Whose Bride Is She Anyway

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Whose Bride Is She Anyway Page 22

by Dakota Cassidy

  Sex was sex, but developing a relationship that had more than that involved something other than illicit nights spent making love. Jesus, she was a jumbled mess of mixed up … everything.

  Kissing her forehead, August whispered, “Are you forgetting I was a geek too? I think I understand exactly what you’re feeling right now. You think I just want to sleep with you because you’re hot.”

  Tara didn’t confirm or deny, but waited for him to answer his own question.

  “Well, I won’t deny you’re hot, but that’s all just the outside stuff and I think we’ve both had our lesson in what that means from high school. I could be wrong, but I sense we both know what it’s like to be judged by how we look, back in high school and now. Kelsey Little didn’t think twice about me in high school and now all of a sudden she wants to kiss me? We relate to each other because of our pasts, Tara. I don’t think this is going to fade and I can only tell you that my fantasy about Kelsey didn’t mesh with the reality. You, on the other hand, are feeling pretty real to me right now. ”

  Tara ignored the thump in her heart and the butterflies in her belly. She wasn’t ready to be serious with August before she thought this through. It’s what she always did. So she continued the light banter they’d established. “So are you saying I’m not much of a fantasy? ”

  He groaned, “Woman, would you shut up? You’re every man’s fantasy and more and if this were my last act on earth, I’d die a happy man. ”

  She squirmed out from beneath him, laughing. “I guess I’ll just have to settle for that. C’mon stud, let’s take a shower and you can see if I have any potential as ‘trainable’.”

  Grabbing her hand, he trailed behind her, laughing. “Well, alrighty then, you’re already showing signs of trainability. Compliance is always a good sign. ”

  Her giggles echoed throughout the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Can we talk?

  Week three was in full swing and August couldn’t get thrown off the island if he paid someone to do it. Five eliminations rounds later and he was still going strong. Though he lost a date or two by now, he couldn’t seem to get the jury to hate him, or even dislike him just a little bit. He was going to have to have to go through with it because of the contract. There was no two ways about it. August sure as hell wasn’t going marry Kelsey; he’d rather be tied buck naked to a tree and flogged within an inch of his life than marry her, but he was going to have to say no in front of a bunch of people.

  Sorry, Kelsey. You just ain’t doin’ it for me. I thought you were a hottie, but you’re a low down, lying bitch. It’s been nice. See ya.

  This was undoubtedly a dilemma of monumental proportions. If he ended up as one of the last guys and Kelsey picked him, she was in for a surprise.

  But he didn’t wanna keep playing this stupid game either.

  Don’t be such a girl.

  It was only a week until the end of the competition.

  But would he rather wait to see Tara or have to say no to marrying Kelsey in front of a live audience?

  Oh, yuck. The answer was clear here. No way in hell would he marry Kelsey, but he sure as crap didn’t want to have to make a spectacle by saying no to her in front of a bunch of strangers.

  “Auggie! You look intense, buddy, what’cha doin’?” Aaron asked as he sucked down a beer and smiled happily.

  August cringed because he just wanted some quiet time. “Just thinking. It’s been a long three weeks, ya know?”

  Aaron nodded. “Dude, tell me about it. I don’t want to disturb you. Just came to see if you want to get a game of volleyball going on the beach?”

  “If you don’t mind I think I’ll skip today, bud. I gotta take a break.”

  Aaron winked at him. “Gotcha. Check you later.” Aaron sauntered off in his relaxed, beach boy way. August watched him and found himself hoping Aaron would be picked for the final round.

  August knew he was in deep, way deep, but he planned to get the fuck out of this ASAP.

  Deep … yeah, he was that too, with Tara. He smiled. This might be the real thing with her. Like the “L” word, followed shortly thereafter by the “M” word, then a house and a picket fence and babies and stuff.

  August grinned to himself.

  Well, wasn’t life grand? Mom was really going to do the happy dance over this.

  But, you’ve only known her for less than a month. August could hear Gram’s words in his head before she spoke them. The words she would speak if she were alive.

