Aetheran Child

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Aetheran Child Page 25

by Antonin Januska

  “I don't know, I don't even know how to explain it,” Romul answered, taking a sip of the same drink. Much to Lexan's annoyance, Romul and Remu chose an authentic Earth pub four or five centuries old. The harsh wooden benches and tables were uncomfortable, the whole place reeked of alcohol and smoke. Small invisible lights simulated torches and fire-lamps.

  “Maybe you just interpret the data wrong. Both Remu and I exited at the same time, isn't that right?” Lexan took a sip, savoring the taste of the beer. According to chemical analysis, it was nothing more than water accentuated with taste-modifiers. Unlike Remu's drink, which had a small dose of mind-altering drugs to give her a slight drunken feeling without the negative health repercussions. She could flush it out of her body whenever she wanted to as well.

  “No, it's not right. You exited after Remu. The command takes exactly five milliseconds to execute. After those five milliseconds, my sister exited the system, but you remained there for another three or four seconds. Which, if you received the emergency exit command, wouldn't be possible. And if you did not receive it, you would have stayed there.”

  “I exited just as Remu did. I remember having my leg right next to hers before I jumped up to attack the police droids. I left one second after I took my eyes off her.” said Lexan and electronically ordered a different flavored drink, bypassing the polite environment protocol. He did not wish to yell at the barman to serve him.

  “Then there is three seconds to be accounted for.” Remu said finally.

  “Three seconds?” Romul started, “I don’t even know where that time could have gone, and what you did,” he turned to Lexan, “ But after you turned into an Aether and disappeared, that moment, your body seemed to explode. It was crazy.”

  “But, I didn't do anything,” Lexan said defensively.

  “Actually, you did a lot of things while you were away.” Romul said seriously, his hair finally off his face, “While you were in the DomeStem, a lot of strange things happened.”

  “Like what?” Lexan asked dumbfounded.

  “There were times where you turned into an Aether and back, like I said, still plugged in though. You even turned invisible, just like you did when we ran away except I had no time to pay attention to that at the time.”

  “I have no idea how I did that,”

  “ You know, there is such a thing as an invisible Aether,” Remu said, her NCC materialized on the table and showed a hologram that only the trio could see. A figure stood motionless, information covered the desk under its feet, “Look. We all know about turning into an Aether, because we have all done it, right?”

  “Yeah, but what's your point? None of us have turned invisible and undetectable. You saw how the droids ignored Lexan.”

  “Yes, well look at this. Here is the first stage of Aether transformation,” a sexless figure flickered into a transparent Aether floating on the desk, “What none of us know, and will not even learn about until we are apprentices is how to achieve the next level.” The figure, once again, flickered but with another jolt of energy the figure left, no one was there, “This is stage two. The invisibility. Lexan, did you by any chance see through objects?”

  “Yeah, I did. Why?” he watched the hologram, trying to figure out where the figure went.

  “Another ability we will all gain in stage two. We will also be able to walk through walls, and avoid matter. Meaning, nothing but energy or other Aetheri will be able to hit us.” Remu went on, “It's quite incredible that it's possible for anyone to do transform to Second Stage with enough years of training.”

  “Okay, I get that, but why can I do this so easily? And not even know about it?” Lexan asked, studying the rest of the data about Stage Two. He stored the ability list as well as everything else in the internal fast-access memory in his brain.

  “I don't know. That's the thing, you should not be able to do this yet. Everyone else will achieve this ability in three or four year's time,” Remu shook her head. Romul looked at the other boy thoughtfully as he downed yet another simulated beer.

  “Let's look at the information we retrieved, maybe that might help,” The boy said and ordered the slightly intoxicating version of his drink. The nano-constructed computer on the table showed a holographic menu that categorized the information.

  Lexan selected to see the information in chronological order as it was filed or as it happened.

  A little figure of Master Raki and the council appeared.

