Tis The Season For Forgiving

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Tis The Season For Forgiving Page 17

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  Duncan couldn't keep it in his pants if his life depended on it, and Cara was tired of trying to make the best of a bad situation. Her self-esteem had taken a brutal beating. She couldn't understand why she wasn't enough for Duncan, but that wasn't what killed their marriage. It dissolved into dust the day Cara realized, Duncan was no longer enough for her.

  The final straw came crashing down when she walked in on him and the latest one of his Blackjack dealing Barbies. Inside the walls of the sacred family compound, the couple had been completely nude and quite energetic under the covers of the couple's bed. As their only safe haven from the glitz and glamor of casino life, Cara thought it would have been off limits.

  The redhead was just one of a long line of immoral, insecure, boob-jobs willing to share her goods. But this time Duncan made it all too clear he didn't give a damn how many foot prints he left on Cara's back as he trampled across their wedding vows.

  Cara had almost grown numb to his dalliances. She had checked out of their marriage ages ago, but Duncan's blatant lack of respect for her or any aspect of their union rammed home, in more ways than one, the fact that their marriage was over.

  Cara calmly walked over and pulled her suitcase out from under the bed and began packing. Through the groans and moans of passion, Cara was unobserved for several moments. When the couple came up for air and noticed she was in the room, the boob-job began to blubber, and Duncan scrambled to assure Cara the piece of ass under him didn't mean a thing. Stoic and silent, Cara ignored the commotion around her and gathered her belongings. By the time she hit the bathroom to dump her toiletries and cosmetics into a large beach tote, the redhead was history and Duncan finally had his pants pulled back on. Cara couldn't help but notice how his thighs were pumped a little larger than usual due to the vigorous activity he had just engaged in.

  He leaned his six foot frame in the doorway, his pants loose and unzipped around his hips. Duncan had decided to go commando, and Cara let her gaze drop to the 'V' which led to the 'P' and released a disgusted huff. Those trim, tight muscles that ran along his hip bones were capable of driving way too many women crazy.

  His arms were crossed over his bare chest, and his messy sun-tinted amber hair brushed the lashes of his golden eyes. Once upon a time Cara had truly loved the man standing so handsomely before her, but Duncan had destroyed it.

  Somewhere inside, Cara knew she was partially to blame for their failed marriage, but for the life of her, she couldn't fathom what she'd possibly done to deserve this.

  She shook her head and snorted sarcastically, "You aren't seriously going to try to convince me to stay?"

  Duncan's overconfident grin curved at the corners of his soft lips. His face was freshly shaven, and Cara knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the encounter with the Blackjack bitch had been planned and executed flawlessly. It left her wondering if he intended for her to catch them.

  When he spoke, his voice came out like silk and laden with sexual overtones. He reached out and gently touched her cheek. "Babe," he cajoled. "Don't make me beg. You know I can't live without you."

  Cara narrowed her eyes and glared at him. His self-assured attitude made her ill. The urge to punish him for all the hurt and humiliation she endured during their marriage was overwhelming. Cara drew in a calculated breath and let the tension flow out of her body. Her gaze softened. She looked deeply into his eyes and stepped into his waiting arms.

  Victory was written all over Duncan's face. His sultry eyes closed, and when he leaned his philandering lips down to meet hers, Cara grinned. Her eyes narrowed. She was now the predator, and she had him within her sights. Cara forcefully drew her leg up and bashed her knee into the heart of his cheating-ass groin.

  Cara left Duncan doubled over, clutching the source of his virility in pain and cursing profusely.

  Website: http://aubreelane.wix.com/author-aubree-lane

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  Out Of The Box Awakening - Jennifer Theriot

  If you enjoy contemporary romances with an older hero and heroine, check out this excerpt of Out Of The Box Awakening.

  Olivia is a good woman, a good mother, a good wife. She's got it made. She doesn't want anything to change.

  Of course, it does...

  Swept from her perfect paper-doll life in Houston, Olivia finds herself in Chicago, alone, betrayed, and far from home. Soon everything she thought she knew about herself and her life will be challenged. She has only courage, love, and her passion for music to carry her through the maelstrom - or draw her further in.

  Ash is the man who has everything - everything except healing from the losses of a lifetime. His only peace lies in the sweet flow of music pouring from his guitar.

  What happens when the married woman and the sexy handsome widower are thrown together by fate?


  I finally drink so much I pass out and curl up into a fetal position. It is the only thing I can do to find comfort. I imagine my mother's arms around me, holding me tight, keeping me safe and warm. It's still cold and drizzling. I vaguely hear the French doors burst open and feel someone's arms wrap around me...it wakes me. I'm awake, but kind of in twilight. Is it my mother? Am I dreaming? Am I even still alive?

  "Liv! Jesus! God! What the hell have you done? You haven't taken anything, have you?" He shakes me by my shoulders and pats my cheeks. "Talk to me! Come on honey ... say something!"

  I wake slightly and think to myself, "What do you mean, what have I done?"

  I realize its Ash. He quickly sweeps me up into his arms, holding me tight. "Olivia! Answer me - you haven't taken anything have you? Answer me now! Goddamnit! Please, honey. Oh, dear God... come on Olivia please!" I shake my head no. "Oh thank God! Oh my God, honey, you're wet and freezing cold. Let's get you inside."

