Cuban Missile Crisis
The Curve of Binding Energy (McPhee)
Daedalus; or Science and the Future (Haldane)
Darwin, Charles
Darwin Among the Machines (Dyson, G.)
post-Darwin evolutionary phase
Darwin interlude
Dashen, Roger
Davenport, Harold
David-vs.-Goliath philosophy
Davy Crockett warhead
Dawkins, Richard
The Day After Trinity, as nuclear age television documentary
de Hoffmann, Frederic
as General Atomic head
Orion project under
Galois and
reflections on
thoughts of
Debunked (Broch)
Deep Space Bombardment Force, as Orion doomsday weapon
defense-by-bluff style
Dennett, Daniel
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Department of Energy
Dickens, Basil
Dickinson, Emily
Dirac, Paul
A Distant Mirror (Tuchman)
Disturbing the Universe (Dyson, F.)
dream about God in
on quoting poets
reason for
settlement of
DNA. See deoxyribonucleic acid
Doctor Atomic (Adams)
doctorates (honorary)
Doomsday Machine
deterrence of
Kubrick and
doomsday weapon
Dr. Strangelove
Doomsday Machine and
On Thermonuclear War and
Drake, Frank
extraterrestrial life probability formula of
SETI and
universe’s radio method of exploration and
Dreams of Earth and Sky (Konstantin)
Dunne, Brian
Durell, Clement
Dyson, Alice (sister)
Dyson, Dorothy (daughter)
Dyson, Emily (daughter)
Dyson, Esther (daughter)
as author
birth of
as cosmonaut
father’s retirement talk by
on Internet’s rise
Dyson, Freeman. See specific topics
Dyson, George (father)
controlling judgment and
postwar memoir of
in World War I
Dyson, George (son)
as author
reunion with
Dyson, Imme (second wife). See Jung, Imme
Dyson, Mildred (mother)
Dyson, Miriam (daughter)
Dyson, Rebecca (daughter)
the “Dyson,” as measure of speculation
“The Dyson Conjecture”
Dyson nostrums
Dyson papers
Dyson sphere
as galactic civilizations’ criterion
as hypothetical energy collector
as inspiration for novels
Star Trek and
Dyson swarm, as life forms in dust clouds
Dyson trees
Dyson-Schmidt equation
Dyson-Schwinger equations
economy of scale
Eddington, Arthur
Cambridge University at Trinity College
of children
Twyford (boarding school)
Winchester College (boarding school)
Einstein, Albert
indeterminacy rejected by
non-interaction with
on particle motion
“The Electromagnetic Shift of Energy Levels”
Electronic Computer Project
accelerator and
Aquinas’ terminology for describing of
electromagnetic energy
infinity squared in
international theory of
magnetism and
renormalization of
universal electron field and
virtual light in
Eliot, T. S.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
An Enemy of the People (Ibsen)
ESP. See extrasensory perception
“Eternity” (Blake)
Extraordinary Knowing: Science, Skepticism, and the Inexplicable Powers of the Human Mind (Mayer)
extrasensory perception (ESP)
extraterrestrial life. See also search for extraterrestrial intelligence
on asteroids and comets
thought experiments and
increased cancers and
levels of
books read in
culture of
DNA and
good father with
lineage of
as priority
Faraday, Michael
Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
Feiveson, Harold
Ferguson, Charles
Fermi, Enrico
Dyson’s new conjecture invalidated by
reactor prototype and
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
“Fern Hill” (Thomas)
Feynman, Richard
on atom bomb’s detonation
on compatibility with Schwinger
as confidante of
defeat admitted by
failed theory of
friendship with
idolatry of
at Los Alamos bomb project
Nobel Prize for
personality of
picture approach of
at Pocono conference
Feynman-Dyson diagrams. See also Dyson-Schwinger equations
The First Three Minutes (Weinberg)
first-use policy
genetically modified food
milk safety and
Frayn, Michael
free will
God and
illusory nature of
freeze movement
From Eros to Gaia (Dyson, F.)