  “I am sensing a being ready for training,” GrandMaster Korah spoke.

  "Prepare to find him, Master Raki and bring him here."

  "I will Grandmasters. I already have my ship prepared and also my crew," responded Master Raki and bowed to the others. They all watched him with purpose.

  “Do not involve too many men. This mission is classified, Master Raki. I hope you understand that,” GM Kenna scratched his horns unconsciously and stared at the man with his piercing red eyes.

  "We don't get many Earthlings, do they call themselves? Oh yes, we do not these days, Last I remember was about 30 years ago and then 250 years before that. Look at it now we have two of them at the same time?" Stated another creature.

  "I won't fail." Mt. Raki bowed once more and ended discussion by walking through a section of the wall, random in choice..

  After the master left, the council started another session.

  “They must be the chosen ones. The book of Prophecies predicts their comings.”

  “It also predicts that one will turn to the Nethers and one will be with us.” GrandMaster Kosig said.

  “Yes, but that is of no consequence. According to the prophecy, if both our worlds, our galaxies pass the tests of the Chosen Ones, nothing will happen. If either world shall fail, the other will take over both domains.”

  “It is NOT of no consequence. Six thousand years ago, only two cycles, the chosen ones caused a war that decimated our whole civilization, we practically had to start from scratch!” One creature, outraged, jumped up to its feet.

  “Yes, but it finally united thousands of scattered nations together. Those two gave rise to the United Galacatic Nations, and our own United Republics.”

  “But at what cost? Trillions of people died. Much knowledge has been lost because of the wars. With time, we would have united anyway.”

  “I agree.” Spoke another creature and many others nodded their heads.

  “We will train both of them. If either chooses to join the Nethers, there is nothing we can do, be it fate. If it is not their destiny, no useless wars will be started and the Nethers will not receive an advantage over us.”

  “What about the other schools?” said GrandMaster Korah.

  “The two are ours, the other schools have not made a move.”

  Everyone agreed. The scene moved forward to Master Raki's departure. The man left alone, leaving the rest of the crew on the planet. Explanation underneath the holographic projection stated that he received new orders.

  His shining Needle ship sailed through the Swift Space. Master Raki, saw another ship though. As he finally penetrated the barrier, the no-man's zone where no ship was allowed, a handful of other ships, of unknown design, appeared.

  The spaceship made contact. Master Raki, surprised, called the council immediately for advice.

  A man in black with a red headdress appeared on the screen, “We know of the two on Earth. We know of the prophecy. Leave us the boy, you take the girl. If you do not oblige, the Toria will rain down their wrath on you.”

  The man disappeared and so did the ships.

  “The council agrees. Take the girl. The conflict itself might escalate if we take both. Those Nethers feel like they have a right to be in our galaxy. They do not but there is nothing we can do now.”

  GrandMaster Kosig nodded and sent Master Raki the official instructions.

  According to the logs, Master Raki spent a year in isolation with no more communication. He meditated. Most
of the information available about that time consisted of vague information concerning Raki's daily habits. Nothing of interest.

  Romul and Remu grew wary of the repetitive information and fast-forwarded the feed until the next communication.

  Master Raki woke up from a deep meditation, his ship arrived at the Solar System, decelerating from the speed of light.

  “Whoa is that what the Earth system looks like?” Remu said, noting the eight different planets, the asteroid belts, and the blue little marble that was Earth.

  “Yeah, that's it. This was probably a few days before I got picked up,” Lexan answered.

  The Master seemed to feel a strange disturbance.

  “Las, give me the status check.” he spoke.

  “Everything is working fine. We are two weeks away from orbit time.” A sultry female voice answered.

  He scratched his head, thinking, “Tell me about Earth's space exploration.”

  “At this point in time, they have sent remote satellites reaching beyond the system. The earthlings, themselves, have visited only their single satellite they call the 'moon' but have not ventured out further.”

  “Have any of those satellites passed us in the past hour or so?”

