But Cam stayed. Of course the others in our inner circle did too. They all knew the truth and trusted me enough to not let the fact that Regan and I shared blood with dragons get in the way, but Cam was stronger than the rest in the belief. Sometimes I could see Flick touch the handle of his sword if I moved too fast, or Twitch jump when I walked into the room. Naldri would sometimes look away if we made eye contact. Even Skye looked poised to bolt out of the door at a moment’s notice. They all had their little tells, but they didn’t let it get in the way, and I was thankful for that. Cam, however, never showed that anything had changed. If she hadn’t been there, I would have questioned if she knew.
“What’s the problem?” I asked while I reached down and scratched Cinder behind his ears. His tail thumped against the floor happily, and his tongue lolled out, a disgusting line of drool following it. I prayed to the Old Ones that Regan hadn’t threatened another soldier for staring too long at her.
“We’ve noticed dark elf movement. They’re heading for Lynne. We’re having a meeting now, trying to figure out what to do.”
Lynne. Where we had fought Jaysun. Where I had buried Cam. Why Lynne? Why choose that place?
I stood up and followed Cam out into the hallway and up the stairs, Cinder close behind me. “What does Alex say?”
“He’s had his eye on them for a few days now, but they had been going in another direction for a while. He thought he could get information about where their leaders are by watching them, but they turned suddenly. He has troops in place already, but we’re still caught off guard.”
“He needs to be a little more open about his plans,” I muttered darkly as we entered the large room.
“I agree,” she whispered back before taking her place on the other side of the table.
“I hear you’ve been holding out on us, and it’s bitten you in the ass,” I said as I glared him down.
“It hasn’t bitten me in the ass. We’re still prepared, and I wasn’t sure that you would care about such a small piece of information.”
“It’s not so small anymore,” I snapped back.
“Casey, before we get started you should call Regan here. She may want to be involved in this,” Naldri said quietly. They were wearing a pink dress that fell to just below their knees and their reddish beard was trimmed and styled neatly today. They looked positively stunning.
I chewed my lip and after a moment of thought I shook my head. “She seems ill; I don’t want to bother her right now. She isn’t her usual self and I can’t have someone unpredictable in here right now.”
She’ll be pissed if she finds out, Cinder warned gently.
You’ve seen how she’s been acting lately. She’s had such a short fuse since we came back, and she looks so tired all the time. I’m not sure this is the best place for her right now. It felt like no matter what I did, I was doing the wrong thing. I probably was.
I understand, I’m just saying that she won’t be happy if she finds out, so maybe we don’t include her in e-mails about this one.
I decided to move on from the topic and looked to Alex again. “What do you think we should do?”
“It’s too late to stop them before they get to Lynne, but we can evacuate as many people as possible. We can prioritize this section of the city”—he turned to the online map we had projected on a screen and zoomed in on the northeast edge of it. That was where Cam had been buried. Why there? What were they doing there?—“and we can do our best to keep the fight localized.”
“I’m going.” I didn’t even realize the words came from my mouth until everyone was staring at me like I had started talking in gibberish.
“You can’t go, we need you here,” Alex said after a minute of silence. He looked around the room for reassurance and everyone nodded eagerly.
“Why? Everyone will be watching the screen until this is over. I won’t be of any use sitting in a chair and hoping things go well. Also, I was told that they turned suddenly, and they just happen to be going straight for where we fought Jaysun last year.”
“Hey now, I’m still not quite over that,” Jaysun’s voice taunted behind me, but I just ignored him.
“It could be coincidence, but I need to see for myself. So, I’ll say it again, I’m going.” I’d made my decision. Everyone else could either get on board or get the hell out of my way.
“You’re right, it deserves to be investigated,” Cam agreed calmly.
“Thank you, I leave as soon as possible to try and catch up with the rest of the troops.”
“Of course, we’ll have to leave immediately,” Cam continued.
Cam held her hands up. “I know you can take care of yourself, but you’re too important to really go alone. Besides, the more people there the better, right?”
I frowned but nodded. “Fine. But we should leave soon. By the time we get there, the battle will have already started.”
“Not leaving without me, are you?” A smooth voice came from behind me.
I turned around, unable to hide the large grin spreading across my face. “Liam! You weren’t supposed to be back until later tonight.”
Cinder rushed over to him and gave him what looked like a very slobbery kiss. Liam groaned and started wiping it off while he spoke. “Good thing I got back early, then. I want to go with you.”
“Not back for ten minutes and already trying to get out?”
“It’s more complicated than that. Besides, if I can save even one person, it’s worth it, right?”
“What do you mean, it’s complicated?” Cam asked before I had the chance to.
He was cut off by the door opening again. A young woman with dirty blonde hair poked her head in and smiled. “I know you said to stay downstairs, but I wanted to meet everyone. I hope you don’t mind,” she said as she swept in. She was tall and thin with clothes that were similar to the ones I had worn in Haven. They were light colors and flowed around her with highlights of gold.
