Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5)

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Chasing Bad Boys: A Bad Boy Romance Series (Chasing Bad Boys Book 5) Page 9

by Kylie Parker

  Looking down at the folder she brought with her Selena cleared her throat, “I might be able to help with that.”

  The room went silent as they all looked at her in shock, waiting for her to continue. She fumbled the folder, picking at it as she chose her words carefully. “I have extra press passes for the event tonight.”

  No one spoke. John looked at her like she was an alien. A few of her colleagues glared at her like she was now a threat.

  Finally, John spoke slowly, “So I guess you are going to want one of them…”

  “Actually no.” Selena found her confidence thinking about what Maestro said to her. She opened the folder, pulled out the extra passes and handed them to the senior editor of the magazine. “I will be attending the event as a guest of Lawrence Scriva, and he wanted to ensure I wouldn’t have to work. The extra passes are so you can send others to cover the story.”

  “There are three passes here. With the other two, we can send a whole team with multiple cameras. This is a game changer folks.” John smiled as the rest of the staff turned to Selena in awe.

  “Oh, but there is one condition,” Selena spoke again trying not to smile. “I have to leave early today.”

  “Take the rest of the week off if you want.” John waved her away. “You’ve earned it.”

  Towards the back of the room, she heard someone muttering something vaguely inappropriate, and she didn’t care. She left the meeting and went back to her desk to finish her work for the day. After removing herself from the excitement, she watched on the periphery as plans were made. By 2:30 Selena figured she was in the clear that she wouldn’t be harassed or asked questions. Just then, Laura, the closest thing Selena had to a friend at work walked up, carrying two coffees. She set one down in from of Selena with a smile.

  “You haven’t been in the breakroom all week, I figured you were working hard, but this is crazy. A promotion and you are going out with the richest Bachelor in the city.” Laura cocked an eyebrow as she spoke.

  “Yeah,” Selena said deciding to ignore the second comment altogether. “I have been busy trying to catch up because I was away all last week. Thanks for the coffee.”

  “Sure. We should do coffee for real sometime and catch up since we will not be working together anymore.” Laura said.

  As she spoke, Jed walked up to them and put his hand on Laura’s shoulder. Speaking with a grin, he said, “We would all like to hear from you. You are doing everything right. We would all like some tutoring from you.”

  Laura looked at him sharply and then muttered her disagreement. Selena, hoping they would go away, looked down at her work and saw she should put everything away and shut down for the day. It was mind numbing and unnecessary, and the simple act of being at work was irritating her. All she could think about was Lawrence, being near him and the games they played. It would start as soon as she got in the car he would have waiting in ten minutes. Her Maestro would wind her up throughout the evening, taunting and teasing her to build up until she could not stand it any longer. A small moan escaped her lips, and Jed snapped his head back to her. Even Laura looked at her in surprise.

  It was Selena’s turn to start talking, she quickly gathered her thing and muttered to Laura that yes, they should catch up maybe lunch later the week. Laura looked pleased, and Jeb looked like he wasn’t sure what to say, which was a rare occurrence for him. She hadn’t been called that the car was waiting for her, but she headed downstairs anyway. Taking a breath in the empty elevator, she thought about tonight’s event. It would be the first time she would be attending something this big as a guest. Even as a reporter she usually shied away from events this big. Now, as Lawrence’s date, she was sure to have attention drawn to her. Though being with Lawrence would comfort her, and she would look to him for direction. In the reception area, she was told that her ride was waiting. The receptionist, Selena always forgot her name, gave her a strange look as Selena thanked her and walked out the door. Her usual driver was there but in a suit and driving a limo this time. He opened the door, and she climbed into the spacious vehicle.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Arriving at the Scriva property, Selena was disappointed that Lawrence was not there. He had hinted on some games before the event, and she was eager for his touch once again. Still, she was shown to his private quarters and told he had left instructions for her. Before looking around she entered the kitchen area, realizing she was thirsty and hadn’t eaten much all day. She opened the fridge and saw a bottle of wine chilling with a note that said, “Have a few drinks and relax while you get ready. Tonight is about enjoyment and pleasure.”