  So? He’d tell gram. Love was love no matter the length of time.

  So that’s a short amount of time, Auggie boy, to make a life altering decision like this, she’d say. Not unlike the one he’d thought he would make on this stupid show.

  He’d better slow the frig down. He wasn’t going to marry Tara tomorrow and he knew he wouldn’t marry Kelsey.

  Though he probably would marry her tomorrow if he knew Tara would say yes. If things kept going the way they were going, he wanted Tara with him all the time. And not with anyone else. Period.

  Hold on, Neanderthal man … what if Tara didn’t feel the same way? What if he was just her boy-toy?

  They’d spent almost every night together since they’d met. At this stage of his life, he hoped he’d sense something like that. Of course his experience with women was only short-term relationships and nothing as intense as it was with Tara. Most of their time here on the island had been spent in bed pawing each other like two teenagers.

  August grinned again. His friend in his drawers agreed that was a cool perk. But that didn’t mean Tara wanted to take their relationship to another level—they did spend more time in bed than out of it.

  How could she want to spend the rest of her life with someone who had his tongue down her throat, and was too busy enticing her into doing the horizontal mambo than learning about her?

  Made for difficult conversation.

  He couldn’t expect her to consider anything long-term with him if he never gave her a chance to have meaningful dialogue.

  Tonight he promised himself.

  Tonight he’d sit down with Tara and they’d talk about life. He’d make a point of learning all about her, what kind of food she liked, the movies she wanted to go see, her family…

  All the shit that was important to her.

  All the shit…

  * * *

  “Hey, beautiful.” August pecked Tara on the cheek and slid past her into the cool of her hut.

  “What kind of hello was that?” she asked, hands on hips. Her long, dark hair hung just past her nipples, covering her naked breasts. She was naked, completely naked.

  He gulped, then groaned, turning his head he pretended to look at the view from the slider. “What was wrong with that hello?”

  Tara came up behind him, slid her hands around his waist and pressed her body against him. Her hand drifted to his cock, ready, willing and able, as it always was whenever she was around. She slid her hands slowly over the erection tenting his shorts. “Well, it certainly isn’t the greeting I’ve become accustomed to.”

  Unbuckling his belt, she tugged on the button of his shorts and unzipped them partially. August jammed his hands in the pockets to keep from pulling her around his body and throwing her on the bed. No, they were going to talk.

  Talk, talk, talk . “I just thought you might want to hang out for a little while first.”

  Kneeling, she slipped between his thighs to sit in front of him. Looking up, her eyes gleamed, wicked and glazed with mischief. “We can hang out, August,” she said as she freed his now burning hot cock. Pulling his shorts and underwear over his hips, she slid his sandals off and lifted his feet out of his shorts.

  Yes, hang out. He was definitely doing that. He was hanging out a lot whenever he was with Tara. A sure sign he had to stop her now. Remember the conversation thing?

  Her hot breath grazed his cock as she circled it, letting her lips brush it lightly. A jab of electricity shot t
o his balls, making him rock back a little on his feet. Her hands slid upward over his abdomen as she hovered near his needy shaft. “What kind of hanging out would you like to do?”

  Jesus, how was he supposed to stop her when she was at his feet looking like this? Her lush lips prepared to wrap around his cock, her tongue ready to lick him until he wanted to scream. The soft swell of her ass, round and full, was making him fucking nuts.

  It was torture, it was … it was … stupid to turn her down, but he was going to anyway so he could prove to her that his intentions were for the long haul.

  Gripping her upper arms lightly, he pulled her up to look at him. “The kind of hanging out where we talk,” he said as he smiled.

  Tara rolled her eyes, probably in disbelief and said, “Oh, well, all right, let’s talk.” Pushing at his broad chest, she directed him to the edge of the bed. Sitting between his thighs, she tucked her hair up on the top of her head, tying it in a knot.

