“Ginny?” I toyed with her hair giving it a tug now and then. I loved her dark brown waves. And the way it fell down her back. For some reason, twisting it around my finger seemed to calm me down.
Inhaling some manly confidence, I said, “I usually don’t talk about how I feel or—” I swallowed hard. “This is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I mean, I’m a bloke and blokes don’t like to talk about feelings and shit.”
She jumped right in and said, “Your feelings aren’t shit. Why would you say that?”
I chuckled to myself. If she only knew what was going on inside, she might’ve understood the shit comment. “Okay, Ginny, this is my dilemma.” I sat up and looked straight into her grey eyes and took a deep breath, “I’ve had a serious girlfriend once in my whole life, I’m only 26 years old. Sometimes I think I want to be with you forever. You are beautiful and sexy and you make me feel alive. I feel a connection with you.”
“Let me talk honey, or I’ll never get it out.”
“Okay, sorry.” She smiled. I ran my fingers through her hair. It was so thick and wavy. I wanted to grab it and fuck her again right there, but I knew if I didn’t say this now, I’d probably never say it.
“You know, you’re beautiful in the morning.” I saw her cheeks blush and I had to smile. “I had a dream about you. It was a while back, but— but it was brilliant.” I was stalling and I knew it. “Gin, I’m scared. There. I said it. I’m fucking scared to open myself up to you like I want to, like I know you deserve, but I can’t fucking stop thinking about you and what it could be like. What would life with the beautiful Virginia Peterson be like?”
She looked at me and patted my shoulder. I’m sure she wanted to comfort me, that’s just the kind of girl she was. “Tris—”
“I can’t stop thinking about you. I think about your hair and your lips. Your smile, the way you look at life. You’re perfect, Gin, but how can we be together? You’re American and I’m British. I want to ask you to live here, but I know I can’t. I just can’t ask you to leave your country. That would be selfish of me.” My heart was pounding now as I poured out my thoughts to her. She sat quietly next to me, just holding my hand, listening. Something no girl has ever done for me. Listen.
“Ginny, I just—,” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Aww, fuck it. Let’s go get something to eat, I’m famished.”
“Room service?” She winked and a crooked smile crossed her face. I’d hoped she’d say that.
“Yes, my beautiful American girl, what’s your fancy?”
“Surprise me.”
“You know, that’s one thing I really like about you. Spontaneity.”
“Well I did just jump on a transatlantic flight without a second thought.” She laughed.
“That you did.” I reached over her to pick up the menu and realized my phone was vibrating. I recognized Mike’s number and remembered I’d left him by the balcony window at my place in his wheelchair. “Shit, Mike’s calling. Apparently I suck at friendship.” I turned to Ginny and she nodded in approval as I slid the answer button, “Hello, Mike. How are you today?”
Mike sounded exasperated as he yelled into the phone. “Were you planning on ever coming back here to get me? What the fuck? I’m bloody dying here, not that you seem to care!”
“Uhm…what happened, mate? Everything okay?”
“Is everything okay? No, everything is not okay, you twat! Do you know how hard it is to take a leak when you’re in a wheelchair? Well you might need some new drinking glasses and FYI, I’m bloody starving! Where the fuck are you?”
I glanced at Ginny, she must’ve heard, because the expression on her face was full of surprise. I covered my phone and whispered, “Dinner at my place?”
She nodded yes and mouthed the word “Mike?”
“Okay mate, look I’m sorry, all right? Just relax. We’ll be there shortly,” and I pushed the end call button. I turned to Ginny who was already packing her things and shook my head as I said, “You’re gonna love Mike, but he might be a little pissed off right now. When I heard you were still here, I rushed out so I wouldn’t miss you and I left him in his wheelchair, a little worse for drink.” I laughed out loud. “Now he’s starving, can’t drive and hung over.”
“Yeah, I heard.” She replied, giggling. “Let me get cleaned up and packed and we’ll go. I’d love to finally meet Mike.”
