Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book)

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Single Mom for the Billionaire (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book) Page 12

by Davis, Alexa

  He waved out his arms and lifted his eyebrows. “Man, I’m the best lawyer around. If anyone can sort anything, it’s me. This asshole won’t know what’s happened until I smack him in the face...metaphorically of course.”

  I nodded slowly as the tight knot of stress loosened in my stomach. I felt better now; this was progress. It was good. Ryan would sort out this asshole of an ex and Elle would be happier. She would also be utterly grateful to me, too.

  Not that I was doing it for that, of course.

  “Thanks, Ryan, I really appreciate it. This means a lot to me.”

  “The trip to Mexico better be the best damn thing of my life,” he grumbled as a reply. “Or I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Yeah, yeah, it will be.” I was distracted as I answered, barely listening.

  “I want to be able to spend time with any of your staff members I want...” he said warningly. “I don’t want any of your preachy shit ruining my trip. If I do this for you, I want to get some damn fun out of it.”

  “Sure, whatever. It doesn’t matter; you do what you want.”

  But my mind wasn’t on Mexico. I didn’t care about that at all. All I could think about was the sad look on Elle’s face as she crumbled and fell apart. This man – this toxic asshole of a man – ruined Elle. He had been doing it for years, so it seemed. I hated the fact that he was using that sweet little girl just to get back at his ex-wife. She was his child, what sort of person did that to his own child? What sort of man was this horrible guy? I just hoped I didn’t come across him in the streets. There was no telling what I’d do.

  Or maybe I did want to come to him. Maybe he needed some damn sense knocked into him. Maybe seeing him in a dark alley was just what he needed...

  Chapter Twenty



  I watched in shock as Alex raced from the room at a million miles an hour with an unreadable expression on his face. My heart raced, nausea washed over me, and I could hardly breathe.

  “What is he...” I asked while looking at Katherine. She didn’t even both to answer me; she just shrugged and continued sipping her drink. “Okay, well whatever. I suppose I better get to work.”

  “Oh honestly, there isn’t anything for you to do today,” Katherine insisted. “I just need some stuff to be passed down to me from my wardrobe, that’ll all. After that...”

  “You want me to go?” I felt sick. If she wanted me to go, then I’d just be stuck at home with only my thoughts for company. It was okay with Terran and Delaney around me, but I didn’t want to be alone. “Honestly, I’m okay. I can work.”

  “Actually, I hoped we could just chat today.” She smiled at me. “I could use a friend, and it sounds like you could, too.”

  “Yeah okay.” That didn’t sound too bad. In fact, it sounded like the best idea in the world to me. “Fine, I’ll make some drinks then.”

  As I poured the drinks my mind whirred, except for the first time since I was served the papers on Saturday I wasn’t thinking about Mark. Well, not just Mark. Of course, I couldn’t shut him from my mind completely, but now I was thinking about Alex, too. He was desperate to help, I could see it in his eyes, and a desperate man would do crazy things. That offer to hire Terran to work for him just to keep her away from Mark...that was crazy.

  “Your friend still works for your ex-husband. Are you serious? That’s insane. Are you sure you can trust her?”

  I knew for a fact that I could trust Terran – she’d been my best friend for far too long for that. She suffered all sorts with me; there was no way she would turn her back on me. And certainly not for Mark.

  Although ... I hated myself for thinking it, but Terran did have a secret boyfriend at the moment. What if... Could it be... It made me want to weep for even thinking it but what if it was Mark? What if she was dating Mark behind my back? Was that how she knew about the custody agreement? What if she was taking Delaney to see him behind my back?

  I clutched my stomach to stop the anxiety bubble from exploding inside of me. Rationally I knew it wouldn’t be the case; there was just no way... But Alex had gotten into my head, making me think things that I shouldn’t. He didn’t mean to, but I was in a vulnerable state. I would probably have thought anything.

  “You know Alex, and I will do what we can to help you?” Katherine interrupted my thoughts with her very kind offer. “Anything you need. I know he seems a little crazy at the moment, but he isn’t a bad guy. He just gets very passionate about things he cares about.” She paused for just a beat too long. “And, I guess one of the things he cares about it you.”

