Dismount (Off Balance Book 5)

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Dismount (Off Balance Book 5) Page 22

by Lucia Franco

  Kova chuckled. "You are as far as you could possibly go. Today is about you, your talent, and your accomplishments, and being awarded for them." He paused, then smiled and said, "But if you want me to tell you what I am thinking, I will."

  My cheeks bloomed with warmth. "I do."

  "Do not beat yourself up tomorrow for any mistakes today. Of course, the goal is not to make any," he said, and my lips twisted. "But try to remember that you worked really hard to get here and this competition itself is a gift. You made your dream a reality, and you took it a step further. Not many people are able to say that. That is a beautiful thing to witness."

  He didn't say that to appease me, Kova spoke from his heart. If it wasn’t for his nostalgic tone, I might have thought otherwise. This was a big moment for us as coach and gymnast. He knew it, I knew it. I wouldn’t return to World Cup, and once we arrived home, he wouldn't be my coach anymore.

  I was unprepared for the sadness in his eyes. I acted on impulse and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Kova reacted immediately and hugged me back just as a few flashes flickered around us. He dropped his face into the crook of my neck. His body was so warm pressed to mine. I didn't want it to end and the thought filled me with melancholy.

  The bell chimed and we pulled back. The crowd bustled with excitement again and I felt it. I cleared my throat about to speak when Kova eyed me and said under his breath, "Tonight."

  I nodded. I still didn't know what that meant. I just assumed I'd see him somehow.

  Kova turned around and made a beeline for Coach Elena. They spoke for a moment. I glanced at the judges' table down the runway and powdered my palms then slipped on the wrist guards. The green light flashed, and I licked my lips and swallowed.

  Stepping behind the white line, I asked myself what the one thing was that separated me from my competitors.

  I had more to lose than them.

  The all-around was a perfect example of how everything can change in the blink of an eye when it came to gymnastics. After the second rotation, I’d teetered between third and fourth place because of the balance beam. In the end, I’d secured the silver medal. I had been only five tenths of a point away from gold.

  I smiled and told myself I wasn't allowed to be upset. I had so much fun that it was virtually impossible to be sad. I considered myself fortunate to be here.

  Dressed in my Team USA sweat suit, I took it all in for the second time as I stood on the podium with Russia and China. Emotion consumed me when our flags were raised. The rich colors of my flag evoked a powerful reaction from me that was electrifying. The butterflies that had been swarming in my stomach the last two days were sprung from the restraints of my ribs and fluttered away. Quiet tears spilled down my cheeks. My heart was overloaded with feeling knowing I'd leave the Olympic Games with a handful of medals.

  I glanced around. My eyes browsed over the faces who helped make this event possible. I was still in a state of disbelief and clutched the medal in my hand tighter when I saw him.

  I held his stare, afraid to let go.

  I had officially achieved my dream. Now I had a bigger battle to face.


  "How'd you do it?" Dad asked, his jovial tone causing me to look up.

  He had a crystal tumbler in one hand and Sophia's hand in his other.

  I shrugged nonchalantly and couldn't help but smile. Gymnastics was all I'd ever known. It was like breathing to me. When I stepped onto the competition floor, my soul came alive and I felt like I was where I should be.

  "Seriously. How do you do it?" Avery asked too.

  "I don't know. Guess I was born to do it." I joked.

  Dad was still looking at me. There wasn't any hardness surrounding his eyes and he didn't look like he was as stressed as he had been. He just looked…happy. Really happy.

  "I'm in awe of you," Dad said. He couldn’t stop smiling.

  I blushed. "Stop looking at me, Dad."

  He mocked confusion and I couldn't help but giggle. "What? I can't look at my daughter who won a bunch of medals at the Olympics? I was captivated watching you. Now I wish I'd attended all your meets."

  I didn't want him to feel bad. "You were at the ones that mattered the most."

  Sophia patted the top of his hand and he looked at her.

  "I can't believe the village was boring," Avery said only for me to hear.

  I turned my attention to her.