  Wine on an empty stomach might not be the best things, but she couldn’t resist. And it would take the edge off. As if reading her mind a knock on the door brought in a steaming plate of pasta that smelled divine. Sitting down at the table she ate, drank and read the instructions Lawrence had left her.

  My Selena,

  I had hoped to be there with you for some fun before tonight’s event. Unfortunately, something came up.

  Please eat, drink and play, without me. Though, as usual, I am always watching.

  Your dress is hanging in the bathroom. The car will leave at 5 pm and will pick me up on the way.

  Until then,

  XOX Maestro

  Of course, she stopped eating and went to look at the dress. It was long, black and looked like she would have to squeeze into it. There was a long slit up the right leg, and Selena smiled thinking of how she could taunt Lawrence in it, so he would peel it off her. Of course, she would be naked underneath it. It was going to be a fun night.

  Still carrying her wine glass but deciding not to eat more she hopped in the shower and took a long steam shower, drinking her wine and letting go of all external stress. To enjoy her night, she would have to do what Maestro said. She was going out with him and her work, his colleagues, and other happenings would be in the background. Finishing with a cold shower, Selena wrapped herself in a towel and began to get ready for the big night. Squirming into the dress, she adjusted a few details and smiled at herself in the mirror.

  The limo was waiting with her usual driver who still had not spoken to her. He did look at her up and down, and she smiled, thinking about the attention she would get from Lawrence, she knew she looked good. As her driver opened the door for her, she slid in, and the slit of her dress showed off her right leg, all the way up to her thigh. Taking his time closing the door, he eventually drove away.

  She was trying to watch where they were going and was beginning to wonder why Lawrence’s work kept taking him away from his work. Previously all meetings and work were done at Scriva Industries; now he seemed to be sneaking away all over the place. Then again perhaps she just didn’t quite know his schedule yet. Finally, the limo stopped at another large mansion in an older part of the city. Lawrence got in quickly with a nod to the driver. Dressed in a tuxedo, he looked sharp, but Selena could tell he was frazzled.

  “You look amazing.” He said, holding her hand and kissing her on the cheek. “And I cannot wait to get you out of that dress.

  “The dress is gorgeous and fits perfectly. I was a little nervous I wouldn’t get it on. Rough day?” Selena asked.

  “Not now that you are here.” He smiled. “I have something for you. I wanted to give it to you early, to get you naked and put it on but this will have to do.”

  Lawrence pulled out a black box and opened it. Shining in front of her was a diamond collar. She gasped. He reached for her hands so she could hold it. Then after she admired it, he put it on her neck. It fit snugly, and she looked at herself in the mirror, quivering at the beauty and symbolism. Pulling her back to him he whispered that she was his. This collar branded her has his and tonight he wanted everyone to know it. Leaning back blissfully she breathed in and thanked him, wishing to that she was naked so she could get on her knees and properly thank him.

  When the limo pulled up to the event center, Selena gasped.

; “I forgot to mention it would be a full red carpet affair. I can tell you are not used to this type of event. Your shock is charming. Just stay right beside me, show off that beautiful smile and you will be fine.” Lawrence kissed her and squeezed her shoulder as the limo driver opened the door for them.

  Lawrence stepped out and reached in for Selena’s hand. Stepping out all she saw were bulb flashes and camera lights. The media surrounded the red carpet, and she allowed Lawrence to lead her up the carpet. Smiling for the cameras he ignored shouts and questions from the media, asking who his date was. Selena smiled broadly feeling her tight dress sway with her curves as she walked. She felt sexy and was happy to show off; knowing Lawrence loved the way she looked. She touched the collar and thought of wearing it at home, with a leash. She trembled, and Lawrence caught her arm.