  “No, I have steered the ship clear so as not to interfere,” Las answered and Master Raki sighed. He looked down and thought.

  “Patch me through to the council, something is amiss,” he finally said and walked into the cockpit.

  “Only GrandMaster Kosig is available at the moment,” The computer said and a holographic representation of the bald man spoke, “Master Raki, I trust everything is in order?” he did not even look up, with a computer screen right in front of him.

  “I felt a disturbance that brought me back from the meditation,” the master started, “it was the use of Aether powers.”

  “It was probably one of the Earthlings chosen ones, it is not unusual for unlearned children to show Aether powers spontaneously and uncontrollably,” the GrandMaster said, still not paying attention.

  “Yes, but this was different. It seemed to come from another source,” the master said.

  “Or you may be getting old,” he said, “Master Raki, do not look too closely into this. Give me your progress report when you get to Earth.”

  The scene fast-forwarded. Romul, Remu, and Lexan watched silently, occasionally sipping on their beverages.

  Needle Mark II, Raki’s elegant ship, settled down on the grassy field and immediately turned invisible. Master Raki sat at the computer console inside.

  “Las, please relay a message to the Nethers that there are three children that posses Aether powers,” Master Raki said, “They should be closely on their way, two weeks behind us tops.”

  The man thought as he sat on the bolted-down chair, “Also, send GrandMaster Kosig a message that there are, in fact, three potential Aetheri. All of which had already showed a part of their power. I will be taken two of these children, separated at boarding, with me.”

  He stood up and walked outside the ship. The recording seemed to cease at that point. It resumed with Master Raki negotiating for the adoption of Lexan.

  “I would like to adopt a child, a very particular child,” Master Raki said and waited.

  “No problem, the process will take several months. I hope you are ready for this. We will need a proof of employment, and for you to fill out an application. We can have a representative of the child services sent to your home-”

  “I do not have time for that,” Master Raki said. He concentrated his eyes on the woman, the woman's eyes became mesmerized, “All of my paperwork is filled out. Send the children in.”

  “Yes, give me just a second,” she said, “Which children?”

  Master Raki took the records and looked through the names and pictures. He immediately knew.

  “Call these two,” he told the woman and she called.

  Master Raki then proceeded to create an illusion image of another man, sitting at a chair behind him. The illusion image resembled a heavy-set short man, with short hair. Wearing the same apparel as Master Raki, a dark suit.

  “Lexan come in, please.” The secretary politely asked.

  Master Raki eyed the boy carefully.

  “Hello Lexan,” Master Raki started, he smiled, “I am Hamanulus Raki. Nice to meet you.”

  The boy watched both the secretary and Raki closely.

  “He is here to adopt you, Alexander.” The secretary smiled.

  The little boy Lexan instantly became a nervous wreck as those words escaped the secratary’s lips.

  “Uhm..are you okay, Lexan?” the secretary asked. After a short conversation, she announced that he will be leaving with the Master the next day.

  “Call Alary in, will you?” the secretary said and Lexan left.

  The recording showed Mt. Raki transform into the short man while he waited for the girl to come in. Alary came in.

  “Alary, this is Mr. Raki. He has come here and is interested in adopting you,” the secretary announced and motioned to the Master who arrogantly enough, did not even wish to mask his name.

  The girl's eyes went wide, “This is great!” She yelled out very excitedly, not faking her sincerity. Lexan, watching the recording, heard his heart skip a beat.

  “You'll be leaving tomorrow,” Master Raki announced.

  “Awesome, I can't wait to tell Nangern that we're leaving tomorrow!” She happily jumped up but then froze when Master Raki cleared his throat for attention.

  “You ARE taking Nangern as well, aren't you?” She asked tentatively with fear in her eyes.

  “I'm sorry but the circumstances do not allow this,” the man answered. He stood up, shook her hand and told her he'd be back the next morning to pick her up.

