Aetheran Child

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Aetheran Child Page 10

by Antonin Januska

  It was Nonusday, the ninth day of the week. Bran created special names for the ten-day week and Lexan slowly adjusted to the new terminology. He had two more days until Primitusday, the first day of the week, and the first day of school.

  Trying to catch up to some of the common knowledge of the world, Lexan sat down with a “book” called “The World Today: 483rd edition” and began reading it. The book worked on a strange principle. It had three “pages” that would turn and with each turn, they would change. Most of the text resembled the World Wide Web from back on Earth, with highlighted links leading elsewhere, moving images, videos, and interactive elements. Unlike on Earth, though, the boy was able to press a button that would automatically download all the knowledge of a chapter, a page, or even the whole book into his memory. He would miss the “experience” of reading the book but he would have all the knowledge inside it.

  What was the difference? On one hand, the boy would know everything with perfect clarity in the book, on the other hand, all that he would remember were cold, hard facts and he would not remember the joy of learning the new facts, discovering the world through the book. Thus, Lexan read and browsed through the book as he pleased and once he finished it, he would download all of the contents into his brain.

  Unfortunately, that plan did not work out so well. Soon after he sat down to read he heard a loud distracting sound.


  And then, boom! BOOM! BOOM! All in a repetition that created a regular rhythm. It was music, it was loud music that penetrated the walls, and the whole sphere, it seemed.

  Screams of joy reverberated through the hallways, and ignited a feeling of rush in Lexan. He wanted to join, he wanted to be a part of such a celebration where thousands screamed loudly and clearly through the school, through the academy, and everywhere else. If sound traveled through space, the boy thought, such screams would be heard all over the universe. Probably not, he thought for a second, but nevertheless, he ran out of his dormitory toward the garden outside for the Sphere's students. It served as a social gathering place.

  Lexan turned a few corners until he arrived at a transparent door that vibrated back and forth from the loud music. Thousands had gathered and everyone was jumping up and down, dancing, in a rhythm with the music. They were spread across all five large levels of the garden. Each level larger in area than the last. The skies burned bright orange from the sunset, giving everyone an orange glow, an aura.

  The boy pushed the door open and saw the gardens of other Spheres. All of them were blazing bright with the white of lights. Everyone partied.

  On the highest point of the garden, a platform on the first level, a young man stood in front of a table. The table had numerous elevated sections with prisms supporting it from beneath instead of regular block legs. Lexan walked closer to inspect what the man was doing. After several minutes of forcing himself through a crowd of sweaty, energetic student, he could see that the table had numerous floating screens and displays on it as well as holographic sensors. The displays and mixers switched places from time to time whenever the man waved his hand in a certain way.

  As he neared the man from behind, he saw a screen displayed a directory of numerous music files and samples. The young man moved the files around to fit them into a time line wherein a line crossed to indicate what was being played. The middle screen contained an input/output adjustment controls with buttons and sliders that changed the properties of the music being played. Below the buttons were situated two graph-like controls that regulated pitch, speed, and distortion.

  The man's right hand spun fast on the right side of the table. That side contained a hemisphere that responded to his touch and changed the song's properties accordingly. The hemisphere raised and lowered itself every few minutes. The table seemed to be as part of the DJ as his arms and legs. The way the young man moved with determination made him look like a master of the music. The music became a living, breathing extension of him.

  Every beat, every sound came from deep within his heart. Everyone around moved, jumped, bounced around to the beat, becoming musical slaves. Lexan walked through the mass of hot, sweaty bodies, the bodies they gave to their musical master. The boy could almost smell the energy in the air.

  The sun finally set down and it started raining lightly. The crowds screamed with joy again with a roaring approval. The speed of the music picked up and with that, a jolt of energy gave everyone the ability to dance even faster and harder than before.

  Lexan joined others in their dance. The vibrations echoed through his heart, beating with it. His breathing, each inhale and exhale, aligned with another layer of music and he could not stop or change the pace of his body anymore. Minutes, maybe hours, have passed by and Lexan did not tire at all.

  He suddenly saw a dancing figure in a blur of blue. Her dreadlocks spun around her, swatting everyone with sprinkles of water and sweat. She danced with great vigor. The boy was surprised to see her, Bloo, again. It seemed to be a habit of their to run into each other.

  “Hey,” he approached, “I didn't think I would be lucky enough to be in the same dorm as you,” he smiled.

  “Don't flatter yourself,” she started without slowing down her dancing or even casting a look at Lexan, “I'm not, I'm just visiting a few friends and partying with my favorite Music Master.”

  'Music Master', the boy thought, realizing that was the name for the 'DJ' here. He traced his thoughts but did not know how he could have guessed the term earlier while surveying the man.

  Lexan frowned, he realized he did not know anyone here and everyone, as he quickly looked around, stayed in their groups. He knew no one, and they knew everyone. He knew one, he realized, but barely, and most probably, she regarded him only as a stranger that she keeps running into.

  “Yeah, sure, I have to go,” he turned to leave.

  “No, wait! Come and dance with me!” She smiled and without waiting for an answer, she dragged him a few meters into a clump of people and they started dancing.