“I—of course not.” Liam forced a smile and gestured to me. “This is Casey Kelley.”
She rushed forward and grabbed my hands, taking me back in surprise. Her hands were warm and her fingers were long and thin. “Oh, I’ve heard so much about you! We never met last year. I was kept in a different building than most of the sick.” An elf. What was Liam doing bringing people here?
“Ah, yes, hello. And you are?” I asked with a small smile, trying not to look as confused as I was.
Cinder was sniffing her hair when she answered, “Liam hasn’t told you about me? He’s been so busy lately he must have forgotten to give you the good news. I’m Rose, Liam’s fiancée!” She hugged me tightly and bounced slightly while she did so.
I made eye contact with Liam over her shoulder, and he just looked down at his feet. Ston had his arms crossed and was watching the exchange with a grim look. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said quietly.
She let go and started introducing herself to everyone. She was talking to Cam when I saw Ston leave the room. Liam turned, his hand outstretched like he wanted to stop him, but he didn’t.
“Rose, as much as I’d love to get to know you better, it will have to wait. We are actually heading out right now. We’ll have to continue this another time.” I gave her my best smile and then turned my attention to the group. “Cam, Liam, Flick, and Naldri, we’re heading out.”
Alex sneered at Naldri. “Do you think a man in a dress could be much help to you?”
Cinder growled, and I opened my mouth to say something, but Naldri held up a hand and turned to him instead. “First of all, I am not a man. Today I am a woman. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll be a man, perhaps I will be something else entirely. That is none of your business. Today I am a woman, end of story. Second of all, is my dress going to stop me from holding a gun? Is my dress going to suddenly make me a worse shot? Is being pretty going to hold me back? Because it sure as hell hasn’t held Casey back.” Naldri smoothed out their dress
while they waited for an answer.
“You’ve got a beard. Chicks don’t have beards. And your dress will make it harder to run and draws attention to you.” He was fumbling for excuses, even I could tell.
“I’ve known many women with beards. We don’t have this kind of body policing in my home. My body doesn’t change who I am. My hair doesn’t take away from my gender, and your gender roles are garbage. Why do you believe that a man is one way and a woman is another? Why does how one acts and looks change who they know they are? Who are you to decide? As for my dress, it’s quite comfortable and not very hard to run in. As for drawing attention, I feel bad for all the dark elves who get so caught up in how cute I am that they can’t remember they’re supposed to be fighting me.” Naldri pursed their lips and ran their fingers through their hair. Their hair was normally a mess, like they had just woken up, but on days where they were feeling more traditionally feminine they styled it nicely, trimmed their beard, and sometimes they even wore makeup. When I first asked them about it Naldri said that it wasn’t about the fact that they felt male or female—sometimes they dressed like this when they didn’t feel like either—but because it made them feel more comfortable. That presentation wasn’t a sign of their gender but a sign of how they felt about themselves and how some days people just need to feel cute.
I think everyone could use a dose of Naldri’s confidence.
“Alex, I am very aware of Naldri’s capabilities and their clothing doesn’t bother me. I’ll keep you updated on the situation in Lynne. Let’s get going. I want to be there before it gets too dark,” I said and waved my hand. Everyone coming with me followed me out of the room.
“THANKS,” LIAM said once we had gotten off the ferry and were climbing into a van. Cinder was in the cargo space in the back because there weren’t any seats to get in his way and Liam and I were right behind the driver.
“You owe me an explanation,” I answered.
He sighed heavily. “I know you don’t understand, but when my parents started getting sick I had to show everyone I was ready to take the throne. Having a gay king would have been hard enough. I would have been shamed by all of the elves, not just those in Haven. I would have been accused of breaking our family tree. There would have been chaos over the next successor. But being gay and dating a dark elf? Basically our sworn enemies? I would have been assassinated in my first few days. There was no way, Casey. I had no other option. Rose and I had known each other a long time. Her father is part of the Council, which helps advise the royal family. It was a good match. I now have more pull in the Council. It will help me lead better.” He ran his hands over his face. “It was my only option, Casey.”
I nodded slowly but didn’t look at him. “What did Ston say?”
He groaned and threw his hands up. “What do you think? First he tried to get me to think that it would be good for everyone, that it would help move the elves forward. And when I didn’t go for it, he said that we were over and he left. He just packed up his things and walked out.” He closed his eyes and his lips formed a thin line. “He didn’t even think about the fact that he’d age quicker. The dark elves have shorter life spans now. He knows that, and he didn’t even care,” he whispered.
“He loves you.”
“I know. And the worst part is that I love him.”
“Really? The worst part is that you’re in love with a wonderful man? That’s the worst thing you can think of right now? Ston is in love with you, and you’re brushing him off and getting married to some woman. I’m not sure being in love is the worst thing. Don’t get me wrong, that shit is agony, but think about Ston who is just as in love with you and he has to watch you prance around with this Rose woman.” Liam was a king now. Did that give him more freedom or did it take freedom away? I couldn’t figure out the answer. I wasn’t even sure if there was a right answer.
