Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5) Page 6

by Kylie Parker

  Chapter Fourteen

  There was a brief press conference, and Selena excused herself slipping off to the bathroom. She felt uncomfortable, tight and nauseous, not sure where she fit in in this picture. She was Selena, the quiet reporter. She wanted Lawrence. No, she needed her Maestro, but could she handle the lifestyle and expectations he had of her? Leaning against the sink, the cold water run through her hand, she splashed some on her face. The water made her want to get wet, and her thoughts returned to Lawrence. The way he touched her, commanded her arousal, she would do anything to keep that feeling. And here she was complaining about being at one of the most talked about parties of the year. Beth would slap her. She should be having fun, especially knowing she was going home with Lawrence.

  Sighing she pushed herself to go back out there. It was the uncertainty that made her nervous. She wasn’t exactly sure what Lawrence wanted of her or expected from her. Still, she trusted him and was nowhere near done playing with him. Onward! She thought to herself as she opened up the door and went back to her table. Lawrence wasn’t there when she arrived so she sat down, smiled at the others and sipped her water.

  Dancing had resumed, and the hall had darkened with mood lighting from chandeliers above them. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lawrence speaking to a group of men dressed almost identical to him. Walking over to them she smiled as she noticed all eyes on her. Swaying her hips a little as she walked she noticed that although all the men were older than Lawrence by twenty years at least, they were all looking at her and nodding their approval to him.

  “There you are.” He reached for her and held her in front of him.

  Selena was slightly unsure as he kissed the top of her head if she should react with affection. This was a public event, and he smelled and acted like he had his share of drinks. It didn’t feel right to announce their desire for each other. Still, Lawrence whispered in her ear how eager he was to get her out of her dress, and she let out a quiet sigh. One of the men next to Lawrence nudged him asking if he could be next. Replying in playful, flirtatious banter with Selena, Lawrence joked with the other men and groped her openly. Biting her lip, Selena’s stomach flopped. The one man, in particular, made her uncomfortable, and she was not enjoying the scenario and was starting to feel trapped. She tensed and froze.

  Leaning over to look at her, Lawrence spoke more softly, “What do you think babe?”

  Feeling put on the spot, Selena ducked her head down, avoiding the drooling gaze of the man beside her. For a minute she panicked and wanted to flee. Then, moving slowly, she whispered into his ear, “guava.”

  Lawrence’s eyes widened, and he wrapped one arm firmly around her waist. “Well gentlemen, goodnight.” He spoke clear and concise and walked away, with Selena beside him, cradled in his arms. They walked out the door, down the hall, and into an elevator. Once the door closed, Lawrence looked around and then whispered. “I am sorry.”

  Standing silently, Selena waited as Lawrence walked them to a private suite on the top floor. Once there, with the door shut tight behind them and the assurance that security was taken care of, she wrapped her arms around him.

  “Thank you.” She said kissing him over and over. “That was amazing.”

  “That’s what we do, babe.” He said. “That’s why we have the word. I want you to always be comfortable Selena.”

  Then scooping her up he kissed her lips and moved across her face, down her neck to her chest. She moaned and wiggled eager to get him naked. Illuminating the room with the touch of a switch, Lawrence swung around, previewing the luxurious room by giving her a 360-degree view. She giggled in his arms, giddy about finally getting him alone. Setting her down he slipped her dress off with a tug and pushed her onto the bed. Then, stripping off his clothes, letting them fall onto the floor with her dress he stalked towards her, his eyes on her body, licking his lips with anticipation.

  “Are you comfortable?” He asked Selena, hovering over her quivering body.

  “Yes. Please touch me, Maestro.” She begged, arching into him.

  He met her need and touched her with his hands, chest, skin and tongue. Simply and primal he ravaged every inch of her taking her and making her his with every thrust. Overcome by his intense need, the waves of passion built up and shattered repeatedly pushing Selena into orgasm as Lawrence continued pushing himself upon her. Finally, overcome by exhaustion, they collapsed onto each other.

