The Alpha King

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The Alpha King Page 4

by Victoria Sue

  “I decided you were a dream, you know.”

  “A nightmare?” Kit offered.

  Luca brushed a tender kiss on Kit’s head as if to dismiss the suggestion. “I have heard the legends, obviously, but I didn’t know an omega could be human.”

  “You have questions,” Kit said quietly.

  “Did you know? All those years ago? And if so, why didn’t you stay with me? I could have protected you.”

  Kit closed his eyes briefly. The pain and frustration was as raw in Luca’s voice as his back had been yesterday. “I dreamed other things. I knew you were going to be Alpha King, but not until I touched you, and I also knew that it wasn’t the time for us to be together. If you had shown signs of your gifts because of me, it would have put your life at risk, and you needed to be safe until you were twenty-five. There are many who do not want to return to the days of the Alpha Kings.”

  “But you suffered.”

  Kit swallowed. The horror in Luca’s voice was real. Suddenly, he realized every day had been worth it. Every nightmare, every day he had slaved too cold and too hungry. Every night he had longed for Luca’s voice, his touch, but he had remained without it. It simply wasn’t worth the risk it would bring to Luca.

  “I would have been careful,” Luca promised.

  Kit raised his head and gazed into the gray eyes that were fixed on him. “You would have been unable to let any injustice slide—the same as yesterday—and I had to get you to this point. Yes, I needed you, but Askara needs you more, my King.”

  “Luca, please,” Luca said as he clasped Kit’s hand, pressing the words into his palm.

  “In private, then,” Kit conceded carefully.

  He knew appearances were important and he was already battling what many wolves would see as wrong. He had loved Luca for so long, so terrified that what he imagined his strong, fearless, but gentle wolf would be like might not match up to the reality. He had always been convinced of Luca’s integrity. He had dreamed of what Askara could become, what their lives would be like. He was just never sure of what his life would be like. Would he be kept close? Would he be treasured, protected? Or would Luca bow to the traditions of his people, no matter how Kit may wish for more?

  Luca laid back down and tucked Kit close. Kit took a sharp breath.

  Luca peered at him. “Are you still hurting?”

  Kit loved the concern that layered his words, but he shook his head shyly. He was terrified to truly believe that things would be this simple. Kit smiled softly. Simple? It would be anything but. A human omega was going to be bad enough for Luca’s people to accept. He simply couldn’t think about how much worse it could actually get.


  Luca gazed into the blue eyes, soft with sleep but narrowed with uncertainty. He’d turned on his side and pulled Kit close, and he knew full well Kit could feel the evidence of his attraction. Attraction? Luca nearly laughed out loud at such a bland word. He might have woken up in his usual morning state but having the lithe, delicious body pressed so close to his side had hardened him beyond comfort. Not that he was intending on pursuing anything just yet.

  Alphas always mated instantly. An Alpha’s gifts were only ever transferred when that happened, but he had gotten incredible strength last night and Kit had been healed, which Gabriel insisted was due to him, didn’t seem that the full mating was necessary to get his gifts. Very unusual, but Luca assumed it was the King thing again, so he could go slow. He had no intention of scaring Kit, especially with how malnourished and weak he was. Luca could wait.

  Kit moved and Luca pressed his lips together to stop the groan that wanted to tear free from them.

  “Sire?” Kit murmured softly.

  Luca swallowed. “Mmm?” He wasn’t sure he was able to form a single word, never mind a coherent sentence. Heat rolled the length of his spine and he felt his wolf move restlessly. Wolves never understood the go-slow plan, but Luca had no intention of frightening or hurting his mate...ever.

  “Sire?” Kit whispered, a warm puff of breath fluttering across Luca’s nipple.

  Luca clamped down on a shudder. “Luca,” he reiterated.

  Kit sighed. “We need to talk, Luca.”

  “Breaking up with me already?” He felt the pull of Kit’s lips against his chest as he smiled.


  Luca listened as Kit’s words trailed off. “What, baby?” The endearment fell from his lips automatically.

  “Do you think I am a child?”

  “What?” Luca laid Kit flat, propping himself up so he could look at him. “Of course not.”

  “I was when we first met. I was thirteen.”