“Come on, Casey, don’t make me feel worse about this. He won’t even talk to me now. I know I screwed up, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I don’t want him out of my life. I’m in love with him, but I have to consider more now.”
“So you want him to what? Be your piece on the side? You know he would never be happy like that. You can’t have it both ways, Liam. You just have to figure out which one you need more.”
“You’re asking me to choose between my people and the man I love?” Liam was getting aggravated now, his voice getting steadily louder and his hands tightening into fists.
“I’m not asking you to. I’m saying that you’re in a shitty situation, and that’s something you are going to have to handle. Nobody is going to be able to help you with this one. It’s purely on you.”
“This sucks,” he mumbled and folded his arms over his chest.
“Not to take away from your relationship problems, but we are getting ready to go right into the middle of battle, so maybe save it until we get home?” I didn’t want to be insensitive. The Old Ones know how many relationships problems I had been trying to juggle and often let it take my attention away, but I needed him to focus right now. I couldn’t have him falling apart right before we started getting shot at. Ston would kill me if I let him die.
“You’re right, you’re right. I guess we should go over the game plan, then.” He didn’t seem enthusiastic, but at least he was focusing now.
“Good idea.”
Chapter 20
WE CAME in from the southeast side of Lynne, meaning we would have to go north until we came to where we planned to isolate the battle. We drove a little way, and for once there was no traffic. The place had been cleared out. Doors hung open, precious objects littered the street from what I was sure was chaos when they were told to evacuate. I was almost positive there had been looting. Most of the store windows were broken. Where did they go? Did Alex find somewhere to shelter them?
“Casey, I think we should walk from here. We’re getting close, and I’d rather draw as little attention to us as possible,” Liam said, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“You’re right. Stop the car. We’ll walk from here on,” I said, tapping the driver on the shoulder.
Liam didn’t even make a walking joke.
We’ll have to split up today, Cinder. We need to cover as much ground as possible. I want to find out what they want here.
What if they don’t want anything? Cinder asked.
Then I was wrong and at least we helped today. I want to be in the field more. I should be out here doing something. Even if I’m wrong, I’ll be glad I was able to do something for once instead of deciding who dies from the safety of the war room.
I pulled on my gloves and heard a click from Liam’s gun. Flick was turning his blue blade in his hand and inspecting it with a light in his eye. Cam smiled at me and held her hand up to show me the ring I had given her. I lifted the back door open for Cinder to hop out. He stretched and let out a yawn that included a string of slobber hanging from his tongue. Naldri came out last. Their dress moved with the wind as they loaded their shotgun. It was a surprising contrast.
“We’re going to split into teams when we get closer. Cinder will be with Naldri so I can keep in touch, Liam will be with Flick who will have a mark on his hand to help communicate, and Cam will go with me. We’re going to the tree which is just about the center of where we’ve planned to keep the fighting. Liam and Flick, I want you on the east side and Naldri and Cinder on the west.”
“What exactly are we looking for?” Naldri asked hesitantly.
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I wish I knew. We’re looking for something out of the ordinary. I have a feeling that they’re looking for something. I just don’t know what.”
“And you think it has to do with me. That’s why you’re going to the tree. It’s where you buried me.” Cam was quiet, and I got the feeling that she thought she was the cause of something bad.
“All I can think about happening in Lynne is what happened with Jaysun,” I answered casually. “He was powerful and may hav
e left something behind. They may be looking for notes or perhaps a weapon he never pulled out. That’s why we’re checking his hideout, to see if we can find what they’re searching for. We’re looking everywhere.”
“Then you’d go there. Instead you’re sending Naldri and Cinder, which makes sense because Cinder knows what he’s looking for over there. But you’re taking me to my grave because you think it’s what they’re looking for. What is it you think is there?” Cam’s ice blue eyes had locked on to mine, and I could see her working her jaw.
“Cam, you have to admit you’re special. You’re a powerful mage; you were just lacking some training last year. You died and went into the Veil and you just got more powerful. They were looking at you as a potential Old One.” Her eyes widened. I had completely forgotten I wasn’t supposed to know. I moved on as quickly as I could, hoping to bury the fact I knew. “It’s possible that there are traces left of that power. It’s a long shot, but if they’re looking for something of you, I want to protect it! That’s my priority right now, okay?” I didn’t even realize that I was shaking and had balled my hands into fists at my sides.
Cam opened her mouth to say something but closed it just as quickly and looked away. She shoved her hands in the pockets of her cargo shorts and shrugged. “Let’s just get going.”
I nodded and turned my attention to Flick. “Hold out your hand.”
He cocked his head to the side and held his hand out like he was told. I explained how it worked while Cam drew the master mark on my hand, both of us refusing to make eye contact. “Try it out,” I said when I had finished.
He looked down at his hand and screwed up his face while he focused. He probably wasn’t the most proficient in magic, but as a pixie he had to at least have some.
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