  Alary silently mumbled to herself, “I'm losing both my brother and Lexan. On the same day. This can't be happening.”

  The log entries showed no more recorded entries. Apparently, Alary was taken on the same day as Lexan a couple hours apart. Alary went first. She was put into accelerated training as soon as she entered the school. The council wished to bring her up to speed with her brother who fought with the Nethers.

  “This is crazy,” Romul mumbled, “So, we are actually on the verge of big change, aren't we?”

  “It seems like it. Unless the Nethers stop, there will be an inter-galactic war. All order will be upset,” Remu mumbled, still shocked.

  “And Alary was here the whole time,” seemingly, Lexan ignored the rest of the log entries, only focusing on the mentions of Alary. He mentally scrolled through the mounds of useless information, scanning for anything important. His NCC automatically recorded her dormitory number and her schedule, “I'm going back. I want to see Alary,” he said defiantly. He stood up, or tried to until Romul grabbed his elbow and pulled him down to his seat.

  “Not yet,” Remu said, “there is more.”


  “There is a file on you, Lexan,” Remu started, the boy sat down with a face of disgust.

  “So? I already know about that, that is why I got a new NCC and a new MPI,” he said and was getting ready to leave again.

  “Looks like that did not particularly help,” Romul said, “The log inputs have lowered but never diminished. I think that before you do anything rash, or anything that might jeopardize your stance in Athiris, you should review this information.”

  Remu nodded at Lexan seriously. The boy’s features hardened. His eyes raged with a bit of anger, “So they’ve been keeping tabs on me even after I removed the old NCC and Bran?” The twins nodded.

  “Okay, let’s see what they have on me.”

  Remu’s NCC on the table lit up again and showed a picture of naked Lexan. Remu blushed slightly. Romul laughed. Lexan reddened, “Shut up.” Romul gave a command and information unrolled over the table. The profile showed the usual information, his full name, his age, the origin planet Earth. He glanced over at the biop
hysical information. Again nothing important, he was in good health, both mentally and physically, the diagram showed Lexan’s Aether gene count, the structure of his blood cells. Then something called the neural brainwave matrix, the pressures the Aether-transforming exerted upon his body during transformation, “There is nothing important here, let’s move to the logs.”

  Romul and Remu looked at him sternly, “You’re not reading it carefully. Scroll back up.” The information redrew itself to show the previous page.

  “I don’t see it, what’s wrong?” Lexan asked pleadingly. The twins looked very serious; Romul reached out and tapped the biophysical information, the Aether subsection.

  “Look at your Aether gene count,” Remu said.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s zero,” Lexan said, “I found out during the trip from Earth.”

  “There is no one in known post-Toria history who has had a zero Aether gene count.” Romul said, he pulled up another panel of information, “Here is the lowest recorded amount, seven percent.” A picture of a man pulled up, his whole body was distorted with blisters all over. Romul’s information log also showed that transformation into an Aether was impossible, simply, impossible.

  “Well, what about Alary?” Lexan asked, confused, “Maybe it’s an Earth thing, a low Aether gene count. Maybe they made a mistake.” But he already knew it was no mistake. All the information had a logged entry when it was tested for. Most of the data had been tested five or six times, the Aether gene: seventy eight times all with the same zero result.

  Alary’s information pulled up with another staggering amount, “One hundred percent?!” Remu spit her drink out over the table. The NCC did a quick self-cleaning routine, the liquid was gone.

  “So, tell me. How is THAT possible?” Lexan asked with skepticism, “She has been tested twice as many times as I have, all with the same result.”

  “The same result part, that by itself is staggering. The percentage result usually swings up and down by a percent or two during each test,” Romul said. He pulled up another percentage chart; the highest recorded percentages included the leaders of the schools, the GrandMasters who had over seventy percent Aether gene result. Alary had all of the Aether gene markers, that made her hardly a human, hardly a creature of this universe.


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