asian Palm Civet has fermented the coffee bean with his gastric acid and...'

  'Thank you, Kyle. I am well aware of the way my coffee is produced.'

  'Yes, Ma'am.'

  Isobelle had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. 'I need a favour, Kyle.' She drummed her fingers on the desktop thoughtfully. 'Matthews has taken on the Redcliff girl, but there's been a bit of an emergency and we need you to cover for him. Can you go to the training block and tell him to get his ass over here as soon as possible?'

  Kyle nearly groaned. She even said ass the English way, making it sound like arse. She was too delicious by far. For her benefit he made a point of looking at his watch.

  She knew exactly what he was trying to do, in his none too subtle way. She also took the time to note that his watch had recently been upgraded to a very expensive and flashy Omega model, which might have been worth the money had he been a deep sea diver, but Isobelle suspected he had never test driven a snorkel let alone ventured in the deep dark blue.

  'He's not going to be very happy if I cut in now. He'll probably be in the middle of something important.'

  Oh, she did so hope not. 'It can't be helped, I'm afraid. Are you free to take over? It really is an emergency.'

  So it might be, but Kyle would need danger money to prize a trainee from under Matthews' hands. He'd probably get a fist in his face for his troubles. Still, his middle name was danger and he would have a hold over his temptress if he consented.

  'If I do this you owe me big time, lady.' Kyle glanced into her emerald-green eyes and thought he might just get lucky after all.

  Isobelle nodded curtly, once. 'Right, off with you. The quicker the better, Kyle. I want Matthews in my office in less than fifteen minutes.

  'Your wish is my command, Ma'am.' He turned and the door snapped shut behind him.

  'My name is Isobelle,' she muttered to his retreating form. Solve one problem and create another, she thought sourly. Kyle had a reputation for being a little heavy-handed. He might have just managed to save her hide, though, and most of the office ladies were very complementary about his performance, not to mention how impressive his appendage was.

  With a bucket of tepid water in his hand, Mark slowly but thoroughly gave his naked trainee a sponge bath. If she was sucking his cock in a moment he wanted her clean. Mud and white riding breeches did not pair well together. He had washed her face first, so he could quickly replace both her bridle and blindfold. She had gone into whining mode after they'd finished on the chair, stating all her various needs and wants. He'd decided the quickest way to restore peace and quiet was to stopper her mouth. The rubber bit would have to do for now, but he had something better in mind with which to cork those plump little lips. He felt he'd waited so long that the vintage she'd be receiving shortly could be likened to a 1960s bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild. Nearly there, he had to tell himself again.

  The girl was on all fours and he'd tied her reins to the back of the heavy chair, just in case she fancied practising her running gait once more. When he'd finished with the water he rubbed her down with a soft cotton towel. She was still mewling nonsense through her bit, but most of what she was saying was unintelligible and he let it pass. Most trainers wouldn't. Picking up the smallest of the dilators, he flexed the plastic between his gloved fingers. It was just over three inches in length and was an inch in diameter. It would not stay easily inside his subject unless she gripped her anal walls tightly around it, and to make sure she did exactly that he unleashed his crop from his belt. He got down on one knee beside her ear and had to smile to himself. At least he was getting down on his knee for the right reason. No one would ever manage to coerce him into lowering his knee for the wrong one.

  'Can you feel it?' he whispered.

  If the ridiculous man meant could she feel his crop rubbing up and down her clit and trying to work its way into her pussy, then yes, she could. It would be kind of difficult to miss. Her body shuddered in response, even though it had orgasmed not twenty minutes before. The crop retreated as soon as it discovered she was wet. Jenny could curse the fact, but it didn't seem to matter because whatever Mark did to her she was doomed to drown in a pool of her own arousal. She still felt cold from the ice-play and the tiles under her knees and legs did not help to regulate her overall body temperature. When his fingers began to knead her backside, not unlike an unbaked loaf of bread, she growled upon her bit. That area of flesh was still very tender. What was he up to? When his fingernails scraped down her left buttock she gritted her teeth. It wasn't really painful, but it was certainly uncomfortable.