  Luca remembered. “You looked younger.”

  “But I’m twenty now,” Kit carried on as if Luca hadn’t spoken.

  “Yes,” Luca acknowledged, not understanding where the conversation was going.

  “Then...” Kit paused again, and Luca stared in fascination as faint pink tinged the brown skin of his face. Beautiful. “Then why didn’t you mate me?”

  Luca blinked, not completely certain he had heard correctly. “When?” Luca blurted out. “You were injured.” Luca sat up. “You have such a poor opinion of me?” he said incredulously and louder than he intended.

  “No, Sire, but the Alphas—”

  “For pity’s sake,” snapped Luca. His headache that had vanished last night suddenly throbbed at his temples again. Kit shied back and Luca nearly bit his tongue in frustration. “I’m going for a run,” he announced. Luca’s wolf had been riding him hard since yesterday and he hoped it would help the pain in his temples. Kit opened his mouth but there was a knock at the door. Luca leapt up. “Enter,” he commanded tersely.

  It was Tara and a slave, carrying what smelled like breakfast. Luca’s belly rumbled. He hadn’t eaten last night. He stepped to the door, not worried about the fact he was undressed. Nudity wasn’t exceptional in werewolves. In slaves either, but for different reasons. He tried to calm down.

  “My apologies, Sire, but the council meeting starts in just over an hour.” Tara glanced at Kit, who lay still, staring at the ceiling and not even looking at Luca. It wasn’t fair. Luca had tried to do the right thing, but Kit just looked like he had slapped him. Luca needed a run.

  He was shifting as he strode from the room. Sam stood in the dim entrance hall, but looked up as Luca appeared and immediately shucked his pants down so he could shift too. “Good morning, Sire.”

  Completely shifted now, Luca bounded away, registering Sam following him after a few seconds. For the first time, Luca appreciated where he was. Hendrick’s—no, his—pack lands were plentiful in game. He chased aimlessly, avoiding the does and their young, but then effortlessly caught a young buck, killing it instantly and nudging some towards Sam. They both ate their fill and then Luca padded over to the stream, listening carefully.

  He would have never roamed Hendrick’s lands before, and while the biggest threat to the wolves in Caedra were the mountain lions who sometimes appeared in the north of Caedra near the Tzion mountains, he couldn’t smell any other predators. The problem nearer to home was the Hadrax, a vicious animal about the size of a large pig, but bloodthirsty. It was common to lose some of the lambs every spring and there were tales told to scare children into not wandering off.

  Luca drank thirstily, aware that Sam had shifted back behind him. “We have things we need to discuss with Gabriel before the meeting, Sire.”

  Luca sighed and closed his eyes. The heat of the change rushed through him, and when he opened his eyes he was human.

  “Sire.” Luca heard the awe in Sam’s voice and glanced back, wondering what was causing it. Sam was staring at him and he looked down wondering what—Luca barked out a delighted laugh and eyed his still naked friend. He patted the long sleeves on his T-shirt just to annoy Sam further. Sam grumbled and Luca grinned. He was dressed. Being King had many advantages it seemed.

  He was still chuckling as they walked back, much t
o Sam’s chagrin, and saw they hadn’t wandered as far away as he originally thought. They crossed over a small bridge and met Gabriel just coming from the direction of his father’s house.

  “Sire,” Gabriel greeted him as they all stepped into the clearing where the choosing had taken place the night before. Sam quickly dived into the pack house and came running back with his pants on.

  “Gabriel,” Luca responded. “I’m making you one of my advisors. There doesn’t seem to be anyone who can match you in historical knowledge.” Gabriel’s smile was cautious and Luca thought he knew the problem. “How’s Danni this morning?”

  Gabriel flushed. “I hope she had a restful night.”

  Luca looked at him in surprise. How did he not know? Then he understood. He had been so wrapped up in Kit he had forgotten that Danni wasn’t officially Gabriel’s, but his brother’s. “I understand Danni’s attraction, but what made her father agree?”

  “His own son is but twelve and the man lost his mate two years ago. He has no interest in his pack anymore and just spends every day drinking himself into oblivion. He was happy to let someone else run his pack until his son is of age. He knows Danni is valuable and is using her to protect his son’s rights.”