“Leave it, I’ll send for your things. And you look beautiful the way you are.” My heart pounded every time I looked at her and now that she knew I thought about us together forever, I’d hoped it wouldn’t change anything, unless it was for the better. I had a hard time believing my instincts lately, although the gut feeling I had when I was with Ginny was undeniable.
“No, I am so not going out like this! Bed head, no makeup, turtle eyes. Nope, not happening. I’ll get cleaned up and I want my things with me. It won’t take long, just give me a few.”
I took her into my arms, feeling her curvy softness and pulled her close to me. I ran my hand along her bum and instantly felt that familiar throb in my pants. Ginny was full in all the right places and what better to fill my hands up with than a peachy, full bottom. I held her tight for a moment, just feeling her heart beat and life course through her veins. I leaned down and kissed her head thinking about how much I wanted her to stay. “You’re beautiful just the way you are.”
Chapter 5 – Ginny
As he held me, I could feel his heart beat and thoughts of us – our relationship – flooded my brain. Part of me was excited and another part was scared, just like he was. I planned on talking to him later, when we weren’t in a rush to get Mike taken care of. I really hoped Mike would like me. I know best friends can do wonders in relationships.
I looked up at him, he was so tall. His face was beaming. “Tris, I know men don’t like to talk about feelings, and it’s okay. We can just enjoy each other while I’m here.”
“I know Gin, I just.. I just feel so fucked up lately. It’s like, I’ve never been so confused in my life. “
“Well Mr. Confused, if you want to talk, just let me know. If not, that’s cool too. I don’t want you feeling obligated or something.”
“Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?” He teased.
“Yes, it did in fact ‘cause I know...I’m an angel. God, Tristan, that’s the stupidest pick up line I’ve ever heard!”
We both laughed as I made my way to the bathroom. “Let me get dressed and we can go. I’ll just slap on some makeup real quick. Oh, and I need to Skype Kari. She thinks I’m coming home today.”
“Sure, babe. Do what you need to do. Do you need anything?”
“A cup of coffee would be nice.”
“Coffee? We don’t drink much coffee here, you’re in London. How about a cup of tea?”
I smiled, thinking about the differences of being in another country. “Sure, tea it is!”
“How do you like it? Milk, sugar?”
“However you make it is fine.”
He kissed my cheek and gave my butt a little squeeze. “I’m spitting feathers and it looks like there’s only Earl Grey tea bags here. I don’t like it so I’ll get us some regular tea from the lobby. I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Spitting feathers? Oh, okay. I get it, I think…” I laughed. When he walked out the door to the hotel room, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in London, with a man I hardly knew from an online relationship and I was falling for him.
I showered as quickly as I could, washing the smell of sex off me then patted myself dry with the softest, fluffiest towel I’d ever felt. I applied a little mascara and my favorite red lipstick, pulled my hair back into a messy bun, threw on my dark blue blouse with some skinny jeans and I was set. All in record time, because Tristan wasn’t even back yet.
I PM’d Kari on Facebook, letting her know I’d be staying for the full two weeks and that we co
uld talk about it later. I was sure she’d have a lot to say to me when we had that conversation. She wasn’t going to be too keen on me staying, but she had a new boyfriend and I was pretty sure he’d be glad to have her alone for a while.
I’d almost finished packing when I heard Tristan’s voice at the door. When I opened it, I was greeted by a smile that wouldn’t quit and the aroma of the best hot tea I’d ever tasted.
Tristan talked me into leaving my things in the room so we could hurry and get Mike fed. We walked down the stairs and over to the concierge’s desk to arrange for my bags to be sent to Tristan’s apartment, then left the hotel hand in hand and headed toward his car. I didn’t know if I was more nervous or excited to be here with him and to see how he really lived, on his own turf. He might’ve been my knight in shining armor in LA, but here in his country, it was a totally different experience.