  Withdrawing his fingernails and nodding to himself, it was just as he suspected. Those buttocks were becoming desensitised to pain. She could do with a top-up to redden those beautiful globes and give her an added inducement to keep the dilator deep inside her. Without warning he cracked the crop across the middle of both buttocks three times in quick succession. The final stroke had her back arching upwards in a lovely convex manner. It had certainly got her attention.

  He pressed the tapered head of the dilator towards her sphincter and used his finger and thumb to pull back her ass cheeks, allowing the lubricated head to penetrate more smoothly. It only needed a small twist and a few pumps before it was sucked inside her.

  'Perfect.' He rubbed the reddened area of her backside and his eyes took on a dark gleam as she shrank away from his touch. 'Your job is to keep that tight inside you. The first time it drops out you'll get four stripes and a bigger dilator. The next time it will be five stripes and... yes, you've guessed it... a bigger dilator.' He bent down towards her ear again and whispered, 'The third time it drops out you get six stripes, a thick plug to push into your backside, an even thicker plug in your pussy, my cock fucking your mouth and one hell of a ride. Perhaps we should just skip to the third stage and stop all this messing around?' When Jenny's head shook in horror it was an effort not to burst out laughing. What a killjoy this one was. What she didn't know was that there was no way she was not going to suck every last inch of his cock, and he would come all the harder for being made to wait. He sat back to watch Jenny's struggle with her untrained muscles and found that the added adrenaline now flowing through his system was a delicious turn-on.

  Her face was drawn in concentration. It was hard work keeping her muscles continuously clenched against the slippery invader. She could still feel the three slices of his crop burning into the flesh of her behind, and had no wish to add to them. As long as she kept concentrating there shouldn't be a problem.

  It was nice to be clean. Mark had done a thorough job of removing all the grit and dirt that had begun to irritate her, so at least one of her woes had been taken care of. It was also nice to have her ass filled once more and she was beginning to wonder what it would feel like to have his cock there, imagining Mark's hips thrusting away and slamming into her. She'd always assumed anal sex would be horrible, painful and dirty. Jenny was swiftly rethinking her beliefs. She was desperately aroused by the dilator filling her and had a feeling the pleasure would be multiplied if it was a thick hard cock instead. With her eyes closed behind the blindfold it was too easy to picture his hands on her waist, an arm sneaking up to caress her breast, his cock nudging for entrance and squeezing its way slowly into her tightest of holes. Stop it, she told herself; she had sex on the brain and a twisted maniac manipulating her every move. She should not be provoked by all of these silly games. A drop of saliva dribbl
ed down her chin, hit the floor and sprayed the back of her wrist. She jumped. The dilator made a loud sucking pop and clattered noisily to the floor. Jenny couldn't help it; she was desperately aroused and trembling. Mark's crop was something to be equally admired and feared.

  Four minutes. Not bad, he supposed. The quicker the better, in his opinion, as there were only two dilators to go before he got to sample the goodies. Feeling mean, he let the looped leather tip of his crop caress the skin of her inner thighs. An upward stroke, a downward stroke and he proceeded to repeat the action on the other side. He watched as her slight quiver turned into a definite wobble. He then pressed the tip to her clit and gave her three little nudges. They weren't strong enough to cause any harm, but she gasped at each one nonetheless. Good. She was ready to take a little pain for him.

  Jenny had expected the thin line of his crop to attack her backside again, but when it landed it attacked both of her outer thighs in quick succession. The shock was probably worse than the pain, but it still smarted cruelly. Then there was silence. Where were the last two? The bastard was going to make her wait for them. Trying to still her shaking body she cursed him every foul word under the sun.

  Eventually they struck. Again they were unexpected and hit across her back. From shoulder blade to the base of her spine she had two new welts to contend with, and those produced a definite tingle.