  "It definitely wasn't as glamourous as I thought it would be." I told her how lackluster it was. "It was like a giant schoolyard and everyone was waiting for the bell to ring. I definitely didn't see or hear about any sex orgies that supposedly happen."

  "I think that happens after they compete."

  I mused over her response. "I guess, but we're asked to leave to allow the other athletes to prepare. I'm thinking it happens in a hotel and not there." Not that I was looking, but I was curious after all the rumors I'd heard.

  "Let's take a selfie," Avery said, and held up her cell phone.

  I was sitting next to Avery with Dad and Sophia across from us. Xavier was next to Dad, but he mostly kept his focus on his cell phone. We were at a round table in a private dining room for another night of celebrating Team USA. All coaches and family were invited. Everyone was decked out, ready to celebrate. The room was filled with people mingling, and happiness permeated the air, putting a permanent grin on my face from the moment I’d walked in.

  Avery held her phone up high. We said, "besties," and smiled. She took a few more pictures and then we looked at them together. She posted one on social media with the hashtag "my best friend is cooler than yours." Then she posted another with the message, "A redhead's perfect accessory—a gold medal." It was a funny one of me trying to sink my teeth into the medal.

  I glanced around searching for one person.

  It didn't take long. My eyes found him immediately.

  Kova was leaning his elbow on a highboy table talking to a woman. He took a small sip of what I presumed was vodka in his clear glass, and I watched him like I was thirsty. He nodded a few times before he let out a real laugh and a real smile. My eyes softened with longing. I hadn't seen that type of reaction from him in months.

  God, he looked so damn delicious dressed in all black. His sleeves were rolled to just below his elbows and the top few buttons of his shirt were left undone. Matching dress pants and shoes, he looked like sin in the flesh. Kova was oozing sexuality. I'd watched as he moved across the room like a social butterfly for the last hour talking to people. He never once looked in my direction. I tried not to take it personally considering my dad was here, but we had just accomplished something huge together.

  "What's wrong?" Avery asked.

  I bit my lip. "I feel like Kova's acting strange."

  "It's probably because your dad is here."

  "Yeah, you're probably right, but still. I feel like he's purposely ignoring me. Something's off. I can feel it."

  "I wouldn't worry too much right now. Things are hectic here. Don't read too much into it."

  I nodded in agreement even though I didn't like the negative feeling churning in my stomach. "I still can't believe you're here," I said to her, grabbing her arm. I was so happy Avery was granted permission from her parents to attend the Olympics.

  "I know. I was ready to sell my soul to fly here when your dad talked to mine and said he'd watch over me. It was smooth sailing after that." She finished with a cheeky smile.

  I glanced around the table making sure my brother wasn't listening before asking, "Has it been strange being so close to Xavier?"

  Avery shot a fleeting glance his way. She puckered her lips before she spoke. "Yes and no. I think I make it really difficult for him. Like one minute I'll catch him looking at me like he likes me again, and I'll smile a little at him. Then the next second he looks disgusted with me. It's a little unsettling but I remind myself he thinks I aborted his baby. It keeps me from getting mad and reacting."

  My heart wa
s sad hearing this. There wasn't one person who had caused the miscarriage, but they'd never see it that way. She felt responsible, but if Xavier knew the truth, he'd feel even more responsible than her. Their truth was a double-edged sword.

  Her mouth opened, then closed. She frowned and wet her lips. "We stayed up talking last night until three in the morning."

  My brows shot up. I swear Xavier had multiple personalities. "You're kidding me. What happened?"

  She shrugged one shoulder. "Nothing happened, we just talked about the transplant surgery, actually."

  That was all she said. Nothing more. Nothing less. I waited patiently until I couldn't take it anymore.

  "Okay, you're going to make me drag it out of you, aren't you?"

  A sly grin spread across Avery's face. She picked her head up and looked at me with round blue eyes.

  "Tell me what happened," I urged.

  When Avery blushed, it was so obvious. She was light-skinned and her cheeks turned into red apples.