  Luca frowned, saddened. He turned to Sam. “What talents do the omegas left have?”

  “Abel has some foresight. Hannah is a grower—”

  “A grower?” Luca interrupted. He had missed that last night. Growers were highly valued. They could get crops to grow in every season. The Alpha that mated Hannah would be wealthy.

  “I would imagine Gareth would be tempted?” he speculated.

  “As a second choice, yes,” Gabriel answered slowly.

  Luca glanced at Sam. “Perhaps you could facilitate an introduction?”

  Sam smiled. “Excellent idea, Sire.”

  “Good. Now, tell me what support I’m going to have...or not, at the council meeting.” Luca turned and grinned at Sam. Sam opened his mouth to say something but paused when he caught sight of Luca’s neck.

  “What?” Luca asked, puzzled, as he felt Sam’s stare.

  Sam swallowed and glanced at Gabriel, who returned his appalled look.

  Luca sighed. “Sam, just tell me.”

  “You aren’t marked,” Sam said bluntly. “The council will see you didn’t mate the omega.”

  Luca glared. His Alpha mark—a small red tattoo on his neck that appeared when he was twenty-one—turned a deep black once he mated his omega. “The omega has a name, and what sort of monster do you think I am? You saw the state he was in last night.”

  Sam’s hands rose, conciliatory. “I know, Sire. I know...but there will be some Alphas—”

  “I am not about to justify my sex life to other people. It is none of their business.”

  “I’m actually surprised Kit didn’t say anything,” Gabriel said quietly. “He, more than any, would understand the significance.”

  Luca sat down on the nearest log. The tables and chairs from last night had all been cleared away. He swiped a hand over his face. “I know matings are usually done straight away, but I got my gifts already. You both know that,” Luca reasoned.

  “I know, Sire, and it isn’t that,” Sam said.

  “Although it is perfectly possible you may develop more,” Gabriel speculated.

  “Then what’s the problem?” Luca nearly shouted in exasperation.

  “It’s protection,” Sam said.

  Luca looked indignant. “What part of me killing Hendrick last night did you forget?”

  “Not you,” Gabriel said quickly. “Kit. It’s not just you who will carry the mating mark. If Kit doesn’t have one then he is fair game for any Alpha, especially those who now realize what he is. I can’t believe he didn’t say. I can’t believe he let you leave without marking him, unless as human he didn’t know. Kit not getting your mark is the one thing that can stop you being King. Without mating him you have no claim to Askara’s throne, no matter how strong you are, and there are many friends of Hendrick that would seek just such a revenge. They cannot kill you, but they could kill your omega.”

  A chill ran the length of Luca’s spine. That was what Kit had tried to tell him and he had been too stubborn to listen.

  “Sire, where is he?”

  Luca frowned. “He’s having breakfast.”

  Sam glanced at him in alarm. “Guarded?”

  Luca didn’t bother with the negative reply. He just exploded into a run and careered to the pack house. Luca heard the crying as he reached the doors and leaped up the steps, barging past the hurrying slaves and guards and running into the bedroom where he had left Kit. There, he found Tara sobbing in the middle of upturned trays, furniture, and food. “Sire,” she cried.

  Sam and Gareth rushed in behind him. Sam bent down as Luca, heart pounding, searched the room frantically. “Tell us, Tara, quickly,” Sam urged as he helped her to her feet.

  “Two wolves. They were escaping with him as I came back for the tray.” She gestured to the large broken window. It was too high for a human to safely scale but a werewolf would manage.

  “Did Kit see you?” Gabriel asked.

  Tara’s eyes filled. “He was unconscious. He had blood on his face.”

  Luca swallowed sickly. “He was breathing?” He barely dared ask.

  Tara paused and Luca felt his heart pound so hard it nearly broke his ribs. “Sire, he must be alive,” Sam said. “If killing was the intention, they wouldn’t have taken him.”

  “That you know of,” whispered Luca and sank to the bed. What have I done?

  Chapter Four

  Kit was stunned awake by the torrent of cold water that seemed to hit him like a brick wall. He gasped and spluttered at the same time as he was dragged to his feet.

