The Billionaire Bull

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The Billionaire Bull Page 51

by Romi Hart

  Of course. The most gorgeous guy in the world had witnessed me stumbling around like a circus clown, trying to catch a flying map.

  A few feet away, his face brightened. His killer smile emanated from his face. “Jasmine?”

  Oh my god. He remembers me.

  My stupid cheeks blushed crimson. I couldn’t see them, but I knew I must have looked like a tomato from the heat that had suddenly taken over my face. I didn’t know how to act. How to speak. So I went for dumbass. “Yes?”

  With a little frown that didn’t affect his sexiness one bit, he handed me the map. My trembling hand took it, too scared to look him in the eyes. “It’s me, Alex Cantrell. I was in your restaurant a month ago?”

  Standing next to him, I was in complete awe of the guy. In his shorts and tight t-shirt, I could see the muscles in his arms and legs. And he was tall. Six feet at least. Dreamy. But still, I feigned ignorance. “Oh, yeah?”

  Way to go, Jas. What a bitch thing to say.

  I wasn’t trying to be aloof. I was just so unsure of myself that it came off that way.

  “Yeah. I asked you out? Your father turned me down for you…” he tilted his head a bit and reached out his hand to touch my chin so I’d actually look at him. “That guy. Remember him. The jackass who said the perfect steak was anything but that. You know the dopey guy who made your cousin cry?”

  Here you go, Jas, fix this lame shit pronto! “Alex! Yes. I remember you. Sorry about my father.” In fact, I hadn’t forgotten Alex since that day we met. I had thought about him nearly constantly for the last month. And here he was, right there. Looking at me.

  God, what do I have on? Is it sexy or boring? Why don’t I know how to dress for the love of Pete?

  Afraid that I was staring at him too much after I finally gave him my undivided attention, I forced myself to stare at the ground.

  With a chuckle he took me by the chin again, lifting my face to look at him. “Hey, don’t worry about that. I mean, I get it.” Then his hand moved away from my chin, breaking the contact that had my heart pounding as he opened his hands, gesturing to the campus as a whole. “Are you going here now?”

  “Yes, I am. First day.” I held up the map. “That’s why I desperately need this map.” Then I promptly felt like an idiot. Of course, anyone new needs a map.

  God, Jas! You act like you’ve never talked to a guy before. ‘I desperately need this map.’ What a moron…

  Alex chuckled. “I still need a map. This campus is huge!” He pulled out a folded up map from his back pocket to prove his words and that made me smile.

  Maybe I wasn’t such a dufus after all. “I don’t feel so bad then.” My eyes returned to the ground. Talking to Alex was terrifying.

  But there came his hand back to my chin. Lifting it up and making my body hot all over. “I have to say; I was very disappointed when your father told me that you were too busy to date anyone.”

  A grimace took over my expression as I was so embarrassed. “Yeah. My dad likes to talk on my behalf. I’m sorry about that. I hope he wasn’t too rude to you.”

  Alex just laughed. “I get it. I mean, I’ve heard of your dad, Jose Fontaine. I might have heard about his cantankerous personality.” He gave me a sly wink that had this edge of sexy to it. Like he wasn’t even aware of how gorgeous and charismatic he was. “My faculty advisor, Dr. Dupree, may have mentioned it. And he wasn’t too hard on me. Although my ego has been bruised ever since that fateful night when I was turned down for the first time. But getting to talk to your father, even if the words we exchanged were nothing I’d ever thought we’d talk about, was a dream come true for me.”

  “Rebecca Dupree?” I laughed, thinking about the conversational sparring my father and Rebecca got into whenever she visited the farm. “She’s wonderful. I love her. She’s been a big help on the farm. My dad bounces ideas off of her. He’s always looking for ways to improve his oxen.” I was kind of shocked Alex knew her. And kind of intrigued that he was in one of her classes.

  His smile was devastating as he looked at me. “She’s a huge fan of his.”

  “My dad doesn’t let a lot of people onto his farm. Rebecca is one of the select few. He’s super protective of his animals,” I explained.

  With a wink, he added, “And his daughter too, I guess.”