  “I want to talk to you about something,” Lawrence said, once their breathing returned to a slower pace.

  “Anything,” Selena said

  “I want you, Selena. You are mine, and I need it to stay that way. But there are certain things that have to be done.” Lawrence began.

  “Ok,” Selena said, uncertain at what he was getting at, too comfortable on his chest, with his arms around her to move and see his expression. “I am sorry about earlier this evening…I didn’t mean to…I…I…”

  “You trusted me and used our word. You did what you are supposed to.” He tightened his hold on her. “You proved that you are mine, and I was hoping you would agree to my terms.”

  “Terms?” Selena asked, her head spinning trying to decipher what he meant. When she played, she played for keeps, but she figured for Lawrence it was more businesslike. Just like the merger he would acquire women and use them when it suited. When a man could have any woman he wanted, he didn’t choose just one woman.

  “We both want to keep playing; that much is obvious. If we can’t keep our hands off each other, we need an agreement. And, I am not sure if you have done this before, but it is safer for both parties to get it in writing.” Lawrence spoke slowly, rubbing his hands up and done her, rolling closer to her, beginning to touch her once more.

  “All I want is to touch you. Our games. They make me feel…amazing. What sort of agreement do you mean?” Selena asked feeling again like she was in business negotiations with the man. But he had the upper hand, didn’t he. He was the only person who knew she didn’t write the articles. She sighed.

  “Up until now, we have had a spoken understanding. That will not work for a permanent situation. I am asking you to sign a legal document, a play agreement.” Lawrence shifted to look at her, sensing she was unsure, aching to stop talking and enjoy her once more. His legal department had been bugging him since it became obvious he was spending excessive time with her. They always covered him, and he knew, for the bigger picture they were right. He had taken risks even they didn’t know about.

  “Can I read it before I decide?” Selena asked tentatively.

  “Of course. I will send you a copy, and you can review it. We will discuss it again tomorrow.” He kissed her and looked at her with his brooding eyes.

  Nervous and uncertain, she was too far in to just walk away now. She had risked too much, and she was beginning to need his touch, his gentle guidance and... his touch…rough…hard…gentle…she needed it. Would the agreement dictate how many orgasms she could have? She giggled out loud and covered her mouth. Then, feeling playful she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. Both still naked, she could feel the effect beneath her as the sheet fell from her and exposed her body moving on top of his. She danced a little grabbing his hands away when he tried to touch her, teasing him into full arousal. Holding her hands and swaying with her dance he watched her beautiful body with wide eyes. Bit by bit she lowered herself until he was fully inside her. Moaning she leaned forward and released his hands, her breasts rubbing his chest in time to their rhythm.

  In one swift motion, he grabbed her and flipped her over, without missing a beat. Holding her now in front of him he thrust hard, groaning deep and low. Reaching around he touched her, rubbing her even as he pushed deeper inside her. Crying out in pleasure, waves of intense passion swirling around her she begged for release, “Please Maestro, please.” She almost yelled.

  Lawrence stopped and pushed her back onto the bed, spinning her onto her back. Breathing heavy, she spread her legs and wrappe
d them around him, pulling her to him, aching for him to take her over the edge. Smiling mischievously, he pushed his hips back into and lay on top of her, refusing yet to satisfy her.

  “Not yet you naughty girl, we finish when I tell you. Got it?” Lawrence asked.

  “Yes, Maest-OHHHH!” Selena finished in ecstasy as Lawrence put his mouth to her breast, tonguing her with the same rhythm he was using between her legs, stopping once again just short of sending her over the edge.