  "He asked me to come to his room. Of course, I went. I basically fucking sprinted there. I was shocked at first because he'd hardly said two words to me since we left the States. When I got to his room, he had the fake fireplace lit up on the screen and blankets on the floor in front of it." My brows creased. That was the last thing I’d expected. "I once told Xavier I loved sitting in front of the fire and listening to the crackling wood. He had his cell phone playing the wood burning sound. It was like a beacon calling me. I went right to the floor and laid down. He did too."

  My lips parted and my brows angled deeper toward each other. I was puzzled and I was sure it showed. "Who knew he had a sweet side to him? I'm surprised he did that."

  She blew out a huff and said, "Me too. He said he didn't get a chance to thank me for testing to see if I was a match for you. He seemed…indebted over it."

  I pulled back. "My brother?"

  "Yup." She nodded. "I swear he was on the verge of crying he was so happy that we matched up. He just kept thanking me over and over. He was really sweet, and he reminded me of the old Xavier." She paused and her voice lowered even more. "I miss him."

  "At least you guys didn't fight." Her eyes rolled toward mine. "Oh, did I speak too soon?"

  "Girl, yes. He insisted that he's going to take care of me the entire time I'm in recovery until I'm back to myself. I told him that wasn't necessary, that I didn't need him because I had family to help. We bickered about that for a solid minute. You know what he said? He yelled in my face that he's my family and only he's going to be allowed to take care of me." I frowned, my feelings torn over his behavior. "I wasn't sure whether to swoon or be turned off," Avery said, sounding torn herself.

  I glanced across the table at Xavier, who was openly studying Avery. He couldn't tear his eyes from her. My head tilted to the side as I took in his appearance. Xavier rocked that pastel preppy style well, not giving a shit if he was wearing "girl colors," as Avery's twin brothers had put it many times to taunt him. His disheveled hair complemented his lax shirt and loose tie. Funny that he loved preppy clothes when he was anything but a prep boy. He was in trouble with the law often, defensive, abrasive. There was an underlying aura of danger that followed him. He was a walking hazard. All it took was the wrong look and he'd detonate. He'd be better suited in all black, not a soft salmon color. Yet, sitting across from me, Xavier looked at Avery like he was a man drowning in love over someone he'd never have.

  "How did you guys leave off?" I asked carefully, looking back at her.

  "He said he wanted to see me again tonight, but I told him that's a negative because I get to hang out with my bestie," she said with a beaming smile, her shoulders shifting from side to side. I had so much love for her.

  "Have you guys seen each other every night since you got here?"

  She peered down then chanced a guilty side-eye glance at me. "Maybe," she drew out shyly. I laughed. "We have, but only because in order for me to go anywhere, your dad makes Xavier come with me. It's so annoying. Last night was the first night I was alone with him, though, like in his room alone. My heart was racing the entire time. I couldn't believe he asked me to come over, let alone set up that fake fire."

  I giggled, not surprised Dad had done that. "We're in a foreign country, what did you expect? You know my dad sees you as a daughter too."

  She gave me a droll stare. "I felt like I had a bodyguard. He was on top of everything I did. I couldn't breathe without him questioning me."

  I grinned. "You have no chance in the Olympic village with Xavier around."

  "Fucking right, man."

  This time I chuckled. I didn't think I'd ever understand those two. They either had something toxic together or something profound. There was no middle ground with them. Like I'd told Xavier that day in his pool house, they were similar to Kova and me.

  Hesitantly, I asked, "Do you want to see him tonight?"

  Avery lifted her gaze to mine, but I stopped her just seconds after our eyes locked. Her face was blank but her eyes gave her away.

  My lips twitched. "I have an idea…"


  I approached Kova, who was finally alone for the first time tonight. Throwing a quick glance over my shoulder to make sure Avery was still covering for me, I stopped in front of him. He looked up in surprise and quickly surveyed the room before turning his attention to me.

  "Hey," I said, feeling my cheeks rush with blood.