  He quickly takes me inside, wrapped in his arms, straight into his bathroom. He turns on the shower full force and immediately starts to take off my cold and wet clothes.

  "Lift your arms" he orders. I do as he says. He pulls my sweatshirt over my head, carefully takes off my bra, and pulls down my sweat pants. I am still in my tennis shoes and he can't get my pants off.

  "Kick your shoes off and step out of your pants, Olivia."

  I just stand there, motionless and numb. I can't move. He kneels down and unties my shoes.

  "Raise your foot and let me take your shoes off. Come on. Okay. That's it. Now, step out of your pants." I can't make myself move, and he tells me again sternly, "Liv! Come on, lift your leg and step out of your pants now! Come on honey — hold onto me. I've got you. I'm right here. You can do it. Ok. Good. That's my girl."

  I am on the outside looking in. I can feel him taking off my clothes, but can't react. I stand in front of him, expressionless, naked except for my panties. I'm shivering, gone beyond control. He quickly takes off his white dress shirt and puts it on me. He gently and carefully buttons it up to cover me. The warm shower is running and he pulls me in the shower with him. He's shirtless and barefoot, but still in his dress slacks. I try to catch my breath, but I can't. I'm starting to panic, because I can't breathe. Sensing that, Ash blows hard into my face hard and shakes me hard. He speaks to me loudly.

  "Breathe, Olivia! Goddammit! Please, honey - breathe. Oh, shit! Dear God!"

  I can tell he is worried just as I finally catch my breath. All at once I scream - a loud, blood-curdling scream.


  He holds me close to him, my back to his front, with his arms around mine. "It's okay, honey, scream. Just let it out. Scream loud - loud as you can. Come on, honey. Let it out..."

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream again.

  "That's it, honey. It's okay. I'm right here with you."

  I scream until I don't think I can scream anymore. My throat is sore and raw. I'm breathless and hoar
se; my eyes are almost swollen shut from crying. We stand in the shower, his arms around me, and I finally feel warmth. I realize that he is shampooing my hair. He is massaging my scalp tenderly. He carefully rinses it and smoothes it back from my face. He washes gently the mascara off my swollen eyes with a soft washcloth.

  We stand in the shower for a long time, just silent. Silent, because there are no words that can be spoken at this moment. Silent, because what can I say? Silent, because what can he say? I realize at this very moment that I will never ever be the same person again after this day is over. But then, who am I, anyway?

  I thought I knew. I thought I knew what my life was all about, but today I don't have a clue. I just don't have a damn clue.

  Website: http://www.jennifertheriot.com

  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JenniferTheriotAuthor

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/JenTheRiot

  The Bench - Nikki Lynn Barrett

  If you enjoy short stories, check out this excerpt of The Bench, part of the Treasured Moments anthology.

  Ten years ago, Neil spent a summer with his grandparents when he couldn't deal with problems at home. That one summer led him to his first love, Amber, until a family crisis pulled him away. Now he's back in town and face to face with the woman he never could forget.

  Amber had big dreams, but they changed when family had to come first. When they meet again, old feelings resurface, and a new chance at love begins.


  "Whatcha doin'?"

  Neil jumped as his heart raced. He glanced down. A red haired little girl about five years old peered up at him with the most haunting blue eyes he'd ever seen. She wore a summer dress that matched her hair. "Taking some pictures. What are you doing?"

  She pointed at the bench. "This is my bench."

  Well, didn't she sound like a kid, claiming her territory. Neil just smiled politely. He'd humor her. "Do I need permission to put my bag on your bench? I'll let you see some pictures," he offered.

  Her smile grew. "Sure. I can share. Mommy always taught me to share."

  Speaking of mommys... "Where is your mommy?"

  The little girl pointed. On the far end of the park was the cemetary. "Over there."

  Neil followed the girl's finger. He couldn't see her mother very well, but noticed a woman placing flowers down on a grave. He understood why the girl decided to come over to the bench instead. He didn't know the woman or her loss, but his heart went out to her. Recently he had to bury his brother and the loss had been devastating. He understood the pain. "Would you like to sit with me for a while and wait for her?" The least he could do was make sure the little girl had company. Kids didn't always understand these things, and Neil wasn't about to interrupt the woman's grieving time.

  The girl nodded. "Okay. What's your name?"

  So she was a talkative child. "Neil. How about you?"

  "Miranda." She hopped up on the bench, swinging her legs. "I like taking pictures. I like them in books."

  "You like to read?" Neil carefully pulled out his camera, setting it on the tripod. He uncapped the lens and stuffed it in his pocket.

  "I can't read big words yet."

  "You'll get there," he assured her. "How old are you?"

  She held up six fingers, all five on one hand and one on her other. "This many. I get ice cream for my birthday." That second sentence came out of nowhere, but it was normal for a child.

  Six? And she could read some already? Good for her! Young readers were rare these days.

  Neil peered through the lens and set the camera in focus, snapping a series of photos. The colors were so vibrant! Kind of like a rainbow, but one of leaves. He got lost in his work, forgetting for a little while about his companion. When he took a step back, he was actually disappointed when the girl was gone. Panic hit him for a moment, until he noticed the woman in the cemetery wasn't there any more either. He must have been so invested in what he'd been doing that he never heard Miranda take off.




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