  “A bit,” I admitted. Standing there, looking down at my shoes, I worried Alex thought I was a child to have such a protective father who turned down dates for her, but when I glanced up, Alex’s spectacular eyes were shining at me.

  “Are you that busy today?” he asked. “I know your dad said…”

  “I’m busy after class today. I’m working the dinner shift at the restaurant,” I quickly answered, hoping to get Alex’s mind off my dad’s overprotective behavior. Alex’s smile wilted. So I added, “But, I’ve got a free hour between my classes for lunch.”

  His smile returned, even bigger. “Great!” We stared at each other for a brief moment, 0ur eyes peering deeply back at one another. Alex mesmerized me, his smile, his eyes, his upbeat personality. When I realized what was happening, I looked away, feeling the hot rush of anxiety creep up my neck.

  “What are you majoring in?” Alex asked, breaking the silence and relieving me of the awkward moment.

  “Food Science. The university just started an interdisciplinary program combining Food Science with Culinary Arts. There’s no other program like it in the country.” I stopped myself from babbling. Maybe he didn’t want to hear about my plans with my Food Science degree.

  But his reaction told me otherwise, “That’s amazing! You must be something else to get into it.”

  “I don’t know.” A twinge of embarrassment pierced my chest. I assumed that my application was accepted past the enrollment period because I was Jose Fontaine’s daughter.

  It bothered me slightly to think that was the reason for my unconventional acceptance, but simply being the great Jose Fontaine’s daughter wasn’t going to assure me good grades. I was determined to prove myself in the program.

  “Bet you are.” He playfully jabbed his elbow at my ribs. “I’ll meet you outside the Food Science building. I want to hear more about your program over lunch.”

  He does? Just probably being nice, I bet.

  “Ok. Sounds good.” I looked down at my map. “Do you happen to know where the Food Science building is?”

  Alex laughed. “Sure do. It’s right behind this building, McCarty Hall B. You can cut through.” He pointed to a set of doors straight ahead of me.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you later,” I said, walking away. I was vaguely aware that Alex might have been watching me. Shaky and nervous from talking to him, I made sure to focus on walking properly and not tripping on something.

  What kind of impression would that make? Falling ass over end right in front of him. It wouldn’t have been the first time I took an embarrassing spill in front of people.

  Once inside McCarty, I heaved a gigantic sigh. I couldn’t believe I had run into Alex on my very first day. What were the chances of that? We were going to meet for lunch! Was I dreaming?

  I’d secretly hoped that Alex would come back to the restaurant, but he never returned. It’s not like I could blame him. That would have meant he would have to deal with my dad again. Most people who sensed my father didn’t like them were wise enough to keep away.

  Alex’s directions were spot on. Exiting McCarty Hall B, put me right in front of the Food Science building. My excitement grew as I walked toward the tall, imposing building, but my happiness, unfortunately, had a subtle raw bitterness to it.

  If my father ever found out I had enrolled in UF, I’d probably see a level of astronomic anger I’d never seen before. Entering the doors of Food Science, I was full of hope that I would do well there and graduate without him ever finding out.

  Once I had my degree, I could present my father with my new ideas on how to revolutionize his business. If he didn’t approve, I, at least, had a degree that I coul
d use elsewhere.

  This degree was my key to freedom. Without it, I’d never be able to make it all on my own if my father disowned me for disobeying his wishes.


  It was a nice day out. The hot Florida summer had started to fade into Fall. The Reitz Union had just been renovated into a snazzy student gathering space with a game room, a meditation room, and staggered theater style grass seating right outside, facing Liberty Pond. It would be the perfect spot to take Jasmine for lunch and enjoy the nice weather.

  When Jasmine walked away to class, it left me about an hour to put together a picnic. I ran, literally, off campus to Phil’s Market. It was my favorite sandwich shop and only two miles through campus from where the Food Science building was. I ran a four-minute mile, but I obviously couldn’t sprint through campus like I wanted to or I’d look like a crazy person.

  Phil, the owner of Phil’s Market, was an elderly man from Portugal, who loved soccer or football as the rest of the world called it. He followed two teams religiously: The Florida Gators and currently Real Madrid, the team Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese forward, played on.