  Entering the event everything was dimly lit with tiny white bulbs. They were immediately handed flutes of champagne and Selena drank hers a little too fast. Walking through to their table everyone stopped to congratulate Lawrence and tried to make sure they knew who he was. With his usual charm and grace, he guided a smiling Selena to their seats.

  Whispering into her ear, Lawrence said “I want to play. If only we could get out of here.” And he slid his hand under the slit in her dress and up her thigh.

  One of Lawrence’s colleagues, Selena could never remember his name though she had met him a few times, started talking to Selena, complimenting her on the recent articles and asking her about her career ambitions. Selena smiled, politely trying to answer each question with poise and intellect. It was difficult to do because Lawrence was stroking her under the table. He had reached her upper thigh and was moving in circles, building Selena’s arousal. She had to play the game and took another sip of champagne before discussing her magazine’s plan to use this event as next month’s cover story. Her answers seemed to be impressing everyone as another man sitting at their table piped up with a recommendation. Lawrence interrupted reminding them they were not there to talk business.

  “We have worked too hard for this moment; let’s enjoy it without talking shop. Plus the entertainment should begin any minute.” Lawrence spoke with authority.

  “I love your necklace.” The wife of one of the men spoke up. She was sitting right beside Selena and had eyed her up when she arrived. Selena saw a hint of judgment as the woman regarded her tight dress, showing ample cleavage.

  “Thank you,” Selena spoke, trying to come up with some common ground to discuss with this woman while Lawrence’s fingers expertly explored her, pleasured her without anyone knowing. “Your matching set is exquisite. Am I right that they are rubies?”

  The woman’s smile made Selena know she had asked the right question. Slowly, she opened her mouth to speak touching first her earrings and then the matching necklace. “Not quite dear, though to the untrained eye they look similar. These are red diamonds, the rarest and most valuable kind.”

  Selena’s eyes grew wide, and she murmured in appreciation. The woman, who then introduced herself as Margaret went on in great detail about red diamonds. Where hers came from, how much they cost, how few there were in the world, and on and on. Selena nodded, remaining interested and said oh wow at the appropriate times. Meanwhile, she was on the verge of an orgasm caused by Lawrence’s fingers. He was talking to a colleague beside him and yet expertly bringing her to the brink of passion. Selena let out a gasp and then bit her lip to silence herself.

  “I know dear,” Margaret said. “It really is remarkable.

  Minutes later the entertainment started, and all conversation ended. Lawrence whispered into Selena’s ear that he needed to finish her and soon. Under the table, her hand crept to his bulging pants, and she wished she could remove them. Pulling Selena to her feet, Lawrence danced with her in front of him. She pushed into him, feeling his hardness pressing into her as they swayed to the music. She moaned but it was drowned out by the music, and Lawrence took her by the hand and led her away. Into the deserted lobby, Lawrence pulled her into a passionate kiss, moaning into her ear that they should leave early so he could ravage her. She kissed him again, and they wrapped their arms around each other, kissing hard. Flashes broke their concentration, and they looked up to see media filming and snapping pictures of them. Lawrence pulled away and put his arm around her, posing for the camera with a sheepish smile. Selena, blushing, leaned into him with a smile. It was then that she saw her coworkers were among the media around them. Their looks of utter shock made Selena smile, and she thought she would enjoy telling Beth this story.

  Without saying a word, Lawrence brought Selena back to their table. When they were out of earshot, he whispered that they would have to wait. He also cautioned her that it was quite likely that the shots of them kissing would be all over the media in minutes. “Are you ready for what is coming now that people know you are mine?”

  “I have no idea.” She replied.

  “Well, you will see. We will have to be more careful about some things.” Lawrence looked at her with concern. “If only I could keep you tied up and safe.”

  Selena smiled at the thought and kept quiet. Back at their table Margaret immediately began asking where they were and complaining about the entertainment. Speeches were being made, and Selena hoped once the entertainment was over they could sneak out for real. Sure it was exciting and new, but she wasn’t impressed by celebrity guests and huge headliners. She wanted Lawrence, naked and now.

