Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe

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Srikrishna- the Lord of the Universe Page 39

by Shivaji Sawant

  Sri requested aacharya again, “Please let us have the Prasada of your divine, ambrosial advice, aacharya.”

  Aacharya Sandipani spoke very little but it was remarkable. He said, “Oh citizens of Dwaraka! Today is a golden day in the life of Dwaraka. Srikrishna and Sudama, both are best friends and my best disciples. I have already told them. Today I repeat it for your sake – pride of any kind, of power, wealth, beauty, strength, and knowledge – whatever it is, it ultimately destroys the human being. The pride of power, authority and wealth is bad anytime. But above all, the pride of knowledge, of spiritual knowledge, is the worst.

  Srikrishna – Sudama, I am proud of both these disciples of mine. The essence of life is Love. You should cherish and spread it throughout your lives. Just like the loving gift that Sudamana brought and Srikrishna distributed. …!”

  Sudama bhauji stayed in Dwaraka for a week, and having talked with his friend to his heart’s content, returned to his village. Immediately after that Sri called for minister Vipruthu in the discussion chamber. He must have been giving him a lot of instructions about something. When I went there, I just heard the fleeting words of Sri, “... once everything is completed, announce the name of the city as ‘Sudamapuri’. Also,announce the same in the kingdom of Dwaraka.” I surmised that a new city like Indraprastha was going to be built in the name of Sudama bhauji.

  Once, the drums at Shuddhaksha gate boomed to announce the arrival of a special guest. I was in the original Dwaraka. My seven sisters would come to Dwaraka only occasionally. They were all engrossed in their family lives. But as the Maharani I had to come frequently. I saw Sri leaving his chamber as he had heard the sounds of the drums and also received the news in person. He left a message for me hurriedly, to get ready to welcome the special guest, and taking a troop of armed Yadava warriors along with him he promptly left for the Shuddhaksha gate. While leaving, he also gave some instructions to the minister, both the commanders and the troop leaders. I kept thinking. Who is such a special guest arriving in Dwaraka today that the lord of Dwaraka himself is going to receive him?

  I was even more stunned when I reached the Shuddhaksha gate with Revativahini. Everybody was standing there and awaiting somebody’s boat. Balaramadada, Uddhavabhauji, minister Vipruthu, both the commanders, senior Maharaja, both the matas, Gargamuni and yes, Sri’s Aacharya Sandipani was also present among them. A rare thing was that today his wife – Sri’s aashrama mata was also present there with her son Dutta. My curiosity was stretched to the limits to see such a crowd of Dwaraka’s Yadavas that so far had never gathered even in the Sudharma assembly. Who is coming? Who is this grand welcome for? I just couldn’t understand.

  After about half an hour’s wait the naval chief of Dwaraka slowly docked a huge boat embellished with garlands and festooned with flags, near the fortification wall of the Shuddhaksha gate. A tall, white-bearded, white-haired, radiant elderly man wearing a white loincloth descended on the land of Dwaraka from the ship. He had covered his lips with a white strip of cloth and tied it securely at the back of his neck. The moment his feet touched the land of Dwaraka Sri promptly moved forward along with venerable Aacharya Sandipani. Both aacharyas embraced each other tightly. At that moment, various musical instruments resonated making a great sound. While innumerable men and women of Dwaraka were watching, Sri knelt down and put his head on the divine feet of Ghor Angirasa, who travelled throughout Aaryavart. The moment Sri ‘s head touched his feet Ghor Angirasa immediately held his shoulders, pulled Sri up, and took him in a deep embrace saying – “No... Hrishikesha”.

  So, he was rishi Ghor Angirasa then! I had heard a lot about him from Aacharya Sandipani many a times. The story of this great rishi’s life that I had come to know from Aacharya Sandipani was indeed amazing.

  He was originally a Yadava from Mathura in our Shursena kingdom and was related to Sri distantly. In his youth, he left his home and family, to become an ascetic and went to the Himalayas. He had humbly submitted himself at the feet of the renowned rishi Angirasa; became his disciple and had performed severe penance. The original Angirasa had thoroughly assessed him through difficult tests and appointed him the heir of his family aashramas. After him this Angirasa had raised many aashrama branches at various places in Aaryavarta. The main branch was near Prayaga, a few branches were in the Himalayas and many other branches had spread throughout Aaryavarta. Now he had developed an inclination towards the thoughts of a former philosopher Rishabhanatha and his principles like non-violence, self-control and renunciation. He had given up his saffron clothing and had started wearing white clothing. His disciples knew him by both the names Ghor Angirasa and Arishtanemi.