  Shit, he loved when she did that. Draping her arms around his neck, she tilted her head and waited. August sat on his hands so he wouldn’t touch her nipples; they looked too downright lickable. Damn, his fingers twitched. “So…”

  She kissed the side of his mouth, tracing his lower lip with her tongue, pressing her breasts to his still shirt-clad chest. Her hand found his cock, circling it she slid up and over it with ease. “So? Tell me what you want to talk about? I’m all ears.” Giggling, she kissed her way down his neck, nipping his earlobe.

  His cock twitched against her hand. Closing his eyes he tried to focus, but his hips rose to meet the thrust of her hand, soft and supple. Christ! “Let’s talk about you.”

  Good, that was good. He gave himself a silent pat on the back. It showed intent.

  She was kneeling between his thighs again, hovering by his shaft. “What about me?” Her tongue snaked out to swiftly lick him.

  Holy Hell… “I… tell me … tell me what kind of … of movies … damn, ” he gasped as she took him in her mouth, “you like…”

  Sliding back up his shaft, she cupped his balls and answered him, “I like all kinds of movies, action/adventure, comedy, documentaries. Next question, ” she said as she lapped at the area just below the head of his cock.

  His thighs tensed when she kneaded them and his cock throbbed painfully. He couldn’t keep his hands still. He gripped her head, directing her movement as she suckled with long slow passes. God, the silk of her tongue made him insane. “I like action/adven … tuuuure,” he fairly screamed, keeping his teeth clenched as he spoke.

  Letting him go with a pop, she replied, “Good. Think we can rent a movie here on Gilligan’s Island when I’m done?”

  Disappointment flashed through his cock when she released him. “I don’t know. Do you like to rent or see it at the movie theater?”

  Resuming her position, she ran her tongue over his balls lightly. They tightened, pulling against his body. Spreading his thighs further apart, she ran her nails over his thatch of pubic hair. “I like to stay at home. The movies are so expensive. Besides, if I were in a movie theater, say right now, I couldn’t do this…” Falling on him with her mouth, she took his rock-hard cock all the way into the heated cavern, then slid back up with a rasp of tongue and lips.

  Okay, he was really trying here and she just wasn’t playing fair. How was a guy supposed to learn stuff about a chick if she was doing this? How could he string coherent thoughts together when his balls were on fire and his cock could rival a two-by-four? Maybe he really was just a good lay… “I’m beginning to feel like this conversation is going nowhere,” he threw out as casually as he could without sounding like a girl.

  Nipping him lightly, Tara looked up from his lap. “Really? Why is that? I thought we were doing just fine.” Rising, she straddled his lap, letting the heat of her pussy settle near his screaming cock. She arched her body backward, lifting her breasts to just below his lips.

  Oh, she so did not play fair.

  “We can’t talk when you’re doing that,” he complained as his cock slipped between the folds of her pussy, sliding along the wet flesh.

  Up and down, up and down.

  “What am I doing? ” She cupped her breast and thumbed her nipple, offering it to his lips.

  August didn’t know how to stop himself. He licked at the tight bud, savoring the rippled surface, letting it roll over his tongue.

  Christ, he was just a boy-toy.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing, but I like what you’re doing. Do some more…” she encouraged, holding his head close to her chest.

  August slid his hand between them and found the swollen bud of her clit. He loved the slick feel of her on his fingers. “I feel so used, Tara…” he said around the sweet taste of nipple. He was shooting for nonchalant, teasing.

  Gasping when he slid a finger into her wet warmth, she circled his hand. “Used, why? How could you even think such a thing? Do you think all I want to do is have my wicked way with you, then discard you, moving stealthily on to the next prey? ”

  There’d better not be anymore prey… He sighed, long and suffering for the effect he knew it would evoke. “I’m starting to wonder if it’s just my body you want and not my mind.”

  Pressing his cock between the folds of her cunt, Tara held it there, moving against it as his finger impaled her. August refused to be deterred, no matter how much he wanted to ram his cock into her and fuck her silly.

  Purring at him, she said. “Well, I do like your body … it’s very, ” he stroked her breast, “ahhh, ” she moaned, “it’s very nice.”