  He stopped again and hovered over again, watching her try to stay still. Slightly squirming she bit her lip silently begging him to take her. She would do anything he wanted, sign anything, and agree to anything she just needed him to touch her to fulfill her deep desire for him. Watching her eyes on him he sank himself into her once more, relishing the wanton look in her eyes, dripping with need. She pulled him into her and held him tight, legs locked around his hips as the built their rhythm moving faster and faster until together they shuddered their release. Neither of them spoke as they fell to the bed, holding hands.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Waking up, Selena reached for Lawrence and found the bed empty. Sitting up in the dark she blinked to get her eyes working. Across the room he turned to her, standing at the counter, humming quietly to himself. It was a new side of him. She shivered and snuggled into the blanket watching him standing at the counter, eating something, his white robe accentuated his dark tanned skin. She closed her eyes, keeping very still. Even the way he moved and ate was powerful, determined. A man who needed a contract for every aspect of his life. She laughed to herself and enjoyed watching him as he assumed she went back to sleep. For a moment she wondered how many other girls he had like her. She shut the thought down, knowing he was with her now, and the rest didn’t matter. She would feel better after she had seen the contract.

  A while later, it must have been a few hours as the light was pushing its way through the drawn curtain, Lawrence woke her up with breakfast in bed. He sat beside her and spoke while she ate.

  “I have to go into the office to smooth over some issues. I’ll have a car come taken you back home. They will call when it arrives. I will meet you back there later this afternoon, and we can talk. Oh my Selena, I need to get you away somewhere, soon. But for now, you head home tomorrow, and I fly out for another meeting. So we will have to figure something out when I get back.” He kissed her when she stopped eating and looked at him with wide eyes. He was still in his robe, and he slid in closer to her, bracing her one side. “I don’t want to push you into anything. So while I have sent you the contract, I think we should wait to talk about it until I get back.”

  “Okay.” Selena agreed, forcing herself not to jump up and read it immediately.

  “Okay,” Lawrence repeated tilting her face to his and kissing her long and hard. “I have to go. I will see you later.”

  “Have a good day,” Selena smiled. When he shut the door behind him, she collapsed on the bed. He is not so eager to get the contract signed; maybe he is really flying off to see one of his other girls. One who does what he says and does not cause extra work for him. Signing, she pushed herself out of bed and showered. Getting dressed around Lawrence was always a treat because new clothes that fit her perfectly were always waiting for her. A more casual pants and shirt, conservative yet tailored, made of soft linen; Selena put them on realizing she hadn’t worn a bra the night before. Well so much for conservative. Her breasts bounced playfully under her soft shirt.

  Her phone’s battery was dead, and she slammed her fist in frustration. She had been putting off checking it, to read the contract and now she would have to wait longer. As she was trying to charge it the phone rang, it was her ride. Time to go. She looked around the room one last time to see if there was anything she was forgetting. On the way home, she charged her phone in the vehicle, reading the contract as it charged. At first, it was just a typical non-disclosure agreement, which made sense to Selena because of Lawrence’s power and position. The contract itself was more thorough, and it made their relationship sound like a business deal. And that is exactly what it would be. To the public, friends and family they would have a relationship but in private things would be much more complicated. He wanted her to submit to him, full time. Even reading over his requests, what would be required of her, laid out in simple legal terms, she felt herself growing hot.

  Section IV: Sub must not masturbate without expressed permission. All masturbation must be recorded and shared.

  If Sub disobeys, punishment will be three firm spanks. Four if masturbation leads to orgasm.

  Reaching down Selena touched herself, becoming wet with the idea of Lawrence dictating when she orgasmed, also tempting punishment she wanted him to spank her; she was his naughty girl. Impulsively feeling naughty and turned on by the contract, a feeling that surprised her, Selena took out her phone and set the video to record. In the dark back of the limo, she touched her nipple through her shirt and then slowly pulled it up exposing her chest. Holding the camera to record her actions she played with her nipple, making it hard. Then, since she only had one hand free, she let it roam slowly down under her waistband and rubbed herself, moaning. “Oh Lawrence, I got so turned on reading the contract.”

