The Sweetest Lesbian

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The Sweetest Lesbian Page 2

by Carl East

  I held Crystal’s hand tighter and whispered a few well-chosen words.

  “Please God, take care of Crystal. She’s a good person and loved by all that know her,” I said only to find Rebecca crying when I’d finished. “She’s going to be all right Rebecca, you’ll see.”

  We held her hands for the next couple of hours, when she finally opened her eyes and said, “Hi Guys.”

  “Oh thank God,” I said watching the broad smile appearing on Rebecca’s face.

  “What happened?” said Crystal.

  “You were involved in a car accident when we came out of the store, don’t you remember?” said Rebecca.

  “I remember the store but I don’t remember any accident,” replied Crystal.

  “No worries, it probably effected your short term memory. I’m only guessing here but it will probably come back to you at a later date,” I said.

  We talked for hours, before learning that she was going to be released the next day. Rebecca and I left that day feeling relieved, that the initial scare was over.

  The next day was strange for me. I went in to the hospital to pick Crystal up and was very quiet as we drove towards her home.

  “Is something wrong Derek?” she said bringing me out of my thoughts.

  I tried to say, “Yes, everything is fine,” instead, I started to cry.

  “What’s wrong Derek, I’m fine now, everything is back to how it was,” she said.

  After a few seconds, I was able to speak again.

  “I think while you were in there I had to be strong for you, but now that you’re no longer in any danger I’ve been able to allow my emotions to surface and I feel overwhelmed with gratitude that you’re going to be all right,” I managed to say before the tears started up again.

  “Ah, that is so sweet. I don’t know how I ever deserved to meet a man like you Derek, but I’m so glad I did,” she replied.

  When we pulled up to the apartment, Rebecca had fixed up a sign that read “welcome home Crystal,” which was surrounded with balloons. There were at least four people from the apartment block standing with her and it was nice to see Crystal smile once again.

  A few days later, I was bringing some milk in, which they’d forgotten in the shopping, the day before. I was asked to stay for dinner, which was always a pleasure and the conversation soon came around to sex.

  “Derek, have you been with anyone since meeting me, in a sexual way I mean?” said Crystal.

  “No, I haven’t felt the need. The last time I had sex was with you two,” I replied.

  “Are you even looking?” added Rebecca.

  “Not really, I’m very happy with how things are going. I have two wonderful friends, both of which I love and couldn’t be happier.”

  “Marry me Derek,” said Rebecca suddenly.

  “Sorry? What do you mean marry you?” I replied.

  “Crystal and I have been talking about this and we’re ready to take the next step in our relationship. We both realize that bringing up a child without a father could be a mistake, even though we both know in our hearts that we’d treat the child with all the love in the world. I already have feelings for you Derek, perhaps not as strong as my feelings for Crystal but I realize that you would make a great father. Crystal has no problem with this, as long as we can all live together,” she said.

  I looked at them both and after a few seconds I responded.

  “I’d love to marry you Rebecca.”

  “Wow, that was quick,” said Crystal.

  “If I can’t have the woman I love I can still share her life, and as I love Rebecca as well it would seem the right thing to do,” I replied.

  We then went into more detail, like when they’d like all of this to happen and before anyone knew it, it was twelve ‘o’clock at night. Crystal asked me to stay for the night, so I did. When it came time for bed however, they both wanted me to share theirs, which I found no difficulty in accepting.

  I had the honor of seeing them both undress in front of me and I knew that they were deliberately trying to tease me. When it came to taking my own clothes off, they came over and started to undress me. By the time I was naked I had a raging erection that I simply couldn’t stop. They didn’t seem to mind though as they both pushed me back onto the bed. I watched them sit on either side of me, wondering what they were doing.

  They then started to share my cock with one another. First Crystal took hold of it and sucked the end, before passing it over to Rebecca who did the same. Then they started to kiss the end together, while kissing one another. I enjoyed watching them both and while they were concentrating on my cock, I was admiring their figures. Crystal had large breasts, which almost begged to be sucked and a slender neck that I wanted to kiss.

  Rebecca had pert breasts, nicely rounded but not as big as Crystal’s. Both were slim built and both were starting to make me ejaculate. I quickly told them that I was about to cum and they responded by sucking me harder and faster. When I did blow, Rebecca took the initial load into her mouth, with just a small amount escaping from the side of her mouth. To my utter joy though, Crystal leaned forward and licked the end of my cock as another load seeped out the end.

  “Mmm, it’s quite salty isn’t it?” commented Crystal.

  “Yes, semen can be pretty salty,” replied Rebecca.

  Rebecca carried on sucking me until I was both dry and ready for more. They then got into the position Crystal loved so much, with Rebecca between her legs licking her pussy. I knelt behind Rebecca and slid a finger through her pussy lips, only to find she was already soaked. I then pushed my cock into the entrance and felt Rebecca push back so that my cock sank into her opening. Crystal was starting to make those delightful sounds of being pleasured and as I began to fuck Rebecca harder, I wondered how our life together would evolve.

  I liked Rebecca a lot and I felt that given time I could love her every bit as much as I loved Crystal. I gripped her butt at that point and began to slam my cock into her, feeling as if I wanted her to experience every inch of my cock as I pleasured her. With the sounds of everyone in the room echoing throughout, I was soon feeling like I was going to cum again. When I did, I stayed inside and let her have the entire load. I held her butt close to me and after a couple of minutes, my cock slipped out.

  Rebecca was still servicing Crystal, so I decided to join her. We took turns in licking her pussy and then I witnessed something I’d never seen before. Rebecca had quite small hands and she actually managed to fist fuck Crystal, who loved every second of it. When Crystal came I witnessed how wet she’d become and Rebecca allowed me to lick her dry. Crystal squirmed so much from me doing that that I almost made her climax again.

  Later that night, we were all talking in bed. It dawned on me that an uncertain future laid ahead of us. I couldn’t help wondering how all of this came about and fell asleep hoping that all would turn out well in the end.

  The End


  About the Author

  I was born in Hull, England. I’ve been writing for some years now mainly for the pleasure of it all but with the advent of self-publishing I’ve entered a completely new world. I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. If so I’d love to read a review of the story, it makes it all seem worthwhile.

  Discover other titles by Carl East at

  Title 1 - Hell’s Gate

  Title 2 - Forbidden Love

  Title 3 - The Ultimate Collection of Short Erotic Tales

  Table of Contents

  The Sweetest Lesbian


  About the Author



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