  There was a hidden meaning in her words, but I didn’t really pick up on any of it. I was in too much of a state to see through anything.

  “Yeah, erm, thanks. I really appreciate that. I just... Well, you know what it’s like. I don’t want to lose Delaney. She’s everything to me.”

  “Oh, I know...”

  With that, a fresh wave of tears flew from my eyes and splashed onto my cheeks. Katherine made a sympathetic noise and pulled me back into a hug. Against her chest at least I felt like I had people around to support me. There wasn’t anything that I could do, but it could have been worse. I could have been alone.


  I wasn’t sure how much later it was, but it didn’t feel like it had been all day before the door slammed back open and Alex came in. I glanced over at the clock, and it was almost five o clock. The whole day had whizzed past. I’d done a few odd jobs for Katherine, but we’d spent a lot of the day just relaxing and talking.

  I would have to remind Alex not to pay me for today.

  “Oh hey...” I started, but it quickly became obvious that he still had a manic expression on his face. I straightened my back and tried my best to prepare myself for what was to come. I had a feeling it was going to be an onslaught. “What’s going on?”

  “I have a lawyer sorted out for you,” he gushed with a smile. “He’s going to help find out what’s going on with this case, and he’s going to shut it down. He’s great, too, one of the best.”

  “Oh.” Wow, I was totally touched by the gesture. It was just unfortunate that it was so misplaced. “Thank you, I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I can’t afford a lawyer, especially not one of the best...”

  “Don’t worry about payment.”

  “No,” I shook my head frantically. “No, I can’t ask you to pay for it.”

  “I’m not going to. He’s my friend, and he owes me some favors. He’ll do it for free.”

  “Really?” I gasped in shock. “Are you...are you serious?” I almost couldn’t breathe with the shock. I felt all the air balling up in my throat and sticking. Was it possible that I would actually have a fighting chance against Mark? I wondered. That was all I could ask for. At least with a slight crack of light sliding through the door, I could actually win. “That’s too much.”

  “I need to help,” he told me simply. “It isn’t right what’s happening to you.”

  We shared another intense look, and I felt like everything that had flowed between us on the night we had the accidental date came back and intensified. Alex had somehow become my knight in shining armor, and I didn’t know how I could thank him enough. “I need to do something,” I said. “I need to make it up to you.”

  “There’s no need. I just feel much better that I’m helping.” Over his shoulder, Katherine gave him a proud look. Clearly, this was why she respected him so much. “No need to do anything.”

  “I’ll cook you dinner.” The idea came to me from nowhere. I couldn’t afford to take him out anywhere as he did me, but I could cook. “I can cook for you on Wednesday again?”

  “Oh.” His eyes widened in surprise, but he seemed happy about the shock. “Yeah, sure, that sounds great.”


  A pregnant paused filled the air for a moment. I felt the intense need to fill it, but since no one else was doing so, I didn’t bother. I just stood there and waited. As
I looked at Alex, an actual smile burst up onto my lips. The reason Mark had so much power over me was that he knew how to back me into a corner, how to leave me helpless. I didn’t want to admit it, but deep in the pit of my brain, I had thought that I might even have to get back with him just to keep Delaney in my life. It wasn’t the best plan, it left me back in a toxic situation that would only affect Delaney later on in life, but it was better than leaving her alone with him.

  “Well, I suppose I better go,” I eventually felt compelled to say. “I need to get back to Delaney.”

  Plus I want to talk to Terran. Not that I would say that part aloud. Instead, I gave Alex and his mom a grateful grin.

  “Thank you for today,” Katherine said. “And, I’ll see you tomorrow, if you’re up for it.”

  I took off down the stairs with a lighter bounce in my step. Yes, I still needed to speak to Terran just to be sure, just to get rid of any doubts in my mind, but on the all things were looking up. Mark didn’t have full control of me after all.