  Wiggling into him she felt him nuzzle her neck. Oblivious to anyone around them as the room darkened for the headlining act, Lawrence kissed her neck as she writhed to his touch. Not able to leave, crowded in on all sides they touched each other the best they could as he sighed into her ear that he wanted to get her alone. As the headliners played, Selena turned to Lawrence, looking deep into his eye. She stood on tiptoe as he wrapped his arms around her and she whispered in his ear.

  “Thank you, Maestro.”

  He pulled her into a passionate kiss just as they felt a bright spotlight on them. Lawrence, not missing a beat, twirled Selena in his arms and dipped her down, kissing her as her leg slipped through the slit of the dress. The event center exploded in cheers.

  “Bring that gorgeous woman up with you then. I wouldn’t take my hands off her either.” The lead singer spoke. “But get up here. Tonight wouldn’t have happened without Lawrence Scriva, and we all want him up here for this next song.”

  Beaming, Lawrence guided Selena in front of him, and a security guard helped her up onto the stage. She blinked at the bright lights that blocked out the faces in the crowd.

  “Give it up for Lawrence Scriva everyone!” And once again everyone in the packed event center cheered. Lawrence smiled and nodded.

  “Thank you, everyone, for coming out for the first of many great events!” Lawrence spoke loud and clear, bringing more applause from the crowd.

  “And who is the gorgeous woman at your side?” The singer asked, looking at Selena appreciatively.

  “This is my girlfriend, Selena Grier,” Lawrence said, holding her hand.

  She just about collapsed on the spot. Lawrence had just called her his girlfriend in front of the everyone. Might as well be in front of the whole world as media was streaming the event live. She blushed at the thought of it.

  The lead singer laughed out loud, and she tried to shake off her shy demeanor, knowing she looked smoking.

  “Well, this song is for you two lovebirds. Thank you Lawrence, and Scriva Industries.”

  The crowd went wild as the music started up; Lawrence pulled Selena in close to him and whispered “pretend no one else is here Selena. And dance for me.”

  Shaking her hips to the tempo of the music Selena danced. She twirled and wiggled in front of Lawrence until he pulled her in, dancing close to her. Leading her in a sensuous dance to the music, Lawrence encouraged her, and she closed her eyes, focusing on the feel of his body. When the song ended, she opened her eyes and realized she had gotten lost in t
he moment. The room was silent as the last chords played and then erupted once more in fierce applause. Smiling broadly, they both left the stage.

  The night continued in a bit of a blur as everyone complimented her dancing and on her and Lawrence as a couple. She was still in shock about what he said and felt like screaming her excitement from the rafters. She was getting better at restraining her emotion. There was no way for them to sneak away for a sexy liaison as everyone was watching, photographing and filming their every move.

  “I need to get you out of here now. I cannot wait a moment longer to get you out of that dress.” Lawrence announced when everyone was out of earshot. Selena moaned her approval.

  As the party ramped up into the early hours of the morning, Lawrence arranged for the limo driver to pick them up at a side entrance so they could sneak away. They did so without much fuss as the media had long since been kicked out and the real partiers were far too inebriated to notice. Before they left, however, Margaret had insisted the Selena and Lawrence come for supper very soon so she could show Selena her collection of diamonds.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Entering into the limo, Selena breathed a sigh of relief. Lawrence, hot on her heels, did not wait until the door was closed to push her down into the bench kissing her and holding her hands above her head. He tugged at her dress and could not remove it. Grunting he flipped her over and unzipped it. Then, with a final tug he removed it and cast it aside, looking at her squirming under him, completely bare except for the diamond collar around her neck. He grabbed the collar and used it to pull her into a kiss pushing her down with his body as his arms pulled her up. Groaning, she spread her legs.

  “Eager naughty little girl,” Lawrence whispered sitting up over her, regarding her naked body.


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