Fuchs, Klaus
fundamental physical constants
Arthur Lectures on
Clarke on prediction of
Dyson-Schwinger equations and
time and
galactic civilization
Galapagos Islands
Galois, Evariste
Gandhi, Mahatma
garden of Eden
Garwin, Richard
Geller, Uri
Gell-Mann, Murray
General Atomic
de Hoffmann as head of
General Dynamics’ subsidiary of
nuclear reactors and
Orion and
as vice president of
General Dynamics
genetically modified food
genome. See also biosphere genome; The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet
Gibbons, Jack
Gifford Lectures
Infinite in All Directions and
on religion and science
Sagan and
Glashow, Sheldon
Gleick, James
global warming
bad outweighing good in
benefits of
countervailing effects against
food-first imperative and
on greenhouse gases’ emissions
manifesto to Oak Ridge report and
soil uptake of CO2 and
uniformity lacking in
unorthodox position about
GM food. See genetically modified food
as collective consciousness’ ex
dream of
free will and
as individual’s religious experiences
Sagan on religion and
Star Maker and
as world soul
world soul and
The God Delusion (Dawkins)
Godel, Kurt
Gold, Thomas
Goldberger, Marvin
Golden Rule, Brennan’s military version of
Gomer, Robert
Gore, Al
gravitational machine
gravitational masses
Grechko, Marshal Andrei
greenhouse warming. See global warming
Greenland meeting
Haefeli, Hans, as first husband of Huber, V.
Hahn, Oscar
Hakluyt, Richard
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
“hang-ups,” as gravity’s counteracting forces
Happer, William
Hardy, G. H.
Harris, General
blast simulation of
co-creators of
developer of
as fusion
Oppenheimer, Cold War and
opposition to
physicists’ disagreement about
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen)
Heisenberg, Werner
Heitler, Walter
Herschel, William, Wright’s Milky Way confirmed by
hibernation, as energy conservation’s means
High Temperature Graphite Reactor (HTGR)
High Wycombe
Hiroshima visit
Holmes, Richard
Homo sapiens
House Committee on Un-American Activities
HTGR. See High Temperature Graphite Reactor
Huber, Katarina (stepdaughter)
father of
in mother’s custody
stepfather and
Huber, Verena (first wife)
background of
as Cornell’s mathematics instructor
courtship of
depression of
discontent of
on Dyson-Kreisel mathematics rivalry
employment of
first impressions of
on husband as alien robot
Jung’s au pair interview by
Kreisel’s affair with
on marriage
marriage to
Michigan trip with
name change of
rejection of
stillborn child of
Huber-Dyson, Verena. See Huber, Verena (first wife)
human destiny
as exploration of solar system
unboundedness of
human nature
continuity of
emotions as central complexity of
Huxley, Thomas
hydrogen bomb. See H-bomb
IAS. See Institute for Advanced Studies
Ibsen, Henrik
Iliad (Homer)
Imagined Worlds (Dyson, F.)
Imperial College
incompleteness theory
Inconvenient Truth (Gore)
Infinite in All Directions (Dyson, F.)
Gifford Lectures and
human destiny’s unboundedness in
substance of
The Information (Gleick)
infrared (IR)
Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS)
absence from
best friends at
blast simulation at
carte blanche at
Coalition for Peace Action commemoration at
decision for study at
Electronic Computer Project at
as intellectual hotel
limited interaction with Godel at
loss of Electronic Computer Project
marriage to
non-interaction with Einstein at
Oppenheimer as director of
Oppenheimer’s tribunal outcome and
permanent faculty position at
postdoctoral students at
as professor emeritus
retirement event at
School of Natural Sciences at
second mortgage from
IR. See infrared
The Island of Doctor Moreau (Wells)
Jacobs, Hilde
James, William
Jason program
assessment of Nike missile defense for
membership in
non-leadership role in
“Pentagon Papers” and
physic’s laws and
Joy, Bill
Joyce, James
Dyson, Freeman, compared to
reading of
Jung, Imme (second wife)
au pair interview of
as marathon runner
marriage to
Europa as moon of
life in deepwater ocean of
Kahn, Herman
a “Kahn,” as unit of fission energy
Kahneman, Daniel
Karplus, Robert
Kemmer, Nicholas, as physics’ mentor
Kennedy, John F.