  A grand procession in embellished golden chariots was organized to welcome Ghor Angirasa in Dwaraka. The citizens of Dwaraka gave him a grand welcome showering him with flowers and acclaim. This venerable rishi stayed in Dwaraka for one whole month. Sri had arranged his stay in his own chamber near the Krishnasopana. Sri himself, Uddhavabhauji, myself, Revativahini, Subhadra, dada – we all were at his service. My seven sisters from the island also came to original Dwaraka to visit him and take his blessings. Every day the venerable rishi and Sri spent hours in discussions in Sri’s chamber. The great rishi was a possessor of Divine Knowledge. That was indeed something Sri would never miss. Sri would pester him with many questions on different subjects. I always received the detailed information about their discussions from Uddhava bhauji.

  Sri would ask questions to rishi Angirasa sometimes about ethics, politics and at times about warfare, and would get engrossed in listening to his answers with full concentration. Whichever Shastras they were discussing, Sri would inadvertently take him into the deep, thick forests of Divine Knowledge.

  Initially Aacharya Sandipani and Uddhavabhauji would also participate in those discussions. Afterwards both of them would just listen. Sometimes Ghor Angirasa would be unable to answer a keen question asked by Sri, and so he would hold both his earlobes with his fingers and close his eyes! He would automatically go into a meditative trance. During Ghor Angirasa’s stay in Dwaraka, neither did Sri pay attention to any administrative duties, nor did he leave the island of Dwaraka to travel to any place else. He commanded all his wives and children to come to original Dwaraka to get the blessings of the venerable rishi. Then occasionally he would visit the twin island along with the rishi. Sometimes at Bhama’s, Jambavati’s, and Mitravinda’s and sometimes at Bhadra’s the rishi was respectfully invited and offered cordial feasts in the palaces of all the wives of Sri. Some feasts were organized in Balaramadada’s chamber. Those arrangements were looked after by Revativahini and Subhadra. Sri’s sons would ask many questions to the rishi. He would also become a child with them and answer all the questions with a smile, without getting bored. Once my daughter Charu asked him such a question that even the rishi with Divine Knowledge was left nonplussed. She asked him, “Maharaja, you are one of us Yadavas, then tell me how you would punish Jarasandha if he destroyed your aashramas seventeen times?”

  He kept silent as he couldn’t answer that unexpected question. Then answering the question herself, Charu said, “It is very easy, just kill him!”

  At that time, Sri who was listening to their conversation had turned quite serious by that answer. During rishi Angirasa’s one month stay in Dwaraka, Revativahini’s father, King Kakudmin came to Dwaraka two-three times to visit him. The rishi conversed with him for hours. I would get to hear some of their conversation while serving milk and fruits to them through the attendants. It was very captivating and meaningful.

  King Kakudmin would always talk about Ashwamedh-yajna, universal conquest, warfare with complete engrossment. He would emphatically assert that Valour is the only Salvation for the Kshatriyas. Rishi Angirasa would listen to him calmly. Then slowly, in his honey-sweet words he would explain to him that non-violence, self-control and renunciation are the ultimate principles of Moksha. In the end, Kakudmin would humbly request him to bring his holy feet to Raivataka kingdom

  The rishi would bid farewell to him saying, “Let us see when it happens. But once I will visit Mount Raivataka for sure.’

  Sri would get quite influenced by the discussions with him. Sri had urged him to visit Dwaraka only to become his disciple. Once he also opened that topic with the rishi in the presence of Aacharya Sandipani and Gargamuni. Holding both his palms together Sri said to the rishi with utmost humility, “Bhagvan, I have spent more than half my life in performing all Kshatriya duties with dedication. Now I feel like surrendering the divine Sudarshan at the feet of an appropriate person and searching for the ultimate essence of life. I humbly request you to take me as your disciple and give me your blessings.”

  At that point Ghor Angirasa laughed like a small child and said, “The ultimate essence of life? And am I the one who should teach it to ‘you’ Achyuta? Looks like your mischievous, impish disposition from Gokul has not vanished yet! If you say so I will become your Guru; that too, for my eternal fame – but not now – sometime later – when the time is right.”

  Sri organized a grand ceremony in the Sudharma assembly to felicitate and honour Aacharya Ghor Angirasa, to show all the Yadavas in Dwaraka, how a Yadava amongst them can reach the zenith with intense penance.