  Kova's eyes moved down the length of my body in a sensual sweep. I wore a crimson designer dress with gold glitter scattered throughout the slinky material and matching high heels that made me feel like a goddess. The dress and shoes were one of Avery’s many outfits she’d packed for the trip. She had insisted I wear them tonight.

  Kova's jaw flexed and his nostrils flared as he exhaled. I was pleased with the way he looked at me.

  "You look beautiful," he said, but the compliment didn't reach his eyes.

  "Thank you," I said, then I got right to the point since we didn't have much time. "So… You kept referring to tonight. Did you want to meet?"

  "Ah, yes," he said, his jaw stiff as he swirled the ice in his glass. "I know you will not be returning to Cape Coral for a bit." He stared down at the ice avoiding my gaze. Kova kept his elbows locked to his sides and his stance unwelcoming. I wondered if he was worried about my dad seeing us. I almost regretted coming over here now. "We have a few things that were left unsaid that I feel need to be discussed. However, if you cannot get away for, say, thirty minutes, it is no problem."

  I shook my head even though he wasn't looking at me. Why wouldn’t he look at me? His standoffish attitude left me with this unbearable feeling I didn't want to acknowledge. I didn't like the sudden twisting of dread in my chest.

  "Avery will cover for me. What's your room number?"

  That got his attention. Kova glanced up to tell me what room he was staying in, but he was so disengaged with our conversation that I had to say something.

  "What's wrong?"

  He looked straight into my eyes. "Nothing at all. Just catching up with a few old friends."

  I nodded slowly, not believing him. I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling under my skin.

  The back of my neck prickled with heat. Kova didn't say anything more. I offered him a shaky smile, but he didn't return it. There was an awkwardness hanging in the air between us. All I could do was turn on my heels and walk away.

  I kept my head down as I walked toward Kova's hotel room. I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling in my stomach the closer I got to his door. My nerves were shot after the tense moment I'd had with him before I left the dinner. Kova hadn't looked my way for the rest of the night, and I had the strangest notion that he didn't want to see me.

  Maybe it was all in my head and the paranoia was getting to me. We both were risking a lot to see each other. Longing filled me. I looked forward to the day when I didn't have to hide how I felt about him.

  Avery had agreed to tell Xavie
r that I crashed early when she went to see him. She would mention the adrenaline wore off and I just wanted to sleep. It was the perfect cover, and it wasn't a lie. It was exactly how I felt. I was coming down from the high of being here, and I knew everything would start to settle in my bones soon.

  Standing in front of Kova's hotel room, I looked down both sides of the hallway then hesitantly raised my fist to rap on the door. My heart pounded in fear of being seen walking into my coach’s room after midnight alone.

  The door opened immediately and I stepped inside. Before I could say a word, Kova grabbed my elbow and kicked the door shut with his foot. He pushed me up against the wall then pressed his body to mine. With one hand gripping my hip and the other angling my jaw up to his, Kova's body was fiery to the touch and seething with something a little darker under the surface. My lips parted and I gasped as his cool lips slanted over my needy ones. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I moaned at the connection, fisting his shirt, desperately needing more of him.

  I most definitely was being paranoid earlier.

  My palms slid up his chest and around to cup the back of his neck. I rolled my hips against his and felt my body come alive. I relished the feeling of how strong and powerful he felt while I was in his arms. I gripped his shoulders, feeling his muscles contract under my fingertips. Kova was like a caged animal that needed to be freed. And I loved it.

  Skillful lips made my knees weak. Kova devoured me with a kiss he was more than eager to give. His passion engulfed me and I reveled in the way his mouth moved over mine. The man was a damned good kisser.

  Kova's hand slipped over the small of my back. A shot of electricity shot up my spine. His erection pressed into me and I sighed into his mouth.

  Cupping my butt, Kova lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. A cool breeze blew across us and I noticed my panties were damp. His palm slid into my hair, and his fingers curled around a chunk of the locks and tugged near the root. My chest pressed into his and I groaned in the back of my throat.


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