Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed?
Page 15
Stepping back, Gran ran a quick hand through her orange hair. Then she beamed down at her squirming namesake. “I knew your fiancé would come back for me,” Gran enthused.
Lo squinted from Gran to Max. “That was you at the nursing home?”
Max nodded, then glared pointedly at Josephine. “And it was nice there.”
Gran chortled. “Oh, I guess it wasn’t so bad—in retrospect.” Gripping Lo’s elbow excitedly, Gran raced on. “Max says if you marry him that I might get a garage apartment. And Helen and Gladys already signed me up for bingo.”
Lo blinked. “You met Helen and—”
“Oh, yes, I’ve been at the cottage for hours.” Gran looked sorely offended that Lo might think otherwise. “Your neighbors are very nice. I just didn’t want to burst in on you during labor. I was afraid the shock of seeing me.well, who knows what could have happened! Anyway, the second Josie was born, we all headed over here.”
“You came in earlier this evening?”
“Max flew down and personally packed my things and then he brought me back in a little plane they use at some newspaper he works for. Isn’t that right, Max?”
“Yes, ma’am. And that little paper I work for is the New York Times—”
Gran didn’t hear. She was too busy wringing her hands. “Are you going to marry him or not, Lo?” Just as Dotty reentered the room, Gran wrestled Josephine away from Max and said, “Well?”
“Yeah, Gran,” Lo replied with a soft chuckle. “Of course I’m going to marry him.”
With a satisfied nod, Gran turned so Dotty could admire Josie. “Isn’t she a beauty?” Gran murmured. “Just like my Lo. And she’s named after me, of course.”
Lo shook her head. “I expected to catch hell about getting pregnant”
“And instead you caught me.” Max chuckled and leaned close, draping an arm around Lo and nestling her against his side. He winked. “On the plane, I gave Gran a long, detailed account of how happy I’m going to make you.”
Lo smiled. “And you bribed her with that garage apartment.”
Lo’s eyes shifted from Max just long enough to gaze tenderly at the two Josephines—old and young. Sighing, Lo thought about all that lay ahead—meeting her in-laws, the picnics and cookouts and days at the beach.
“I’ll reopen the Dreamy packaging plant,” she suddenly said. Since she wanted to stay home, at least until Josie went to school, she could become a silent partner, funding the reopening of the plant with all the money she’d saved.
But none of that really mattered now. All that mattered was that her family was here. She gazed deep into Max’s eyes—those heart-stopping, soulwarming eyes.
“Everything’s perfect,” she murmured. “Isn’t it, Max?”
“Sure is.” He smiled, nuzzling his cheek against the top of her head. “What could possibly be more perfect than you?”
“One thing.”
Max tilted his head and caught her lips in a quick, sweet, gentle kiss. “What’s that?” he whispered.
“Us,” Lo whispered back.
eISBN 978-14592-7433-4
Copyright © 1997 by Julianne Randolph Moore
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Table of Contents
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Dear Reader
A funny thing happened.
Books by Jule McBride