  Delaney’s breaths grew deeper and louder as she drifted into sleep. I smiled to myself as I watched her dreaming soundly. She didn’t know what the hell was going on around her, which was exactly how things were supposed to be. She was much too young to deal with any adult problems. It was just good that Terran was here to stop her from seeing me when I fell into sobs.

  Speaking of which...

  I made my way into the living room where Terran sat on the couch staring at the television screen. I sucked in a few terrified breaths, wondering how exactly I would deal with this. I just needed to push any thoughts of her with him out of my brain for good. I didn’t even believe it; I just had to know.

  “T... Terran?” I asked her cautiously. “Can I have a word with you?”

  “Hmm? Sure.” She barely paid any attention to me. She didn’t even drag her eyes from the screen.

  I took the seat next to her and twisted my body until I was staring at her. “I know you haven’t wanted to say much, but I feel the need to ask again...” Finally, she turned her head and gave me a curious look. “Who...who is your boyfriend?”

  Immediately, as expected, her eyes flicked away. “I don’t feel ready to talk about it yet.”

  “I know.” I hated myself; this was the worst thing to ever happen to me. “I know you don’t. It’s just...someone... no, I... I’m scared it’s Mark.”

  I slid my eyes shut and waited to get yelled at. My shoulders hitched up; I braced, I bit down on my bottom lip. But shockingly I didn’t get anything. I dared a peek, just to spot a very guilty look on my friend’s face. Could it be real? Was this actually happening? If it were then everything I’d believed in, all the foundation of my life, it would fall right apart.


  “It isn’t Mark,” she shot back rapidly. “I would never do that to you.” Her eyes fell closed. Whatever she was going to say, there was no way I would like it. “But it is Chris.”

  Chris? Who the hell is Chris?

  I didn’t say anything. I just waited for her to explain. Eventually, she started talking again. “Chris, Mark’s friend.”

  Oh, God.

  I didn’t know the guy well; he was just one of those people who was eventually mentioned. I searched inside myself to work out how I felt about that, but actually, I didn’t feel anything.

  “Oh... Alright.”

  Terran narrowed her eyes at me. “That’s all you have to say? I’ve been torturing myself about this for weeks, thinking you would hate me for getting involved with someone who’s sort of friends with your ex, and that’s all you have to say?”

  “Friends, or sort of friends?” I had to ask, that was kind of important.

  “Sort of now.” She shrugged. “He doesn’t like the man he’s slowly becoming.” She stared at me intently once more. “I don’t ever speak to him about you, so that you know.”

  “It’s fine,” I interrupted. “Actually, I don’t mind. As long as it isn’t Mark, it really doesn’t matter.”

  And it was. If Terran had found someone special, I was all for it. Even if it was a little complicated. Then again, what love story was straightforward?

  Chapter Twenty-One



  I sighed loudly as I crashed through the front door to my mom’s house. As soon as I finished work, I popped into my own home to check things over, quickly discovering that I had a lot of mail to sort through. I assumed it would only take me a while to check it all over, but as it turned out, it left me mentally drained. Honestly, what a nightmare!

  After all that I’d been through, I would have thought that I’d be looking forward to getting back to my own house permanently. When I first came to stay with Mom, I assumed it would only be a temporary thing, but I was growing increasingly used to it. Especially with Elle around. Of course, she made it a lot more appealing.

  “Oh, hi.” My face twisted up into a smile as I spotted her there in Mom’s kitchen, leaning over the stove. “I didn’t know you would still be here.”

  “I’m cooking you dinner, don’t you remember?” She turned to give me the most adorable smile in the world. “To say thank you for helping me out with the lawyer. You’ve done so much for me; it’s the least I can do.”

  “Oh thank goodness,” I groaned as I slumped into a chair around the dining table. “I’m starving, and whatever you’re cooking smells absolutely delicious. Thank you, Elle.”

  As she turned with a spatula in her hand, I sucked in a deep breath of air. She was wearing tight-fitting leggings and an oversized tee shirt. Maybe it wasn’t a fancy dress, but she wore it as if it was. Her beauty radiated through and made her stunning. I liked her, so much more every time I saw her.