  Nice? Nice? “Nice, it’s just nice?” He kept sliding into her with more force in his thrusts.

  “I said very nice, didn’t I? Now, can you shut up so we can fuck like rabid animals and talk later?”

  He stopped moving in her. “No. I want to talk now,” he replied with as much petulance as he could muster.

  Tara swung her legs off him and went to the table by the bed, taking the foil wrapped condom and ripping it open. She lay down and smiled, “So, talk to me.”

  Well now, how was he supposed to do that, when she looked like this? August snatched the condom from her and slipped it over his cock. She was lying on the bed all sexy and wanton. Her breasts tipped upward enticingly, and the taper of her waist led to the soft swell of her hips. Hips he loved to clutch tightly when he came. Smoothly shaven, her pussy was sweet and wet, he loved to bury his face in her, make he r come with his lips and tongue. He loved hearing the gasp of breath she took just before she sighed his name.

  Her eyebrows rose, as she trailed a finger over her nipple, wandering over her belly and pausing at the smooth mound of flesh between her legs. “So, talk to me August…”

  She slipped her hand between her thighs, licking her lips, letting her eyes slide closed as she arched into her hand.

  Oh man. August’s cock was shrieking as his eyes watched her pleasure herself. She let her legs fall apart as she fingered her clit and tugged at her nipples. Lifting her head, her eyes half-open she repeated, “Let’s talk…”

  Talk, schmalk… August was between her legs with his tongue buried in her pussy as far as it would go in two seconds flat. Lapping at the wet, musky flesh, he listened for the gasp she would make when he made contact with her swollen clit.

  “Ahhh, August…” Her hands clutched his head as she pressed his tongue flush to her clit. Bringing her to a swift orgasm, he suckled her hard, keeping her tight to his mouth, rolling his tongue over the now hard bud.

  Bucking beneath him, she tore at his hair and jammed her heels into the bed. Her belly rose and fell rapidly beneath his head as she wrapped her legs around his shoulders.

  Gripping his shoulders, she pulled him up on top of her. Her slender body pressed tightly to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She slipped her fingers between his lips and he nipped the tips of them.

  His cock, ramrod stiff and flush with heat lay at the tight opening
of her pussy. “Can we talk now?” She teased him, lifting her hips to encourage his cock’s entrance.

  With a shift of his hips, he plunged into her and let out a growl of satisfaction as her muscles clenched him. “Woman, I tried to talk to you, but you wouldn’t listen, you just can’t keep your hands off me.”

  Raising her hips, she jerked beneath him, buried her head in his neck and giggled “Whaddaya say we talk later, fuck now?”

  He stroked her slowly, gliding easily from the wet, tight ent rance, only to plunge into her once more. There would never be enough of this woman for him. August would never tire of lying between her legs, feeling her smooth skin beneath his as she whispered his name in his ear. His heart clenched tightly in his chest when her breath quickened and his cock began to pulse with heat.

  She thrashed beneath him, straining against him, dropping her heels to the bed and rising up on her elbows. He felt her body tighten as her head fell back. He kissed the smooth hollow of her neck, pumping into her, rocking against her hard as she came, yelping his name.

  August let go as hot, thick spurts of come coursed through his cock. Tara collapsed back on the bed and closed her eyes.

  Kissing each of her eyelids, he stayed inside her, savoring the tight canal.

  “Oh, Mr. Guthrie, it would seem what you lack in conversational skills, you more than make up for orally.”

  He nipped her nose, “I tried, you wouldn’t let me … you kept doing that thing with your lips and tongue, ya know?” He pretended indignation.

  Tara laughed and snuggled under him. “Well, now you know how I feel. You completely ignore me when I try to talk to you, then distract me with this…” She tugged the base of his cock, “this weapon of love. How can a girl think when you’re waving this thing around?”

  “So, it’s true. You’re just using me and then you’ll discard me when you’re through with me. I am a boy-toy. ” He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. There’d been a time when that would have been just fine and dandy, but Tara was different. He didn’t mind the boy-toy part, so long as the long term part came with it.


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