I was about to ask why he had a towel on his seat when he obviously sensed the impending question and said with a smile, “Don’t ask!” The drive into London was quiet but I felt comfortable in his company, so it didn’t really matter. I enjoyed looking at all the different stores and boutiques while Tristan tapped his thumbs along to the beat of the music on his sound system.
He turned down the radio and looked at me, a smile beamed across his face. “I still can’t believe you’re here, babe.”
“Yeah, me either.” I paused, looking out the window. It felt weird looking out the left side and being next to the sidewalk and being on the opposite side of the road as well. I didn’t think I’d be able to drive here and was glad I didn’t have to. “So your dad called me a strumpet. Is that so bad?”
He scoffed. “Gin, my dad can be an arse. You don’t even know. I’m sorry about what you overheard. If I’d known he was going to act like that, I wouldn’t have opened the door. I’m sorry…and strumpet coming from him is not a good thing, but don’t worry about it.” He picked up my hand and placed little kisses on my fingers, “being my strumpet… that’s a lovely thing.” He winked and I could feel my face get hot. “I’m really happy you’re here. I’ll show you around, we can party at the club, you can eat some brilliant English food. It’s —”
His phone interrupted and I saw it was Mike. “Should I answer it?” I said with a wicked grin.
“Sure.” Tristan handed me the phone and I swiped the answer button. Before I could even say hello, Mike was yelling on the other end.
“Where the fuck are you mate? I’m starving!”
“Uhm, hello? Mike?” I said in a soft voice. Wondering if I should just hand the phone to Tristan. “Hello?”
“Awww, shit! Oops! Sorry, I… uh — uhm, who’s this?”
“It’s Virginia. Peterson. You know…Ginny? From America?”
“Bloody hell! How the hell are ya? Sorry, wasn’t expecting such a lovely lady to answer his phone. I see T found you!”
“T? Tristan?” I looked over at him and caught him rolling his eyes, “Yes he did. We’re on our way to you right now and I’ll be bloody ’appy to meet you mate!” My faux English accent needed some help, but I got a laugh out of both of them.
I couldn’t help the yawn that escaped as we pulled up to a beautiful building. I could see a wide river and wondered if Tristan’s apartment had a view of it.
“You must be completely knackered after such a long day, especially with me waking you up in the middle of the night.”
“I…yes?” I had no idea what it meant. “I don’t know, am I? What does it even mean?” I asked laughing at myself over my lack of knowledge of British slang. “Actually… could we go back over the strumpet comment?”
Tristan laughed as he turned off the engine and walked around to open my door. He took my hand and helped me out. Something I would never get tired of. “Perhaps later on I can give you a quick lesson on British slang. But first let’s get you upstairs and fed. I’ll order in from the local shop and have it delivered.”
I nodded at Tristan. “That sounds amazing actually. I’m really…knacked?”
“Knackered.” He laughed. “Knackered...”
“Knackered.” I repeated. If me butchering the British English language made Tristan laugh, then I vowed to do a little more of it in the future.
Tristan’s apartment was incredible. It was large and open and I was glad it had an impressive view of the river. A male voice rang out behind us, “Blimey! You two love birds make me want to throw up!” Tristan rolled his eyes, a small smile crept across his face and knew that must be the infamous Mike.
“Don’t worry about the tosser in the wheelchair,” Tristan smirked. “Mike, I’d like you to meet the lovely Virginia Peterson, known to her friends as Ginny.”
He rolled his chair over and gifted me with a wide crooked smile. I gave him a quick glance over noting his shaggy blonde hair and the mischievous, but pained look in his steel grey eyes.
“You must be Mike,” I smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Tristan talks about you a lot.”
“It’s all lies,” Mike joked quickly. “Unless it was good, then he’s absolutely right.”