  After a few minutes, Selena felt frustrated trying to pleasure herself with only one hand. She readjusted and instead viewed the video she made. Smiling at her naughtiness, she sent it to Lawrence with the title, OPEN ALONE. In the message, she wrote that she had made a little video of her reaction to the contract. Feeling pleased with herself and especially naughty she sat back until she arrived back home. To Lawrence’s home. Settling in she talked first to her editor, confirming yes she would be back tomorrow but she would not be back to work until after the weekend. Beth tried to convince her to stay away longer; she and her boyfriend were enjoying the place to themselves. Selena laughed and encouraged them to pretend she wasn’t there. And finally, she confirmed she would go to dinner with her parents.

  After all that, she went to the kitchen to get herself a drink. Her phone rang, and she recognized right away it was Lawrence. Had he watched her video? She answered the phone innocently. “Hi.”

  “You naughty girl.” He growled.

  “Oh Maestro, I couldn’t help it.” She teased. She heard noises as if people entered a previously empty room.

  “We’ll finish this later.” He said and ended the call.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Before Lawrence got home, Selena read and reread the entire contract. She was trying to read between the lines and figure out all the answers that were not in there. As a legal document, it described consent regarding activities such as bondage and spankings. It explained what she could and could not say to others about their agreement and the details under which the contract could be nullified. None of it explained how he felt about her or what she was to him. Pacing the room, she knew she would sign it, eventually. She felt powerless to resist the emotional and sexual attraction. Now unleashed she knew she needed a kinky partner and trusted Lawrence so much she felt she loved him, which was ridiculous after only a few days.

  Still, she couldn’t equate this relationship, or business agreement, fitting into her life. Her cramped apartment didn’t lend itself to very creative play. Rushing on public transportation from assignment to the office, and putting in sometimes 14 hour days. There was no glamor or time for drawn out sexual play. Alas, in her real life she didn’t see a place for this fantasy that was opening a new awareness within Selena.

  The door banged open causing Selena to jump. Lawrence entered the room and moved towards her, eyes narrowed.

  “You forgot to close the door.” She said, looking at his excitement.

  Saying nothing he reached her, spun her around and bent her over. He pulled down her pants and spanked her hard, three times. It stung, and he spanked her harder than he had before. He was rough with her as he forced her back up to look at him. Leaving her with her pants around her ankles he paced back
to the door and slammed it shut. Then he stopped and took in the surroundings, eyes flitting back and forth as he seemed to not know what to do with her. His eyes stopped on a closet and Selena shuddered thinking what he had in store for her.

  Closing the closet door behind him, he brought out what looked like leather straps. It was a harness. Commanding her to strip naked he began strapping her in. First around her neck, then breasts, waist and thighs. Looking at his handiwork, he smiled and clipped on a leash.

  “There. Now come take a look at your naughty self. I will have to keep you on a leash until you know how to behave.” He pulled her to the mirror. The black leather harness perked up her breasts and weaved down her body, hands bound behind her. She trembled with desire when she saw his eyes on her body; owning her with a look, needing her.

  “Sorry. Maestro. It is so hard to be good; I will try harder for you Maestro.” She got down on her knees, begging him to believe her. He traced her mouth with his fingers, nudging her lips open and pressing into her.

  “You do things to me, Selena. Naughty things.” As he spoke, she mouthed his pants, wishing she had access to her hands, to undo his pants. Seeming to read her mind he pulled her to her feet. “You want to have an orgasm, Selena. If you do everything I say, you will be rewarded, now let’s play.”

  Lawrence unwound and began playing with Selena, bound and at his mercy. Teasing, taunting and biting her she moaned and begged him to take her. Repeatedly he told her to be silent, and when she uttered a sound, he would spank her hard. She liked it though and kept misbehaving for the punishment, so he pulled out a ball gag and silenced her. Tying her leash to the bed, he bent her over and instructed her to stay that way, still and immobile. Aroused, she tried rubbing herself on the bed. He spanked her hard and pinned her down; she felt his body, now naked press into her, briefly crushing her breathless.


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