  During the grand felicitation ceremony of Aacharya Ghor Angirasa Sri presented him with fine white vestures and a grand garland of white Ananta flowers at the hands of Vasudevababa. He also made Balaramadada declare, in the capacity of a prince, a gift of milk-yielding cows, sacks full of food grains, armed warrior guards and packs of agile dogs to guard the aashramas spread all over. Notably, Sri also declared his heartfelt wish to become the disciple of Aacharya Ghor Angirasa in the fully packed Yadava assembly.

  As it is Sri was eloquent, nobody could compete with him in that domain. His speech in the Sudharma royal assembly on every occasion was engraved on my heart forever like a sculpture. Yet whatever he spoke while felicitating Aacharya Ghor Angirasa was unparalleled.

  The essence of his speech was – “Just as the day and night are eternal forms of nature, valour and asceticism are the eternal principles of life. Oh, Yadava brothers, just like you, Aacharya Ghor Angirasa, a former Yadava, has performed valiant feats with weapons. Today he has come to Dwaraka to visit you and me, wearing white, peace-denoting vestures of an ascetic, over that valour. I implore him to oblige me by accepting me as his disciple and bless me.”

  Even Aacharya Angirasa, who had such a balanced disposition, who had reached far beyond life, was moved by Sri’s humility. He set aside the reserved attitude that went with his white vestures and responded in his candid language, “Dear Yadava brothers, I belong to you indeed. It is because of your virtuous deeds of many lives that you have obtained a remarkable, exceptional mentor like Srikrishna. I earnestly advise you from the bottom of my heart never to disobey him, even mistakenly. It will never benefit you.

  “He is imploring me in front of all of you, to accept him as my disciple. It is only with his blessings I am telling you that though I am senior to him in age, I have not yet reached the status to make ‘him’ my disciple. Whenever the time comes only then by his wish I will certainly fulfil that duty.”

  Aacharya Angirasa bade farewell to Dwaraka and proceeded towards the north, leaving everybody desolate, including Sri. With his conduct, he had compelled the hot-headed, volatile Yadavas to think about life in a new light. He had given millions a new vision to look at Sri. It had been a month since the sage left, yet the people of Dwaraka kept talking about him.

  Once again, the ensemble of musical instruments at the Shuddhaksha gate resounded just as it had for welcoming the rishi. For a moment, the citizens of Dwaraka wondered whether rishi Ghor Angirasa had returned to Dwaraka, enamoured by Sri’s charming Premayoga. But that was not the case. Venerable Pandava Dhananjaya – Arjuna, whose acclaim Revativahini, Vasudevababa, Thorali and Dhakali mata and I had been hearing was entering Dwaraka for the first time along with Dhaumya rishi. He entered Dwaraka in a huge boat. Sri was leaving his palace without waiting for anybody just as he had left immediately to meet rishi Angirasa. But Partha didn’t give him that chance and presented himself promptly at Sri’s feet. I hurried with my maids to see him in Sri’s chamber near the sopana. I was baffled to see him in the Virasana pose at Sri’s feet. For a moment, I thought that Sri himself was sitting in the Virasana pose!

  Even I couldn’t make out who was Sri and who was Arjuna when both of them embraced each other instantly!

  But the moment he saw me he broke away from Sri’s embrace and started walking briskly towards me to obtain my blessings. At that moment, I relaxed with joy that I had found a quirk to correctly distinguish both of them from each other.

  Broad-chested, tall Arjuna was walking towards me; balancing his shapely body on his robust feet, like a warrior. My Sri was also a warrior, an archer holding the Sharanga bow. A mace champion brandishing the Kaumodaki mace. A sword champion wielding the Nandaka sword. A Chakradhara launching the Sudarshan. But I had never ever seen him walk like this – balancing his body on both feet. He always walked easily like a zephyr! As if drifting gently, like a tune of the flute!

  Within moments venerable Pandava Dhananjaya – Partha stood in front of me; he knelt down and putting his head on my feet he said, “You need not have climbed the Srisopana. I was coming to visit you.” At that moment, I smiled broadly. He thought that I was smiling because I was pleased to see his humility. But that smile was due to the fact that I had found another quirk when I heard him speak and that was his voice. Arjuna’s voice was loud and clear, like an arrow hitting a rock. Sri’s voice was sweet and charming like a flute. No matter when and how many times one heard it, one was never satiated. They indeed had distinct voices.