Tristan laughed loudly, “The only good thing about you is when you’re sleeping, your bloody mouth stops moving. Now I’m going to order some food for us. Talk amongst yourselves for a couple of minutes, will you?”
“He doesn’t talk in his sleep does he?” I quipped and immediately flushed about being so bold with someone I’d just met.
“Oh mate, I like this one.” Mike smiled, giving me a nod before adding, “‘you have a sister? A friend? Kari maybe?”
He was funny. “Kari? She’s my best friend but she’s taken I’m afraid. I’ll keep an eye out for you if that helps..”
“T, now that Ginny’s here, I expect you to be more focused and less prone to spout out her finer qualities every other sentence.” Mike turned to me. “No offense to you Ginny, but if I have to hear one more time about your voice, your sexy curves or flushed cheeks I think I’ll lose the will to live.”
“None taken. I don’t think I’d want to hear about that either,” I laughed. Tristan groaned out loud before settling his head in his hands.
“In my defense I was completely pissed that night.”
“Noted,” Mike said. “But you’re still a wanker for making me listen to you babble on instead of focusing on the football match and my beer. Ruined a perfectly good buzz.”
I giggled at the banter between the two men and the funny stories they were telling about each other. It had to have been at least half an hour later when the doorbell rang. I’d hoped it was the delivery boy, I was famished. When Tristan opened the door, I saw it was my suitcase and I was once again surprised at what money could do. No one in Los Angeles would have done that for me. They would have told me to pack my things myself or worse yet, finders keepers. I heard another voice and my stomach rumbled waiting to be fed.
“Ginny, would you come here please.” Tristan called from the door. I walked over to him, wondering why he needed me there and was met with the biggest bouquet of flowers I’d ever seen.
“Oh my God, Tristan, they’re beautiful!” I opened the little card and inside was the inscription…
Welcome to London beautiful lady. I’m so glad you’re here…T
“Ah, ya cheesy son of a bitch, where’s the fucking sick bucket…and where’s my food?” Mike called out from his chair as he slowly rolled into the kitchen. I giggled at his snarkiness. He was a character, but a loveable one and as I put the flowers on the counter, I could hear the rustling of a paper sack and prayed to God it was food.
“I think the food has arrived, Mike.” I smiled. I thought about how these two were such good friends and it reminded me of Kari. I missed her already, but I had a feeling she’d understand why I stayed and two weeks really wasn’t a long time.
Chapter 6 — Tristan
After we’d eaten a feast of bacon sarnies and fries, I went to wheel Mike in front of the TV but before we got out of
the kitchen, he said, “I’m okay, T. Go see your woman. I’ll be fine and ready to go home in the morning. Honestly mate, I’d like some kip so if you could help me to your spare room, I’d appreciate it.”
“No problem man. Do you need anything?”
“Yeah, I need you to go see your girl. I can take care of myself, just bring those meds and I’m in never land.”
“You sure mate? I’m here if you—”
“I know what you’re thinking. This is not your fault. Stop thinking you could have stopped an accident if you were there—”
“I should have been there. I’m—”
“Are you still talking? I’m okay, just bring meds, a beer and let me get some sleep. Seriously. And go take care of your girl. She’s a hottie. She’s genuine. Probably the best thing that’s ever happened to a fucked up bloke like you.”
“You really think so?”
“Yes, I think so. Now take me to my room and bring me my pain killers, my whole bloody leg feels broken.”
“Thanks Mike. You liking Ginny means a lot to me.” With that, I went to get his pills and some water. Fucking idiot wanted to take painkillers with alcohol. Not going to happen.
After I’d got Mike settled in, I walked to the living room and found Ginny in front of the picture window, taking in the view. My balcony did have an amazing panorama of the river and the city.
She must have heard me walk up behind her. “This is just wonderful. If I lived here I don’t think I’d ever close my blinds,” she said. I wrapped my arms around her, enjoying the feeling of holding her once again. “Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve sat here many nights staring at the river thinking about you.”
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