Every Day is an Atheist Holiday!

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Every Day is an Atheist Holiday! Page 25

by Penn Jillette

  Glenn Alai runs everything that Penn & Teller and/or Penn and/or Teller do. If he only had good-looking clients, he’d make Colonel Parker look like a slacker. Glenn can do anything. He could have written this book, but he was busy with other things.

  I want to thank everyone who is mentioned in this book. Thanks for letting me in your lives. When that whole weird Chick-fil-A gay thang happened (remember that), I called Clay Aiken and asked him if we could make out together at a Chick-fil-A near him. He laughed. That would have been a real photo op. Yup, I make fun of Clay, but you know… I like him. Same with Donald Trump. Well, not the same with Donald Trump. Nope, not exactly the same with Donald Trump—for the love of fuck, get rid of that birther shit—but keep the hair. I love stupid hair.

  Teller—you all know, and he knows better.

  I can sum up this whole book with three short names—EZ, Mox, and Zz. My family gives me the love and joy to make every day an atheist holiday. They taught me what it means to cry with happiness. I never understood that before these guys.

  Bob sang, “It frightens me the awful truth of how sweet life can be.”




  They made me feel that. Love minus zero, no limit.


  Penn Jillette has been the louder, larger half of the Emmy Award–winning, world-famous magic duo Penn & Teller for more than thirty-five years. He is the author of God, No! and the novel Sock, as well as several co-authored books with Teller. He has appeared on countless radio and television shows and films: from Howard Stern to Glenn Beck to the op-ed pages of The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times, to The Celebrity Apprentice, Dancing with the Stars, Numb3rs, MTV Cribs and Chelsea Lately. As part of Penn & Teller, he has appeared more than twenty times on David Letterman, as well as on The Simpsons, Friends, Top Chef, The View and more. Jillette is the producer, with director Paul Provenza, of The Aristocrats. He co-hosts the controversial series Penn & Teller: Bullshit!—which has been nominated for sixteen Emmy Awards. More than 350,000 people visit the Penn & Teller Theater at the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas every year. Jillette lives with his family in Las Vegas.


  God, No! Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales



  How to Cheat Your Friends at Poker: The Wisdom of Dickie Richard


  Penn & Teller’s How to Play in Traffic

  Penn & Teller’s How to Play with Your Food

  Cruel Tricks for Dear Friends


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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Jillette, Penn.

  Every day is an atheist holiday! : more magical tales from the author of God, no! / Penn Jillette.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 978-1-101-60074-0

  1. Religion—Humor. 2. Atheism—Humor. 3. American wit and humor. I. Title.

  PN6231.R4J546 2012 2012035920


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