  Mark found himself thinking it was a damn shame the girl wasn't his submissive. If she had been he'd have made her thank him for each and every stroke. Although he would never consider taking on a reluctant sub, in her case he could almost be persuaded just for the satisfaction of hearing the bitter tilt to her voice as she breathed her gratitude for his particular brand of discipline. Then he'd make her beg to suck his cock, and why stop there? She would beg to have all of her lovely holes filled, fucked and thrust into and, every now and again, he might take pity on her and do exactly that. Mark shook his head; he was almost as easily distracted as she was. Picking up the medium-sized dilator with renewed purpose he began to work it inside his little filly. This baby would really open her up. At just under four inches in length she wasn't going to like it much.

  Grunting and groaning from behind the restrictive rubber bit, Jenny felt her body pushed backwards and forwards by his gradual thrusting. With each push she felt the large object slide further inside her. How much longer was this going to take? The man had been at it for ages. It was already uncomfortable, and when the whole thing was finally buried to the hilt she grimaced. Ow, ow, ow.

  'Hold on to that, filly.' He rapped the dilator firmly with his crop and loved the way her backside bucked in response. She was getting mighty sensitive with all of his careful ministrations. Excellent. Mark couldn't wait to find out how long this one would stay in. If it was too long he would intervene with a charming distraction.

  It was hard work clenching around something that wanted to burst out of you at every opportunity. Jenny had given up all hope of escape for the moment and for the time being had decided to work on getting herself through the present. It seemed that was going to be difficult enough. Clench, clench, hug, squeeze, grasp. The trouble with all this clenching was that a) it hurt, and b) she was getting tired. The dilemma was that a + b = c and that was a whole world of misery. Clamp, squeeze, hug, tighten. It was getting harder. She could feel it constantly slipping, vying for escape, and had to make a concentrated effort to pull it back each time.

  He watched her struggle. Normally the process would entertain him, but he didn't have the patience for it today. He decided to move things along a pace.

  Mark stood in front of her face and let her see the impressive bulge she had created in his breeches. 'Are you looking forward to sucking my cock, little filly?' He watched as her body started at the comment, but there was no telltale clatter of the dilator behind her. Score one for the trainee. 'I think those greedy little lips want to be filled.' She grunted back at him and it didn't sound like an affirmative kind of noise. He thrust the outline of his cock towards her lips and put pressure upon them. 'Shall we remove your bridle and get started on your oral training?' Bingo. The dilator shot halfway across the room.

  'I think my pony will enjoy a ride in the saddle for a change.' He eyed the sybian in the corner of the room behind them, which he'd pulled out in anticipation of the next stage of her training. It featured a fine Italian leather saddle and had a large dildo protruding from its centre at a forty-five degree angle. Securely attached to the back wall there was a pyramid-shaped butt plug she would have the chance to get intimately acquainted with, ridge by rounded ridge, and there were six graduated increments to conquer in total. She would only be rewarded with an orgasm when the sensor on the base of the plug had been hit. Helping her towards that goal would be his cock, spearing her body towards its conquest.

  'Oh dear. Five stripes, wasn't it?' He watched her tense and had to smile. This time he would go easy on her.

  Walking around his naked pony, Mark let her hear his footsteps and waited for the faintest quiver of her body. She was trying hard to conceal it, but not hard enough. The second walk round produced results. He gave the underside of her left buttock a swift swipe with his crop. The right globe received the same treatment. He followed up with two light flicks to each calf and one last, soft swipe at her clit. The gasp that issued forth was an aural delight. He knew it hadn't really hurt, but the shock of her clit being hit unsettled her. Good. It was time to fit the last dilator, and for all intents and purposes, to Jenny it would feel like a monster.

  Gurgling insensibly, several minutes later, Jenny bleated in protest against her bit. How big was this thing? She knew one thing for sure: it wasn't going anywhere fast.

  'I think we've been here before,' a voice drawled in her ear, making her jump. 'Relax, or we'll be here all day and I don't know about you, but I have things to do, people to see.'

  Jenny snorted in response. She had people she wanted to see: a nice police constable, her psychiatrist, a hit-man and perhaps even the lovely Katrina. She'd pay handsomely to watch her tormentor suffer for a few days. Scrap that, she'd book the lady for the week.