  “Wakey wakey,” the hard, sing-song voice echoed sickly in his throbbing head. He barely had the strength to crack his eyes open. The sharp sting of the hand that slapped him across the face made him cry out.

  “Alpha, we don’t need him conscious,” the voice sneered.

  Kit opened both his eyes. They seemed to be in the middle of dense woodland but Kit had no idea where. The last thing he remembered was bolting to the bathroom when Luca had left, too ashamed to cry in front of Tara. Tara had tried to coax him from the bathroom, but she had eventually fallen silent. He had stayed in there for what seemed forever, and then he had cautiously opened the door to have it yanked out of his hand, then a punch to the jaw knocked him right out.

  He focused on the werewolf who stood in front of him. It didn’t look like Gareth had learned any lessons from Luca’s mercy last night.

  “Your King will kill you this time,” Kit said defiantly, bracing himself for the reaction, but Gareth just laughed.

  “You’re not marked, which means neither is he. Which means he won’t be crowned.” Gareth started slowly undoing his belt buckle.

  Kit shivered, his eyes watching Gareth’s slow, deliberate movements. “W-what are you doing?” He licked his dry lips.

  “Oh, I’m going to bed me a pure omega,” Gareth laughed, the sound cold and mirthless.

  Fear trickled over Kit’s skin. “It doesn’t work like that,” he whispered.

  “No?” Gareth mused. “What a shame.” He dropped his pants and Kit stared in horror at his large, erect cock. Kit struggled but the two gammas holding him were giants.

  “Please,” Kit implored.

  Gareth sneered again and glanced at the two men. “See how prettily he begs?” They both joined in the cold laughter.

  “Bedding me won’t make you Alpha King,” Kit tried again.

  Gareth took a step forward and nodded towards him. The gammas threw him belly up on the cold, hard ground. “You can leave,” Gareth said to the guards. “I can hold him with one hand and I shall enjoy the screams.”

  Kit whimpered. “You won’t be King,” he tried to reason.

  Gareth tilted his head as if he was considering Kit’s words and for a second Kit dared
to hope, until the cruel smile twisted Gareth’s lips. “Maybe not, little omega, maybe not. But without mating a pure omega, neither will Luca, and in another few minutes you will be mine.”

  “Alpha?” A man rushed through the undergrowth to where they were. “We have to leave. Our scouts have detected wolves, still far away but heading in this direction.”

  Gareth swore, but pulled his pants up. Kit nearly cried in relief. He tried to be brave. “Leave me here, and you may live.”

  Gareth laughed, a harsh, cruel sound, and raised his hand. Pain exploded in Kit’s head once more and everything immediately went black.

  When Kit woke the second time he wished he was still asleep and dreaming. He lay in a dim room of some sort, a hard mattress beneath his back. He knew he was naked and the room smelled musty and damp. He shuddered as a wave of heat slid over his skin. He was confused, barely conscious, but he should have been freezing, not gripped in a heat so fierce his skin felt like it was burning. His eyes shut even as sounds...voices, drifted over him.

  “What’s the matter with him?”

  If Kit had the energy he would have laughed. Apart from being kidnapped and beaten?

  “You hit him too hard, maybe?” He recognized the snarl from Gareth and heard a grunt as whoever had asked the question got hit.

  “Humans are weak,” snapped Gareth and then he snickered. “A good fucking will put him to rights.”

  “Alpha, you sure he’s not got the pox or anything?”

  Kit whimpered as a rough hand touched his burning cheek, scraping his skin like a knife. The voices faded in and out as his whole body thrummed in pain.


  “How do we start looking?” Gabriel asked frantically. He helped Tara stand. “Did you recognize them?”

  Tara shook her head miserably. “I’m so sorry, Sire.”

  “It isn’t your fault.” It’s my fault. Luca closed his eyes in despair and inhaled. The sweet scent he had associated with Kit last night was stronger near the open window.

  He snapped his eyes open. His smell. He could track Kit. Luca stared at Gabriel. “Delay the council meeting for this afternoon.” Luca took a breath and focused on his wolf. “Sam, you’re with me.” He turned for the door and for the second time that day he had shifted before he was out of the house.


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