  With my Argentinian background, I naturally was a Lionel Messi fan. This fact was a matter of contention for Phil, who loved to bust my chops since Messi and Ronaldo were supposed rivals.

  From his usual position, right behind the sparkling clean countertop, Phil’s smile greeted me. “What can I get the best player on the Gator soccer team?”

  Jogging up to lean on the counter, I gave the blackboard behind him the once over. “I’ll take a turkey brie and green apple on a toasted baguette.”

  “I didn’t think Ronnie liked brie?” Phil chuckled at his own joke.

  I laughed too. “Good one, Phil. We all can’t be like Ronaldo. Except for one person: Messi.”

  His meaty fist raised high into the air as he made a hearty laugh. “Ay, ay, ay! Blasphemy in my shop!”

  I scoured the list of yummy sandwiches to find one more of the delectable delicacies. “I’ll also take a Phil’s Cubano on a Cuban roll.”

  Phil’s eyebrows raised. “Two sandwiches?”

  I felt goofy all of a sudden and on the spot. “Yes. I have a lunch date.”

  Phil hit the counter with his palm. “Ay! Lucky girl! It’s about time you had some romance in your life. All you ever do is soccer and study. Study and soccer!”

  Feeling a bit shy for some damn reason, I shoved one hand in my pocket and the other through my hair. “This girl is special.”

  His fast hands got to work on my sandwich as he gave me a wink. “Ya? Tell me about her.”

  “She has the prettiest big green eyes. Smart. Mature. Actually, works in her father’s restaurant. Not a lot of students at UF work and go to school like I do. I’m so impressed with her.” I felt myself smiling. Just the thought of her made me smile.

  Phil pointed at me with his large carving knife as he looked at me thoughtfully. “You need a responsible girl like that. Someone who can understand you.”

  He handed me the Cubano. The sandwich was warm in my hand. I just knew Jasmine would love the food I was bringing her for lunch. I hoped so anyway. It wasn’t like I had a clue what her tastes were. But she was into food, so I was putting all my money on Phil’s badass sandwiches.

  Stuffing everything into my backpack, I waved to Phil as I pushed the door open with my back. “Thanks again, old man.”

  “It’s no problem. Enjoy.” Phil vigorously waved goodbye. “Good luck with the girl.”

  Glancing at my iPhone, I saw that I had twenty minutes to get back to the Food Science building to meet Jasmine. I ran across campus again in anticipation. After Jose Fontaine came out that night to tell me Jasmine was too busy for dating, I was sure I’d never see her again, especially after seeing the look on Fontaine’s face. I could tell he was trying to keep it together, but his anger of me asking his daughter out was palpable.

  I kind of understood where Jose was coming from. My father was protective of my two little sisters, Trista and Carmen, but they were still in high school. I wondered if my dad would continue his iron grip over their whereabouts and activities when they were no longer teens.

  With five minutes to spare, I made it back to the Food Science building. Out of breath and dripping with sweat, I sat on a concrete bench, trying to look as relaxed and casual as possible.

  When Jasmine came out, I jumped up to greet her. “How was class?”

  “It was wonderful.” Her green eyes shone with enthusiasm. “Introductory to Food Science. I’m so excited for this semester. I already love all my classes.”

  “I thought we’d have lunch in front of Liberty Pond.” Gingerly, not trying to freak her out about it, I took her hand in mine, leading her to the pond. She did notice though, and I caught her looking at our clasped hands with a quick glance, but she didn't protest which I thought was a good sign. "It's right next to the Reitz Union, not too far from here, so you won't be late to your next class."

  Jasmine smiled as she cocked her head, coyly. “Ok. That sounds fun.” Her hand in mine had me walking on air. Girls usually didn’t affect me so much. It was all new to me, but a great kind of new. A new I wanted to fully experience. If she’d let me.

  We sat down on a grass step in front of Liberty Pond. She sat upwind from me, the cool breeze moved her sweet scent through the air, finding my nose. I couldn’t help but take a deep breath, pulling her essence into my lungs, my body.

  If I had thought for even half a second that she’d let me kiss her, I would’ve done it right then and there. The same way I had done with dozens of girls. But I wasn’t about to try to move too fast with Jasmine. I could tell there was something so innocent about her. If I moved too fast, I’d scare her off before I even got to know her, and I desperately wanted to get to know her.