  “You’re welcome. So, why don’t you tell me about your day?”

  “Urgh, busy,” I groaned. “Stressful.”

  “That’s how you like it, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, I suppose it is.” I glanced my eyes around, but couldn’t see my mom anywhere. “Where’s Mom? Is she okay?”

  “Actually, she’s great.” Elle’s face broke into an even wider smile. “Her friend came over earlier on to take her out to bingo.”

  “What?” My heart shot up into my throat. “But she’s still in a cast; she can’t go out...”

  Elle laughed, totally blowing my inner turmoil to one side. “She can do what she wants – she is an adult, remember. Plus, I wouldn’t have let her go if I didn’t think she would be totally fine. Her friend is totally capable of looking after her. She’s going to bingo; she’ll be sitting down for a couple of hours, she’ll be fine.”

  As she looked at me, I could feel my opinion changing a little. Maybe I was worrying a bit too much.

  “Remember, she’s an independent woman with a social life. Even before the fall, she was struggling with being stuck indoors more than she’s used to. If she wants to go out for just one night – not even night, evening – then you should let her. She has her cell phone; she’ll call if need be.”

  I nodded slowly as the tight knot in my chest loosened. I knew I was a control freak, but I didn’t want to stifle the people in my life just because I couldn’t let go. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  “So, I guess it’s just you and me.”

  My heart fluttered as she said those words. Was it just me or did she mean something by that? Was she trying to suggest that something might happen? I gulped noisily, trying to keep my emotion inside as I considered that option. There had been something building between us for ages now, but for it to actually be something real...

  Am I really ready to dip my pen in the company ink?

  Even thinking about things in that way was too much. Elle wasn’t just someone that I’d have sex with and never see again. She wouldn’t just be someone random. I couldn’t explain it, even to myself, but I knew it would be so much more

  “Well, that’s okay.” My mind raced. I needed to think of something
to say. Anything. I couldn’t ask her how her job was; I knew what she did all day long. “How is your daughter?” I blurted out instead.

  Elle sighed, her face fell. Instantly, I knew that I’d done something wrong. Mentioning Delaney probably reminded her of her shit-head ex...that wasn’t what I was going for. “She is great actually. She’s doing really well at school. I’m very proud of her... I just don’t want her to have a massive, unnecessary life upheaval; you know what I mean?” She shook her head as if trying to rid her brain of any negative thoughts. “Anyway, here’s dinner. Let’s eat.”

  She placed a rack of ribs with steamed vegetables in front of me, making my mouth water. “You are such an amazing cook, honestly. This smells and looks incredible.”

  Elle smiled proudly and sat down opposite me. I watched as she blew out a breath of air, brushing her hair out of her face. The gesture pressed her lips out into a kissing position which instantly sent my brain into terrible, filthy things. I pictured her mouth all over mine, brushing against my neck, working down my stomach towards my...

  Shit, stop it. I shook my head and tried to keep my brain sorted. Behave.

  “Just to let you know, Ryan is a great lawyer. He has a ruthless reputation for a reason. He takes no prisoners, you know?” Elle gave me an expectant look. “He will take good care of you.”

  “Yeah? I mean, I know he has to be good because you’ve recommended him, I just...” She bit down anxiously on her bottom lip. She was holding back, and I wanted to know why.

  “Go on,” I said encouragingly. “Whatever it is you have to say, just say it.”

  “I’m just scared. I’m putting my faith in someone I don’t know. Delaney is my life. I’m scared that something will go wrong...”

  “Your ex won’t know what’s hit him,” I replied reassuringly. “Honestly, Ryan knows what he’s doing.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  I didn’t want to mention it again because I knew it was a touchy subject, but I felt compelled to say something. I wasn’t sure what it was, but there was something about Elle’s friend that didn’t ring right. “Did you get a chance to speak to Terran?” I kept my eyes fixed on my plate as I delved right in. “Did you ask her about her mysterious boyfriend?”


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