  Pandu’s son Arjuna had come to Dwaraka to formally invite all Yadavas to his elder brother Yudhishthira’s coronation. He presented himself formally along with Dhaumya rishi, in front of Vasudevababa and Thorali mata and placed the invitation at the feet of the Yadav Maharaja and Maharani. Arjuna who usually spoke in a loud and clear voice, spoke in a gentle and humble tone while presenting the invitation. He said “Maharaja, both of you, along with the prince and princess, Srikrishnadada, Rukminivahini, Maharaja Uddhava and all my brothers, are requested to join us at Indraprastha for the coronation ceremony of my elder brother, venerable Yudhishthiradada.”

  Vasudevababa was impressed with his sincere humility. He got up from the royal throne and held Arjuna in his embrace and asked him, “Oh Partha, son, how is your mother, my sister Kunti doing?”

  Arjuna was not only an expert archer but was also clever. He said, “Both of you should oblige us by coming to Indraprastha, at least to see her in person. She is doing well.”

  The Yadava royal circle, ministers, all troop leaders and Yadava men and women packed in the Sudharma assembly were impressed and fascinated by the strong resemblance between Pandu’s son Arjuna and Sri in looks, behaviour and speech. They all started shouting acclamations in his name continuously. One Yadava lady sitting in the royal ladies’ chamber behind the soft curtain that was quivering on the waves of the acclamations was not only fascinated, but also mesmerized. She clearly saw the tall son of Pandu, even through the sheer curtain. She fancied him, approved him, and at that moment in the heart of her hearts she chose him to be her husband! She was Sri’s sister, Balaramadada’s favourite sister Subhadra. My dear Bhadra.

  Arjuna stayed in Dwaraka for a week. During this time the citizens of Dwaraka witnessed many of his wonderful and extraordinary feats with his Gandiva bow. At that time, I chuckled in my mind to see the response of Subhadra sitting near me, to the archer holding the Gandiva bow. Poor Subhadra was not even aware of the fact that we were sitting in the gallery for the women spectators. As soon as the gaze of all the ladies in the gallery shifted from each arrow that Arjuna shot from his Gandiva bow, it would automatically turn to Subhadra cheering with a speed faster than the arrow itself. Our Subhadra had a crystal-clear heart, was extr
emely beautiful and was dear to all. But nobody had so far tried to find out what plans Balaramadada had for her.

  Now there was excitement in Dwaraka to go for the coronation ceremony of Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Pandavas.

  Vasudevababa was going to stay back in Dwaraka along with Thorali and Dhakali mata. For the protection of Dwaraka my brave, handsome son Pradyumna was going to accompany him.

  The chariots of Balaramadada, Sri, Uddhavabhauji, Vipruthu, commanders Satyaki and Anadhrishti were going to leave last. As usual, Sri and Uddhavabhauji, Bhama and I were going to travel in the Garudadhwaja chariot and Daruka was going to steer it. Today Daruka had adorned Garudadhwaja exquisitely even without any instructions from Sri. He had mounted it on a huge boat and sitting in it he was waiting for all.

  At the time of departure Vasudevababa himself came to the Shuddhaksha gate along with Thorali and Dhakali mata and Pradyumna. We bade farewell to all and left for Indraprastha.

  A few halts were taken in the kingdoms of Marusthala and Dasharna. One stopover was on the borders of Viratanagar in the Matsya kingdom near Mount Arbuda. Everybody thought it will be a short one, but it was extended for two days on Sri’s command. In Viratanagar he went to meet King Virata along with dada and Uddhavabhauji, carrying gift salvers. Balaramadada immediately noticed it, though nobody else realized it. As usual, pulling his dear brother’s leg he asked, “My dear Lord of Dwaraka, are you thinking of becoming the son-in-law of the Viratas also?” Sri smiled sweetly as usual and said, “Now it is only the fulfilment of duty that I am married to. Who knows, if not the Yadavas, but the Pandavas may get connected to the Viratas through familial relations some time in future? Dada, everybody walks on the well-trodden path. Very few explore a new path.” Sri was duly welcomed in Viratanagar. I met a new friend in Virata’s wife – Maharani Sudeshna. Our last halt was on the banks of river Yamuna in Indraprastha kingdom. One fine evening we reached here. The next day, even before dawn Balaramdada entered Bhama’s and my tent. He said in an apprehensive tone, “Rukmini, Dhakatya and Uddhava are not to be seen anywhere. It’s been a while. Where have they gone? You should look for them.”


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