  So unlike my usual approach to the female gender.

  I put my old ways to the side, deciding to go with humor. She seemed like she’d fall for humor rather than my usual seducing ways.

  I handed her a mineral water and held out the turkey and Cubano sandwich. “I had to run halfway across the world to get these. I have a turkey and brie on a toasted baguette and a Cubano on a Cubano roll? First pick is yours, my lady.”

  “I’d love the Cubano please.” The way her dark eyes twinkled made it hard for me not to grab her, toss her onto her back and kiss the ever loving shit out her. But I was going for a bit more than a roll in the hay with this one. I gave her the sandwich she asked for. “Is this from Phil’s?” She peeled back the wrapper, giving the Cubano a good look.

  Mimicking the man, I heaved a fist in the air, Phil’s signature move. “Ya!”

  Her laugh rippled on the breeze. It was sweet, charming, and it very inappropriately made my cock thump. “Phil is such a sweetie. I love his sandwiches.” She took a dainty little bite then moaned as she chewed it. “I love this, Alex. Thank you so much. You’ve made my first day something to really remember and cherish.”

  “Awe, it’s nothing, really.” I felt a little rush of excitement that I’d made her day simply by bringing her lunch. “You know Phil?”

  Jasmine shrugged. “Well, yeah. Everyone in the food biz knows my father, you know? Especially after that Netflix documentary. Like, literally, everyone knows my father.”

  Just then, Dr. Dupree walked her way up the grass steps. “Alex!” She waved, smiling at me. Looking at Jasmine, she stooped to hug her. Jasmine jumped up to hug her back. “Jasmine! It’s good to see you!”

  “Hi, Rebecca.” Jasmine hugged her. “Good to see you too!”

  “How is your father?” Rebecca jokingly elbowed her in the ribs. “Still ornery?”

  Jasmine was all smiles. “Of course!”

  She was Rebecca to Jasmine, but she’d always be Dr. Dupree to me. She turned her attention to me. “Alex, I just read your lab report on your bugs. It looks like they’re coming along spectacularly. Keep up the good work. You have the meticulousness and patience of a scientist. You
should consider a career in academic research.” She paused as if just remembering that I already had a career in mind. “If you ever decide not to pursue soccer professionally that is.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Dupree. I love working in your lab. And it does help me pay the bills.” Even bad boy jocks have bills to pay. But I doubted most of my conquests knew I was a lover of bugs.

  Dr. Dupree stepped back to look at us both with a sly grin on her face. I knew she had to be wondering what we were doing together. We couldn’t have been more opposite. “I’ll leave you two to lunch.” She gave us a wave as she climbed up the grass stairs, leaving us alone once more.

  The disgusted look on Jasmine’s face had me laughing. “Bugs?”

  “A man has to make money, girl.” I shrugged. “I work for Dr. Dupree in her lab, studying how diet impacts female mate choice in leaf-footed cactus bugs.” I took a sip of my mineral water to let her digest that little tidbit about me.

  She nodded as she contemplated what I’d said. “Wow. I never considered diet having any impact on mate choice.” She took another bite of her Cubano, looking genuinely interested in my research work.

  With that interested look on her pretty face, I decided to go on, “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. Leaf-footed cactus bugs feed on the prickly pear cactus all year long, but the bugs eat different parts of the cactus depending on the season.”

  Jasmine nodded her head while chewing, encouraging me to keep talking about my bugs. “Go on Alex. This isn’t something I’ve ever thought about. But I have to say I find it interesting. You’re a lot deeper than I first gave you credit for.”

  And with that compliment, I went on, “In the spring, the cactus bugs eat the cactus flowers, by June they’re eating on the green fruit, and by Fall, the bugs feast on high quality ripened green fruit. What we’re trying to answer is: are the females choosing their mates based on the mate’s quality, you know like body or leg size, or the quality of the cactus the males are feeding on?”

  Her smile told me she was impressed with my brain. Not a thing I often showed girls. “That’s fascinating. Food and mate choice. Who would have thought?”


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