  The young boy danced wildly and before he knew it, he was dancing away with a beautiful Shun. She moved to the beat, flawlessly. Her never-ceasing smile expressed her exhilaration. She had her hands up in the air, her body twisting, and her dreadlocks, the thin blue tails, were flying left and right as she moved her head. Bloo became one with the music and soon Lexan did too. The clouds above shifted and swirled, as if dancing with them. Soon, complete darkness came.

  A rhythmic visualization pulsed bright and brighter to compensate for the darkness. The mood changed, suddenly, and the lines turned cool, dimming into the background. Large spots appeared and glowed. The whole visual, a three dimensional holographic projection covering the garden, turned into a sphere with a tornado inside. All the colors swirled in a mass of a psychedelic lights. Lexan noticed the projection fill up the space between dancers as well as above them. All the visuals concentrated by the Music Master. Finally, the sphere exploded with a musical climax, showering everyone with blue sparks. Everything slowed down to a halt, the music, the visual, even the dancers. Every Aetheri, the boy noticed, returned to their original form.

  Bloo held her breath, as did others, in anticipation. The man behind the music-mixer looked up in expectation. Everyone's eyes followed and they all looked upward. A deadly quiet with a few rumbles, and far-away thunders, solidified the tension in the air. They all waited for this moment, the whole night, Lexan realized. The dark blue, almost black skies, traveled with the wind. No one dared to say a word, no one dared to breathe.

  A lightning flashed and pierced the darkness. A rumble louder than a space shuttle lifting off the planet blew everyone away. The winds picked up and the music started up again. Lexan, startled, froze for a moment before dancing again. Bloo had already started dancing to the new beat. The beat, the music, now, resembled a storm, with deep dark bass, and a screech now and then that signified the intrusion of a lightning. Somewhere behind all of that, the boy heard the ocean with its la
rge waves smashing against tall cliffs.

  Another lightning flashed.

  The beat picked up on speed, again, sending the dancers into a frenzy. An electric current sliced through the air, and energized everyone. Lexan's hair stood straight up, his body covered in goose bumps. He became infatuated with the music. The visualization resumed with an enormous blue and black ocean whose waves swirled. The water and waves descended upon the dancers, flowing all around. The boy felt the water, as if it was real.

  The Music Master yelled out at everyone, “How is everyone's evening?” A deafly roar followed, “This is the moment you've all been waiting for!” Another roar, “The climax of the evening, ladies and gentlemen.” His voice drowned out by the crowd. Lexan did not even listen, he swirled in the waters with Bloo. Her eyes were closed, she was one with everything. He was one with everything, “For those that do not know, I am the Music Master Jacque.” he paused, “It's nice to meet you.”

  “Now, let me introduce you to the greatest singer in the whole of this brilliant sector, Nivua!” The people screamed loudly, louder than before. The dancers jumped up and down with happiness.

  “Nivua,” Bloo turned to Lexan who seemed to ignore Jacque's speech, “She is the most well-known and beautiful girl in the sector. Parties all the time, no boyfriends or anything.”

  “Is she a good singer?” he asked and Bloo nodded toward the stage where Jacque stood.

  A dark haired girl appeared next to the man and came up in front of the mixer machine. She smiled sincerely and the crowd screamed for her. The music played loudly but after the last roar, the crowd fell silent. The waves crashed against them and lightning flashed in the background. Thunders reverberated in the spherical structures around. Nivua's hair came down to her waist, beautifully black. Her curving body moved left and right to the beat, twisting slightly. Her avatar wore jean-like black pants with two white stripes running down the length of them on the side, her tight white shirt gently complimented her figure.

  “Let us wait!” Jacque mightily announced.

  “Wait for what?” Lexan whispered to Bloo next to him, she shushed him and stared ahead at Nivua.

  They all waited, all of the students that herded onto the garden to listen to good music and dance the night away. The music softened so that it was barely audible. The rhythm was still perceptible but not as distinct anymore. Thunders roared through the quiet skies. A lightning flashed every few seconds. That was not the sign, he thought, it must be something else. Tiny rays of light danced across the skies. Water droplets started to form and gently flow. The energy in the air rose,everyone waited for the climax of the party. For the sign that would let them go loose and dance. A lightning flashed a few more times, hitting the Spheres around, each one echoing the thunder with the sound of their party. Heavy rain started hitting the solid structures.

  Nivua turned to Jacque who nodded. She tapped her foot three times and the music picked up from its peaceful slumber. The bass seemed to disappear and the sound rolled through the crowds the way the waves had, changing colours but retaining their natural force. The people followed suit by waving with the visuals and the rhythm. Everyone watched Nivua who sang along with the flow of the sounds.

  When I sing, I feel free,

  I'm sure all of you agree.

  The rain beats hard,

  just like my heart.

  Hold me tight, hold me close,

  hold me as if I had no clothes.

  And when we close our eyes,

  won't have to say our goodbyes.

  The people watched quietly, swaying. There was no more screaming, no more yelling. People danced, and Nivua sang louder and louder. Her voice penetrated their hearts.