  'Relax and push out. You know the drill.' Although it just so happened that he was the one doing all the drilling, and he wanted to be doing plenty more.

  There was no point fighting him, so grudgingly she complied. If she remembered correctly his absence would soon be upon them and that could only be a good thing. Feeling the large tube fight to sink inside, not unlike the struggle she often had putting on her favourite pair of jeans, she had to push hard, really hard, but in the end perseverance won and the last dilator was fitted. It was not at all pleasant.

  'Bit uncomfortable?'

  Ooh! Jenny wanted a baseball bat. That would wipe the smug smile off... she could feel the thing slipping! Clutch, clasp, suck inside, quick! Ow, ow, ow. The thing was enormous. Maybe she should just let the thing go and take the inevitable strokes.

  'You let that thing drop before three minutes is up and my crop will find your clit. That's a promise.'

  The oracle had spoken. Groaning, Jenny tightened her hold on the thing, but it did not want to stay put. She was hanging on to it for dear life, but even that didn't seem to have much effect. Squeezing her muscles firmly, she couldn't help thinking about sex. Both pussy and ass contracted at the same time and caused her to notice that one of her holes was woefully empty. Unbelievably she needed another orgasm. Another one? How many had she had so far today? Three? Well, however many it was, she yearned for more. Her body was beginning to enjoy the intense brand of stimulation and it hungered for more of the same. She was beginning to understand that the pain, torment and humiliation simply added spice to the final result. Urrghh! Had she really just thought that? Was she turned on by all this craziness? The answer was a resounding yes, whether she liked it or not, but lost in her train of thought she accidentally relaxed her grip and that was the end of that.

  Mark didn't have to wait long for the last dila
tor to pop. She'd managed just under three minutes and he was not inclined to be lenient. Wasting no time in meeting out her punishment, he found himself anxious to start the last part of her training. A flick of the crop on her left nipple, one to match on the opposite side and then rinse and repeat on the underside of each breast. He enjoyed the exquisite little mewls of pain that managed to seep from her gagged mouth. The finale was a flick to each side of her labia and then an expert upward swipe to her engorged clit. By his standards it was a gentle swat, but the girl bucked like a mule. Not giving her a single second of recovery time he immediately untied her reins and removed the blindfold. He led her to a corner of the room so she could feast her eyes on the sybian, and even though she was panting heavily she followed meekly and without protest. When he indicated, with nothing more than his eyebrow, that she should mount herself upon it, again she did so without pause. It was progress. It pleased him. They were moving in the right direction.

  What he didn't know was that Jenny was looking forward to being filled. Her pussy was already clenching at the thought of that big dildo sliding deep inside her and she was almost hoping with excitement that she would finally have something underneath her with which to grind her clit upon. This looked like fun. Oh yeah baby, she was so ready for this. She didn't care what he did to her now, almost delirious in her need for release.

  'Let me know if you need lubricant,' Mark added, rather evilly. He knew she hadn't spotted the beast on the wall yet, and it would only be when he pushed the sybian backwards on its wheels that she would feel that nice thick plug pressing at her backside. If she managed to take it all she would be rewarded with an orgasm, but it would be no easy struggle. At least on this piece of apparatus he didn't need to waste any time tying her down. She was going to be deeply impaled and in so many directions that restraints would be overkill.

  Sinking onto the smooth plastic dildo and feeling the soft, delicate leather curve around her groin in a comfortable fashion, Jenny had the desire to start humping up and down. She managed to restrain the impulse, but only just. This felt nice. This felt really nice. It was strange, but the level of arousal he had managed to incite upon her had messed with her head. Her need to be filled, fucked, pulled, pushed and used was all consuming. Yes, it was probably wrong, but never had something felt more right. She wanted this so badly, that if he had wanted her to beg for the privilege of sucking his cock she'd have woofed, put her paws up and then rolled over. But she was supposed to be a horse, not a dog, she thought wryly.


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