Khrushchev, Nikita
killing machine
King, Martin Luther
Kittel, Charles
Konstantin, Tsiolkovsky
Kramer, Stanley
Krauss, Lawrence
on free will’s illusory nature
on memory’s digital character
on thinning of universe
Kreisel, Georg
Dyson’s divorce and
Dyson’s mathematics rivalry with
Huber, V., affair with
Kreisliana: About and Around Georg Kreisel (Huber-Dyson)
Kubrick, Stanley
Kuiper object
Lab, Cavendish
Lake Views (Weinberg)
Lamb, Willis
Lamb shift revisited
on Lamb shift solution
Lamb shift. See Lamb, Willis
laser guide star
Last and First Men (Stapledon)
Lee, Silver
Lee, Tsung-Dao, on non-symmetry
Lenard, Andrew, on matter’s stability
Lewis, Hal
Lieb, Elliott
life. See also extraterrestrial life; minimal life
criticism of model of
as Dyson swarm
garden of Eden and
Jupiter’s deepwater ocean and
model of
Origins of Life and 227
purpose of
religion and
RNA and
Schrodinger and
life’s purpose
Light Water Reactor (LWR)
Lighthill, James
limited war doctrine
live-and-let-live concept
Long Now Foundation
Los Alamos
Bethe as bomb design head at
Feynman at
“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (Eliot)
LWR. See Light Water Reactor
The Magic City (Nesbit)
Manhattan Project
Manifest Destiny
A Many Colored Glass (Dyson, F.)
Margalit, Avishai
marriage. See also Huber, Verena (first wife); Jung, Imme (second wife)
desire for
Dyson’s affair in
friction in
to Huber
Huber, V., depression in
Huber’s resistance to
to Jung
robotic behavior in
mathematical physics
mind’s invasion of
poseful movement of
on religion’s transcendence of
stability of
Max, Claire, laser guide star and
Max Planck Institute
Maxwell, James Clerk
Mayer, Elizabeth Lloyd
McCarthy, Joseph
McNamara, Robert
McPhee, John
Mehta, Madan Lal
meta-analysis, early version of
milk, strontium-90 and
matter’s invasion by
universe and
minimal life
cell requirements for
computer analogy in
evolution of cellular processes in
garden of Eden graph and
Origins of Life and
Minkowski conjecture
mirror symmetry
model of life
modern science, matter as inanimate force of
molecular bomb
Monod, Jacques
on complete impartiality
on human species as accident
applied mathematics and
as radar systems’ analysis
Monroe Doctrine
Morette, Cecile
Morrison, Philip
Hiroshima bomb and
radio method of exploration and
SETI and
Morrison-Cocconi papers
Muller, Richard
active optics and
on bombs
Munster, Germany
Murrow, Edward R.
Musk, Eon
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
National Bureau of Standards
national security state
natural theology
constants of
Wright on creator of
Nesbit, Edith
neutron bomb, Orion’s requirement of
The New York Times Magazine, featured in
New York University
Newton, Isaac, religion’s guidance of science and
night climbing
Nike missile defense system
Nobel Prize
arguments for Dyson, F. and
for Tomonaga, Schwinger, Feynman
no-first-use principle
nonnuclear defense
nuclear abolitionism
nuclear electricity
nuclear fallout. See fallout
nuclear force
Fermi invalidates work on
new conjecture about
nuclear freeze
nuclear power safety
bandwagon effect and
economy of scale and
flexibility and
marketplace and
reactors and
nuclear reactors
Fermi’s prototype of
fission in
nuclear electricity and
safety and
Taylor, T., design of
Teller’s design of
uses of
nuclear rocketship
bombs and boost phase of
chemical rocket’s comparison to
designer’s dream of flying in
nuclear debris problem of
propulsion of
nuclear test ban
Congressional testimony for
mind change in favor of
opposed to
Project Plowshare and
Senate approval of
nuclear testing
nuclear weapons. See also A-bomb; H-bomb; tactical nuclear weapons
Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and
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