  A lightning flashed, the final sign, and it struck the Sphere. It came down from the skies above, forcing itself down toward the garden, branching off and discharging into the air. The main trunk of the lightning tree struck the largest group of people on the top floor of the garden. It branched out again, passing through each student, who in turn transform into his or her Aetheric form. The electricity reached every single dancer. Hard pellets that the rain drops have become beat down on everyone. The crowd shifted and moved as a single organism. Switching to Aetheri and back, the dancers started to jump to the beats. Rain drops seemed to fly around from everywhere as the dancers' vigor splashed anyone nearby. It was an unbelievable event.

  Jacque created a special channel for his music as the music from other Spheres picked up as well.

  The music, however, washed away through the rain. Only Nivua's voice could be heard clearly.

  And I sang my last song to you,

  who'll hold me last if not you.

  If you can think of anyone better,

  then look at this stormy weather:

  The rain soaks my body and yours,

  we may fly with the way the air flows.

  The heavy beats and drums returned at Jacque's command as Nivua finished the last lyrics. The dancers snapped out of the trance though their eyes lingered on the beautiful singer. The rain soaked and drenched all their clothes, or at least, the simulation made it seem like it soaked the avatars' clothes. Little circles formed within the mass around exceptional dancers that performed flips and tricks.

  Bloo danced aggressively, spraying water on others, looking exhilarated with a huge smile on her face.

  “Come on! This is the best part of the party!” She yelled at Lexan who stood still, trying to figure out the bizarre behaviour of the other dancers.

  People turned to Aetheri and back as their energies peaked and were exhausted. Lightnings were attracted by these energy conversions, hitting the crowd ceaselessly. Waves of highly charged particles spread among the dancers.

  The party went on all night.


  Lexan woke up thoroughly refreshed the next morning. He slept deeply, something he has not done for some time. For five galactic hours, which equaled to eight Eartly hours, he slept. I guess meditation was not enough for last night’s tiring party, he thought.

  It was the last day of the month, August 20th, 20—on Earth but 30th NonusMensis, 205 since the beginning of the Third Era. Each Era is the beginning of something new. This current Era was named “Earth-independent” Era. It is the era where the galactic governments united into a singular action to restrict the Earth-related dealings. All the agents on the planet have been pulled out, and every influence withdrawn. The step overturned millennia old policies and beliefs.

  The boy looked at the information his view provided him and saw that it was decimusday. The next day would be the first school day. He was excited, very excited. He liked learning already on Earth, but now, he would be presented with views and information that no other Earthling has been presented with for over two hundred years. He would also get a new chance at a new school, new world, new planet, new everything really. The culture of this alien world amazed him and he knew a thirst for knowledge will make him the perfect student. Teachers will like him, he smile. His line of thought diverted, is it possible that such a civil world could tolerate physical punishment

  “I’ve never seen anyone sleep so intensely,” Jacque pronounced thoughtlessly while lying down in his bed. He pulled his arms behind his head and stared in front of him, mentally controlling and editing a video of the previous night, “Outside the sleeping period, at least,” he turned his head to look at Lexan.

  “Yeah, I guess,” the boy yawned and stretched. He sat up in his bed and looked around, still sleepy and groggy.

  “You must be from a sector really far away from the United Republics, even the United Galacted Nations, maybe you’re from the Outlaw Allience, am I right?” He asked curiously.

  “Yeah, really far, believe me,” He shook his head, still trying to completely wake up. He mentally ordered Bran to flood his body with light stimulants.

  “Really now? Where are you from?” Jacque turned off the floating screen and propped himself up
on his elbow and awaited an answer.

  “I am from the Cardinal Regions.

  Jacque chuckled, “What a coincidence. You know that Shun that danced with you last night? Bloo? Well, apparently, she’s from there, too.”

  Lexan stared him. It was probably not a common conversational topic for her, he thought.

  “I am from a different planet. My planet consists mostly of humans, no other Shuns.”

  “Well, never mind. You should meditate and regain your energy for tomorrow,” Jacque answered and turned back to the holographic screen.

  “Thank you, I will,” Lexan stretched and crossed his legs. He dove deeply into his subconscious, letting his body rest while consciously regulating the energy within. There, in his subconscious, he floated and swam, like a psychonaut so to speak. He analyzed nothing but thought thoughtlessly about Bloo and the Cardinal Regions. He thought about his past and the difference now. Silently, he slipped away from reality altogether with only a faint part of his mind focusing on his breathing and other rhythms within his body.



  A soft beeping sliced through the complete silence. Lexan opened his eyes and emerged from his meditation. His visor unshielded and he saw the inside of his dorm. It was primitusday, the first day of the metric week.

  “Bran. Turn on all of my sensors. First day of school is here.”

  “Your senses will slowly return.”

  When he looked around, he saw Jacque sitting still, meditating, on his bed. The volume of sound started to come back and Lexan recognized some of the outside sounds of people walking by. Those were first year students, this dormitory sphere. Some though, such as Jacque, were not and had the choice to enjoy a little more time off before their first class of the day.


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